The latest lure designs

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Lure enthusiast Danny Watson with thoughts on the latest lures.

Take Advantage Of The Most Exciting IMA Development This Year….

Available to pre order now are the 2 brand new UK Exclusive colours from IMA, ST Ammo and Ghost Minnow…..featuring on the Chappy 100 and Salt Skimmer.

Those who know me or follow our social media posts will know that I have been a huge fan of the Chappy 100 for some time now. I use them myself with a fair bit of success and also recommend them highly to customers.

I consider and also mention to customers that the Chappy has some similar properties to the sometimes highly regarded, often hyped and notoriously difficult to obtain Whiplash Factory Spttin’ Wire – long casting, easy to work and makes a nice fuss on the surface. I spent quite sometime thinking that there was only one thing missing from the Chappy range and after discussing these thoughts in depth with a customer decided that it was time to speak to the distributor about it…..

What was the missing attribute?

I rang the importer and shared with him my passionate feelings that we really needed some Chappy lures with clear flanks or ghost colours or whatever else you like to call them….look at what him and the men in Japan came up with!

Junior Bass Fishing Success

Young Solly Welch aged 8 fished with his father Daniel from their Private boat and caught three fine bass on lures bought from High Street Tackle. The bass of 57cm and two of 58cm put Solly into second place in Combe Martin SAC’s lure fishing competition sponsored by High Street Tackle.

Combe Martin SAC Lure Fishing Competition

1st Daniel Welch three bass – 195cm

2nd  Solly Welch three bass  158cm.

3rd James Corner – 2 bass 122cm

Luring the bass

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Dan Welch continues to lure the bass whilst fishing from his own boat out of Ilfracombe. This bass measured 68cm and extends Dans lead in Combe Martin SACs Lure fishing competition sponsored by High Street Tackle.

Lure Competition Standings :-

1st –  3 bass – Dan Welch 195cm

2nd – 2 bass – James Corner  122cm

3rd – 2 Bass – Wayne Thomas 115cm

4th – 2 bass – David Jenkins 108cm

Bass Lure Competition – Dan extends lead

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Daniel Welch has extended his lead in the Combe Martin SAC Lure competition after boating bass of 66cm and 62cm. His total for three bass now stands at 185.5cm.

In second place with a brace of bass for 122cm is James Corner and in third Wayne Thomas with 115cm

David Jenkins presently in forth with a brace of bass for 108cm


Assembled on the pebbles

It was good to once again stand upon the pebbly foreshore at Beer with five fellow anglers awaiting the arrival of our skipper. It was 7.00am and we had all made an early start to reach this unique East Devon beach. This was my second boat fishing trip to Beer in search of Black Bream and I was looking forward to our day afloat.

I don’t think any of my fellow anglers had fished out of Beer before and I’m sure they all felt that sense of anticipation especially relishing the very special launching protocol on this steep beach. The boats are launched from the beach using a combination of tractors, wooden rollers (logs) winch wires and gravity!

I fished from Orca last October enjoying a fabulous day and was confident that Stuart Pike our skipper would find us a few fish and share a wealth of information gained during his many years at sea.

            Stuart greeted us all warmly and helped us to load our abundance of  gear onto the boat prior to launching. The morning sun was just rising over the white cliffs, a calm sea awaiting us. Those heat wave days already seemed a distant memory, I was sure I felt a slight chill in the morning air those golden days of autumn awaiting on life’s horizon.

            We watched the boat and skipper crash into the calm waters before climbing aboard from the mobile pontoon.

            First stop was to try and feather up a few fresh mackerel for bait. The mackerel proved hard to find with just a few succumbing from various marks despite good numbers showing on the fish finder.

            We had plenty of frozen mackerel and squid for the bream fishing so Stuart suggested we get out on the bream grounds and catch the tide. The fishing grounds are not too far out and are reached in less than half an hour.

            We all had light tackle set ups with only light leads required to send the baits down. Rigs were simple two hook paternoster rigs. I was using size 4 Sakuma Kong Hooks that are sharp, strong and reliable.

            Stuart sent down a bait dropper of chum setting up a scent trail that would hopefully entice black bream to our baits. Bites came within minutes sharp rattles on the rod tips. That brought small pouting, scad, mackerel and bream to the boat. Keith was delighted to boat a grey gurnard his first of the species and another milestone in his quest to catch as many species as possible. This gurnard his 200th from fresh and salt-waters across the world.

            Banter flowed freely between all on board as friends were re-united and new friendships forged. I had booked this trip last autumn and the final line up had changed several times over the months as potential participants drifted in and out of the plan. Fortunately, I have many angling friends keen to get afloat.

