Flounder Fishing Competition Results & Bideford Christmas Competition

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Bideford Christmas competition results

An impressive 72 anglers lined the banks of a wind swept Torridge Estuary to take part in Bideford Angling Clubs Christmas Competition and plenty of flounder were tempted.

1st R. Slade flounder 1lb 9 1/2oz
2nd D. Jenkins flounder 1lb 5 1/2oz
3rd D. Talbot flounder 1lb 4 3/4oz
4th M. John’s flounder 1lb 4 1/4oz
5th R. Harris flounder 1lb 3 1/4oz
6th A. Mccourt flounder 1lb 3oz
7th M. Druce flounder 1lb 1 3/4oz
8th C. Curtis flounder 1lb 1 3/4oz
9th D. Bailey flounder 1lb 1 3/4oz
10th A. Clements flounder 1lb 1 1/2oz
Prizes went all the way to 26th place.
1ST B. Lee flounder 0.310g
2nd B. Lee flounder 0.306g
3rd B. J. Less flounder 0.302g
4th B. Phipps flounder 0.288g
5th B. Phipps flounder 0.256

Nathan Clements wrote :-
“I would like to say thank you to everyone that fished today 72 angler’s produced 39 flounder it’s been a brilliant day.
Thanks to Paul and Lisa done a fantastic job again.
Thank you to all are sponsors.
Thanks to the reds for letting us host the competition.
Congratulations to all the winners
See you all again next year”

Appledore Shipbuilders Christmas Competition

Appledore Shipbuilders fished their Christmas comp today. Winner  and 2nd was Owen Atkinson with Flounders of 1lb 14 3/4ozs and 1lb 12ozs 3rd was Cameron Atkinson with a flounder of 1lb 2 3/8ozs 22 members fished.

TRIPLE HOOK CLUB – Open Flounder Including Ladies and Junior Open


Twenty-Three anglers fishing in Triple Hook Clubs Open Flounder Match with good numbers of flounder landed. Mark Beer was first in the senior section with a flounder of 1lb 6.75oz. In runner up spot was Joan Cairns with a flounder of 1lb 4.5oz.

In the Junior section Lennox Pine took top spot with a flounder of 1lb 63/8oz and Levi Beer was runner up with a flounder of 1lb 33/8oz. Ian Cairns was runner up in club only Junior section with a flounder of 1lb.

The ladies section was secured by Joan Cairns with her flounder of 1lb 4.5oz. Runner up in the ladies section was Levi Beer with her flounder of 1lb 33/8oz.


Sea Angling Latest

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Jamie Steward caught this brace of flounder weighing 1lb 5oz and 1lb 6oz during a pleasure fishing session on the Taw Estuary. With calm conditions and easterly air stream fishing was hard over the weekend with most competition anglers targeting flounder. Out on the coast whispers of few early spurdog and a few codling.


1st Jazza John. Flounder 1lb 10 1/2ozs
2nd Richard Boon Flounder 1lb 8ozs
3rd Terry Dymond Flounder 1lb 5 1/8ozs
18 seniors and 2 Juniors Fished

Bidefords Rover Results

1st Terry Dymond flounder 1lb 5 1/8oz



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Combe Martin SAC members assembled at the White Lion Inn, Braunton for their AGM where close to twenty members were in attendance. The clubs officers reported on a good year for the club with a significant upturn in membership. Nick Phillips and Wayne Thomas continue in their roles as Secretary and Chairman (a position we have shared for close to forty years). The club thanked Graham Snow for his sterling service as Cup Custodian over many years. The position has been taken by Rob Scoines. Young Jack Phillips has taken on the role of club Webmaster.

The club are considering joining the Angling Trust to take a greater role in consultations that affect Sea Angling and support the National Governing body. This will also offer insurance for club members. The membership endorsed joining the Trust if the committee sanction the move following a meeting with an Angling Trust coordinator.  The club will remain in The BCFSA.

A full calendar of events was discussed and will be drafted and published in due course.

