Shore Sport

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Kody Chugg tempted this fine tope of 37lb whilst fishing a North Devon Shore Mark. The next few months of winter  should see some of the years best specimens landed from our shoreline. Take care out there and don’t take risks. Good fishing often follows a big storm with the inshore waters stirred and food in abundance.

Stafford Moor Late Autumn Thirty

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Dan Gunn banked four carp up to 30lb 2oz from swim 1 (three island) up on Lodge Lake. Dan has smashed his personal best three times in the last 4 times visiting the Moor so a huge well done to him !
Dan was using dynamite hit & run red wafters and Sticky Baits 20mm Manilla active wafters.


A Riverfly Monitoring volunteer alerted me to what he thought could have been a Killer Shrimp whilst carrying a survey on the River Torridge. I passed the details to our local E.A Fisheries officer who alerted the relevant bodies. Fortunately on this occasion it was a false alarm but the relevant bodies are always grateful of reports in their fight against invasive species that can devastate the local eco-system. The EA can be contacted via their Hotline – 0800 807060

KIller Shrimp Species Description

Scientific name: Dikerogammarus villosus AKA: Killer Shrimp
Native to: South-east Europe
Habitat: Still or flowing freshwater and brackish water, often among hard surfaces or vegetation.

A highly invasive shrimp, with only a few known populations in GB. A key ID feature is the presence of cone shaped protru- sions on the tail. Often larger than native freshwater shrimp species and sometimes with a striped appearance.

It is a voracious predator, killing invertebrates and small fish. It quickly dominates habitats it invades and can significantly alter their ecology.

It is tolerant of poor water quality and can survive in damp conditions for up to five days. It could therefore be spread in ballast water and also by people on kit used in the water, including an- gling gear, boats, kayaks and trailers. Good biosecurity is essential to reduce the risk of spread.

As a non-resident species it could be an offence to release or allow the escape of this species into the wild.

Suspected records of this species should be sent with a photograph to: [email protected]

Another species of concern is the top mouth gudgeon see information and links below.


River Taw Fisheries & Conservation Association Urge Anglers support for petition

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The River Taw Fisheries & Conservation Association are urging all anglers to support the petitions on the parliament UK website for adequate funding of the Environment Agency.

Petition to increase powers and funding of the Environment Agency

The environment agency is underfunded and underpowered. A great example happened to our very own Mole recently where despite a record fish kill the fine was a paltry £2,000.


This petition asks the government to give more funding to the Environment Agency and to free it from overly business-friendly Government codes and guidance, so it can pursue and achieve its principal statutory objective to protect and enhance English rivers.

The petition has 2 days left to run and needs support, please click on the link below

Give the Environment Agency the funds and freedom to protect English rivers – Petitions (

Bideford & District Angling Club – Coarse Match Results

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BDAC Tarka Swims November Monthly Coarse Section Competition
1st Martin Turner 33lb13oz
2nd Steve Johnson 28lb 2oz
3rd Craig Crash Lamey 28lb 1oz
4th Roger Ackroyd  26lb 10oz
5th Stephen Craker  22lb 7oz
6th Keith Mountjoy 16lb 9oz
7th Colin Cherrington  16lb 8oz
18 anglers fished. Another well attended match on Tarka, unfortunately it was a match of two distinct halves, pegs in the deepest water dominated and shallower water struggled for bites.
Top weight on the day was peg 10, maggot over micros on the long pole. Steve drew on peg 5 and put a nice net together mainly on maggot over groundbait just 1oz behind on third was Craig on peg 11 and caught on worm . Fourth spot went to Roger on peg 18.

The Mainline Baits carp open singles at Upper Tamar

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The Mainline Baits carp open singles at Upper Tamar has been won with a record breaking 19 fish for 240lbs by Matthew Pepperell. Fishing peg 20 he made no mistake to claim the £1000 top prize.
Richard Sanders was second with two fish for 43.01lbs and he won £500
Barry Lee completed the top three with two fish for 39.08lbs to win £250.
The other anglers to catch were:
4 – Ben Cooper on peg 35 with 2 fish for 35.08
5 – Andy Woon on peg 8 with 2 fish for 26.02
6 – Scott Bowden on peg 26 with 1 fish for 17.06
7 – Dan Gay on peg 34 with 1 fish for 14.08
8 – Mark Brett on peg 28 with 1 fish for 12.15
9 – Matthew Bridgen on peg 10 with 1 fish for 8.08
10 – Daz Walter on peg 32 with 1 fish for 5.04
Massive thank you to Mainline Baits for sponsoring the competition and throughout 2021.
Also a massive thank you to Gary, Bob, Jamie, Ian and Rich for marshalling the weekend. Awesome job as always.