(Above) Some of this years superb prizes from our sponsors at Sakuma

Combe Martin SAC hope you enjoy this open competition  with kind permission of the landowner.

The club is very grateful to local tackle shops and Sakuma for supporting the event.

SAKUMA, , Quay Sports and Braunton Baits.

The prize table for 2023 is the best yet for the Putsborough competition.

The weather this year holds no concern light North East Winds forecast that will be right over our heads.

Outlook for Saturday to Monday: Met Office

Staying dry with high pressure remaining dominant. Plenty of strong sunshine but some cloud bubbling up at times. Warm days, albeit cool overnight. Breezy along the southern coasts.

Fishing is for single best specimen, with £100 for first place and £50 second plus pick of the prize table and so on. There is an optional £1 pool for the best specimen. There will be prizes for the top fifteen fish!

Small-eyed ray are the principal target and can show up anywhere — so pick your spot.

Sandeel is generally best but fish can be tempted at times with a whole squid or mackerel bait. Bass will show if there is some surf, the obliging dogfish is usually around — along with the odd small turbot, conger, smoothound and occasional blonde ray.

Low water is 00:24am and the best period to fish is usually two hours either side, with the last hour-and-a-half of the ebb and first hour of the flood often proving the most productive. There are some small pits and sandbanks along this beach, so if you can spy one out it might be worth heading for…

For the purpose of this competition two rods and four hooks may be used, with a pennell rig counting as two hooks. Combe Martin Competition size limits apply.

Please leave a space of approximately 20 yards between yourself and the next angler — it’s a large beach!

When you catch a fish, please check it against the sizes overleaf and complete the capture form, before showing it to another competitor and asking them to witness it.
[Witnesses: Please also print name so you can be identified if need be!]

Steward’s decision is final. All complaints must be issued in writing to organisers before the scales close.

Please do not bring fish to the scales in water, unless the intention is to release them alive. Each angler is limited to two fish per species, but we would ask you to minimise killing of fish and endeavour to keep only your single best specimen.

Please respect the beach and do not leave litter, discarded line or old tackle behind and do not start fires.

If possible, please ensure your vehicle is parked at the bottom of the car park to the far right.



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Combe Martin SAC Member Jamie Steward fished a North Devon mark to land several gilthead bream topped by a specimen of 4lb 4oz. He also had brace of 3lb 6oz and 3lb 4oz. These hard fighting fish have become established across the South West and it is perhaps helped by the estaury netting ban that has been in place for several years. To ensure this ban continues it might be a an idea to let DSIFCA know your thoughts.

D & S IFCA The Review of the Netting Permit Conditions

Estuary Gilthead

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Paul Chamberlain enjoyed an evening fishing session with his son Ethan and caught his first gilthead bream  scaling 3lb from the Taw estuary .Paul thought the evening was over before it started as first cast he realised that the spool end cap on his Abu 6500 was missing but Paul persevered and two hours into the flood his Century ultralight hooped right over and after a short but spirited battle and wading out to my waist it was landed.Nice to know they are established in our river system and not just in Cornwall.

Latest Entry in Combe Martin SAC – Lure Competition

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Combe Martin SAC member Mark Jones tempted this fine bass of of 63cm on his latest visit to the coast. There is plenty of time in the clubs members only bass competition that runs until the end of October.

At the end of June the club are hosting an Open Lure competition in conjunction with High Street Tackle Ilfracombe.

( Above )Note the club members competition is boat or shore

Present standings : –

1st – Reece Woolgar 2 bass – 116cm

2nd – Mark Jones  1 bass – 63cm

( Above) Note the Open competition is shore only

SEA ANGLING – Latest Results

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Bideford Angling Clubs forty-eight hour Rover

Bideford Angling Clubs forty eight hour Rover was won by Antony Smith with a smoothound of 10lb 9.5oz. Julien Stainer was runner up with a smoothound of 10lb 6oz and Andrew Clements third with a thick lipped grey mullet of 3lb 13oz.

Other fish caught included :-

Antony Smith – smoothound 7lb 5oz

Nathan Clements  -smoothound 7lb 13 1/2oz

Graham Snow Thin- lipped Mullet 3lb 11 1/2oz

Paul Ackland smoothound 7lb 8 1/2oz


Appledore Shipbuilders Boat Competition

Andrew Atkinson took first and second place in Appledore Shipbuilders Boat competition with smoothound of 15lb 4oz and 13lb 8oz. James Mayhew was third with a bull huss of  12lb 6oz.