Contact details for membership can be found on the clubs website : www.cmsac.co.uk


Cod Trophy   James Gubb Fradgley         Cod      12lb 3oz

Bass Trophy  Nick Phillips          Bass      10lb 1oz         125.78%

Mullet Cup    John Avery       Thick-lip      5lb 1oz         119.118%

Conger Cup    Rob Scoines        Conger     39lb                130%

Flatfish Cup   David Jenkins      Flounder    2lb 4oz.      112.15  %

Shore Shield   Robin  Bond   Gilthead bream   5lb.       166.667  %

Medway Cup   Rob Scoines.        Conger       39lb.         130%

Ray Shield        Mark Jones.        Thornback.   14lb 8oz.  131.818%

Burgess Trophy  –   Solly Welch / Charlie Stanway

Wrasse Trophy   Ross Stanway       Ballan Wrasse     3lb 12oz.

Scouse Shield   Alex Mcleish         Rockling            2lb

OOL. –  Rob Scoines – Blonde ray – 21lb 11oz = Dartmouth

D Kyte Award  –    John Shapland   6 Mullet  –  628.395

Merit Award    –  Mark Jones  Outstanding catches including a skate of 193lb

Club Record –

Mark Jones Turbot 4lb 4oz. Shore

Robin Bond =  Gilthead bream – 5lb

Top Six –

Mark Jones thornback 14lb 8oz 131.818 S
Mark Jones small eyed ray 13lb 2oz 131.25 S
Mark Jones bull huss 13lb 6oz 133.75 S
Mark Jones spotted ray 5lb 111.111 S
Mark Jones smoothound 9lb 2oz 91.25 S
Mark Jones Blonde ray 15lb 3oz 125 S





Rob Sciones














1lb 10.5oz















Rob Scoines wrasse 3lb 9oz 79.167 S
Rob Scoines thick lipped grey mullet 4lb 7oz 104.412 S
Rob Scoines small eyed ray 9lb 13oz 98.125 B
Rob Scoines conger 39lb 130 B
Rob Scoines bass 8lb 8oz 106.25 S


Hooked on Lure Fishing – By Dominic Garnett & Andy Mytton

Lure fishing is I believe one of the biggest growth areas in angling with an increasing number of recruits. I guess lure fishing fits well with modern life allowing short sessions with minimal tackle enabling anyone to get their fishy fix.

The latest Lure Fishing book from Dominic Garnett and Andy Mytton is a comprehensive and informative guide to modern lure fishing tactics. I grew up in a generation that had a very narrow view of lure fishing with just a handful of predatory species targeted by most anglers. The introduction of LRF fishing and species fishing has totally transformed the lure fishing world as is illustrated throughout this fascinating tome.


The emphasis throughout the book is fishing for fun. The quest for big is not high on the agenda it’s all about the catching and the variety of species. From saltwater rockpools and blennies, ‘ minnows in brook’s right up to pike, bass and salmon.

The book is well illustrated throughout with some stunning underwater images from Jack Perks. Tactics, tackle, rigs, lures, watercraft, habitat is all crammed into over 200 pages along with a few tales to inspire and illustrate how it all fits together.

This is a must read for lure anglers whatever their experience as it is packed with tips and new angles. I am sure it will be one of those books that is frequently dipped into for inspiration on the eve of lure fishing trips. The only downside is that it will fuel that dreaded temptation to add to the ever increasing box of must have lures!

Definitely one for the Christmas List !

Spurdog off Ilfracombe – Bluefin Charters

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Keith Armishaw enjoyed a Red letter day off Ilfracombe on Bluefin . Thanks to Keith for this report .. I had the chance to escape for days fishing with son  Lee who had never caught a spurdog – so we got on board Bluefin out of Ilfracombe with John Barbeary. I took plenty of muppets seeing the difference they made to the catch rate last time out. We started trying for bass but only had a couple on the flood tide, so it was on to the spurdog. Lee had a two bait rig and I used a single bait and what a trip it turned out to be, we had around 90 on the boat between 7 of us with Lee catching 30 up to 14lbs against my meagre 18. Jonathan weighed in with a couple of good huss and a conger but what a session. We then tried for bass on the return trip catching around around 30, and only 5 dogfish caught all day. We even headed in early as we were all fished out and didn’t fancy an inshore mark after the bass as this is where the dogs were taken. An unbelievable day…


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The flounder fishing season is in full swing in the estuary with several competitions this weekend. Results were mixed during the competitions with flounders prolific in some areas and very scarce in other areas. A few bass were also caught and returned in line with present regulations.

