Big Nets from Stafford Moor

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Open match on Tanners & woodpecker lakes
Had a top weight of the day from Lee Werrett  who fished on peg 10 on Tanners Lake and bagged himself 233lb 11oz on the method feeder.
In 2nd place was Steve Ford with 227lb 6oz from peg 20 on Woodpecker Lake.
In 3rd place was Colin Horwood with 204lb 4oz from peg 3 on Tanners Lake.
In 4th place was Mark Cullerton with 157lb 7oz from peg 15 on Woodpecker Lake.

Stafford Moor Carp Fishing

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(Below )A Lake booking up on lodge lake social organised by Gavin Lynch saw the guys bank a total of 37 fish  with a total weight of 770lb ! This included several new personal bests  Including Chris larners new pb of 30lb 3oz.

(Below) Charlie O Connor who smashed his personal best  with a 33lb 4oz beauty from the inlet swim on Beatties lake , Charlie was using Mainline cell, Sticky baits Manilla and our house pellets.


River Taw – April Update

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A quick update on the River Taw and any events coming up

Dear Members,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying the beautiful weather on the river even if the water is getting a bit low. There are now numerous reports of fish on the Taw. Mark Maitland Jones has connected and lost another already beating my last two seasons put together! It would be great if you would be able to email in any catch reports so that we can forward them to the members.

Also, if you accidentally come across any Shad (Allis or Twaites) it would be great to be kept in the loop. As a protected fish if we can show evidence that they run the Taw it could work wonders for conservation funding!

A few things to report below

Tight Lines


The Catch – Mark Wormald

Our newest committee member Will Martin was recently invited to Pembroke College Cambridge by Mark Wormald on account of Mark’s new book The Catch. Following Ted Hughes through his fishing diary the catch features the Mole (‘the wonderful river Mole’ as described by Ted Hughes), the Taw, and the Dart. Mark even managed to land a fish out of Watertown at his first time of asking – a feat I am very envious of! Ted Hughes clearly loved Devon and the book is a fascinating read about a fascinating poet and a great deal of mentions of lots of Devonians!


EA Update from Callum Underhill

First off, and most important is a reminder to please report any suspicious or concerning activity to us at the EA or local police, whichever is relevant for the offence that may be taking place. We have a saying that if it isn’t reported, it didn’t happen – because if we don’t know about it then we are obviously unaware it has occurred and thus cannot do anything about it. If you believe you have seen something you may be concerned about in terms of illegal fishing, please call us on 0800 80 70 60. This number is also helpfully printed on your rod licences.

We have a good working relationship with our local Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority. As many of you will know, much of the work of protecting salmonids occurs around estuaries and tidal waters, this often overlaps with the work of IFCAs in their protection of marine species. For this reason, we are both cross warranted in Devon. We have powers under marine fisheries legislation and IFCA officers have powers to enforce salmonid legislation. After sharing intelligence between us and IFCA, I was able to locate two individuals netting the estuary illegally towards the end of last year. I reported them for the offences, and I seized the net as evidence. IFCA have now issued both with sizeable fines for the offences – a good deterrent and a strong message to those who may wish to do the same.

As many of you know, illegal fishing is not the only threat to fish in Devon. My colleagues in other departments are working hard to address other contributory factors to salmon declines, including habitat degradation, water quality and barriers to migration. Some factors are beyond our control, such as survival at sea, but we will do the best we can with our (very) limited resources.

Unfortunately, we had a disappointing outcome on the previous River Mole pollution case, which as you know caused much damage to already sensitive fish populations. We are at the mercy of the courts when it comes to sentencing and some days are better than others. On a positive note, we are now lucky to have some specialised colleagues in the area who will be looking at improving water quality by looking at local businesses and ensuring they are meeting legal requirements. These officers will compliment our other Environment Officers Albert and Andrew.

Many anglers are unaware that we at the EA hold much of the rights to the River Lyn around Watersmeet – a challenging yet rewarding water! We operate mandatory catch and release on our fishery and are able to bring in relevant restrictions when necessary to protect the fish in the river. I am in the process of modernising our fishery, with the potential for digital tickets and well as paper for example. Please feel free to try the Lyn if you haven’t before, or even visit for just a walk and support the local rural businesses up there.

Finally, thank you to RTFCA for being so engaging. All of the members I have met have been friendly and welcoming and the Taw is one of the areas in the patch I am always happy to visit.

I hope to see many more of you over the coming seasons.

Tight lines!





Spring time tench

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Many thanks to Mark Lamude at Quay Sports for this delightful contribution on the joys of spring tench fishing at one of North Devon’s hidden gems.

“So after neglecting a springtime Tench for many years, I dusted off my favourite waggler rod and headed out to Rake myself a swim amongst the spring Lillie growth. After applying some classic simple tactics I managed to build a lovely little swim full of roach and skimmers throughout the session. Fortunately after several hours of plugging away the rod hopped over and I had my first Spring Tench on the end of my rod for a long time and it fought hard, much harder than I thought it would anyway. I had Three nice fish in the end, they were all around the 3.5 to 4.5lb bracket but the size mattered not it was just incredible fun. It’s amazing how good a packet of quality groundbait and a pint of maggots can be when prepared and applied in the right way.”

Gilthead Bream

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As the waters start to warm a few species associated with summer are starting show. Smoothound are already being caught on the open coast along with a few bass.

Combe Martin SAC member David Jenkins tempted this specimen gilt head bream weighing 3lb 9oz from the lower estuary using peeler crab bait.


High Street Tackle Publish New Blog

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High Street Tackle New Blog Post Published…

Read High Street Tackles latest blog post here ––Spring for some spring time inspiration/ideas.

Our blog facility is quite new and will be updated as regularly as new products and general information determine. So far we have published some useful articles covering the following subjects

The IMA Sasuke range

Our Custom Boat Lure Bundles

and a couple more specific new product reviews.

As always feel to contact us should you have any queries…..

High Street Tackle

Stafford Moor – In Fine Carp Form

posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0
(Below) Oakley Hunt and his dad Warren fished on beach 1 on lodge lake. They banked 7 fish with dad Warren having a new personal best of 27lb 12oz.
All fish were caught on Sticky baits krill and Manilla boilies.
(Below) Michael Stevens, Ben Palmer & Sam Reed  had a few carp out from swims 12 and 13 on the spit up on lodge lake. All fish caught on CC Moore live system and LDM baits.
(Below) Ross Mckee who fished up on the dam wall on lodge lake. Ross had 5 fish out which included 3 new pbs up to 26lb 2oz. Ross caught on Mainline cell and Essencial cell boilies and Sticky baits krill boilies.
(Below) Steve West banked 12 fish from the inlet swim on Beatties lake up to 26lb 8oz all fish caught on 15mm Mainline cell boilies & yellow pop ups.
(Below) Adam Gunn and Lee Jamesfished up on fraggle rock (swim 8 up on lodge lake) Adam had a fish 28lb 1oz caught on Stucky Baits Krill boilies and house pellets, Lee James had 2 fish up to 25lb & caught on Sticky baits Manilla boilies and house pellets.
(Below) Harvey Chmberlain who had 28 fish out from the silver birch lodge situated on Beatties specimen lake All fish caught on mad baits Wicked White and Asbo up to 29lb 10oz.