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Graham Snow secured first and second in Appledore Shipbuilders January Winter League competition landing a brace of flounder scaling 1lb 155/8oz and 1lb 77/8oz. Third place went to Andrew Atkinson with a dogfish of 2lb 1oz.


Combe Martin SAC member John Avery landed fine winter thick lipped mullet scaling 5lb 1oz.

Bideford Angling Club

24hour results

1st Antony Smith blonde Ray 13lb 14oz   115.625%

2nd Antony Smith smalleye Ray 9lb 12oz 108.333%

3rd Nathan Clements thornback Ray 9lb 11oz 107.638%

Shore caught bull and boat fishing opportunities off Ilfracombe

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Combe Martin SAC member Paul Lorrimore caught this bull huss of 9lb 7oz on his latest visit to the North Devon shoreline. Shore anglers are catching plenty of small conger and dogfish but those prepared to persist are eventually rewarded.

Boat anglers will be pleased to know that John Barbeary’s boat Bluefin is back in the water at Ilfracombe following a winter refit. The next two months should see some hectic sport with spurdog, conger and bull huss.




A few codling from the beach

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Winter time is traditionally cod time and there are a few about from beaches close to the estuary mouth. Very few are being tempted from the open coast which is a mystery as codling continue to be caught from up-channel marks from Minehead and above.

Paul Hutching fished Westward Ho! beach with Andrew McKenna, and had a great session over low water beaching several coding to 4lb  on squid and crab wraps.

Winter Trout at Exe Valley – Catch and Release a great option

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Anchor Lake has started 2019 in glorious style with more beautiful sun rises and producing some stunning fish. John Gilmore from Willand caught five cracking fish and also released four fish with his heaviest fish weighing in at around 6 1/2 lbs. John said ‘Great day again Sue. Very good quality and hard fighting fish’. John was joined by four other anglers and between them had 26 fish making an average of over 5 fish per person.

Ben Cheeld has continued his success. On his recent visit he caught 8 fish up to 7lb and is currently on his third permit on the new permit offer (more details below).

Winter Permit Offer

We have been thrilled by the number of anglers taking up the Winter Permit Offer and are keen to see which angler earns the first free permit. Full details below.

WINTER PERMIT OFFER – Buy 4 permits and have your 5th outing on us!

Don’t forget our Winter Permit Offer starts on the 27th December 2018

We are pleased to be able to announce a Winter Fishing Permit Offer *(subject to T&Cs) to those of you who would like to support the fishery when the fishing is great … but the weather isn’t the most pleasant!

From Thursday 27th December 2018 to Sunday 31st March 2019 inclusive BUY 4 PERMITS & GET THE 5th PERMIT – FREE!!! You are free to choose whatever 5th permit you like … the deal is you must visit and pay for 4 full price permits within the allotted time published above, that’s it!

* Terms & Conditions 1) Pre-paid gift voucher permits DO NOT qualify for this offer. 2) All permits MUST be completed in full to register as a visit. 3) Return slips MUST be completed at the end of each session to register as a visit. 4) A permit purchased and not matched to a return slip will not be counted. 5) ONE FREE PERMIT of the anglers choice (C&R, 2, 3, 4 or 5 fish) will be issued after 4 full price visits subject to the T&Cs 6) The FREE permit will be valid for one visit only which must be taken by 30th April 2019 7) This offer can be enjoyed more than once between 27/12/18 & 31/03/19 – e.g. Fish 8 times and receive 2 FREE PERMITS 8) The FREE permit is non-transferable and has no cash value.

Pre Order Food

I have been asked several times about bacon rolls/food since Christmas and am pleased to say that I am now offering a small pre-order menu through out the winter opening hours. If you are planning a trip to Exe Valley Fishery and would like something from the menu on arrival or during the day then please contact me to organise.

Many thanks for reading this post and I hope to welcome you to the fishery soon. A reminder of our Winter opening times are below.

Sue x

Telephone Enquiries: 01398 323008

(Above) The ladies didn’t miss out on the action either with Jane Young catching three stunning Rainbow Trout on a Hot Head Cats Whisker with legs.

