Specimen bass for Kevin Legge

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Combe Martin SAC member Kevin Legge landed this fine bass of 9lb 2oz from a local beach. The fish was tempted using Ammo mackerel and returned alive to the sea. I expect to see a few double figure fish caught over the coming months on both lures and baits. Big baits after dark on the beaches have a proven track record though there is plenty of room for experiment with bass that can be tempted using a wide range of tactics. Big bass venture into surprisingly shallow water where free-lined baits on light tackle can bring surprising results?



Kevin Legge 9lb 2oz bass 


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A quick round up of the last weeks news received whilst I was away fishing in Norway where we sampled some supreme sport landing many fine fish. Mackerel are now starting to show in greater numbers with several quality bass landed. There is news from the Welsh shoreline of a shore caught porbeagle shark an amazing feat of angling. It was good to see that the anglers released the fish at the waters edge resisting the temptation to drag it ashore for a trophy shot. A porbeagle from the shore has to be a possibility from the North Devon coast but would require time, determination and a slice of luck. I remember reading article on Jack Shine who famously landed several porbeagle from the West coast of Ireland.

Nathan Clements secured the top two places in the latest North Devon League heat landing a fine smoothound of 13lb 1/4oz and another of 12lb 21/4oz. Third place was taken by Graham Snow with a thin-lipped mullet of 3lb 121/4oz. Nathan and Graham were both fishing for Bideford “A” team.

David Atkinson fished on Teddie Boy out of Minehead  and broke the Appledore Shipbuilders Angling Club Boat record with a fine smoothound of 20lb 8ozs.

David Atkinson fished on teddie boy out of minehead today and broke the Appledore Shipbuilders Angling Club Boat record with this smoothound of 20lb 8ozs
David Atkinson fished on teddie boy out of minehead today and broke the Appledore Shipbuilders Angling Club Boat record with this smoothound of 20lb 8ozs.


13835563_10210214238740169_1505374714_oBideford& District Angling Club member Nathan Clements enjoyed an action packed session after smoothound landing six fish including four double figure fish the best two weighing 12lb 15oz and 12lb.13838172_10210214238300158_1949252942_o

Combe Martin Sea Angling Club member Graham Snow fished the Taw estuary to tempt a fine brace of thin lipped grey mullet scaling 4lb 1oz and 3lb 13oz. Fellow club member Shaun Quartly also enjoyed success landing a personal best bass of 9lb 1oz. Kevin Legge landed a bass of 9lb 2oz that was tempted using Ammo mackerel.



Back From the land of the Midnight Sun

Apologies for the lack of updates over the past week normality will return very soon with all the latest news from North Devon plus a summary of a fabulous trip to Havnnes Handelssted in Northern Norway. A blog will also follow. Special thanks to Craig Butler for organizing the trip to all at Havnnes for there kind hospitality and to the group of anglers whose company made it extra special. Thanks also to Jon Patten for a wealth of advice prior to the trip, to Alex McDonald at Sakuma for providing some quality tackle, Veals Mail Order for great service and to St Leger Custom Rods for the use of three quality rods that performed beyond all expectations. Full write up to follow soon when I have sorted the tackle and caught up with all the latest from the North Devon fishing world.



Havnnes Handelssted
Havnnes Handelssted
101lb halibut - Craig Butler - Fish of the Week!!
101lb halibut – Craig Butler – Fish of the Week!!
Midnight Sun
Rob Scoines 20lb plus coalfish
Rob Scoines 20lb plus coalfish
One of several 20lb plus coalfish tamed on a St Leger Renegade Lure Rod
One of several 20lb plus coalfish tamed on a St Leger Renegade Lure Rod



11lb 2oz wolf fish
11lb 2oz wolf fish


James Thomas with a small Norway cod!

The Magnificent 12!
The Magnificent 12!

Blue Shark for North Devon angler Jon Patten

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Jon Patten 85lb blue shark
Jon Patten 85lb blue shark

Jon Patten traveled from Barnstaple to the Welsh coast to fish the Celtic deeps aboard Andrew Alsop’s famous boat Whitewater. He was fortunate to enjoy a great days fishing landing his first blue shark of 85lb along with a small porbeagle of 45lb. As is often the case the highlights of the day were about more than just fish with Jon reflecting on the sights of dolphins and a whale circling the boat. It would be very interesting to know what could be caught from the waters several miles to the West of Lundy if a prolonged effort was made?

