A wonderful time to fish the East Lyn for its beautifully marked wild brown trout.

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Many thanks to Simon Francis for sending North Devon Angling News this update on the beautiful East Lyn

April and early May is a wonderful time to fish the East Lyn for its beautifully marked wild brown trout.

The sun has warmed the waters (which this year is very low). Hatches of grannom and olives are trickling off from mid morning, and the fish are looking up, presenting the dry fly enthusiast with enviable sport. The trees are green but not in full leaf (so casting is mercifully easier), and the native birds are nesting (wagtails, dippers, wrens) and summer migrants like the flycatchers arriving. It’s a wonderful time to be by the river whether fishing or not.

I avoided the few walkers from Watersmeet by fishing upstream from Crook Pool, up through Rockford, and onto Brendon. The water was low so I skipped over the pools in favour of the runs and pots. Fishing these is fun. Presentation can be tricky, with swirling currents and a breeze, and drifts short, but the broken current allows you to get closer than you can on the pools. I fished a 7 foot 2wt old Orvis, overweighted with a 3wt line. I fished a ten foot leader down to 2lb tippet. Some new flies from Phil Middleton (https://instagram.com/thephilmid?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) graced the business end and worked fantastically. Sedges, olives, CDC’s, work well in this early  season. When the rain comes, a change to Klink and Dink set up with a gold ribbed hairs ear or is very effective, if not as much fun as the dry flies.

Day and season tickets for the Watersmeet fishery can be brought from Barbrook service station, both at a fraction of the cost of single “stockie pond” ticket.
If you would like details of the fishing or stay to stay at www.primrosecottageexmoor.co.uk please email [email protected]

It’s Bass on the Lure Season!

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Combe Martin SAC member Jack Philips got his lure fishing season underway with this 48cm bass that was tempted on a  5 ” Megabass spindle worm.

Conditions are good and the water is warming up so CMSAC members will start to register fish for their Summer long lure fishing competition sponsored by High Street Tackle.

The New Patchinko 125 Colours Are Arriving…..

After a very long wait the latest new Xorus colours are now available in the Patchinko 125 – we expect them to arrive here around 11th May…there is only a limited number available and they are available now to pre order…..

The stock pictures do not do proper justice to them in reality so I have taken this picture above using models we already have in the shop in the relevant colours, as follows from the top – Spring Minnow, French Wakasagi and Metal Ayu.

North Devon Quay Sports AC Results

  Highhampton Lakes was this months venue, very warm day and carp beginning to think about spawning so very moody and playing hard to catch at times… well done today to everyone very good turn out for the group today.. more actual fish were caught today but few anglers did decided to tip back rather than weight so sheet shows alot of D.N.W. does give people more points in the long run amd push people up the final league table by doing so, would be nice to see everyone weight out on further matches please even if it’s just ounces as could give u position points.
All in all great day, cracking fishery with some huge carp showing up today keeping us all on our toes! Great performance from kev wilton made no mistake up in the corner peg with some.cracking fish and biggest fish of the day with a 10lb 15oz common.
1st Kevin Wilton  85lb 10oz..
2nd Barry Lee  82lb 1oz..
3rd Paul Whitehead  35lb 14oz.
4th KevinGrant  19lb 3oz…
5th Andrew Gratton  19lb 1oz.
6th Pete Seward. 6lb 12oz…
Biggest fish. Common carp 10lb 15oz Kev wilton.
Well.done today guys great banter all over the lakes nice to see you all today and next match will be held at Melbury reservoir on June 12th. All welcome once again..


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Eel enthusiast Alan Jump tempted this awesome 6lb eel from an undisclosed North Devon Stillwater. The fish was tempted on a roach deadbait on a dyson rig.

Big eels are elusive fish with a big sense of mystery being totally wild they often lurk undetected within a water with no one aware of their presence. This mystery is the allure of eel angling a total contrast to the commercial side of modern coarse angling.

Bideford and District Angling Club monthly competition results :

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Bideford and District Angling Club monthly competition results :
Tarka Swims 20 fished.
1st Nathan Underwood  34lb 3oz
2nd Keith Copland 29lb 9oz
3rd Keith Mountjoy  18lb 14oz
4th Paul Elworthy  16lb 14oz
5th Steve Ashton 15lb15oz
6th Martin Turner 13lb 13oz
Conditions were warm with light southerly breeze.
Carp and tench have dominated this month’s match, top three wieghts have all fallen to strong pole tactics around the Lilly pads, corn meat and maggot hook baits. Nathan’s winning catch was made on peg 13 and Keith’s second place on the shallower peg 26.
This Wednesday see’s the start of our midweek evening series.