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Blakewell Fishery reopens on Monday, February 21st after closing for close to six weeks to allow draining of the Lake for weed removal. The lake has been restocked with hard fighting rainbow trout and its reopening will welcomed by North Devon’s Fly Fishers. Richard Nickel informed me that several large trees in the vicinity were blown down during Storm Eunice. Fortunately this has not impacted upon access to the lake or its fishing.

The coming months should see exciting sport at this delightful Stillwater trout fishery close to Barnstaple.

Monster Spurdog

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Combe Martin SAC member Kyle Bishop has landed a huge spurdog of 18lb 1oz equalling his previous club record caught last winter.

Fellow angler Dan Spearman also enjoyed great sport with several spurdog up to 15lb.

As we head towards the Spring attentions will start to turn to spring ray and huss. The stormy weather might hopefully extend the winter season bring some big fish close inshore.


The Dorset Frome at West Stafford near Dorchester holds some fabulous grayling that I have been fortunate to target on a couple of occasions over recent years. We stayed at

Evening Light as we arrive for our three day break

The Dairy Annexe is a perfect escape from the troubles of the modern world where we always receive a warm welcome from John and Andrea Aplin.

Whilst the short break was to celebrate Pauline’s birthday I had also booked a day’s fishing hoping to connect with one of the grayling for which the river is renowned. My last visit in October 2019 had produced a personal best grayling of 2lb 12oz.

As often seems to be the case our trip coincided with stormy conditions the river slightly up and coloured following the fallout from storm Dudley. Fortunately, when it came to my day on the river the colour was starting to drop out. It wasn’t going to be easy but if I fished hard I would be in with a chance.

It was a mild day with a strong blustery wind blowing downstream from the west and casting was not easy. I was using a 10ft nymphing rod with a large weighted nymph on the point and a small nymph on a dropper 12” above.

I decided to start my search on the Upper section of the beat after chatting with John who was keen to assist as always. I walked the bank carefully peering into the clearing water that was frequently ruffled by the strong wind. Whilst I hoped to spot fish it was obvious that searching the water methodically was my best chance. I dropped the heavy nymph into gravelly runs and deeper channels watching the bright line indicator intently. Where possible I fished from the bank wading only when beneficial.

After searching for close to an hour. I glimpsed the movement of a fish; just a momentary blur. I dropped my nymph above and as the flies drifted I saw a flank turn and lifted the rod to connect. The grayling came up in the water its dorsal fin standing proud in the current. The rod bent over as the fish used the strong current to its advantage surging downriver towards the sanctuary of a mass of tree branches. I held the grayling hard and persuaded it back into mid river. The silvery sides and crimson red dorsal fin a splendid sight. A tense couple of minutes passed before I eventually coaxed the prize into the net. A splendid grayling that was undoubtedly well over 2lb.

I took a couple of quick pictures to capture a memory. Slipping the lady of the stream back into the cool water. Delighting as the fish disappeared with a flick of its tail.

I searched on for a while before returning to the warmth of the Annexe for a hot coffee and a snack.

I returned to the river with Pauline searching the lower stretch of the beat carefully. The gusty wind made fishing tricky and my fishing rhythm seemed to have temporarily deserted me as my nymphs seemed to find overhanging branches and tangle frequently. It was also slightly annoying to feel the slow ingress of cold water into a leaky wader! I persisted and eventually started to fish with my previous confidence with only occasional minor tangles.

Tangled lines (:

Birdsong reverberated from the nearby trees. A couple of mink appeared beside the river appearing rather bold despite my presence. The search of the water was enthralling as I became lost in concentration and expectation as I surveyed the ever flowing water.

Searching the River

I lifted the rod to each flicker of the bright tippet indicator. A brief connection with a grayling brought renewed hope the electrifying jolt of life and the glimpse of a silver flank. I spotted a couple of grayling elusive shadows in the stream.

The fading light of the day.

