Shore tope

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Jon Patten was targetting bass with half mackerel baits when a pack of tope swam past! As Jon placed his rod in the rest after casting, his second rod bounced in the rest and the reel screamed its warning. Hastily grabbing the second rod he failed to give full attention to slackening the clutch on the recently cast out rod. As battle commenced with the fish on rod two; Jon watched in despair as his recently cast rod was catapulted from the rest to disappear into the dark night sea. After a spirited tussle a fine tope of 38lb 6oz was brought ashore for a quick photo. Jon was using size 8/0 hooks to 40lb b.s Seagar Fluorocarbon hook lengths.

This is not first rod to be lost as big fish seize the bait and head out to sea its important to always fish with a loose clutch but its easy to get distracted and the cost can be high!

Tarrant Wotton was fishing with Jon on the same session and also enjoyed success landing this splendid huss.

Twenty Seven ray from North Devon Beach!

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Craig McLoughlin who runs Braunton Baits enjoyed an action packed session at a local beach with his friends.

“Well what can I say about last night?”

It was especially  Awesome!

A very very last minute fishing session with Mark Jones and Mark LaMude down the local beach, ended up with a fish a cast for me eleven ray landed five being blonde ray to 12lb and six small eyed ray to 9lb

Between us we had over 27 ray all on the braunton bait box Sandeel.

Smashing it – bass on top

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I enjoyed a couple of hours wondering a rocky North Devon shore line with the lures. The windy conditions proving a good test for my recently acquired Snowbee Raptor rod and reel. I had loaded the reel with Sufix Braid that has a breaking strain of 26lb and diameter of 10lb b.s. I had also purchased a couple of Patchinko surface lures and had decided I would give these a fair trial.

The trek to the mark was punctuated with fishing chat with my fishing buddy Rob Scoines who had also been tempted by the Patchinko‘s at High Street Tackle. On arrival at the first section of coast we were met with a very strong westerly breeze. The water however looked perfect with good clarity and a little fizz created by the strong wind. On went the lures and out into the head wind. The Patchinko sailed out surprisingly well with the thin braid cutting through the wind. On the second cast the water erupted as a bass slashed at the lure. No contact this time but the next cast brought a repeat performance and this time a small bass of close to a pound.

Twenty five yards away I heard an excited call from Rob who had also missed a bass. The next twenty minutes saw a few missed takes but no hook ups. With the wind strength climbing we decided to head for a more sheltered area. Hopping across the boulders casting here and there we made our way along the shoreline. I clambered up on a high boulder flicked the lure and started an erratic retrieve. A big swirl behind the lure first cast. Next cast another swirl; third cast and wallop a good solid take and a good scrap as a bass of between three and four pound battled for freedom. After a quick picture I slipped the silver prize back into her home.

The next stop casting out around forty yards Rob and I caught a steady succession of school bass to just over a pound. All on the Patchinko.

Before coming out I had carried out an experiment showing Pauline a Patchinko and a cheaper copy. “Which one would you take if you were a bass” I asked? Obviously sharing the bass’s expensive taste Pauline selected the genuine article at close to £20 instead of the £5.99 alternative.



Latest news from the coast

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The recent change in the weather could bring a few opportunities for bait fishers in particular as the water colours up following a couple of months of calm hot weather. Several reports of mackerel from marks along the coast. A big mackerel bait will often sort out that monster bass with the next couple of months the prime time to get that double figure specimen. Bideford Angling Clubs Festival next weekend see poster below.

Bideford Angling Club 24 hour results

Graham Snow took the top two spots in Bideford Angling Clubs twenty four hour rover

1st Graham Snow mullet thick 3 lb 9 1/2oz

2nd Graham snow mullet thick 3 lb 2 1/2oz

3rd  kyle Blackmore dogfish 1lb 14oz



(Below)Daniel Welch enjoyed an excellent evening  session at a local harbour landing nine mullet to 4lb 15oz.

(Below)Stefan Jones spotted a window in the weather and decided to venture out on his boat. With a lively swell and big tide options were limited but a sheltered venue produced several smoothound, a bass of around 5lb, plenty of mackerel and a fine tope of close to 38lb.

Combe Martin SAC Member Kody Chugg landed this fine bull huss of 10lb 9oz during a session at a local rock mark.


Big Bass in the dark

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Danny Watson of High Sreet Tackle Ilfracombe has taken the lead in Combe Martin SAC’s Lure Fishing Competition landing a fine bass of 70cm.

The fish was also weighed before being returned and scaled 8lb 9oz.

Danny has kindly agreed to award the prize of an HTO Nebula Lure Rod to the runner up in the competition if he wins as High Street Tackle are sponsoring the competition. So there’s a challenge to club members get out there and claim the top spot and save Danny the embarrassment of winning his own competition!!!

Congratulations go to Danny and Ross in getting out there after dark and having the confidence to cast a lure its something I have been intending to do for ages.

Danny story below :-

Absolutely bloody buzzing man! Got a message from fellow club member Ross Stanway – ” Did I fancy a quick lure session in the dark,” was hardly going to say no was I? He quickly got into a fish of about 2lb, we were pleased. Then about half an hour later all hell broke loose and I was into this beast! My second night time lure bass – measured 70cm and weighed 8lb 9oz! It went like a steam train taking line like mad – it was absolutely mental. Lots of people know I have banged on about doing this for ages – now I have and believe me it is pretty mad. I did not expect something like this! I can’t stop grinning!!!

The fish was tempted on a white do live stick – High Street Tackle sell Laggin Dragons which are very similar.


Bass on the lure winners

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High Street Tackle have been running a lure fishing competition over recent weeks and have announced the winners of the latest.

Olly Larvin and Peter Hayes both landed bass of 70cm tempting them on Size 4 Fillish Black Minnows.

Combe Martin SAC are still competing in their own lure fishing competition sponsored by High Street Tackle but so far despite catching plenty of bass there are three members on 55cm. With three weeks to go I am sure this will be beaten!

Big bass on Floating Crust

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Richard Jefferies caught this splendid bass estimated at 8lb whilst was mullet fishing in the Torridge estuary he caught it  on floating bread on 3lb line and a size 10 hook he also had a mullet just over 4lbs as well. After a quick photo the bass was returned to the water.