Summer Spate

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After a long dry spring salmon and sea trout anglers will be feeling optimistic following a substantial rise in all of North Devons rivers.

The Torridge at Dolton is up to 1.14 M

The Taw at Umberleigh – 1.40 M

The Lyn at Brendon = 2.00 M

The rivers will be too high and coloured initially but should come good over the coming days. The Lyn will be first to be fishable and should produce fish from Friday, May 14th.

The Taw and Torridge will take a few days to settle down but may be fishable by late in the weekend.

River Taw Fisheries member Mike George tempted a fine fresh run salmon from a mid Taw beat after last weeks small spate the latest spate should ensure salmon are spread throughout the Taw & Torridge catchments.

Good Practice Guide


Catching the fish

Use appropriate tackle. Rod and line should be strong enough to bring the fish to net swiftly and without playing it to exhaustion. Move the fish out of fast water as soon as possible. The use of barbless single or double hooks is recommended. Barbed hooks can be rendered barbless by pinching with pliers.

Catch and Release
RTFA strongly recommends that you practise catch and release whenever possible.

Playing the fish

When playing a fish try not to play it to exhaustion but land it as quickly as is possible.

Landing the fish

Use a fine knotless meshed landing net. No gaffs or tailers may be used. Ensure the fish remains in the water at all times.
Do not beach or tail a fish.

Handling the fish

Ensure that hands are wet and avoid squeezing the fish.

Removing the hook

Remove the hook gently, using forceps or a hook disgorger.
Should the fish be deep-hooked cut the line as near to the hook as possible.

Recording the fish

Do not weigh the fish, but calculate its length and subsequently use a length/weight conversion chart (see below) to find the weight. Suitable length marks on rod or wading-stick can be helpful. Photographs of the fish should only be taken while the fish is in the water.

Reviving and releasing the fish

Support the fish with both hands in a gentle current and facing upstream.
Allow time for the fish to regain its strength and be able to swim away on its own.


To guard against disease that can damage our fish stocks fishermen are directed to the Environment Agency’s website for “Guidance on Disinfecting Fishing Tackle”.

The Environment Agency Incident Hotline

For reporting any serious environmental incident such as pollution, poaching or fish in distress is

0800 807 060

  • RTFA strongly believes that fishermen are the best guardians of our river and if you fish

    the Taw why not join the Association to support our efforts.

  • Contact us via our website at or phone our Treasurer, Richard Nickell on 10271 344533 / 07884 073932

Wimbleball Fly Fishery welcomes back disabled anglers as Covid-19 restrictions ease

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The Wheelyboat Trust relies on donations from individuals and organisations to fund its important work.

Help get more Wheelyboats on the UK’s waters by texting WHEELYBOAT to 70085 to donate £5. Thank you.

Wimbleball Fly Fishery welcomes back disabled anglers as Covid-19 restrictions ease

A wheelchair accessible fishing boat, a ‘Coulam 16 Wheelyboat’, is back on the water in Somerset, enabling disabled anglers to access the lake independently


Disabled anglers across the South West and beyond can once again fish at Wimbleball Lake in Somerset, courtesy of a brand-new wheelchair accessible fishing boat and lockdown restrictions easing.


The purpose-built angling boat, a ‘Coulam 16 Wheelyboat’, arrived at Wimbleball Lake in the Exmoor National Park in March 2020, but due to the national lockdowns, its use throughout last year was somewhat disrupted.

But now, as Covid-19 restrictions ease, The Wheelyboat Trust, the Angling Trust and Wimbleball Fly Fishery are delighted to announce this Coulam 16 Wheelyboat is up and running, and ready for disabled anglers to use this spring, summer and beyond.

Wimbleball’s new Coulam 16 Wheelyboat will enable disabled anglers and wheelchair users to access the clear waters of Wimbleball Lake and fish independently for top quality rainbow and wild brown trout, courtesy of renowned Rainbow Valley Trout Farm near Bampton.

In 2019 national charities The Wheelyboat Trust and the Angling Trust joined forces and invited fisheries and angling clubs throughout the UK to apply for seven part-funded Coulam 16 Wheelyboats, allowing disabled anglers with independent access to fishing sites across the UK. Now, one of these brand-new Coulam 16

Stafford Moor Latest Open Result

posted in: Match Fishing, Sidebar | 0
Open match today on Tanners and Woodpecker lakes with a continental payout.
Turned out to be  dry weather wise after early showers but still a really cold wind.
 Top weight of the day was from Nigel Rhodes who bagged 236lb 3oz from peg 1 on Woodpecker Lake.
Runner up was Chris Davis  212lb 9oz and third Martin Heard with 153lb 7oz from peg 18 on Woodpecker Lake.
The  next match is Wednesday May 12th (I only have a few spaces left) or next Sunday is looking so full it looks like it will be 3 lakes including the new mighty Oak ! Will be the first match since the works have all been done on Oak.
So please let Jo  know if you would like to enter.

Bideford and District Angling club coarse section monthly competition

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Results: 22 anglers fished

1st Paul Elworthy   29lb 11oz

2nd Kevin Shears  26lb 10oz

3rd Steve Johnson  26lb 8oz

4th Nathan Underwood  26lb

5th Martin Turner 22lb 10oz

6th Keith Mountjoy  18lb 10oz .

The club were able to welcome Match-men back for the first match to be held on Tarka since last October. A mild day with a light SSW breeze ensured a close match. New member Paul made his first visit pay with a near 30lb net of good bream and a single carp on peg 19 for victory , second place went to regular Kevin on peg 4 with a pole caught net of smaller carp and bream, Steve on peg 20 just 2oz behind on peg 20 came 3rd. Thanks to all for abiding by our covid awareness guide.


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After a long dry spell we have at last had a substantial fall of Rain across the area that resulted in the first spate of late spring. Coinciding with building Spring tides this should encourage a run of salmon and sea trout into North Devon’s rivers. I would expect the Taw and Torridge to be fishable by mid week as the water clears. The Lower Taw may rise slowly as tributaries from high on the moors lowly release into the main river. The Lyn has had a substantial rise but will fall quickly and be fishable from today with Tuesday likely to be the prime day.

Latest levels can be found via the EA link –

The river levels at 07:15 on May 9th

River Torridge at Dolton – 0.85 M

River Taw at Umberleigh – 0.40

East Lyn at Brendon – 0.40


Blakewell Fishery is a picturesque and tranquil small-water trout fishery that is located just over a mile from the market town of Barnstaple. The clear waters offer quality Fly Fishing for rainbow trout and brown trout that are stocked into double figures attracting anglers from across the region.

The fishery is best approached using a light to medium outfit (6/7wt) with floating lines and imitative patterns working throughout the year. Day Tickets are £45.00 for a five fish limit. You can book online or call Richard Nickell on 07884 073932

The venue is perfect for new comers to Fly Fishing as it is less-intimidating than larger venues that may prove off putting to those starting out. Fly Fishing tuition is available on site with resident instructors. See Website for full details.

The fishing is often at its best during the winter months when the trout flourish in the cool water that flows in from Bradiford Water.

A Brace of Winter Doubles