The hours passed by all too soon and the light levels started to drop. I had numerous last casts before conceding my day was done. Walking slowly back through the trees I caught sight of a few Sika deer and enjoyed a brief encounter; stood just a few yards from a deer we stared into each other’s eyes in the fading light.

The following day Pauline and I called into Lyme Regis on our way home. It was surprisingly mild and sunny as tourists strolled around the sea front. Talk was all about the coming Storm named Eunice. Within the delightfully untidy shelves of the second-hand bookshop, I discovered a small booklet; The Fish of Exmoor, by H.B. Maund. More of that in a separate feature….




Bideford & District Angling Club -February monthly Coarse Section Competition,

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Tarka Swims Results:

1st Keith Mountjoy  13lb 10oz

2nd Nathan Underwood 10lb

3rd Antony Bentley  9lb 4oz

4th Les Polden 9lb 3oz

5th Kevin Shears 9lb 2oz

6th Craig Crash Lamey  8lb 7oz

16 anglers fished. Those that braved the wet and windy conditions, fished a close match, Keith’s winning catch from peg 8 included a decent carp and bream, he has caught on soft pellet over fishmeal groudbait on a long pole. Nathan’s second place net also included a nice carp off peg 11. The next 3 places all sat consecutive pegs 16 to 18 and were separated by 2oz. Benny came out on top with a lovely net of small carp and tench, Craig’s 6th place was the section winner from the shallower end and ensures that he remains top of the league. Hopefully the cormorant ropes will be off for our next competition in March, allowing more methods.


As I write this on a Sunday morning rain is lashing down beating against the window driven by a strong South West wind, the fire is crackling in the grate. It’s a good time to reflect on two days chasing predators with good friends.

I was awoken by the alarm at 3:45am on Thursday morning eager to visit the legendary Chew Valley Lake near Bristol. The 100 mile journey proved uneventful and I pulled into the carp park at 7:30 to greet my long term fishing buddy Bruce Elston. Shortly after 8:00am we were anchored up in twelve feet of water as the morning sun illuminated the calm lake.

We both cast out dead-baits beneath crimson topped floats the baits resting on the bottom. Lures were cast to search around the boat and a pike followed Bruce’s latest lucky lure to the side of the boat before disappearing with a flick of its tail.

My float stood abruptly to attention before sliding beneath the water! I wound down immediately to feel a pleasing resistance. Chew Valleys long history as a water containing massive pike always gives a deep sense of anticipation. Is this a jack or the fish of dreams, that thirty pounder or perhaps even a forty?

The pike is a jack of five or six pounds. Ten minutes later the float slides away again and this time it’s a far better fish. As it approaches the boat it launches itself attempting to shake the hooks free. The image of the pike erupting from the water in a flurry of spray is one of those images that will be etched upon the minds eye for many years.

The pike pulls the scales down to 17lb 3oz and is no monster in Chew terms but a good result for an occasional piker like myself.

This proves to be the highlight of a great day shared with a good friend. We savour a full day upon this vast reed fringed lake. Planes fly overhead from nearby Bristol Airport a sign that the world is moving once again after two very strange years. A pair of swans fly past majestically, terns and gulls constantly twist and turn in the winter sky. The cold winter air bites at the extremities. Sausages sizzle on the stove and the kettle whistles as we enjoy the occasional warming joy of hot tea and coffee. Blood trickles from lacerated fingers after handling numerous pike as the day progresses. All of today’s fish fall to dead-baits, joey mackerel, smelt and blueys.

We end the day with seventeen pike between us and two hard fighting rainbow trout that also seized dead-baits.

We arrived back at the jetty as the light began to fade. “Any good ?” I ask a fellow angler. “A few Jacks and a low double; not what we came for”. he replied in a slightly dejected tone. Bruce and I had also come in hope of that fish of a lifetime but had enjoyed the day immensely just catching a good few pike. Savouring the atmosphere and anticipation. I have fished Chew for close to twenty years and will keep returning. One day I might just tempt that thirty pound pike but if not I will enjoy the journey and each dip of that crimson topped float.