Combe Martin SAC

Matt Jefferey secured the top three places in Combe Martin SACs Flounder competition winning the competition with a fine flattie of 1lb 12oz.

1st Matt Jeffery 1lb 12oz

2nd Matt Jeffery 1lb 7oz

3rd Matt Jeffery 1lb 5oz Joint

4th with 1lb 2oz Jamie Stewart Dave Jenkins Daniel Laird


Jamie Steward with fine brace of flounder.


Ross Stanway with a pleasing 4lb + bass

Braunton Small Boat Club

1st Tracey Phipps 1lb 4oz

2nd Tracey Phipps 15oz

3rd Tracey Phipps 14oz 3rd Ian Anderson 14oz


John Passmore secured victory in Triple Hook Clubs Open flounder competition with a flounder scaling 1lb 105/8oz. In runner up spot was Mark Beer with  flounder of 1lb 101/8oz and third Joan Cairns with a flounder of 1lb 71/2oz.

Late Result – last weekends Triple Hook Club – Croyde to Foreland  –

1st John Passmore – Bull huss 11lb 51/8oz and dogfish 1lb 11.5oz



A Bit of Flounder Fishing

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The humble flounder of the estuary have a certain appeal that I had somehow forgotten having neglected the species for several seasons. Our son James seemed keen for a short session so having gratefully secured a pound of worms from a local bait digger we found ourselves surveying the bleak cold and grey expanse of the estuary. We had arrived just before the flooding tide and the first hour passed by without any action. But it was  good to be by the water watching the plentiful bird life on the exposed mud banks.

I have fond memories of fishing the area back in the late seventies with my cousin who would take me fishing on cold frosty evenings to fish from the railway line that was at that time still in partial use running to Bideford. As the tide started to slow the downstream flow I caught the first flounder of the day that was quickly slipped back.

Shorty after retreating onto the higher bank my rod tip gave a couple of nods. A few minutes later I was pleased to feel a weighty flattie pulsating on the line and hanging deep as it approached the shoreline. A plump flounder of 1lb 11oz was a good result and a good omen for Combe Martin SAC’s Flounder competition and Triple Hooks Open Flounder Competitions this weekend.

Having caught a couple I was hoping James would get in on the action before we packed up.  His rod tip gave a few gentle nods resulting in a double shot of flounder to end the session.

I really must make sure I enjoy a few more sessions after these obliging flatfish that will often give sport when little else is happening. I intend to try caching a few on ultra light LRF tactics as I have caught them on the open coast using jig heads and Isome worms. The latest book on Lure Fishing by Dominic Garnett has a chapter dedicated to this type of fishing. I have also caught flounder in the past trotting a bunch of ragworm beneath a float using ultra light coarse tackle; great fun!



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It was the first really cold night of the season and our breath hung misty in the still air as we waited beside the calm waters of the Bristol Channel. The lights of welsh towns and villages shone brightly across the water and in the sky above stars shone brightly in a vast cosmic vista.

The throbbing of a boats engine carried far across the sea as it moved up channel to offload its cargo. Occasionally the rod tips nodded as a dogfish or small eel toyed with the baits anchored out within that mysterious dimension.

The amber fiery glow of the steel works of Port Talbot had illuminated the sky earlier in the evening but later as we contemplated heading for home another glowing ember caught our attention.

A red apparition was slowly materializing above Cardiff to the North East. We speculated on its source as it slowly grew in size growing ever redder as it rose from the land. After ten minutes its crescent shape materialized as the moon climbed slowly, red fading to amber and then to silver. The moonlight painting a swathe of light across the swirling waters of the Bristol Channel as the tide began to ebb.

We slowly packed away our tackle fingers stinging in the frosty air. We trudged back to the van thinking of a warm bed and a good nights sleep. On arriving home I found the lawn glistening with a layer of frost. Owls hooted in the nearby woods.

I am often asked why we go fishing especially on cold winter nights when you often catch nothing.  And It’s not easy to answer but sometimes it’s just good to be there waiting watching the world.
