Bideford Angling Club – Evening Match Result – Heat 3

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Results :

1st Nathan Underwood 24lb 15oz

2nd Steve Johnson  16lb 14oz

3rd Tom Downing  14lb 10oz

4th Martin Turner 11lb 12oz

5th Kevin Shears 11lb 7oz

6th Steve Ashton 10lb 7oz

19 fished . Warm , overcast conditions led to another close match, Nathan bettered his 2 second places with a win on this, the 3rd match of our evening series. He has caught a great net of silver fish shallow on the pole on peg 19 and added a decent carp late on. Steve’s peg 12 has produced some better skimmers for second, Tom made a long overdue return and promptly took 3rd prize on peg 8 another net of good quality skimmers on meat.


With a calm day forecast it was great to arrive at Ilfracombe harbour and climb aboard John Barbeary’s Bluefin with members of South Molton Angling Club. With bottom fishing a little slow close to Ilfracombe John had suggested a trip to try the prolific fishing grounds close to Lundy Island. A trip out to fish in the vicinity of this rugged granite outcrop twenty five plus miles from Ilfracombe is a sortie I always relish as the scenery is spectacular and adds a welcome dimension to the fishing.

With reports of a few early tope showing first stop would be to anchor up and fish over low water with big baits. It was misty as we sailed out of Ilfracombe and headed West towards Lundy. As we looked back the morning sun started to burn through the morning mist and illuminate the Bristol Channel. A porpoise rolled in front of the boat. We all chatted enthusiastically about fish, the lack of fish and life in general as John delivered hot coffees and teas.

By the time we arrived at the banks and dropped anchor the sunshine had broken through and we were sat upon a mirror calm sea of blue. A variety of large fish baits were sent into the deep clear water impaled upon large strong hooks attached to wire traces or strimmer cord!

Within minutes Matt Brady was in action as a hard fighting tope seized his bait putting a healthy bend in his rod. Over the next hour or so over the low water slack a succession of tope hit our baits in a feeding frenzy giving exciting tussles and a few frustrating tangles. In total 16 tope were boated along with a few bull huss to 11lb a couple of smoothound and one or two inevitable doggies.


By the sound of the voices echoing across the water anglers were enjoying similar sport a short distance away in another Charter boat.

As the tide started to pick up general consensus was that we should try  drifting for other species using lures and baited feathers.

Drifting the West side of Lundy gave an opportunity to view the spectacular granite cliffs that were in parts decorated with patches of pink thrift. Cormorants stood drying their wings and seals basked in the warm sun. We even caught sight of a few puffins with their bright clown like beaks.

The fish finder showed plenty of fish close to the bottom yet action was slow as we drifted over the numerous peaks and pinnacles that lie to the West of Lundy. Sidewinders brought a few hard fighting pollock up around 4lb and baited feathers attracted more pollock a solitary small coalfish and some brightly coloured cuckoo wrasse.

John worked hard searching the reefs but it was obvious that the fish were not feeding well. This could have been due to the small tide we were fishing, light values or even lure choice. The complexities of angling are many and as I often say this all part of this intriguing game.

It was an enjoyable cruise back to Ilfracombe on a calm sea. The beautiful North Devon coast looked splendid with its steep green cliffs punctuated with vast sandy beaches that were undoubtedly packed with families, surfers and sun-worshippers.

The sizeable pollock were filleted a tasty and healthy reward for the day afloat.

We soon glided into Ilfracombe harbour dominated by the conversation stimulating statue Verity. Tourists were abundant and it was good to sense a feeling of normality returning to the seaside town.


Bideford Angling Club & Appledore Shipbuilders- June Rover Results

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June rover results

1st Julien Stainer smoothhound 8lb 13 88.125%

2nd Paul Ackland smoothound 8ln 7 1/2 84.687%

3rd Terry Dymond smoothound 7lb 14 78.750%

4th Terry Dymond smoothound 7lb 5 73.125%

13 members fished The June rover.
Richard Boon took the victory with a Smoothound exactly 10lb.
Second was Steve Ford with a Gilthead Bream of 3lb 13ozs and 3rd was Terry Dymond with a Smoothound of 7lb 14ozs.

Bideford Angling Club – Junior Event

Bideford Angling Club held the first of their Summer fishing events at Tarka Swims. Great to see a good number of juniors coming into fishing. Well done to Bideford for such a sterling effort.
Today’s first Junior Event Tarka Swims , Results: Over 14’s
1st Tom Scott  9lb 15oz
2nd Tyler Scoot   6lb 12oz
3rd   Adam Wheeler 6lb 6oz
4th Joe Westcott 3lb 9oz
Under 14’s
1st Charlie H 4lb 6oz
2nd Tom G 2lb 1oz.
Our junior members enjoyed the 3 hour afternoon event on the shallower pegs, conditions were warm and overcast.Tom landed a late carp on peg 22 to secure victory, older brother Tyler had a good mixed net on peg 23 for second, just pipping Adam in to third. Many thanks to our helpers and a special thank you to Tom Downing for securing a fine box of prizes from BaitTech also thanks to Summerlands of Westward Ho!

Stafford Moor Carp

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Stafford Moor is as ever producing some stunning carp catches as summer weather finally starts to settle.

(Below) Ben Smith  fished on swim 12 up on lodge lake. Ben banked 9 fish up to 26lb 6oz, all fish were caught on Mainline Cell and our Stafford Moor house bait.

(Below) Darren Reeve who stayed at the Moor with Gemma & their boyz in Cherry Specimen lodge. Darren had 33 fish out up to 31lb 4oz.

OVER 50s Festival Stafford Moor

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See below full report from Jo at Stafford Moor. 
Some awesome weights as always from this stunning venue.
“Hi all oh what a fabulous week!
Just want to say how we have loved having you all here for our Over 50’s Festival 2021 sponsored by MOSELLA UK. Talking of MOSELLA UK can you believe that our sponsor has only gone and won the festival what a liberty !!! Anyone would think he’s a good fisherman ! Haha oh a huge Well done Vic Bush  amazing ! Vic won with a perfect score of just 4 points and a total weight of 427lb well done Vic well deserved 👍 🥇🏆thank you Vic for all the spot prizes kindly donated by yourself most appreciated and thank you for sponsoring our festival.
In second place with a score of just 5 points and a total weight of 560lb 2oz was Mark Layzell well done Mark 🥈
In third place with a score of 6 points and a total weight of 583lb 1oz was Clayton Hudson well done Clayton 🥉
The full winning list is shown below. All winners if you haven’t already need to call me tomorrow so I can have your Bacs details to transfer your winnings for you.
Thank you so much to everyone who fished our festival your continued support is amazing !! Plus thank you all so much for supporting th JO-OP 😂😂
Our festivals all have waiting lists now so if you are interested in fishing any of them please let me know to add you to the reserve list as you may still get in 👍 Such a difference to when we took over and struggled to fill any of the festivals so the support that you all show us is off the chart ! 🙏
Thank you everyone !
Paul & Jo “

Double figure Taw sea trout

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Richard Nickell co-owner of Blakewell Fishery followed up recent successes with salmon and Twaite Shad tempting this stunning sea trout estimated at 10lb 8oz.

As the rivers drop back after the recent summer spate sea trout will provide exciting fishing for the nocturnal fly fisher.

Salmon numbers after the big summer spate have been disappointing with around half a dozen reported from both Taw and Torridge. This could be as a result of reduced fishing effort from the ongoing COVID crisis or possibly as a result of the salmon run being well spread after the prolonged spate.