Salmon and sea trout forge up river as welcome rain falls

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A rise in local rivers has brought a few salmon and sea trout into North Devon’s Rivers. Middle beats of the Torridge have seen both salmon and sea trout caught in perfect conditions. With more rain falling as I write this prospects are excellent for the next week. Several sea trout have been caught on the Torridge along with Salmon. Reports from the Taw are scarce though I would be very surprised if there have not been a few tempted.

Anthony Willmington netted a stunning 14lb fresh run salmon at Little Warham Fishery. A deep set cock fish which put up a strong, powerful and enjoyable fight before being Safely returned.

At twilight last Barry Mills netted this fantastic 4.5lb sea trout @littlewarhamfishery a silver sparkle and a joy to see for tired eyes! Returned safely.

Sea Angling – Competition Results

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Appledore Shipbuilders

Sixteen members of Appledore Shipbuilders fished a blustery day to compete in their monthly rover. Chris Boon was the winner with a bass of 4lb 12oz. David Atkinson runner up with a gilthead bream of 2lb 105/8oz and third Andrew Atkinson with a smoothound of 6lb 4oz.


Andrew Atkinson – smoothound 6lb 4oz


Stephen Found secured first and second in Bideford Angling Clubs monthly Rover tempting thin lipped grey mullet of 4lb 103/4oz and 4lb 8oz. In third place was Dick Talbot with a dogfish of 2lb 12oz and forth Andrew Clements with a thick lipped grey mullet of 3lb 10oz.

North Devon Match Group Summer league No. 4 Highampton lakes Results :

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North Devon Match Group Summer league No. 4 Highampton lakes Results :


Tom Downing

59lb 2oz


Graham Currington

39 lb 14oz


Nathan Underwood

38lb 12oz


Andrew Gratton

37lb 14oz .

Fished by 16 anglers, very windy conditions , Tom has fished the method feeder and pole in the margins for a convincing victory on peg 8, the next 3places were much closer Graham came out best on peg 10 using similar tactics, Nathan just behind from peg 1 , top weight on the smaller lake was section winner

Mark Richards

with 30lb 7oz.

Catfish on the feed at Anglers Paradise

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Here we have Adam Whitehouse with just one of the many Cats he and Stacey Mulqueen caught between them from the Main Carp Lake, this one weighing in at 64lbs!
Make sure you TUNE into TALKSPORT2 and listen to Fisherman’s Blues with Nigel Botherway on Sunday 5th July at 7.30am as he will be joined by Stacey Mulqueen to talk about her massive 94lb Wels Catfish and becoming the New Record Holder!

Anglers Paradise

Bideford & District Angling Club – Mid Week Result

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Many thanks to Martin Turner for his regular updates on Bideford Club Coarse events. For more details on Bideford Club visit my club page on link below.


BDAC Summer evening league round 4 results:

Martin Hawker

15lb 14oz

Keith Mountjoy

15lb 1oz

Stephen Craker

14lb 6oz

David Bailey

13lb 1oz

Stuart Sharp

12lb 7oz

Martin Turner

12lb 1oz

Steve Ashton

10lb 2oz ,

18 fished. Tonight’s 3 hour evening match was won by, committee member , Martin on peg 2 . His net of good quality carp fell to pole fished bread and corn , Keith continues his run with another 2nd. place to push him well clear at the top of the league. Keith used soft pellets for skimmers on peg 13 , Stephen finished a close 3rd on unfancied peg 22. Tonight’s weather was mild and breezy leading to a close match.

Summer Fishing at Wimbleball


As we enter July trout fishing tends get harder going as the water temperature rises and the fish go deeper. I was eager to get out onto Wimbleball before the summer doldrums set in and had arranged to meet with Snowbee ambassador Jeff Pearce for a day afloat.

I met up with Jeff at the boat launching bay just before 9.00am and my spirits were immediately lifted by the enthusiastic banter that was flowing amongst the anglers gathering for a day on the water. I have found that angling has been a great antidote to the widespread doom and gloom of the COVID pandemic.

We were all greeted cheerfully by Trevor the fisheries resident guide and bailiff who is always willing to offer valuable advice on where to fish and what tactics to employ.

It seemed the perfect day for trout fishing with a moderate westerly breeze and broken cloud cover. If this had been a month earlier teams of buzzers would have been the way to go I am sure but general consensus was now for deeper water and lures.

During the more difficult days of mid to late summer a boat gives a significant advantage allowing a larger area of the lake to be explored.

Jeff and I decided on a few casts in the sailing club bay just to get warmed up so to speak. As we drifted slowly Jeff caught a glimpse of a good sized rainbow estimated at 6lb + and put his olive damsel into the area. The fish immediately seized the offering and erupted from the water in a flurry of spray. I grabbed for the camera to no avail as Jeff pulled in a slack line to reveal that the hook had partially opened out. Testament to Wimbleball’s hard fighting fish or a dodgy hook?

I had one trout follow my lure in the bay but after this early success we decided to head out onto the lake proper. The deeper water up near the dam seemed a good idea so it was off to there that we headed powered by the petrol outboard.

Drifting the margins Jeff had the first chance as a trout likened to a tuna chased a damsel nymph to the side of the boat. A few more glimpses of trout brought excited comments from Jeff as we explored the lakes margins that dropped off into deep-water within just yards of the bank.

After a few tentative plucks the first fish of the day was secured. A small handsome rudd of just over 8oz!

