Lynmouth Open Competition Result

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The Lynmouth Open Competition was a week long event suggested by Lynton angler James Gubb Fradgley to run in conjunction with the Lynmouth Regatta and Maritime Festival. Promoted by North Devon Angling News and Combe Martin SAC the first three prizes were cash prizes of £100, £50 and £25. The proceeds were to be shared between Combe Martin SAC, Lynmouth Sailing Club and Lynton Primary School.

The presentation was held at The Ancient Mariner at Lynmouth where large crowds had assembled to celebrate with a party atmosphere prevailing as live music drifted  across the harbour.

The winning angler was Daniel Welch who caught a boat caught tope of 38lb 2oz, grey mullet of 4lb 7oz and a spotted ray of 4lb 8oz.  (296%)

In runner up spot was James Gubb Fradgley who caught a tope of 37lb 2oz, bull huss of 9lb 10oz and a small eyed ray of 9lb 10oz. (260%)

Very close behind in third place was Ross Stanway who caught a tope from the shore of 35lb 7oz, a bull huss of 8lb 10oz and a dogfish of 2lb 5oz. (259%)

The prize for the best specimen of the week went to Ross Stanway for his shore caught tope of 35lb 7oz.

A raffle was held at the presentation that boosted funds raised for the Lynmouth Sailing Club and Lyntom Primary School. Many thanks to the Ancient Mariner for hosting the weigh in.

Combe Martin SAC plan to repeat the competition next year encouraged by the enthusiasm of competitors. It is to be hoped that sponsors can be found to boost the prize table.

(Above)Ross Stanway(Left) and Daniel Welch at the presentation




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James Gubb Fradgley boated three good fish to take second place in the festival. Still more fish to come results tonight presentation at Lynmouth 9.00pm.

1st –

1st – Dan Welch – tope (boat) 38lb 2oz , spotted ray(boat) 4lb 8ozThick Lipped mullet 4lb 7oz Total percentage – 296. 251%

2nd – James Gubb Fradgley – tope ( Boat) 37lb 2oz , bull huss (Boat) 9lb 10oz Small eyed ray (Boat) 9lb 10oz – 260. 458%

3rd  – Ross Stanway – dogfish (boat) -2lb 5oz, bull huss (boat) 8lb 10oz tope 35lb 7oz 35lb 7oz Total Percentage – 259.097%


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Dan Hawkins has ventured to deep waters off the North Devon coast taking advantage of the settled weather to put anglers amongst both blue and porbeagle shark. Over three days eleven porbeagle shark and nine blue shark were tempted using Ammo chum in combination with Ammo mackerel hook baits. The fish were in the 80lb to 90lb range.

The catches have stirred interest from the national press who will undoubtedly be sensationalizing  the catches of shark off the North Devon coast. This is however nothing new as shark have always frequented the the area but it takes a pioneering skipper to rediscover them and make the effort. All of the shark are released alive after photographing. Circle hooks are used to reduce any danger of deep hooking and the fish handled for a minimal period with large fish unhooked at the side of the boat.



Lynmouth Competition Update – Dan takes the lead!

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Dan Welch has taken the lead in the Lynmouth Festival with one day to go boosting his total with a 4lb 7oz thick lipped mullet and a tope from the boat of 38lb 2oz.

1st – Dan Welch – tope (boat) 38lb 2oz , spotted ray(boat) 4lb 8ozThick Lipped mullet 4lb 7oz Total percentage – 296. 251%

2nd – Ross Stanway – dogfish (boat) -2lb 5oz, bull huss (boat) 8lb 10oz tope 35lb 7oz 35lb 7oz Total Percentage – 259.097%

The only two competitors on three species so far!

Shark Catch off Ilfracombe

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“What a absolutely brilliant day!!” Said Toby Basset after an amazing days fishing aboard Dan Hawkins Reel Deal..”off we set at 6am and by 8.30am we were fishing in the Celtic deeps sharks rod went in and i was first up within an hour first fish was hooked! A cracking beagle of 80lb+ sadly shook the hook. The party hooked a fish a fish every 20 minutes with the anglers landing two shark each a mix of beagles and blues! Biggest blue went to 71lb the skipper even landed a tidy little beagle as we brought the lines in to go home! Ten shark landed 3 dropped what a day!! Even caught a new species of a little grey gurnard!”

Tope runs off with rod!!!!!

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Keith Armishaw of River Reads sent me this story abut a recent boat trip. When the tope are about hang onto your tackle!!!!!

Has anyone seen this rod which was heading to Lundy? Monday was a day spent sea fishing. After a slow couple of marks, we finally anchored off Welcome and must have been in a middle of a shoal of tope. In a couple of hours, I had 7 and lost about 5, Jonathan had 4 and lost as many, Mike was feathering and never managed to get a fish to the top although he had tope on several times his tackle just wasn’t strong enough. Lee had 5 but… as I was unhooking one of mine in the sea, Lee got nudged and loosened his grip on his rod and a tope ran off with Greys Spinflex and Shimano baitrunner in tow. It was last seen heading for Lundy. Should you be tope fishing and hook it up, he would be delighted to have it back!   Keith Armishaw


Lynmouth Competition Update !

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Leader Board Update

1st –   Ross Stanway – dogfish (boat) -2lb 5oz, bull huss (boat) 8lb 10oz tope 35lb 7oz 35lb 7oz  Total Percentage – 259.097%

2nd –  Dan Welch – pollock (boat) 8lb , spotted ray(boat) 4lb 8oz smoothound (boat) 12lb 4oz  Total percentage – 238.334 %

The only two competitors on three species so far!

Paul Perium – 10lb 9oz bull huss



Lynmouth Open Fishing Competition

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There is still time to enter with a top prize of £100 Cash

James Gubb Fradgley with a tope of 31lb

Leader Board –

Dan Welch – pollock 8lb, spotted ray 4lb 8oz, smoothound 12lb 4oz all boat caught  – 238.334%

Ross Stanway – dogfish 2lb 5oz, bull huss 8lb 10oz, smoothound 7lb 8oz all boat caught – 190.72%

John Shapland – thin lipped mullet 3lb 10oz – 103.571%

James Gubg Fradgley – tope 31lb – 77.5%