Bideford & District Evening Pairs Event

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BDAC Evening pairs event. Results:
1st Pair Kevin Shears and Craig Crash Lamey 52lb 2oz
2nd Tyler Scott and Antony Bentley 45lb 2oz
3rd Les Golden and Roger Ackroyd 41lb 11 oz
The decent weather continued , allowing us to fish our final evening match of this summer. The pairs format combines two anglers wieghts, Kevin and Craig have fished pegs 19 and 9 for a convincing victory. The lake has produced consistently good catches right through the series, a credit to all involved.

North Devon Match Group @ Oaktree

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Thanks for the report from John Forster
Oaktree South Molton ,
The weather was forecast unsettled , and sure enough it was raining lol
However with 13 fishing it was going to be enjoyable with 3 sections and a winner ,so after everything is sorted 1 person couldnt make it ,so rethink lol easy enough to do and 12 of us when into the bag,
the morning was very slow for me as was the whole day and for a few others ,this is the 3rd match that has been like this and the question has to be asked ?
but here are the results.
Lake Winner
Nathan Underwood 44lb 1oz
Section winners
Section 1
Christopher Morris 40lb 10oz
Section 2
Graham Currington 42lb14oz

Stafford Moor Match Results

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Lee Werrett won Stafford Moors 2021 Fisho-Festival and £1000 with a bag if 183lb.

The venues latest open Match Results.
In 1st place was Nigel Rhodes  with 223lb 7oz from peg 11 on Woodpecker Lake.
In 2nd place was Steve Ford with 182lb 12oz from peg 2 on Tanners.
In 3rd place was Mark Layzel with 174lb 15oz from peg 5 on Woodpecker Lake.

Ben Smeeth Leaves South West Lakes Trust

South West Lakes Trusts head of Coarse Fishing Ben Smeeth is leaving the trust after close to twenty years of sterling service. Ben will be missed by many in the angling community having contributed to a thriving Coarse fishing portfolio that includes several of North Devon’s favourite angling venues.

Ben Smeeth pictured at Upper Tamar Lake


“After nearly 20 years with the Trust it is time for a new challenge. I have made many friends and have worked with some fantastic colleagues during that time and am very grateful for the opportunities I have been given within the organisation. I feel very lucky to have worked on and around the amazing lakes for so long and I am very proud of the achievements that have been made. I am leaving to take up a fishery manager role with another organisation but leave with a heavy heart. I wish everyone at SW Lakes and everyone I have come to know during my time here a very happy, safe and prosperous future.
Ben Smeeth – Visitor Experience Manager North / Head of Coarse Fishing.”


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Bideford August Rover Results

1st Julien Stainer – smoothound 9lb 10 1/2oz

2nd Andrew Clements – thick lipped mullet 3lb 4oz

                                            3rd Julien Stainer  – smoothound 8lb

13 members fished in Appledore Shipbuilders  August Rover.
Michael Hammett took the honours with a fine specimen Smoothound of 13lb 10 1/4ozs. He also came second with another specimen Smoothound of 11lb 2ozs. 3rd was Keiran Jewell with another Nice Smoothound of 9lb 10ozs.

Bideford and District Angling Club versus Plymouth and District Coarse Angling Club

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Many thanks to Martin Turner for the report
Bideford and District Angling Club versus Plymouth and District Coarse Angling Club,
Tarka Swims,.
Results Individuals :
1st Kevin Shears 37lb
2nd Les Polden 34lb 4oz
3rd Keith Mountjoy  29lb 11oz
4th Nathan Underwood 25lb 1oz
5th Graham Johnson 22lb 11oz
6th Colin Cherrington 19lb 12oz .
Team results BDAC 230lb 4oz PDCAC 63lb 4oz Over both legs 264lb to 93lb .
The second leg of this annual 12 aside competition was held on George’s Lake , we got a brief soaking whilst setting up but the day improved for the 5 hour contest, Kevin led Bideford to a resounding victory, with an impressive net of mainly skimmer bream caught on the pole on peg 7 . Bideford filled the top 4 berths, 2nd place was Les with another pole caught net on peg 11 . Plymouth’s best, Graham Johnson took 5th spot with a feeder caught net of carp on peg 8. We thank the lads from Plymouth and hope to see them all again next time.

Environment Agency – North Devon’s New Fishery Officer

The East Lyn River is one of my favourite locations a beautiful river that holds an array of personal angling memories accumulated over forty years. I arranged to catch up with North Devon’s new Environment Agency Fishery Officer Callum Underhill so this venue seemed a logical location to meet up and exchange notes.


Callum is filling the shoes of Paul Carter who retired from the Environment Agency after more than three decades patrolling and safeguarding North Devons waters. It was immediately apparent that Callum brings a great deal of dedication and passion to the role that involves a vast patch of North Devon with the Rivers Taw, Torridge and Lyn at the heart of operations.

A keen coarse angler originating from Somerset he is keen to expand his angling forays to include both Fly Fishing and Sea Angling. Before moving to the South West Callum worked as a fishery officer in the Midlands.

We walked the Lyn exchanging many fishy tales and lamenting the decline in salmon and sea trout stocks across the region. In particular we discussed the fabulous East Lyn and its excellent wild brown trout fishing that is available at a very reasonable £5.00 per day. This season has also seen several salmon caught and released close to 10lb.

We discussed a vast range of issues relating to North Devon including law enforcement, pollution, Climate change, regulations, Rod Licences and bylaws. We also discussed coastal issues and the work of IFCA and the overlap in responsibilities. Callum has a vast knowledge of the issues and the politics behind them and will I am sure prove a vital asset to North Devon assisting both anglers and conservation interests.

Anglers are encouraged to report any concerns regarding illegal fishing activity, poaching or pollution to the Environment Agency

Incident hotline
Telephone: 0800 80 70 60
24-hour service