Blakewell Competition Day

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I arrived at Blakewell just before 9.00am to meet up with members of the Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Club and fish for the Edwards Floating Line Cup. It was a very pleasant late spring morning with lush green growth all around and birdsong filing the calm morning air. Dennis Toleman and Rob Hancock also arrived to fish Triple Hook Clubs A & J Barrow Fly Trophy Competition. They were a little concerned when I told them it was Wistlandpounds competition but when I told them it was not starting until 10:00 am they breathed a sigh of relief as they would most likely have got well underway towards their four fish quota by then as early morning before the sun gets on the water is often the best time of day.

After setting up my tackle I took a walk to the lake to capture Dennis and Rob in action and see if I could get any tips for the competition ahead. Both anglers were in action by the time I arrived and I took a few snaps as their rods absorbed the lunges of the hard fighting rainbows that both exceeded 4lb.

(Above ) Dennis Toleman – rainbow trout 4lb 2oz
(Above)Rob Hancock with a 4lb 3oz rainbow

Dennis Toleman went on to win the A & J Barrow Trophy with a four fish bag totaling 13lb 4oz. Robbie Hancock finishing runner up with 12lb 3oz.

Blakewell’s  Lake looked the perfect trout lake on this sunny morning with a brood of ducklings chirping as they dashed to and fro amongst the reeds. A few swallows swooped speedily over the water  and high above a pair of buzzards soared on the thermals.

My fellow Wistlandpound club members duly arrived and after purchasing three fish tickets sauntered out to the lakeside. Within a few minutes several members were in action with bent rods as the lakes hard fighting rainbows surged to and fro in the clear water. I had tied on a damsel nymph and cast it well across the lake towards a rising trout. As I started to retrieve I noticed a trout of a couple of pounds closing in on the fly. Hoping for something a little bigger I stopped retrieving and watched the trout turn away. I fished on and within a few casts felt the pleasing tightening of the line. Whilst not big the rainbow fought gamely before eventually slipping over the rim of the net.

A few casts later I hooked an almost identical rainbow of a couple of pounds. Aware that other members had already landed bigger trout I decided upon a change of tactics and wandered to a shady corner on the far bank. I stood quietly leaning against a tree and peered into the crystal clear water watching as trout cruised past. I had tied on a gold headed green nymph one of my favourite stalking fly’s. After a few minutes a larger fish appeared and I flicked the nymph a few feet in front of the rainbow. I allowed the fly to sink then gave a twitch giving life to the gold head. The trouts mouth opened, the line twitched the rod lifted and I felt the weight of the fish and watched as it shook its head before surging away ripping line though my fingers before making the reel sing and rod absorb the strain. An enjoyable tussle followed before my prize was secure in the waiting net. At around four pound it was a pleasing result and emphasized how a little patience and stealthy angling can bring a better result than fishing blind.

(Above) My rainbow that succumbed to a gold head green nymph.

By midday all members had secured their three fish bags with Paul Grisley taking top spot with a bag of 9lb 9oz the best fish a fraction under 4lb. David Eldred was runner up with 9lb 6oz, Myself third with 8lb 13oz and forth Colin Combes with 6lb 12oz.

( Above) Winner Paul Grisley

With the competition over it was time to retire to the decking for welcome cups of tea and coffee. After a lengthy chat about fishing trips, catches and holidays it was time for a behind the scenes tour of the fish farm with co fishery owner Richard Nickell. Richard gave a fascinating and at times humorous  account of rearing thousands of trout from fry to table size. Explaining the many trials and tribulations that can beset the fish farmer and the extensive costs involved. Richard ended the tour with a demonstration of his skill with the filleting knife and many ways to cook trout.







Putsborough Open 2018 Report

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Combe Martin Sea Angling Clubs annual Putsborough Open has become a popular date on the local angling calendar and this years event attracted 49 competitors from all over the West Country. Once again the club were lucky to have good conditions with heavy rain that fell in some areas of North Devon skirting the beach. A heavy swell that pleased the surfers before darkness fell made fishing a little challenging at times but did not seem to deter the fish from feeding.

Each year it is good to see familiar faces on the beach and several commented to me that it was great to be there on such a night and to catch a fish would surely be a bonus. The fishing proved to be productive for some with small eyed ray, bass, smoothound, turbot and dogfish caught from all along the beach.  No exceptional specimens were caught this year to match previous catches that have included double figure small eyed ray, tope to over forty pounds, blonde ray to over 10lb and huss and conger into double figures.

The winner of this years competition was Ross Stanway with a dogfish of 2lb one of several he landed that also won him the pool for the best brace with his second dogfish weighing 1lb 14.5oz.