The Upton Arm has a reputation for producing some superb wild brown trout. And so we headed up into this delightfully wooded bay. Drifting with the strong breeze proved a little too fast even with the drogue so we decided to drop anchor at a promising looking spot not too far off the shoreline. I often ponder upon this for when we fish from boats we often strive to get close to shore whilst when we shore fish we aim to put our flies as far out as possible. In truth the margin of the lake is its biggest and most often productive zone.


This area soon proved a good call as Jeff hooked a fine rainbow of close to 5lb that used its broad tail to good effect. Over the next couple of hours Jeff added another three rainbows to the tally. I couldn’t get a pull and started to question what I was doing wrong. I was on a sinking line and fishing a damsel nymph whilst Jeff was on a sink tip with using various large nymphs on the point a yellow and red buzzer on a dropper.

As the fishing eased we decided perhaps unwisely to try elsewhere and headed for the deep water of the Narrows close to some old boat launching steps. Sticking with  the sinking line and a damsel nymph I searched the deep water. Suddenly the line zipped tight and a rainbow of a couple of pounds graced the net. Over the next couple of hour’s we drifted around anchored  for periods and it was me that started to enjoy success adding a couple more to the days total.

As afternoon drifted into evening we decided on a last half an hour back in the sailing club bay. After a few casts another rainbow hit my black zulu on the dropper. With four trout each it seemed a good time to head for home.

As we packed away the gear the lake looked superb in the early evening light. We reflected upon an enjoyable day of two halves. A morning when Jeff seemed to charm the trout and an afternoon when I somehow found the key to success. These long hard summer days though challenging are often just as rewarding as those easier days of plenty in the early season.

We will be back in search of those broad backed tuna shaped rainbows with full tails before too long!


Angling Heritage – Sturgeon update

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A little while ago Keith at AH wrote a short feature for North Devon Angling News relating to sturgeon I have added to story with Angling Heritages up to date list of sturgeon catches in the UK. Wales was undoubtedly the hotspot for these magnificent fish. Its so sad that we have allowed out waters to become devoid of these mighty fish.

Sturgeon in North Devon – Can you help?

I am sure many of you will see that we are compiling a list of sturgeon “captures” by whatever method, caught in UK waters.  This seems to have aroused a lot of interest so we have set up one of the “Articles” on the webpage to show an up-to -date listing of the data we have found so far. The link is for those who have problems finding it.

There are also plenty of other articles which make fascinating reading there too.

Latest Carp from South West lakes Trust Waters

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Mervyn Beal who had this 23lb mirror from Upper Tamar at 5am this morning. 20mm Nash scopex squid bottom bait with a 5 bait stringer fished at 10 wraps

(Below)Pretty hard going for the group who booked Lower Tamar the last 3 days. The best fish were these at 24lb and 22lb and some huge bream!!

(Below) Lower Slade is producing some amazing fish right now! They do not come any better than this 20lb mirror for Bob Davey.


Hacche Moor Carp Trip

After my recent carp fishing blank, I was keen to make amends and actually put a carp on the bank. I decided that a change of venue would be a good idea to perhaps break the spell. A quick ring around and I secured a day’s fishing at Hacche Moor Fishery’s Bottom Lake close to South Molton. This lake has been established for several years and has a good head of carp up to 36lb with numerous twenty plus specimens.

On arrival one of the anglers at the lake was already in action playing what looked like a good fish. Eager to get set up I hurried on to choose a suitable swim and did not wait to see what the scales read.

There were four anglers on the lake and two were vacating swims and moving into the swims that I fancied in the prevailing conditions. The two anglers had already fished for three nights and days without a fish so moving into their vacated swims seemed a bit concerning. But it all looked right and the other two angers on the lake had caught indicating that success was likely if the correct approach was adopted.

It was good to be set up and sheltering beneath my brolly confident that a carp would slip up. I fished one rod off the Island and another to my left a rods length from the margin. On the Island rod I fished a Sticky Bait Krill Boilie in conjunction with a small PVA bag of crushed boilie and small krill pellet. On the margin rod I employed a couple of old school baits planning to randomly  alternate bait with each cast.

I settled down to the waiting game changing baits from time to time and scattering a few free offerings around each rig. Swallows swooped over the lake and I relished the summer scene. In the background I could hear the constant buzz of traffic and industrial work at the nearby building site. The sounds reminded me of the outside world not too far from this oasis of calm water amidst lush green life.

Late afternoon and my confidence was ebbing slightly. I decided on a slight modification to my margin set up and slipped a back lead to the line pinning it close to the bottom.

Half an hour later the Delkim sang out the line ripped from the reel and rod bounced in the rests…..after a pleasing battle a handsome mirror was safely in the net. At 14lb 8oz it was no monster by todays standards but very welcome.

With confidence restored I made a fresh coffee and savoured a moment of success. Two hours later the same rod was away again and another fine looking mirror carp was safely netted and posed with me for a quick picture kindly taken by the angler next door. We both thought it would be close to twenty but I was not at all disappointed when the scales told the truth at 17lb 8oz.

With the blank spell broken I can resume my occasional carp fishing with renewed confidence a vital ingredient to success in all fishing. I fished on for another couple of hours until the light began to fade and was delighted to hear a bite alarm ringing out as one of the long stay anglers enjoyed success adding to a fish he had taken earlier in the afternoon whilst I was banking my first fish.

I pondered as I drove home. Did the fish switch on to feed for that period or did pinning the line to lakebed disguise the trap?