Skippered by the legendary John Barbeary

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Many thanks to Troy for allowing me to use his words and pictures.
Troy Laing and his Ilfracombe fishing buddies enjoyed a great day fishing on the Bluefin Charters . “Skippered by the legendary John Barbeary . He done well from start to finish as always. Putting us bang on the pollack over at lundy island..All of us fishing getting 1 each every drift on the silver dreams. Even pulling out 2 and 3 at a time.Then as we ran out of tide for the drifts. Steamed over to the tope grounds. With Paul Lorrimore pulling us out fresh joey mackrel on the sabiki lures..With the encouragement from the skipper john barbeary to put a live Joel on the hook. Advice was spot on. As i managed to pull out a 36lb tope. Only my second ever tope and a new personal best..snapped some quick photos. Then swiftly retured until the next time. Then Bill Cassar managed the next one of 20lb.
Also 2 beautiful cuckoo wrasse of amazing color. Pretty fish with rainbow colors..what a day. What more can i say. And thanks guys for the banter…until next time. Thanks guys..tight lines..xxx”

D & S IFCA The Review of the Netting Permit Conditions

It is vital that stakeholders speak up and put across their views. There is a great deal of apathy across many sectors of society but one thing is certain those who do not speak will not be heard. The constant raising of the state of our rivers and seas across the media in regard to sewage pollution highlights how issues can be brought higher on the agenda.
As anglers across North Devon I feel sure we have seen a great benefit in the total ban on netting in estuaries. Those who believe this to be the case sould write to the D & S IFCA expressing their thoughts. See below statement from the D & S IFCA

The Review of the Netting Permit Conditions

Have Your Say

What is this about?

D&S IFCA is the body responsible to manage the exploitation of sea fisheries resources in this district which includes the areas of Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire County Councils; Bristol and Plymouth City Councils; North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils and all adjacent waters out to six nautical miles offshore or the median line with Wales.
D&S IFCA manages netting activity via the Netting Permit Byelaw. The Byelaw allows permits to be issued that contain conditions of use for those engaged in netting activity.
D&S IFCA must review the existing Netting Permit Conditions and has a duty to consult in writing with permit holders and such other stakeholders, organisations and persons as appear to the Authority to be representative of the interests likely to be substantially affected by the proposed future management options.
Your view is important and D&S IFCA is inviting you to be involved in the review and have your say. We are directly contacting everyone on our mailing list and giving you options on how to respond. All stakeholders can respond even if they don’t have a Netting Permit.
The review of the Netting Permit Conditions will be an extended process, including collating information and evidence, and decision making by D&S IFCA’s Byelaw and Permitting Sub-Committee (B&PSC). The review may or may not lead to changes to the existing Netting Permit Conditions.
  • The information gathering exercise starts on 19th May 2023
  • The information gathering exercise ends on 30th June 2023.

What is covered by the current Netting Permit Conditions?

The existing Netting Permit Conditions regulate netting within estuaries and at sea in the D&S IFCA District. The Netting Permit Conditions apply to both commercial fishers (Category One Permit) and recreational fishers (Category Two Permit) and the restrictions are tailored to these diffing sectors.
The Netting Permit Conditions and Annexes (charts) can be viewed in full by using the links below or visiting the D&S IFCA website.
Summary of the key current restrictions
  • No drift or fixed nets are authorised within any of the estuaries.
  • A series of coastal zones at sea that prohibit the use of fixed surface nets.
  • Minimum sizes for shellfish and bass.
  • Protection for berried crab, lobster and spiny lobster.
  • A limitation on the removal of parts of crabs (claws).
  • A bag limit for recreational fishers (2 lobsters and 3 crabs per calendar day).
  • Gear marking requirements (floating markers and flags for fixed nets).
  • A 25-metre maximum length for nets at sea operated by recreational fishers.
  • Net tags requirement for recreational fishers.
  • No removal of spiny lobster from defined Marine Protected Areas.
  • No netting authorised in an area surrounding Lundy Island.

How to have your say?

The consultation is not a questionnaire. This phase one consultation has no focussed or specific items, but it does give all stakeholders the opportunity to examine the present Netting Permit Conditions, see how netting is being managed by D&S IFCA and respond accordingly.

The following prompts may help you provide a response:

  1. What is your interest in the review?
  2. How did you find out about this review?
  3. What changes do you think should be made (if any) to the Permit Conditions and why should there be changes?
  4. What works well from your point of view and why?
  5. What doesn’t work so well and why?
  6. Please provide any supporting information or evidence to support your response.
  7. Are you on our mailing list and would you like to be added if not already?
Please respond by emailing or writing to us and please call if you need further information or to speak to an Officer.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone:  (Neil Townsend) – 07590 224011 or 01626 331589
Telephone IFCA Office: 01803 854648