Ilfracombe Shore Sport on the up!

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Summer fishing is on its way as temperatures start to rise with a few early bass showing along with wrasse. The first tope have also been tempted from the boats. Mackerel should arrive withing the next few weeks. Fishing after dark will bring ray so don’t forget the annual Putsborough Open next weekend.

Danny Watson and  Pauline of High Street Tackle Ilfracombe have been out fishing from their local shore marks and have enjoyed success with  bass, pollock, rockling and small eels. These have been tempted using lug worm and fish baits. Danny hopes that these catches are indication that things are improving after a difficult spring.  Toby Bassett has also enjoyed success a good session of bass and wrasse on lug worm.  Paul Lorrimore has had a few spotted ray from the pier.


Summer tope on the way

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Dan Hawkins ventured out near Lundy Island on with a party of anglers and they enjoyed success with the first tope of season along with bull huss, pollock, coalfish, whiting and the inevitable dogfish.They also enjoyed the spectacle of dolphins, porpoises and seals. Dan skipper of Reel Deal commented that such days make his job so enjoyable.


South West Lakes – Some fine Carp from trusty waters

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Some superb catches from South West Lakes Trust Waters over recent days. Below are some stunning images and results,


South West Lakes Trusts Upper Tamar lake is in top form at present with some stunning catches of carp coming from its large acreage.

(Below)Aaron Bunning has been back to Upper Tamar and again had a great session with lots of fish including these three attached at 24.14, 19.04 and 18.12. All fish fell to Nashbait scopex squid and coconut creme freebees and hookbaits.

Ben Smeeth sent me this report on some top angling _

Talk about an opportunistic moment! I was chatting with Roger Maher at Upper Tamar this morning and he informed me he had seen some fish, I went and had a look and saw around 8 fish, the biggest looked like a mid 20 common along with a mirror we recognised at about 23lbs. Dash home and Roger was back with a rod and half an hour later, here she is! 24.12……Top angling Roger. The lake is fishing great, a 32lb mirror and host of other fish have been caught in the last few days including a 20lb fully scaled…….


Steve Gliddon has caught a target fish from Lower Tamar lake at 24.00. Steve had been after the fish for 5 years but was delighted to finally slip his net under the old warrior! Steve also landed commons of 16lbs and 8lbs during his visit. Lower Tamar is open to everyone having been changed from a syndicate water 2 years ago.



Lower Slade reservoir in Ilfracombe (North Devon) produced 4 fish over 20lbs at the weekend. Simon Hill had a cracking 23.12 Common and Richard Ball had a common of 20.00.

Stafford Moor – In Top Form Latest Update

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Its been a busy week at Stafford Moor whilst I have been away on holiday in Scotland!

Barry Taylor a scaffolder from Newton Abbot had 17 fish out up to 27lb from the inlet swim on Beatties lake fishing with mainline cell boilies but sadly Jo has no pictures of this fine haul.

(Above)Pete Chapman and Mandy Chapman  had five carp  from swim 4 on lodge lake fishing with Sticky baits Buchenberry pop ups and signature pop ups plus Pallatrax jungle.

(Above )Pete Honeybourne  banked eight carp  up to 21lb 1oz from the inlet swim on beatties lake all caught on Mainline Cell 15mm boilies.

(Above) Nik Slater  fished  on Lodge Lakes swim 3 and had 6 carp fishing with sticky baits krill boilies and spicy squid power smoke.

(Above) Woodrow Van Koutrik aged 14 who comes fishing with his dad Andrew who had 4 fish during  an evening session on Beatties lake on the summer hut swim on Beatties lake fishing with Sticky baits Manilla boilies,

(Above) Ash Graham & friend Ben who popped out to visit a relative fishing up on lodge lake and ended up stalking for only a few hours and had 7 fish out up to 20lb on 10mm yellow pop ups.
(Above) Mark Downing and his friend Dave Dymond banked 28 fish  from lodge lake during a weekend session ! Mark fished on swim 6 then moved to swim 2 , Dave fished on swim 4 they caught on Uberbait and Sticky baits Manilla boilies.

(Above) Tony Johns was with his friend Andy Byrne they had 3 fish out up to 18lb 1oz from the beach swim on Beatties Lake  caught on Mainline Cell & Sticky Baits Manilla pop ups.

(Above) Harry Collins aka ‘Haribo’ banked 2 fish  in 24 hours up on Lodge lake. Harry was on swim 3 then moved to swim 5 the fish pictured was 24lb 6oz and tempted  on Sticky Baits Manilla boilies.

(Above)  Some regular Stafford Moor anglers  who had a carp social here on Beatties lake with 11 guys fishing. The winner of their competition was Dean Willoughby who smashed it with 20 fish caught up to 28lb Deans total weigh of fish was 355lb from the inlet swim fishing with Cornwall baits special occasion.
They all had a great weekend despite rough weather that seemed to stimulate the carp!


Wimbleball in fine form for hard fighting rainbows to 5lb

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Wimbleball is in fine form with plenty of hard fighting rainbows being caught to 5lb.

(Above) Another cracking Wimbleball 5lb fish caught by Toby Bennett at Bessoms Bay.

(Above) 4lb 10oz caught by David Gibson near sailing club bay.

(Above) One of several quality fighting fit rainbows caught by Mark and Brandon Hayward.

(Above) Another one in the net on a misty spring day.

Young Ollie Boats best of the day

Ian Laird and Ali Laird organized a four hour trip off Minehead with Michael Webber Griffiths skipper of Teddie Boy Charters. They enjoyed sport with ray, smoothound and the inevitable dogfish.The best specimen of the trip was a small eyed ray of 9lb 5oz and was boated by young Ollie Laird. The ray gives Ollie an excellent chance to retain the specimen trophy for the best fish caught by a Junior in CMSAC.

These short four trips are excellent for young anglers who might find a full eight hour trip too much.

Ollie Laird 9lb 5oz small eyed ray

Riverton Impresses!

Ross Stanway enjoyed a great day out with his son Charlie at Riverton Fishery. He was particularly chuffed with the crucian carp that was his first of the species. Young Charlie caught his biggest fish to date. They caught tench a few bream and a few small carp.

Ross commented, ” I have to say what a well managed fishery Riverton is now very impressed. All the fish we caught were in prime condition.”

Upper Tamar is in fine form for carp

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Ashley Bunning has made the most of Upper Tamar fish switching on with a 13 fish session. Ashley managed a mirror at 21.03 along with commons to high doubles and a really silver common at 15lbs. All fish were caught over a bed of Nashbait scopex squid boilies with matching fluoros and wafter hook baits over the top.

(Below) Nigel Woods targeted Upper Tamar for a couple of hours stalking and was rewarded with this cracking 23.15 Mirror. This is one of the newly stocked fish from 2017 and its 2lbs up in weight and looking great! Nigel’s successful tactics were a Mainline cell wafter over a few freebies.

Stafford Moor Carp

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Adam Atkins and dad John Atkins  fished  the beach swim on Beatties lake  at Stafford Moor. They had 9 fish out up to 21lb including a double take using mainline cell 15mm boilies.

(Below) Ian Yan Lawrence who had 2 fish out up to 22lb 6oz from swim 14 up on lodge lake in a day session on Saturday fishing with Mainline cell Walters over a bed of pellet /hemp boilies and corn.