Off Shore Sport On Bluefin

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Calm weather has enabled John Barbeary to take anglers off Ilfracombe to enjoy some frantic sport with spurdog and bull huss. Each winter huge packs of spurdog prowl the Bristol Channel hunting for whiting, herring and sprats. The commercial ban on fishing for these members of the shark family has resulted in a population explosion that is generally welcomed by anglers who return the fish to the water.

Big Conger to end the year

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Shore Fishing has been difficult along the North Devon Shoreline with those big fish hard to find. Fish those prime marks with big baits and heavy tackle and the results will eventually come its just a case of being in the right place at the right time.

Nathan Clements ended 2019 with this fine conger of 26lb 9.5oz tempted from a North Devon Rock Mark.

Stefan Jones caught this specimen bull Huss of 12lb 10oz whilst fishing a North Devon Rock Mark

Small eyed ray wins CMSAC Competition

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Mark Jones secured first place in Combe Martin SAC’s Breath Of Fresh Air Winter Rover landing a specimen small eyed ray of 11lb 1oz.

Runner was Dan Miles Redmore with a spurdog of 8lb 8oz.

Wayne Thomas was third with a dogfish of 2lb 2oz and Dan Welch forth with a thornback ray of 6lb 15oz. Jack Phillips was fifth with dogfish of 1lb 12oz and Mark Jones 6th with a codling of 5lb 13oz.

The fourteen members fished marks covering a wide area from Somerset down to Bideford Bay. Fishing was generally hard going with dogfish and small conger prolific in some areas.

I fished a local mark and the highlight of the trip was a visit from a hungry shag that was so tame it took bits of bait straight from the hand. Whilst cormorants cause a great deal of damage inland and on rivers I delight in seeing them on the coast where they belong. Gannets were also swooping over the water indicating food fish potentially close to the surface.

Sea Angling Round Up!

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Triple Hook Clubs Annual Christmas Turkey Competition was plagued by raging flood waters that made fishing conditions challenging. Despite this several good fish were brought to the scales by the thirty-seven competitors ensuring turkeys for the successful anglers. John Passmore won the competition with a flounder scaling 1lb 91/8oz. In runner up spot was Julian Stainer with a flounder of 1lb 81/32oz.Third was Junior angler Ian Cairns with a flounder of 1lb 71/4oz and in forth Antony Smith with flounder of 1lb 41/2oz. In fifth was Tarrant Wotton with a flattie of 1lb 43/4oz and in sixth Mark Beer with a flounder of 1lb 31/4oz.

Shore sport along the North Devon coast has been slower than expected with the water coloured following recent winter storms I expected to be swamped with pictures of specimen fish. CMSAC member Dan Spearman caught this blonde ray of 12lb 11oz. James Gubb Fradgley caught a pleasing whiting of 1lb 8oz. This weekend see CMSAC and Triple Hook Club holding competitions it will be interesting to see what is tempted.

Dan Spearman

Theres a few ray showing!

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The rough weather has encouraged a few ray to move close inshore with small eyed ray, spotted ray and blonde ray tempted.

Dale Kiff – blonde ray 10lb 7oz
Ross Stanway with a small eyed ray
Ross Stanway – spotted ray

Rob Scoines – spotted ray



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Combe Martin SAC – Christmas Competition

Kevin Legge secured top spot In Combe Sea Angling Clubs Christmas Competition with a fine specimen bull huss scaling 11lb 12oz. Members endured some stormy conditions during the competition with a heavy swell battering the coast. Mark Jones was runner up with a small eyed ray of 9lb 6oz.

Third – Alex Mcleish – bull huss 6lb 3oz

Forth Dan Welch – small eyed ray – 6lb

Fifth – Dan Welch – dogfish – 1lb 12oz

Sixth – Ross Stanway – dogfish – 1lb 10oz.

BIDEFORD 24 hour results

Julien Stainer secured first place in Bideford Angling Clubs Twenty Four Hour Rover landing bull huss of 8lb 15.5oz.


Cameron Atkinson won Appledore Shipbuilders Wintere League Rover with a whiting of 1lb 4oz.