Sea Angling – Latest
Combe Martin SAC member Ross Stanway enjoyed a wrasse fishing session with his son Charlie they tempted several topped by this fine fish of 4lb 7oz. ( Below)
(Below) John Shapland tempted this specimen thin lipped grey mullet of 4lb 1.5oz.
Smoothound are still producing good sport from marks along the coast with several good specimen tempted to just under 10lb.
Pollock and codling provide sport on the lure
Smoothound sport
Taw Thin Lips on the feed!
Big Solo tope
Night time for huss
Thin lips giving good sport
Ian Laird caught this thin lipped grey mullet in the Taw Estuary using a baited spinner. These hard fighting members of the mullet family can give great sport and can also prove frustrating as they follow the spinner to the bank turning away at the last minute. Thick lipped grey mullet are also present in the estuary’s in good numbers but require a totally different approach with bread the top boat presented on float or quiver tip tactics. In the past huge catches of thin lipped mullet were made using float fished harbour ragworm a tactic that is seldom used today.