Bideford Angling Club Monthly Competition

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BDAC Monthly Competition Tarka Swims –
Results :
1st Craig Crash Lamey  21lb 15oz
2nd graham Currington  11lb 14oz
3rd Steve Ashton  6lb 7oz
4th Roger Ackroyd  6lb 2oz
5th Martin Turner 5lb 3oz
6th Steve Johnson  4lb 11oz .
18 fished
Craig has set the early pace in this year’s league, he found half a dozen carp prepared to nibble on his double red maggot , pole fished on peg 9.
Graham ,on peg 10 ,caught 3 carp also on the pole for second. Next two places , Steve and Roger ,both had late carp to ensure section wins. Best silver net was Martin on peg 15 .
The cool conditions, heavy rain throughout the preceding days and clear water led to a very tough match.
Worth taking a look at the new club website :-

Specimens from the North Devon Shoreline

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The last few weeks have seen sea anglers investing plenty of effort into unlocking the secrets that dwell within the deep and murky waters. When conditions come right windows of opportunity open and the fishing can be good as Combe Martin SAC members Ali Laird and Jamie Steward discovered when they enjoyed success fishing from the Rocky shoreline.

During a couple of hectic sessions they successfully landed tope, Bull Huss, spurdog and conger. The fish are pictured below.

Ali Laird – tope 36lb 6oz
Ali Laird – Bull Huss 11lb 14oz



Ali Laird – spurdog 8lb 10oz

Jamie Steward – tope 34lb 9oz
Jamie Steward – spurdog 11lb 3oz
Jamie Steward – Bull Huss 11lb. 10oz
Jamie Steward -Spurdog


Jamie Steward – conger 17lb

It is easy to glance at these images and believe that the anglers make these sort of catches every trip. I can assure you that many trips result in little more than tackle tangling encounters with small conger and dogfish. On many occasions everything feels right and yet the better fish fail to show. I invest a moderate number of hours fishing the coast and my number one priority is to enjoy my fishing. I know that if I persist the right tide will come and my bait will be in the right place and hopefully my knots will hold and the fish will be held aloft for that pleasing trophy shot and another fishing memory in life’s bank of experiences.


Trout in Paradise

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Anglers Paradise is well known for its Coarse Fishing but it also has a trout lake offering Fly-Fishing and lure fishing  for a range of species. The option of lure fishing for trout might be advantageous for those who have not mastered the art of Fly- Fishing. In my limited experience in most lakes the fly will out fish the lure most days.
The fishing is catch and release with barbless hooks only.
Trout Lake (Fly fishing or Lure fishing) for various species of Trout and our predator Lake Valhalla (Lure fishing only)for some fun Pike action.
Zenia Gregory and her family enjoyed a couple of hours family time on their trout lake and caught Tiger, Rainbow, Blue and a Brownie Trout.  Joe caught a Pike yesterday from Valhalla Lake on a lure.
Day Tickets are £20

To book your session, please call 📞 01409221559 strictly between 9am to 4.30pm.

Anglers Paradise

North Devon Match Group – Result

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North Devon Match Groups first match of 2022 was a sell out ,
24 Anglers fished and it was nice to meet up with some new members and people hadnt seen for a while ,
Weather was a bit up and down with sun and rain and it seemed the general concensus that it was going to be hard
With the draw done ( Thanks to Nathan Underwood and Debbie Shears Kev} for pegging the lakes everyone went off to get ready
as it was thought it was hard more so on the bottom lake than the top but both fished hard
here are the winners etc
Top Lake
1st Garry Thornton peg 7 42lb 1oz
2nd Nathan Underwood peg 8 38lb 3oz
3rd Kevin Shears peg 6 37lb
Bottom Lake
1st Steve Hayman peg 15 13lb 2oz
2nd Graham Curnow peg23 11lb 14oz
3rd Keith Mountjoy peg19 11lb

Angling Trust – Marine – Wyvern Region Open Shore Slapton, South Devon,

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On the 2nd Jan 2022.

The South West’s first major event in 2022 attracted 111 anglers to the South Hams to fish the annual Angling Trust Wyvern Open Festival, with some competitors traveling from South Wales & the Isle of White, the weather conditions on the day saw a strong, west / south westerly wind with occasional heavy showers for the five hour event.  Whiting, Dogfish, Pouting, flounder, dab, spotted ray & an excellent Small Eyed Ray were caught during the event, 64 competitors returned to the scales with fish to record. The results were announced within half an hour of the close of scales at the Festival Headquarters at the Stokeley Farm Shop.

