Jonathon and Ross Stanway ventured out onto the North Devon rocks during a short break in the weather and found conger on the feed. They landed fish of 16lb 11oz and 11lb 8oz.
Bulldog fishery has reopened after a winter break and offers some fine sport.
Ross Prior from Barnstaple took this double figure Brownie and bagged out with a 5 fish ticket for 19lb 6oz.
Fish tickets are 4 for £30.00, and 5 for £35.00, catch and release for £20.00/ day. Should anyone bag out and wish to carry on fishing its £5.00 with barbless hooks. All brownies to be returned, this allows other anglers the experience of catching double figured Brownies.
Fishery open dawn till dusk, days’ notice required for booking. Contact Nigel Early on 07767492800
I noticed a comment whilst browsing on social media relating an old photograph of the River East Lyn at Watersmeet. “I love this place and caught many salmon in the two pools back in the day.” Wrote William Ould. Intrigued as always by any story related to the Lyn I sent an enquiring message. The following feature was the result of our exchange.
William Ould was a successful angler fishing the Lyn and the North Devon Coast as young teenager. He was taught the art of worming for salmon by Cliff Railway Worker and Londoner Chick Andrews. William was an observant young teenager who was prepared to walk miles in pursuit of salmon sea trout and brown trout.
William caught his first salmon in 1962 on a trout spoon whilst fishing for the Lyn’s abundant brown trout during a late season spate. The fish was to be life changing experience for young William. “ My spinner was rising from the milky spate water, just fining down, this huge fish followed and took it not seven feet from my eye. A 5lb grilse, but huge to my eyes when seeking a large Lyn brown trout of 8oz or so. The fight also caused the destruction of my KP Morrit’s Standard fixed spool reel.” William kept a diary of his salmon fishing exploits in the following years recording 29 in his first season of 1963, totalling 257 salmon between 1962 and 1966, including a record catch of 17 salmon in a single day with 15 returned. It would not be permitted today! On another single day when everything seemed to feed a brace of salmon was followed by a full limit of peal and a number of browns too. Such catches of salmon over a season would not have been considered out of the ordinary back in the early sixties when the River East Lyn had an abundance of salmon and sea trout from May onwards as I discovered whilst researching for my book “I Caught A Glimpse’ Published by the Little Egret Press in 2019.
After leaving North Devon William would return on a regular basis to visit his mother whilst she lived in Lynton. During these visits Wistlandpound Reservoir was a regular excursion to test new fly fishing skills learned on the great reservoir of Grafham Water, which was itself enjoying record returns. Success at Wistlandpound with bag limits of 8 fish on opening day sometimes got repeated later in the season as natural life abounded in warmer waters. However success was certainly not assured on birthdays in June when bright conditions and long days were teasingly challenging. One occasion produced lethargy towards lunch and a buzzer on a super long leader was launched away from the bank. In the light wind the line was allowed to work back towards the shore with rod resting against a bag as drink and sandwich was consumed – then line sailed away drawing rod towards and almost losing it and sandwiches to the water but with a fine rainbow resulting. A Happy Birthday!
William also fished the rocky shores around Lynmouth visiting Lee Stone, Hewitt’s Rock, Lee Bay and Woody Bay. One of Williams first good sea fish was a 4lb 8oz grey mullet caught from the roadside wall at Lynmouth using bread-paste as visitors looked on during a high tide in August.
Fortunately, grey mullet still haunt the harbour as they did then and high waters often see me catching grey mullet as the visitors look on asking those familiar questions. “ What do you catch here then?’. “Grey mullet they’re hard to catch aren’t they?”. I have had hundreds of conversations with visiting anglers whilst fishing for both mullet and bass at Lynmouth.
Lee Stone was a popular venue back in William’s youth and he recalls stories of intrepid locals fishing the deep water off the Stone for conger using handlines and 2lb leads when accidents were not uncommon as two pound of lead was swung around the head like a slingshot and launched seawards, trailing big sharp conger hooks and half herring for bait. In those days it was considered improper to fish on a Sunday but it was told that one of the early hand-lining fisherman of the name Hicks went to the Stone one Sunday but returned to town running as fast as he could and in a distressed manner convinced that the devil was after him! He’d never fish on Sundays thereafter.
One night in summer William was enjoying an all night trip on the Stone when he got “a good but teasing bite, hooked, and reeled the animal ashore. In the dim light from a paraffin hurricane lamp imagine my distress as the very horns of the devil appeared over the ledge. Heart in mouth I lifted it into view. My first fine lobster!”