The event was generously sponsored by Sakuma and Ilfracombe High Street Tackle enabling the top twelve anglers to walk away with a fine array of tackle in addition to the £100 first prize and £50 second prize in cash.

The top twelve were :-

1st  – Ross Stanway – dogfish 2lb

2nd – Andrew Atkinson – small eyed ray – 6lb 10oz

3rd – Ross Stanway – dogfish 1lb 14.5oz

4th – Julian Druce – bass 5lb 1oz

5th – Gary Andrew – small eyed ray – 6lb 1oz

6th – 7th Dan Welch & Ross Stanway – dogfish 1lb 13oz

8th – 9th – Gareth Pike & Andrew Clements  – dogfish 1lb 12oz

10th Joe Toop – small eyed ray – 5lb 11oz

11th – 12th Colin Emery & John Stanway – dogfish 1lb 11oz

The club would like to thank the owners of Putsborough beach for allowing us to hold the event and I would like to thank all those who made the effort to come and fish many traveling a good distance to be there. A special thanks to all who have sent me pictures of the event including the stunning image of two anglers admiring the setting sun taken by Callum Gove.


Jack Phillips


Braunton Bait Trip to Foreign Shores

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Craig McCloughlin runs Braunton Baits and has just posted this report.

Just got back from another Braunton Bait Box / FishTrek stingray trip abroad.

This trip wasn’t to disappoint!! We managed a lot of different species and a lot of personal best’s broken several times over

Between us we landed
Eagle ray to 25lb +
Butterfly ray to 80lb+
Stingray ray to 170lb
Smooth hound to 21lb 10oz
Hammer head shark
Lizard fish

And Rikki having the fish of the holiday with an estimated weight of 170lb

and whats even better – all the rods I built stood up to the battle

If Anyone is interested in a trip abroad please get in touch

Catfish on the prowl

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The catfish are waking up and on the feed _ see the latest from North Devons top cat venue!

Well Done to Angeline Gardiner who has caught not one but two Personal Best Cats! A 20lb and a 23lb Wels Catfish!!

Both from the Easy Access Lake.


Getting reports left, right and centre about Catfish catches from the Day Ticket Lakes and the Anglers Paradise exclusive Lakes!

Oliver Dietrich from Virginstow, decided to do a day and a night on Nirvana’s Specimen Cat Lake and caught a Personal Best 51lb Wels Catfish!

Oliver caught the Cat using Robin baits new Hybrid boilies, the picture isn’t great as it’s a self take taken at night.

Come join in the action and book yourselves in on one of our several great Day Ticket Lakes!


Anglers Paradise

Top Prizes in the Weekends Putsborough Open

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(Above) Some of the prizes up for grabs at the Putsborough Open this weekend.

Combe Martin Sea Angling Club

Presents Our

Putsborough Sands

Open Fishing Competition 2018

Saturday May 12th

Fishing From 9.30pm to 1.30am

Book In From 8.00pm to 9.00pm

Weigh In By 2.00am

Cash Prizes Of £100 & £50

Sakuma, High Street Tackle,

And Many Other Donated Prizes

2 Rods, 4 Hooks, Specimen Sizes

Entry £5 plus £1 Pool Best Brace

Phone Nick 814703 Or Wayne 850586

For More Details Please Check Or Our Facebook Page

Please Respect Putsborough & Remove All Litter

Paradise carp

posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

(Above)Ian Fowler caught a 38lb 4oz Mirror from our Day Ticket Kracking Carp Lake at Nirvana. Ian caught the big Mirror with a trimmed down Element hook bait on a running rig size 8 barbless hook on soft braid fished 12 metres from bank in swim 1. Ian also caught this lovely 26lb 3oz Linear Carp from the Specimen Carp Lake. Ian caught the beauty using The Element by Denham baits presented as a snowman fished on a 3oz running rig, size 6 barbless hook to N’trap soft hooklink placed beside some lillies on the island margin.

(Above) Matthew Colegate completely smashed the Main Carp Lake catching a variety of Carp! Mathew caught Mirrors of 20lbs 6oz, 20lbs 4oz, 19lbs 10oz, 17lbs 14oz, 17lbs 8oz, 16lbs 14oz and a 19lb 6oz Common, all in immaculate condition. All fish were caught on a simple blow back rig with A2 Baits Fruity Fish Wafter over A2 Baits Fruity Fish freebies with a couple of handfuls of corn.


(Above) Nick Rayment also joined in on the action and caught himself a 24lb 4oz Mirror from the Main Carp Lake on Mainline Cell.

Anglers Paradise