Chew Valley Lakes reputation was further enhanced this Spring with the capture of a British Record pike scaling 47lb 5oz. I have fished the lake on and off for over twenty years and enjoyed a mix of success and failure at the venue.
I joined my good friend Bruce Elston for a day with the fly rod. The weather forecast had looked good with a moderate North West Breeze and no rain. I arrived at the lake just after 9:00am and we chatted to fellow anglers as we loaded our gear onto the boat. It appeared that the fishing had been hard going. Undeterred we set out for our chosen area searching the water casting our big flies in ten foot of water. With a drogue controlling our drift we covered water at a steady pace.
There was suspended algae present in the water and visibility was not as good as on some previous visits. On the first drift we had a couple of follows and pulls which was encouraging.
Next drift Bruce hooked into a jack of around 4lb which boosted our confidence. On the next drift it was my turn and I brought a jack of around 4lb to the boat nothing big but at least we were catching. The next couple of drifts resulted in a couple of missed takes and a micro jack for Bruce.
As the day raced past takes dried up as they often do during the afternoon. Hundreds of swifts were swooping over the water undoubtedly feasting upon insects. To our surprise throughout the day we saw only a couple of trout rising which for late May was perhaps a little strange.
With wind increasing and action non-existent we decided to head for shelter and enjoy an early evening snack. In a sheltered bay I lit the stove and fried up a dozen chipolata sausages. Bruce put out a team of buzzers whilst he waited for the culinary delight of a sausage sandwich.
The sun broke through momentarily bathing the bay in evening light. We resumed our search for a while in the bay before once again heading back to the main expanse of the lake. I tempted another micro jack on one of Rodney Wevil’s bright orange scruffy tigers.
As the light faded from a late Spring day we had several last drifts eventually conceding defeat at 20:45.
We had made many casts during close to nine hours of fishing at a guess I reckon we notched up close to a thousands casts in the day.
Chew Valley Lake can be hard; its draw is of course that the next cast could bring that fish of a lifetime. I was fortunate to catch that fish a couple of years ago so I know it can happen. Maybe next cast?
Pike fishing seems to follow a natural cycle with each year slightly different. There seems to be an explosion of micro jacks this year with a few very large fish and low numbers of medium sized pike. The lake is large however and will always hold mystery and just maybe another British Record. A fifty ?
The Mainline Baits Carp Pairs competitions are held at our 81 acre fishery, Upper Tamar Lake. The competitions are generously sponsored by carp fishing giants Mainline Baits.
There is £3,500 in prize money from South West Lakes Trust for each competition. Each person who enters will get a goody bag with some fantastic Mainline products inside.
This year there is an exciting new rule change regarding the way the final results are taken. This year, instead of all the fish a pair catch being weighed in and this being your final result, the three biggest fish from each pair will be added together and this will be your final result. So, any fish that are smaller than the three biggest a pair has caught already through the competition can be put back straight away and do not require weighing in. But if a fish is bigger than your previous three recorded fish then it will be weighed in. This way it will make the competition more open to anyone winning.
All tackle and equipment is transported to and from your swim. There is also a full menu for the weekend with food delivered directly to your swim!
2024 dates:
The competition is limited to 34 pairs. You can book your place online below.
For further information contact us on 01566 771930 or [email protected]
Mark Drewer has taken the lead in Combe Martin SAC’s Bass lure league tempting bass of 67.5cm and 63cm. Both fish were tempted on a white gravity stick pulse tail.https://www.highstreettackle.co.uk/savage-gear-gravity-stick-paddletail-14cm-15g-5627-p.asp As we go into summer proper I am expecting catches to pick up. At present Mark Drewer is in first place with two bass for 130.5cm. Second is Reece Woolgar with two bass for 118.5cm.
B.D.A.C Rod and Reel match results date 26.5.24 at Tarka. Today the weather was a bit sunny with a few showers and fishing was steady. 1st place today went to Richard jefferies on peg 10 with a weight of 34lbs 8oz mainly carp, 2nd place when to Stephen Paul Sheller on peg 6 with 33lbs 15oz and 3rd place was Keith copland on peg 8 with 23lbs 13oz. The next Rod and Reel match will be on the 23.6.24.
A bar of silver at Little Warham Fishery for Anthony. There is debate as to salmon or sea trout but either way its great to sea a glimmer of silver hope from a beautiful beat on the River Torridge.
Below is guidance on salmon and sea trout identification from the late great Hugh Falkus. Every fish is different of course and identification is not always clear cut. I remember many years ago catching a silver bar from the Lower Taw, at the time I thought it was a salmon but looking at the photo a few years later I realised that it was a fine double figure sea trout of 10lb 4oz, my personal best.