Combe Martin Sea Angling Club Member Rob Scoines has enjoyed considerable success over the past few weeks landing several quality fish from the North Devon shoreline and from his friends boat.

Daniel Welch won Combe Martin Sea Angling Clubs weekend Species competition securing eleven species using a variety of tactics. The event was concluded on Ilfracombe Pier where plenty of species where caught including an octopus that did not count in the competition. Dans species included thick lipped grey mullet, shanny, pouting, smelt, conger, poor cod, corkwing wrasse, ballan wrasse, pollock, tompot, rock goby. Runner up in the species competition was Ross Stanway with 8 species.
1st Andrew Clements thick lipped mullet 4lb 5 3/4oz 108.904%
2nd Antony Smith wrasse 3lb 1/2oz 60.625%
Ross Stanway (Right) has won this years Combe Martin SAC Lure Fishing Competition sponsored by Ilfracombe’s High Street Tackle. Ross takes away a top of the range N- One lure fishing rod from Major Craft. The winning bass neared 70 cm and was calculated to weigh over 9lb. Wayne Thomas was Runner who won an impressive bundle of quality lures. (Middle) with a bass of 62cm estimated at 6lb.
Combe Martin SAC member David Jenkins enjoyed an action packed session at a North Devon Beach
“So what a night. Trip to a local beach a packet of 10 large sandeel and 5 joey mackeral in my bucket resulted in 14 fish. Non stop done right in now. 13 small eyed ray 8lb 1oz new pb from shore 7lb 14oz 6.3 6.1 5.14 5.13 5.10 the best plus an autumn codling fantastic trip local in north Devon. Between 3 of us 20 ray 5 bass and a sole. “
Two North Devon Anglers set significant personal miles stones this week in different angling disciplines.
Dedicated mullet angler John Shapland spends many frustrating hours targeting grey mullet a species with a reputation for being difficult to tempt. John landed his 100th mullet of 2020 this week!
Ian Blewett is a keen all-round angler with salmon top of his agenda for much of the year. Ian took advantage of perfect conditions on the Taw to land the 100th Atlantic salmon of his angling career. He followed the feat up during the same session with his 101st!
Bank Holiday Festival results (members only)
1st Stephen Found Thornback Ray 13lb 15 1/4 160.509%
2nd Andrew Clements Thornback Ray 11lb 5 1/2 126.041%
3rd Stephen Found Thornback Ray 10lb 7 1/4 116.145%
4th Andrew Clements Bass 7lb 8 1/2 107.589%
Well done guys its been really hard work, congratulations to Steve on a new club record Thornback. Other fish caught Andrew Clements thornback 9lb 7 1/2 Jon Stevens Bull Huss 8lb 7oz and a smooth hound 8lb 2 1/2oz Antony Smith Bass 5lb 4oz.
Ryan Hardman fished a North Devon rock mark to tempt a fine specimen pollock of 6lb 4oz. The fish was tempted on a whole squid bait presented on a 6/0 Aberdeen hook. Ryan was delighted to report that the sea was full of life with porpoises and jumping fish showing within a couple of hundred yards of the shoreline.
Grey mullet fishing can be excellent from now right through into the winter months. Those prepared to adopt a little finesse can enjoy some battles with these hard fighting fish.
James Gugg Fradgley tempted this fine specimen of 5lb 1oz whilst fishing a popular North Devon mark. Dan Welch also enjoyed success with the species catching two fish from different marks on consecutive evenings the biggest scaling 3lb 13oz.