Lobbs Lake

It hasn’t gone unnoticed by some of our regular visitors that Lobbs Lake seems to yo-yo between being empty and then full of water. I promise this isn’t as a result of me changing my mind each day but in fact the maintenance required so that it can become a fishing lake once again. Thanks to Nick and Blair Woodland (and a small amount of rake pulling by myself – there is evidence!) New Years Eve was Lobbs Lake clearance day with an extraordinary amount of weed removed. The pictures of the lake transforming through the day are incredible. Lobbs Lake is now refilled and ready for its relaunch in the Spring.


Fishtytwo Challenge reaches its conclusion

Congratulations to Steve Dawe on an amazing year of fishing and fund raising for the stroke association. I have already ordered my copy of Steves book recording his amazing year of species hunting and will review it within these pages. Many thanks to Steve for writing the below report for North Devon angling News.

The challenge to catch 52 UK species in 52 weeks ended on December the 31stwith a final push to track down a 3 Bearded Rockling from a mark in Ilfracombe. Despite great advice on location and tactics from two very good North Devon anglers the species remained elusive although Pollack, Pouting and Congers provided a distraction. My final total for the year long challenge ended on 77 species when I finally got one of my nemesis species the Spotted Ray while fishing aboard Mike Webbers Teddie Boy out of Minehead. The Spotted Ray alone had taken 9 sessions across the year before I finally got the target, it does sum up the challenge that targeting a certain fish species presents.

Fish just don’t read a script and despite anglers I know catching the Spotted Ray with impunity if you don’t have a slice of luck to add to the time spent on the bank then that magic fish can prove difficult. Over the year the North Devon Coast and Bristol Channel have been good to me on the species front with, Conger, Spurdog, Bullhuss, Dab, Hounds, Cod and Flounder all ticked off the list from the North coast.

This was largely down to great skippers and unconditional advice from several of the North Coast’s best anglers, you guys know who you are, and I and the Stroke Association are extremely grateful. During the challenge I notched up over 7000 miles, 115 sessions, 52 sea species, 25 coarse and game. Out of that total 44, were personal bests, a statistic I am sure I will never match or exceed again.

I must also thank Wayne who does a sterling job of reporting and promoting fishing events and achievements through his pages. Wayne invited me to attend the Combe Martin Sea Angling Clubs annual fun day at Ilfracombe this summer, and it was a great few hours spent with future anglers catching mini species. This event alone raised £25 for the charity in coin donations placed in the charity box, typical of the generosity shown by anglers and their families this year. Many people I met this year know someone or have had a family member effected by a Stroke, this life changing condition can affect everyone young and old.

Last Saturday I was joined by my good friend and inspiration for this challenge Andy Adams, Andy was a dedicated angler who was hit out of the blue with a massive stroke. The stroke has left Andy wheel chair bound and in need of a full-time carer, what it didn’t take however was his fighting spirit. Together we presented a cheque for £1340.00 to Hayley Ali of the Stroke Association while at a lunch down in the port of Looe.

I was asked by several of the readers of my blog to consider writing a book of the year long challenge, I have managed to complete this to coincide with the cheque presentation. The book titled Fishty Two Weeks in a Yearis available from Amazon as a Kindle version and Paperback.

All profits from the sale of this book will also go to the Stroke Association, so anyone buying are helping this great cause. Although I may have been the figurehead of this challenge it was only possible due to the copious amounts of goodwill, professionalism and support of my fellow anglers and friends so I salute you all.


Stafford Moor – Winter carp sport at the Moor

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(Below) Ben Hopkins and his friend John  fished up on swim 1 (three islands) on Lodge lake. They caught two fish each both personal best with Ben banking fish of 24lb 10oz and John a personal best of 27lb 9oz. The fish were tempted on pink wafters and pink krill.

(Below)Drew Davey  had one mirror out weighing in at 19lb 2oz from Albert square (swim 15 )  on Lodge lake in a day session this weekend caught on Sticky Baits Manilla boilies topped with a chopped down yellow Manilla pop up.

(Below) The ‘Carpbusters’ Ade, Ju and Christie all had one fish each out today in a day session caught on Mainline cell, Sticky Baits Manilla and Krill from the beach swim and big fish corner on Beatties lake.