Daniel Brooks enjoyed a great session on Stafford Moors Beatties Lake landing 12 fish out up to 23lb 7oz all caught on Sticky baits Krill pellets and boilies from swim 1 (Long Island) on the dam wall.
Bideford Club Record hound
Rob Harris has landed a huge shore caught smoothound of 21lb 1/2oz to set a new Club record for Bideford Angling Club. The was an easy winner in the clubs 24 hour rover that was dominated by smoothound. The above pictures are not the best but they do give a good indication of the proportions of this very special fish. It has been an unprecedented start to the season with the potential for more outsize specimens over the coming months.
1st – Rob Harris smoothound 21lb 1/2oz
2nd – Lee Watts – smoothound 12lb 71/2oz
3rd – Andrew Clements Smoothound 11lb 73/4oz
All the smoothound were released alive after weighing and photographing.

North Devon Match Group Championship No 5 Killock Lakes. Results
North Devon Match Group Championship No 5 Killock Lakes. Results
1st Neilsen Jeffery 77lb 14oz
2nd Kevin Shears 47lb 5oz
3rd John Lisle 40lb 5oz
4th Christopher Morris 28lb 12oz
5th John Forster 27lb 2oz .
North Devon Match Group members fished the prolific Killock lake in warm dry conditions , the carp were more interested in spawning than feeding , despite this Neilsen was able to catch steadily on corn on the pole for a convincing win. Second spot was Kevin who used similar tactics and John’s third placed bag fell to paste also on the pole.Next week this venue is being used for the first leg of our annual interclub event against Bude Canal Anglers.
More big hounds and more to come
Steve Banks a Furzebray Ghost
Great Boat Sport Off Ilfracombe
Smoothound Sport Continues
Stafford Moor May Festival 2018
Stafford Moor May Festival 2018 – Report from Joanne Combes
Our Worthy winner of our May festival 2018 with a perfect score of 4 points with a total weight of 434lb 13oz is Mr Steve Ford (MOSELLA UK / MARUKYU well done Steve well proud of you !!! In close second place with also 4 points and a total weight of 327lb 14oz is Chris Cameron ( MIDDY/ BAIT TECH) well done Chris! In third place was Ian Rowney with 6 points and a total weight of 375lb 1oz well done Ian! What a week, thank you so much for your continued support it’s amazing we feel truly blessed to have you all supporting us thank you so much also for supporting the JO-OP it’s been one of the best supported weeks we have had , I can continue to buy new stock all the time we are supported so thank you been great to meet some new guys and to see the regular faces. We have an open match this Sunday if you would like to join us please let me know Jo
A Glimpse into the past – Combe Martin
SEA FISHING – The fishing at Combe Martin is varied and excellent; and not the least delightful aspect is the opportunity afforded the visitor of seeing from a new angle the magnificent cliffs. Motor boats and rowing boats are available in good weather at any state of the tide: though it is sound policy to listen to the expert advice of the local boatmen as to the most suitable conditions and the most profitable fishing hours. With the constantly varying tides of this channel they are perfectly familiar; and their favourite fishing marks are productive of good sport.
Bass, pollock, pouting (locally called “glowers”) wrasse,codling, tope, conger, grey mullet, plaice, dabs, and mackerel are taken in spring and summer.
The herring season is from mid-September to Christmas. Cod, large conger, skate, ray and dogfish are caught in winter. bearded rockling and whiting also occur: sea-bream has been scarce of late years and hake has not been obtained for several years past. A weever was caught off Ilfracombe in 1932 and a sturgeon near Clovelly. Sunfish are sometimes seen resting on the surface. Small sharks, seals and porpoises come up the Bristol Channel at times. Lobsters, crabs and prawns may be added to the list. Squids are fairly plentiful.
A conger of over eighty pounds was caught about 1880. Two halibut were taken on “long lines” one night in early December, December 1919, one weighed 60lb., the other about 16lbs. This is the only occasion remembered for halibut locally. A bottle nosed shark sixfeet long and about three hundred weight, was caught in herring nets, November 1931. A skate (“rooker”), five feet across and weighing one hundred weight, was caught on December 2nd 1931. An angler fish was taken some years ago and a strange fish, possibly another angler, was washed ashore dead on February 7th 1933.
FLY FISHING – Fly Fishing may be had at Hunters Inn. Tickets being obtainable at the hotel; and on Slade Reservoir. Ilfracombe’ permits being issued at the Municipal Offices, Ilfracombe. Good fishing is also available on the East Lyn, the Barle and the Bray. For fishing on the Exmoor Reservoir apply at the Ring Of Bells Inn, Challacombe.

Whilst having a tidy up I came across an old holiday guide to Combe Martin. The back cover advert below gives a fascinating glimpse of the past. Reading through sections of this book brings thoughts as to what we have lost in the seas off North Devon. I was born in Combe Martin and can see see glimpses of my youth within the pages of this old guide within which I can frustratingly find no publication date. My guess is that it is early 1950;s. It is a sad reflection that the waters off our coast once held fish that we now travel to far off shores to catch.
There is of course much that has not changed along the majestic North Devon Coast and for this we should ensure that we pause to savour what remains and reflect upon change and what the future holds.
COMBE MARTIN (Scene of Marie Corelli’ s Mighty Atom)
For SUNSHINE and HEALTH and the Ideal Sea Side- Country Holiday.
Express Train 51/2 hours London – Ilfracombe, thence Motor coach connection (20 Minutes) Direct Booking.