Sea Angling News Round Up.

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Shore sport seems to have slowed down with the weather undoubtedly deterring a few anglers from venturing out. There are a few whiting, dabs and dogfish being tempted. There is still an excellent chance of catching ray, conger, huss and spurdog from deep water marks.

If the weather permits boat sport should be good off Ilfracombe with Bluefin taking trips out after spurdog and conger.

Bideford 24 hour Rover

Nathan Clements took the top spot in Bideford Angling Clubs twenty four hour rover with a fine pollock of 4lb 3oz.

In runner up spot was  Andrew Clements with a pouting 1lb 1 1/2  and in third Antony Smith with a  rockling 14 1/2 oz.

In Appledore Shipbuilders Rover Josh Atkinson secured victory with a spotted ray weighing 3lb 10oz.



If its cod you want get up Channel!

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Boat fishing has been excellent off North Devon with spurdog and conger but if its cod your after its up to Minehead and Watchet you will need to go.

A good weekend on Reel Deal with plenty of fish about including whiting, conger, ray and dogfish both days no cod yesterday. Cod have been scarce some days but plentiful on others. Chris Wadham has taken the lead in the Big Cod Competition sponsored by High Street Tackle Ilfracombe, Ammo Bait and Veals Mail Order with five cod for a total length of 2.32 metres.


Private Boats Enjoy Offshore Sport

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The recent calm weather has allowed several of North Devon’s boat owners to venture out and savour the sport on offer. James Gubb Fradgley and Rob Scoines sailed out of Lynmouth and landed spurdog to 17lb, thirty conger to 29lb a blonde ray of 13lb and several bull huss.

(Above)James Gubb with a 29lb conger


James Gubb – blonde ray


Rob Scoines -bull huss
Rob Scoines – spurdog 17lb
(Above ) James Gubb  specimen bull huss
Dan Welch and Ross Stanway sailed out of Ilfracombe and also discovered conger, huss and spurdog.
(Above) Ross Stanway with a specimen huss
(Above) Dan Welch – spurdog
(Above) Ross Stanway with a spurdog
Dan Welch – conger 28lb

Anglers Enjoy Deep Sea Sport on Bluefin

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The days fishing got underway following the stunning sunrise above Combe Martin Bay ( Above).

I joined a party of anglers on board John Barbeary’s ‘Bluefin’ Last Sunday morning when we steamed out to a mark six or seven miles off Ilfracombe where we hoped to connect with the packs of spurdog that have become a feature of winter fishing off the North Devon Coast. Several trips had been possible to these deep water marks over the previous few days when plenty of tackle testing specimens had been boated.

It wasn’t long after dropping the anchor before a few spurdog homed in on the array of baits on offer beneath the boat. Spurdog are not particularly fussy feeders devouring most fish baits with gusto.

(Above) Simon Blacher with one of the first double figure spurdog of the day.

(Below) One of several spurdog I landed during the day.

As the tide eased several conger joined in on the feasting beneath the boat with Exeter based angler Pete Gregory boating a beauty of 36lb. (Below)


A brace of bull huss ( Below)

Pete Gregory with a fine spurdog (Below)

Over the previous week John Barbeary had taken several parties of anglers to the grounds several miles off the coast when neap tides and good weather gave a perfect window of opportunity.

Below highlights from a productive week on Bluefin

Rob Scoines with two spurdog the best a fine specimen of 18lb 2oz

(Above)Rob Scoines with a huss

(Below) Pete Gregory with a 30lb plus conger

Pete Gregory with a rare Bristol Channel Ling.



Litter Issue brings threat of angling ban!


Once again I am prompted to mention the contentious issue of litter and angling. Last year there was talk of a ban on angling at Clovelly as a result of anglers leaving litter, bait and urinating against the harbour wall. Clovelly is a picturesque village that is currently in the running for Channel 4’s Village of the Year with Penelope Keith. it is completely understandable that the owners of the village and the community do not want their beautiful village to be tarnished by irresponsible anglers who undoubtedly have no respect for the environment or local community.

(Above) Clovelly during the Herring Festival in November

When I have posted about this previously I have provoked  strong protestations about this issue with many anglers condemning the culprits. This vitriol on Facebook and social media achieves little. In my view local anglers need to take action and work with the Clovelly Estate to address this issue. As Bideford and District Angling Club are closest it would be useful if they could take the lead and I have contacted them to this end and the issue will be discussed at their AGM. I would hope that anglers from other areas of North Devon will join in with a possible beach clean and show that we do care. If this is considered a good idea I will promote the event both here on NDAN and within my Angling Column in the NDJ.

It may well be that there is a need to control angling access in future so that any culprits can be identified and banned from future visits.




Tunny History

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I am always on the look out interesting angling stories and thought this old film footage a fascinating glimpse into times gone by its all a bit barbaric by today’s standards but don’t judge past generations on today’s perceptions. This was remember a time when people had little perception of the vulnerability of the oceans believing that its wonders were inexhaustible.

Fish from cold climates

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(Above)10lb + halibut for Craig

North Devon anglers Craig Mcloughlin and Kevin Legge are enjoying fishing in Norway where temperatures are minus 6 during the day and there  are just three hours of daylight!

Craig hopes to capture the Northern Lights before they come home. One of angling joys is the adventures it takes its participants on.

(Above) Double Figure cod for Craig

(Above)Kevin Legge with a double figure cod

A fine specimen haddock for Kevin

Sea Angling Results – Bideford, Appledore-Shipbuilder’s & Triple Hook

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Antony Smith landed the only two fish in Bideford Angling Clubs Monthly Rover a fine specimen spurdog of 12lb 81/2oz and a whiting of 1lb.

Dennis Toleman won Triple Hook Clubs first competition of the New Year winning the Sportsman’s Cup with a flounder of 1lb 3oz. In runner up spot was Rob Hancock with a flounder of 1lb 21/2oz.

In Appledore Shipbuilders Rover eighteen senior anglers failed to catch a fish big enough to bring to the scales. Jack Pike secured victory in the Junior section with a whiting of 101/2oz.