Ian enjoys a Reel Deal

Ian Tyldesley
Ian Tyldesley

Tope continue to provide exciting sport off Ilfracombe as Ian Tyldesley director of Ammo Baits discovered when he traveled up from St Ives to fish aboard Ammo Baits sponsored boat Reel Deal. Dan Hawkins put the anglers on the fish despite breezy conditions that made fishing a little uncomfortable for some of the party. In addition to tope the anglers also landed several bass.


Combe Martin SAC Fish of the month

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David Brooke took top spot in Combe Martin Sea Angling Clubs fish of the month competition with a specimen smoothound scaling 15lb 1oz. In runner up spot Dan Spearman with his thin lipped grey mullet of 4lb 15oz and in third Derek Ferrett with a smoothound of 11lb 14oz.


David Brooke
David Brooke
Dan Spearman thil lipp 4lb 15oz
Dan Spearman thil lipp 4lb 15oz

Tope sport off Ilfracombe

Anglers are enjoying some great tope sport off Ilfracombe with these hard fighting predators now abundant. Tope have been landed up to 37lb with every chance of bigger fish as the season progresses there is even the chance of one of these fish from shore marks if anglers are prepared to set their stall with a big bait and wire trace.

Craig McCloughlin of Braunton Baits with fine tope off Ilfracombe on John Barbeary’s Bluefin
Tope caught on John Barbeary's 'Bluefin'
Tope caught on John Barbeary’s ‘Bluefin’


Tope caught on John Barbeary’s ‘Bluefin’ by Toby Bassett




Tope caught on .'Reel Deal' off Ilfracombe
Tope caught on .’Reel Deal’ off Ilfracombe by Toby Bassett



Craig McCloughlin of Braunton Baits with a 37lb tope caught on John Barbeary’s Bluefin
Danny from Ilfracombe's High Street Tackle with a tope caught on Bluefin
Danny from Ilfracombe’s High Street Tackle with a tope caught on Bluefin

Sea Angling reports

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Graham Snow secured first place in  Appledore Shipbuilders monthly Rover with a grey mullet of 3lb 151/2oz. Andrew Atkinson took the runner up spot with a ballan wrasse of 4lb101/2oz and Joshua Atkinson was third with a smoothound scaling 9lb 23/8oz.

Smoothound and bass are providing some great sport for shore anglers with specimens of both species being landed.  I have received reports of several bass caught in recent weeks above the coveted weight of 10lb but the captors have not made their catches public. The next couple of months should see a few double figure bass landed. The biggest specimens tend to fall to large baits fished from rock or beach marks. Spider crab is without doubt the top bait at present with squid and mackerel baits working better as the summer progresses. Lure anglers also tempt big fish each season when conditions are favorable.

Kyle Bishop 10lb 14oz smoothound
Kyle Bishop 10lb 14oz smoothound

Kyle Bishop and Dan Spearman enjoyed another action packed session with smoothound landing close to twenty hounds in a session the best 10lb 14oz to the rod of Kyle. They also landed a bass and a small eyed ray of 5lb small eyed ray all in daylight.


Dan lands fine ray brace to win Bideford Rover

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Anglers gathered at the club house for the best weigh in for several months with some fine fish visiting the scales.

Dan Redmore
Dan Redmore
Dan Redmore took first and second in Bideford Angling Clubs monthly rover landing a fine brace of  small eyed ray weighing in at 9lb 12oz and 9lb 81/4oz.  Graham Snow took third place with a thick lipped mullet of 3lb 15oz.  Lee Watts took fourth with a  smoothound of 9lb 11 1/4oz and fifth with a bass of 6lb 1oz.
Lee Watts
Lee Watts

Tope on Bluefin

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Tope on Bluefin
Tope on Bluefin

John Barbeary has been finding plenty of tope for anglers on board his charter boat ‘Bluefin’ off Ilfracombe. The best have been up to 35lb with bull huss and a few bass showing. From July 1st anglers can keep one bass per day following a contentious six month total ban on keeping fish for the table.


