Steve Pinn(Top) and Harry ‘Haribo’ Collins used Uberbaits Ubernutz to tempt several fine carp from Jennets res’.
Fine rockling sparks ID debate
Combe Martin SAC member Kody Chugg landed this fine rockling of 1lb 10oz during a session at a North Devon Rock mark. Kody asked me to identify if the fish was a three bearded rockling or a shore rockling. My immediate response was that it is a three bearded rockling based on the colour of the fish and its size that would be a potential British Record if it was a shore rockling. As another angler muted the possibility of it being a shore rockling I referred to Alwyne Wheelers excellent reference book’ Key to Fishes of Northern Europe. The key distinguishing points are number of rays on the pectoral fins, the 3 bearded having 20 to 22 and the shore rockling 15 to 17. Having tried to enlarge the picture of the fin I can only make out around 17 rays. The eye position points to it being a 3 bearded. As there is small element of doubt I have sought expert advice and will report on findings later. This highlights the need to take numerous close up pictures if there is any doubt about a species of fish caught.
Kody also landed this bull huss on a recent trip.
Stafford Moor Match Result
Blakewell Spring Competition Sunday 29th April 2018
Competition’s are very popular with our anglers.
Please book early to avoid disappointment, we can only cater for a maximum 25 anglers.
The competition will run from 9am to 5pm
with lunch provided at 13.00pm
Enter the Competition –
Our mailing address is:
Blakewell fisheries
Barnstaple, Devon EX31 3xg
United Kingdom
Sea Angling Results Round Up
Sea Angling sport is starting to slowly improve with several good fish boated by Appledore Club members in their boat competition. Dogfish are abundant from some areas of the shore line but fortunately scarce in other areas. Grey mullet are present in good numbers but are not feeding well. Warmer weather forecast for the coming days will hopefully raise water temperatures and trigger feeding amongst various species.
Michael Toogood won Appledore Shipbuilders Boat Competition with a fine bull huss of 13lb 5oz. In runner up spot was David Atkinson with a bull huss of 13lb 2oz.
Kevin Pike and Thomas Atkinson tied for third with bull huss of 12lb 6oz. Michael Toogood also boated a huss of 11lb 2oz. (Below)
Cameron Atkinson boated a fine smoothound of 11lb 4oz (Below)
(Above) Cameron Atkinson with a huss of 11lb 10oz.
Combe Martin SAC’s Spring Rover saw nine members fishing and the fish were hard to find. Rob Scoines won the competition with a dogfish of 2lb 3oz. Dan Welch was runner up with a thick lipped grey mullet of 2lb 2oz. The weigh in was held at The Rising Sun Lynmouth where members shared tales of the day over a delicious platter of sandwiches and chips.
North Devon Match Group Championship No 4 Jennetts Reservoir
Many Thanks to Martin Turner for the North Devon Match Group report from Jennetts Reservoir where they enjoyed to fabulous silver fish sport.
1st Martin Turner 28lb 9oz
2nd Christopher Morris 25lb 11oz
3rd Kevin Shears 18lb 11oz
4th John Lacy 18lb 6oz
5th Peter Slade 17lb 9oz ,
A mild spring day with April showers , made for good sport on the South West Lake Trusts Jennetts Reservoir in Bideford. The bream failed to show in numbers but the roach fed well. Martin Turner landed quality fish on hemp and caster on the pole and whip from peg 8 , beside the elderberry bush , Christopher Morris had a similar net from peg 12 near the point also on the pole. Kevin drew end peg on the far bank for 3rd just pipping John Lacy who drew peg 4 near the dam.
Fine Slade Common Carp
Thirteen Carp Haul at the Moor
Chillcheater Carp and trout fishing green- New Range
Chillcheaters are now producing army green jackets, smocks and bib and brace in their renowned Aquatherm material these products are ideal for the carp and trout fisherman who want 100% waterproof clothing that is both lightweight and hard wearing. Braunton Baits are stocking the products. The jackets are £159, The smocks £140 and the Bib and Brace £130.
Wimbleball in fine form
Wimbleball is in fine form at present with some stunning bags of rainbows caught in the opening few weeks with numerous fish topping 5lb. Surface activity has been great and should improve further with warmer weather on the way.
A very pleasing brace of 4lb-5lb rainbows caught by Richard Elbro. The trout were tempted on a cut throat cats whisker which was invented by his fellow angler friend Richard.
(Below)A very good day at Wimbleball for Peter Davies on the right and John Ratcliffe with 9 fish between them up to 6lb 10oz.