Porbeagle 226lb

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Mark Jones and Craig McClouglin of Braunton Baits have been targeting shark off the North Devon Coast using Marks Private boat. Mark hooked a fine porbeagle that was brought to the side of the boat where it was carefully measured using refined tactics that allow safe measuring before releasing the sharks. The recognised formula gave a weight of 226lb.

On the way to and from the shark grounds Mark and Craig tried out lures from the Braunton Bait Box to good effect.


I joined South Molton Angling Club for an evening at Instow where members tried their luck with both Fly and lure tactics. It was an enjoyable evening but no bass were tempted. Fortunately the Cricket Club gave a chance for members to discuss tactics for next time over a welcome pint.


The following night I headed out onto the coast where I enjoyed more success. Early into the session I tempted a small bass on a surface lure and went on to tempt four more after dark on a soft plastic. The best of these a nice fish of 64cm that will be enjoyed pan fried with just a sprinkling of pepper.

Combe Martin SAC Lure Competition – fish registered so far.

Daniel Welch. three bass total – 167.5 cm

James Corner two bass – 122 cm

Wayne Thomas two bass – 115 cm

Peter Robinson one bass – 62 cm

Ross Stanway – One bass = 53 cm

A boat caught bass for James Corner of 60cm



Extreme Heat warning for large areas of the UK !  Not a problem 50 odd miles West of Ilfracombe  where I enjoyed a great day drifting for shark on Reel Deal skippered by Dan Hawkins. Armed with a couple of cameras I attempted to capture the day enjoyed by three Welsh anglers and an Italian. I intend to write a full feature on the trip but thought I would share a few images of the day that speak for themselves.

Many thanks to Dan Burt, Nick Davis,Tom Lardner and Stefano for making me welcome and to Dan Hawkins Skipper of Reel Deal for sharing his thoughts and expertise.



Steaming Way out West – Leaving the Dramatic North Devon Coast behind.
Fifty-Three miles out in the deeps and the wait begins – ‘Expectation’
Blue Skies – Waiting rods
Shark on ! The joy and excitement is clear to see as Stefano battles with a denizen from the deep.

All shark are now realeased boat side.

Dan grabs the rod and sets the hook as  a shark grabs a bait fished boat side.

Fulmars often give warning that sharks are about taking off suddenly.

A blue shark appears in the clear water after the fulmars take off in alarm


Dan Hawkins works hard setting up rigs and unhooking constantly offers advice. Along with regular tea and coffee
Dan Burt feels the hurt as a shark dives deep.
Dan Burt with a fine blue estimated at 90lb +


With barbless circle hooks all the shark were released at the side of the boat

Nick Davis plays a hard fighting blue as Dan looks on offering encouragement


Tom Lardner in action


Floats bob optimistically upon the vast ocean – Any second—what is beneath?
Neatly hooked in the scissors


Quality Penn tackle supplied by High Street Tackle

On the way back we are treated to the wonderful sights of dolphins


South Molton Angling Club – Clovelly Boat Trip

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A quick report from Edward Rands on South Molton Angling Clubs trip aboard “Independent Charters” from Clovelly.
An early start, left the harbour at 7:20 to catch the tide and set off to our mark.
It wasn’t flat calm, but wasn’t bad. We stayed on 1 mark for most of the day and steadily caught 10 species. They were pollack, pouting, mackerel, conger, huss, dogfish, a 5lb bass, a 25lb tope,black bream and starry smoothound.
Doug and dave walls looked after us well with tea and coffee and useful advice. The weather was kind and the northerly breeze kept us cool.
Thanks to Steve Edmonds,Matt Kingdom, Rob Kingdom, Peter and John Needham for supporting the cause and attending.

COMBE MARTIN SAC Lure Competition Update

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Daniel Welch has secured a lead in Combe Martin SAC’s Lure competition with three quilifying bass totalling 159cm. It is very early days in the competition that runs until October 29th and is sponsored by High Street Tackle. With the settled conditions and big tides over the coming weeks I expect several bass to be registered. It could be that a glut of spider crab will result in the bass moving away from the lures for a few weeks.

The clubs is also running a best mixed brace competition throughout July sponsored by Braunton Baits.

Bideford Angling Club – Monthly Rover

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Bideford – July Rover results 

13 fished 5 fish registered

1st Richard Jefferies  smoothhound 12lb 5oz 123.125%

2nd Andrew Clements smoothhound 11lb 6oz 113.750%

3rd Andrew Clements thicklipped mullet 4lb 1 1/2oz 102.344%

4th Terry Dymond smoothhound 9lb 11oz 96.875%

5th Antony Smith thicklipped mullet 3lb 5 1/2oz 83.594%

Appledore Shipbuilders JULY ROVER

12 Anglers fished the July Rover today.
Several Smoothounds were caught, weighed and released with the photos and weights presented at the weigh in. In fact only Smoothounds were recorded at the weigh in!
Many anglers reported large catches of Smoothounds today with a lot of fish around the 6lb mark.
First place went to Terry Dymond with one of 9lb 11ozs.
Martyn John was second with another of 9lb 9ozs and Andrew Atkinson 3rd with his best one weighing 9lb 6 1/2ozs.