The main sponsor was Julian Shambrook of Anyfish Anywhere Ltd, a major fishing tackle manufacturer, based in Torquay.  All of the sponsors for the day were thanked for their continuing support each year, also a big thank you to Stokeley for their hospitality & providing an excellent venue.

The worthy winner, was the main sponsor Julian, Julian apart from being our sponsor for the event had fished it for over 30 years but had never won the competition before, he recorded a specimen Whiting of 1.775lb & a  L.S.D. of 2.220lb (207.14%),he was presented with the top prize of £200 cash and the Brixham Bowl. The other tackle prizes were valued at over £800 and were awarded down to 12th place, these were announced by the Chairman of the Wyvern Region Alex Parker, and presented by Julian Shambrook.

The Region promotes the Angling Trust “Take Five” anti litter campaign and encourages all anglers to leave the beaches cleaner than they found them.

The first Twelve Places are as follows:-

First :                              £200                            Brixham Bowl

Julian Shambrook            Torquay                      Whiting           1.775 lb


L.S.D.            2.220 lb                Total: 207.14%


Second                             Pick of the Prize table   & Bideford Cup Cup

Claire Loder                     Newport                      S E Ray           11.245 lb


Whiting           0.965 lb“             Total: 204.91%


Third                               Pick of the Prize table &   Appledore Cup

Tony Honeywell                                                L.S.D.     1.605 lb

Whiting  1.96 lb                           Total:  194.87%


Fourth                             Pick of the Prize table & Sidmouth Cup

Mike Rose                       3 counties                  Whiting   1.37 lb


L.S.D.    2.415lb                           Total:  187.94 %


Fifth                                Pick of the Prize table

Ben Bradstock                 Honiton S.A.C.           Whiting           1.68 lb


L.S.D.            1.85 lb                  Total:  186.00%


Sixth                                Pick of the Prize table

Paul Rohrabaugh             Sidmouth S.A.C.         Whiting           1.705 lb


L.S.D.            1.575lb                     Total:  176.67%


Seventh                           Pick of the Prize table

Dave Lane                       Weymouth AC                                     Whiting          1.485 lb


L.S.D.            1.925lb                     Total:  176.00%


Eighth                             Pick of the Prize table

Marcus Ward                   T&B A.S.A                 Whiting           1.375 lb


L.S.D.            2.045lb                     Total:  173.47%


Ninth                               Pick of the Prize table

Dave Reed                       S.W.A.F.S.A.C           Whiting           1.39 lb


L.S.D.            1.965 lb                   Total:  171.27%


Tenth                               Pick of the Prize table

Mark Barnett                   Kingsbridge S.A.C.    Whiting           1.33 lb


L.S.D.            1.965lb                     Total:  167.27%


Eleventh                          Pick of the Prize table

Darren Newland              Isle of White               Whiting           1.505 lb


L.S.D.            1.67 lb                        Total:  167.14%


Twelfth                            Pick of the Prize table

Nick Snow                                                           Whiting           1.535 lb


L.S.D.             1.60 lb                      Total:  166.34%


Best Team           Team Shield:  ( Team of four anglers, Best fish by each angler)

Team:   Anyfish Anywhere


Rob Marshall

Julian Shambrook

Marcus Ward

Ben Bradstock


Total    394.01%.

 Pool  (best individual species) 


1/   50%   Claire Loder 140.57% Newport

2/   30%   Tony Honeywell 130.67%

3/   20%   Julian Shambrook 118.34% Torquay


Specimen spurdog, conger and huss in CMSAC Competition

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Aaron Brooker 13lb 15oz spurdog

Aaron Brooker took the top two places Combe Martin SAC’s week long Blow Away the Excess competition. A fine specimen spurdog of 13lb 15oz taking first and a 23lb 11oz conger taking the runner up spot. Shane Pavio Hookway was third with a specimen bull buss of 11lb 3oz.


Aaron Brooker conger 23lb 11oz


Shane Pavio Hookway – bull huss 11lb 3oz

Bull Huss haul

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Combe Martin SAC member Kevin Legge ventured out on to a low water Bristol Channel mark and put together this impressive bag of six double figure bull huss.
Kevin fished with AMMO squid and launce baits on Varivas Catfish hooks to make his daylight haul.
The fish were caught within a short spell of time and were placed in a deep rock pool ahead of a photo opportunity.