Bill Ould 10/2/2020
My family always knew me as Will, and many Lynton people likewise. Thereafter I’ve been known as Bill since when joining industry there was already a William in the same laboratory. My colleagues chose Bill for me.
Wimbleball Re-Opens for trout fishing on March 1st and there is great expectation that it will be another exciting season with quality rainbows and wild brown trout offering superb sport. Check out the venues latest website below click on link;-
Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly competition@ Mill Park Berrynarbor ,1st John Lisle 45lb 1oz 2nd Richard Jefferies 32lb 13oz 3rd Martin Turner 15lb 9oz 4th Steve Bailey 11lb 3oz 5th David Bailey 9lb 6oz 12 hardy/ foolish individuals ventured forth into storm “Ciara” , to fish our monthly match . The normally prolific lake fished very peculiarly with half the field blanking , no roach caught and only 20 odd large chub and carp landed. John’s net of 9 carp and one chub taken on method feeder and bomb and bread off peg 1 ran out the easy winner, Richard Jefferies landed 3 good chub and 4 carp on similar tactics for second on peg 10. 4 carp put Martin Turner in 3rd spot. Steve’s 10 and a half pound common carp secured 4th.
Furzebray again producing stunning specimens. Jack Gabriel banked the mirror carp known as “Orange Spot” as at weight of 42lb 12oz. Charlie Parkhouse banked “Sovereign” at a weight of 42lb and Andy White banked a brace of forties including “Star” at 41lb 8oz and Charlotte at 46lb 2oz. Furzebray was dug out in 2006 and stocked with an initial 200 carp in 2007. It has gone from strength to strength under the careful stewardship of Tony Kingdon and his father Martin.
(Below) Andy White a brace of twenties!
(Below) Charlie Parkhouse
(Below) Jack Gabriel
It was a pleasure once again for Pauline and I to attend Bideford & District Angling Clubs presentation night and to be made so welcome. Such events are vitally important to the social fibre of angling clubs enabling members and families to join together to enjoy a little fun and banter whilst reflecting on the achievements made by members throughout the year. It is not just about the fish caught but also about recognising the huge amount of effort invested by club members. BIdeford Club is a long established club that has its own waters for coarse anglers, a thriving sea section and a game section that travels across the South West to target trout on the fly.
There were some outstanding fish caught throughout 2019 including a bass of 15lb 6oz to the rod of Tarrant Wotton, a club record couch’s bream of 15oz to the rod of Nathan Clements and a rainbow trout of 14lb 11oz to Matt Sander. John McCullum won the Clubs Game Fishing Trophy with 49 points. Martin Turner secured the clubs Match Mans Cup with 108 points and young Tyler Scott won the club Sam Vaughan Cup for most Match points by a Junior with 42 points. Dick Talbot won the clubs sea league with 49 points. There were a huge number of certificates awarded and trophies congratulations to all of the winners. Let’s hope 2020 is just as productive for club members.
A winner takes all raffle was won by Reg Sutton who kindly donated the proceeds to the RNLI in memory of local angler Cameron Atkinson who sadly lost his life late in 2019.
South West Lakes Trust Trout Fisheries Report
In anticipation of an exciting 2020 season, South West Lakes Trust will be increasing stocking numbers at Siblyback, Burrator and Stithians, while at Kennick the minimum stocking size will be 2lb.
A number of habitat improvement projects are planned across the region to benefit fly life and Brown Trout spawning areas, as well as a number of coarse fish removal exercises.
Season Opening Dates:
Kennick – 15 February
Siblyback, Stithians and Burrator – 7 March
Colliford, Roadford, Fernworthy, and Wistlandpound – 15 March.
Rainbow Trout season ticket holders will be able to start fishing a day earlier on a special preview day.
Various ticket options and ‘castabout’ season tickets will be available (visit or your local fishery for more details and prices).
2020 Diary Events:
Fernworthy boat fortnight – 4-19 July
Roadford Perch fishing by boat – July, August and September
(Visit or your local fishery for more details, booking arrangements etc)
2020 Competition Dates:
Snowbee Team Bank competition (teams of 4 anglers) at Siblyback – 19 April
Bank Pairs competition at Kennick – 17 May
Peninsula Classic Individual Bank competition at Kennick – 21 June
Cornwall Devon Shield at Siblyback – 5 April
‘Best of the Best’ competition – this year there will be heats for individual Rainbow fisheries from March to October, with the grand final to be held at Kennick in October (visit or your local fishery for more details and heat dates).
Please visit the for more details on ticket prices, fishery information, clubs, competitions and boat availability.