A mid twenty conger
(Above) Les Smith with one of many spurs
Rob Scoines holds a bull huss with attitude

Steve Dawe with vividly marked huss

(Above) Brian Hopcroft with a good spur
Good eel for Chris Hodgson
Bob Hopcroft with a fine spur.
Chris Hodgson with a good spur

The next day I set sail from Ilfracombe with seven other anglers in search of spurdog. We are blessed with a calm day sandwiched between days of strong winds. The spurdog packs seven miles offshore provide an exciting day with over two hundred a conservative estimate. A few good conger to mid-twenties add to the excitement along with handsome bull huss their sides decorated with a multitude of leopard like patterns. Hopefully a full account of this trip will appear in a future edition of Hookpoint Magazine.




South West Lakes Trout Fisheries Pre-season Information 2022

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Looking ahead to the 2022 season at the lakes, the trout fisheries will be stocked, opening and operating under the latest Covid-19 guidelines, in line with the Angling Trust and Government guidelines.

Tickets and boats:

The on-site permit huts will not be open, so day tickets, season tickets, and boats should be pre-booked online ( or via telephone. Alternatively day tickets can be purchased using the Westcountry Rivers Trust FishPass app, or from the Kennick, Siblyback, Burrator, or Stithians Clubs (available for club members only).

Boats will be available for pre-booking at Kennick, Roadford, Siblyback and Stithians, with boats available via the Burrator Club for club members only.

Opening dates:

The rainbow fisheries (Kennick, Siblyback, Stithians, and Burrator) will open on 12th March (with one-day preview days for season ticket holders on Thursday 10th March at Kennick, and Friday 11th March at Siblyback). The brown trout waters (Roadford, Fernworthy, Wistlandpound, and Colliford) will open on 15th March.

Early in the season the water will still be cold, so expect the fish to be lying deep, with sunk lines and weighted lures (Blobs, Nomads, Tadpoles, and Cats Whiskers) or Goldhead Damsels and Montanas the most likely patterns to produce results.


South West Fly Fair:

The annual South West Fly Fair will be returning to Roadford on Sunday 6th March, with fly tying, casting, and cooking demonstrations, along with tackle and trade stands, and will be opened by Charles Jardine at 10am.


The Siblyback Team Bank competition will be held on 10th April, Kennick Bank Pairs on 8th May, and the Peninsula Classic at Kennick on 26th June.

Self-launch float-tubing will be available at Kennick, Roadford, Siblyback, and Stithians (this will only be available with a ‘buddy system’ or if safety cover is present) – see the Trust’s website or telephone for more information.

Please visit the South West Lakes Trust website ( for the latest updates, as well as details on season and day ticket prices, fishery information, clubs, competitions, and boat availability.

Carp from Paradise

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Massive congratulations to Joe Dietrich who battled the wind and rain on Sunday  and it paid off by catching his personal best!!!
Joe caught this beautiful 25lb 9oz Common from the Bottom Cat and Carp Lake 2 at Anglers Eldorado he also had a 16lb 8oz Common all in a day’s session!
Anglers Paradise

A SAD LOSS – Mike Williams – Bratton Water

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Fly Fishers from North Devon and beyond will be saddened by the passing of Mike Williams at Bratton Water Fly Fishery. Mike and Jan have given a warm welcome to anglers visiting their picturesque water over many seasons. The fishery is still open and offers excellent sport with both brown trout and rainbow trout.

I knew Mike for many years and always enjoyed visiting the fishery to be greeted  with his warm and cheery demeanour. His long term health issues were endured  with great strength and dignity.




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Persistence paid off for Gerald Gough who  fished Jennets  reservoir to bank a fine brace of common carp weighing 26lb 8oz and 18lb 12oz. The fish were taken after six blank sessions so far this year. The fish were tempted on boilies fished in conjunction with a PVA stringer and no groundbait.