North Devon Match Group Summer League No. 2 @ Upper Tamar Devon Bank Results
1st Pete Slade 30lb 5oz
2nd Paul Elworthy 30lb 4oz
3rd Martin Crouch 24lb 14oz
4th Shaun Stenton 20lb 8oz
5th Tom Downing 18lb 7oz
6th Chris Morris 17lb 9oz
7th Ian Cosmic Croxton 15ib 11oz
8th Andy Seery 13lb 13oz
18 members of the North Devon Match Group gathered on the banks of the South West Lakes Trust Upper Tamar Lake to fish their 2nd summer League match ,Conditions, although bright, wererather chilly in the NNW breeze. Pete drew end peg down the Devon arm and fished at 5metres to amass 250 mainly roach he has fed 2 pints of casters and similar amount of hempseed plus the odd nugget of groundbait for victory, just beating Paul, by 1oz ! Paul has drawn to the right of the gorse bush and fish his favoured Micros and corn feeder approach for a nice net of better skimmers, Third spot went to Martin next peg to Pete using similar tactics.Section winners were Chris Morris and Shaun Stenton both adopted feeder tactics.
Many thanks to Exmoor Fly Fishing for allowing me to use their report on the latest South West Fishing for Life trip to Wimbleball.
Today was the monthly meet for SWFFL ….South West Fishing For Life…this takes place at Wimbleball Reservoir. A massive vote of thanks should go to Mark Underhill and the team that now operate the fishing, the place has been totally transformed. Mark graciously lets the ladies fish there, the fishing is superb, the hard fighting Rainbows that one of the ladies encountered on a very cold, clear and frosty morning are testament to his hard work and foresight….the early “bird” certainly catches the worm……
Kevin Legge took top spot in Combe Martin SAC’s Spring Rover landing a specimen bull huss of 10lb 15oz. Mark Jones took the runner up spot with a new club shore record turbot scaling 4lb 4oz.Mark also took third place with a bass of 5lb 2oz. Members also landed numerous dogfish and several pollock fishing on a boat off Ilfracombe.
(Above) Combe Martin Club Record – Shore Caught turbot 4lb 4oz
Summer fishing has starting to take off with smoothound showing in good numbers from many North Devon marks. Whilst peeler crab is undoubtedly the top bait hardbacks can work just as well and have the advantage that they discourage the dogfish that seem to be about in plague proportions.
(Below) Kyle Blackmore has been enjoying some top rate sport from the North Devon Coast landing numerous smoothound to just under 10lb, a stunning bull huss and several codling and bass.
(Above) Ian Hooper and Nick Job have also been getting amongst the hounds!
There is far more to Upper and Lower Tamar Lake than carp with a vast range of other coarse fish swimming within these waters. A concerted effort could I am sure bring some huge rewards with potential record breakers. Both lakes contain huge perch and eels. There are also specimen roach, bream and some large wild brown trout. The lower lake once held populations of specimen rudd and tench.
A superb multi species capture from Lower Tamar:
Between Aaron Bunning and his friend Dan they had 5 bream ranging from 6lb 8oz and 9lb, a huge hybrid of around 5lb, two carp of mid doubles and 23lb 12oz, a single perch of around 1lb 8oz, three eels to 2lb and a single trout. All fish fell to a large bed of pellets and particles, hookbaits consisted of maggots, fake corn and 12mm nashbait pop-ups. Aaron commented ‘Made a pleasant change to put the carp rods away and have a fun session with the lighter gear’.
Steve Self who caught a beautiful 8lb 6oz Koi and a rare two tone Koi from our famous Koi Lake.
Steve’s story –
“I had been fishing with Zenia and the boys during the afternoon, and caught some lovely little koi from the Koi Lake with them. But after they returned home, my mind turned to the large red and black Koi Carp I had seen cruising the surface during the morning before they arrived to join me. I didn’t have any trouble finding it. It seemed confident in itself, knowing that it was clever enough by now not to get caught.
I stalked the fish around the margins with a rod/line/hook simple surface set up. The bait of choice was a chunk of bread crust. But no matter how hard I tried, the Koi evaded me at every step. Eyeing the free offering with a concealed look with suspicion, before turning it down flatly. Mouthing the bread to inspect it, then spitting it out in disgust at my poor attempt to trick it. 2 hours passed in the hot sun, with me slowly and stealthily stalking the margins, only to either miss a take from it, or it spook at the dodgy crust and swim off.
I must have missed hooking it a good dozen times and I became more frustrated and dismayed as the time progressed, stalking my rod in the air and cursing my bad luck. It was indeed a clever fish! Then, when I couldn’t find the Koi to follow anymore, he appeared right beneath my feet, supping up some other morsel. Seeing the opportunity at last, I rolled the hook bait bread on the backside and allowed it to plop into the water right on its nose as if something had just fallen in from the side – and it took it straight away!
Red and black colour filled the air as it leapt and dove down into the lake. My pulse of sheer relief, excitement and joy on hooking the large koi, was soon swapped with a teeth clenching 5 minutes deftly playing and dodging the fish from one snag to another, hiding places it seemed to know all too well were there to lose me in. Soon enough though it was tired enough to be netted and photographed, a wide shouldered 8lb 6oz, with magnificent colouring as to be expected of an Anglers Paradise Koi. The fish stood as a testament to what can be achieved with a LOT of patience and persistence. A fine reward for two hours on tiptoe!”
Here he is with his winning Fish and being presented his prizes with special thanks to PB PRODUCTS UK.
Scott Whittington fished at Stafford Moor with his son Thomas. Scott’s fish were all from the summer hut swim on Beatties lake in which he caught 34 fish up to 28lb 12oz caught on Sticky Baits Krill boilies well done Scott ! This stunning common shown below weighed 25lb.
Thomas caught a good number of fish from Tanners Lake.
Oli Dietrich fished the Nirvana’s day ticket Lake Xanadu and and caught the stunning Xanna at 33lbs making it a new personal best for Oli! Oli caught the beauty on a Crafty bait.
The latest North Devon Winter League match was held at the prolific silvers water that is Mill Park Campsite however it did not work out as hoped and the Roach did not play game , a wet miserable day weather wise meant the roach just did not turn on at all ,and bigger fish that are not normally fished for came into play!
Bacon Butties and and hot coffee to start in the bar saw the anglers sustained through the day.
10 anglers fished and as normal the banter was flying around ,here are the top 5
1st Nathan Underwood 17lb 12oz
2nd Martin Turner 15lb 11oz
3rd Kevin Shears 14lb 5oz
4th John Forster 11lb 9oz
5th Dodgy Hooks. 9lb 1oz