            The cast for today’s adventure came from all over the South West. Keith Armishaw runs  River Reads bookshop and River Reads Press with his wife Sandy . Dr Mark Everard is an author, scientist and broadcaster who has a deep passion for angling and the environment. Peter Robinson is a keen sea angler and fellow member of the Combe Martin Sea Angling Club. Mark Dean travelled down with Mark and is an all-round angler based in Somerset.

Bruce Elston is a keen all-round angler who renovates antique furniture from his work shop, Esox Antiques( The title gives a clue as to his favourite species of fish) in mid Devon.

Bruce Elston with his first black bream
Dr Mark Everard with a pleasing bream
Mark Dean with a specimen mackerel


Keith Armishaw is pleased with a black bream

            The social aspect of charter boat fishing is a significant part of its charm. The bringing together of anglers into a small often cramped space is a recipe that encourages close cooperation as participants engage in the all to frequent game of knit one pearl one. Fine braided lines, hooks and traces entwining into occasionally challenging puzzles that often prove more fascinating than Rubik Cubes. This challenging team game is spiced up with the addition of twisting congers and a rocking boat. Fortunately,  Stuart Pike our patient skipper is an expert in this pastime and assists frequently in addition to offering constant advice in reducing the frequency of the tangling game.

Stuart works hard at unhooking fish and untangling lines

            Tangles are of course an inevitable occurrence made worse by our reluctance to fully focus upon one fish species. The fishing grounds host a wide variety of species in addition to the bream that we were targeting with our light tackle. Undulate ray, thornback ray, blonde ray, spotted ray and small eyed ray were all likely along with conger. A second heavier rod and line gave the chance of these larger species. We would of course have been better advised to focus on one rod and fish it well rather than fish two and compromise our chances.

Keith with the only ray of a day

            In between marks Stuart spied a vast ball of whitebait breaking the calm sea. We motored over and drifted strings of shining feathers into a shimmering mass. It was mesmerizing to glimpse the tiny fish twisting and turning in the clear waters. The thousands of fry could be heard like rain beating upon the water. We knew that some predator was working below to create this mass. Whilst we suspected mackerel we failed to tempt any number. Stuart suggested that it could be the first tuna of the season and we had our cameras at the ready just in case.

            The main mark for the day was a muddy depression set close to a reef. Fishing proved to be steady throughout the day. Bruce added several black bream to his first of the species caught during the morning of the trip. Big channel mackerel gave spirited battles on light tackle. Numerous scad were kept for use as winter pike baits. Conger were frequent visitors to the boat side tempted with large fresh fish baits intended for ray. Keith boated the days only ray a small well marked thornback. The unusual catch of  coral frequently referred to as dead man’s fingers providing a glimpse at the wonders of the seabed far below.

            The days fishing passed by all too quickly as fishing days tend to do. The sounds of gulls, the sights of soaring gannets. Boats  viewed on distant horizons the dark outlines of of the Jurassic coast seemingly sketched as a break between land and sea.

A good at sea

            Orca crashed into the shingle of busy Beer Beach. The hustle and bustle of beach life a contrast to the tranquillity of the day afloat. The boat was winched slowly up the steep beach to rest above the tide line. We offloaded and trudged over the pebbles to our cars.

The general vibe was that it had been a good day with all keen to do it again next year.

            We assembled for a coffee in the Anchor Inn, a welcome shot of caffeine to keep us awake on the long drive home.





Vintage Motors Stir Memories

My wife and I attended the Woolsery Show at the end of July and came across a display of vintage Seagull Outboards. Chatting to the gentlemen who restores these outboards we discussed how times have changed. We reflected upon our youthful days beside the coast, messing about on the water. I am sure many sea anglers of a certain vintage will have fond memories of boating days. The Seagull outboard was undoubtedly basic but it was fundamentally sound British engineering and a relic from those days before we became refrained by a culture of fearful protection.

Reflecting upon those youthful days I sometimes wonder how we got through them for looking back we did some stupid things. My mate Graham had a boat that we had christened “Leaky Lil” for obvious reasons. An old wooden pram dingy that was probably less than eight foot long. I recall setting out for a days fishing from Combe Martin with my mates Graham, and Chunky. The sea was flat calm and we chugged up channel powered by our old faithful seagull outboard. We anchored off Heddon’s Mouth Beach and the tide rushed past at a rate of knots giving the effect of being anchored in a fast flowing river. With the three of us and all our fishing gear there was only a few inches freeboard. I don’t recall what we caught on that day or other days. But to be out in such a little boat with no lifejackets, flares, radio etc. was sheer stupidity. In addition to these foolish days at sea we climbed cliffs, explored caves and coves. We also searched for crabs on low water spring tides peering into those delightfully mysterious holes. Those summers of youth spent amongst barnacle encrusted rocks and salty kelp have I guess instilled a permanent love of the sea.

Above extract is from my book ” I Caught A Glimpse” published in 2019 by the the Little Egret Press.