I really enjoy reading Steve’s blogs on his species hunt and will miss the regular updates when his years quest is over. I reckon he needs to go past 100 before he contemplates stopping!!!!
Stephen Found secured first and second in Bideford Angling Clubs Des Clements Memorial Competition with a fine brace of thick lipped mullet scaling 4lb 9oz and 3lb 12oz. Graham Snow took third with a thick lipped mullet of 2lb 14oz.
John Shapland landed this fine thick lip of 4lb 4oz on a recent trip. The next couple of months are without doubt my favourite time to get out fishing with a wealth of fish to target. Bass and mullet have to be close top of the wanted list and reports would indicate that there are a few about.
2 BITES TODAY!!! Johns exciting report.
“first pulled the tip around hard and kept on going took the rod from the rest and into the water!!! time I got to it I lifted into nothing!!! heart beating like mad and shaking like a leaf, rebaited and re-cast then bang!!! tip right around and fish on!! followed the fish down stream but my landing net was miles away by now, a great scrap ensued with some awesome runs. I managed to beach her on the shallows and carried back to the landing net for a rest then release and weighed in at 4lb 2 oz
most happy with this old warrior.”
Rob Scoines enjoyed a session at a local rock mark ctaching several bass to 4lb 2oz and a small bull huss.
Shane Tandy boated a fine blue shark of 114lb whilst fishing on board Reel Deal. This was one of thirteen shark caught during a trip to the offshore marks out of Ilfracombe.
Dan Hawkins wrote earlier “with the season coming to a close down Ilfracombe we have some last chance availability for the sharks then it’s back up channel for the cod www.reeldealcharters.uk book now to avoid disappointment I’ll be running local trips and trips right up to the English and welsh grounds”
September and October have always been prime time for the bass angler with every chance of that fish of a lifetime showing. If water clarity is good lure fishing could bring its rewards though a big fish bait anchored off a beach is a method with a well proven track record. Don’t rule the estuary either as big bass often prowl into areas that many consider the home of flounder and school bass.
Recreational anglers will be delighted to hear that the total ban on retaining bass is to be lifted from October 1st 2018 with one bass per day to be allowed for the table. Whilst the majority of anglers return the fish they catch most will be pleased that they can take the occasional fish for the table.
(below)Ali Laird enjoyed a successful session on a local beach beaching two small ray a brace of bass of 3lb to 4lb and this fine bass of 9lb 12oz.
(Below) Tony Slade won Appledore Shipbuilder’s Bass Competition at Westward Ho! with a bass of 7lb 4oz.
(Below) James Atkinson took second and third with bass of 3lb 5oz and 2lb 12oz.
Josh Atkinson took the top two places in Appledore Shipbuilders monthly Rover with a fine brace of black bream scaling 3lb 13/4oz and 2lb 123/4oz. In third place was James Atkinson with a black bream of 2lb 51/8oz. The two anglers landed the bream after travelling to a shore mark in Dorset.
Graham Snow continues his success with Bideford Angling Club winning their latest Monthly rover with a grey mullet scaling 3lb 61/2oz. Nathan Clements took second and third places with a bull huss of 7lb 31/2oz and a dogfish of 1lb 141/2oz.
Stefan Jones reports on a hard days weather was great but fishing slow, mackerel didn’t play the game so frozen Ammo Baits was first choice, with spider crab collected last month to tempt a hound or huss . Managed to make a day in the end , roll on the next trip !
Dan Hawkins took a party of anglers shark fishing off Ilfracombe aboard Reel Deal and they successfully caught three shark to 55lb.
Combe Martin Sea Angling Clubs annual fun fishing event on Ilfracombe Pier always brings plenty of smiles and this year was no exception. The title of the event explains what the day is all about nothing too serious just a few hours fishing with the chance to meet fellow anglers and special guests. The event focuses on young anglers so the competition is geared towards under 16’s accompanied by a responsible adult.
This years guests included Dominic Garnett who writes a regular column for the Angling Times and works with the Angling Trust to promote angling. https://dgfishing.co.uk/
(Above) Dominick Garnett gets involved coaching young anglers
Steve Dawe is an all round angler who has a particular interest in species fishing and is raising funds for the Stroke Association.
In January last year he started a fund raising challenge to catch 52 species of fish in a year and has surpassed this already landing his 64th species during this years event, a rock goby.(Below)
(Below)The Coastguard raised awareness of the need to take care at the waters edge offering advice to all who attended.
(Below)Ilfracombe Aquarium were at hand to identify any rare species caught and also hope to obtain specimens for the aquarium.
This years event was once again a success with a really friendly atmosphere and plenty of fish caught to give the young participants encouragement. One of the events main targets is to introduce young people to a pastime that can provide a lifelong interaction with the environment as Dominick said to me if we recruit one young person into a life of fishing we have been successful.
The below pictures give a view of the event that is made successful by those who take part.
(Above) Winning angler Effie Welch aged 7(Above) Dan Welch with one of several garfish caught.(Above)Charlie Stanway with a wrasse(Above)Lyn Wilson with the only mackerel caught(Above) Lyn Wilson won the longest fish and heaviest fish category with a garfish of 9oz.(Above) Lyn Welch with a rock goby and a pollock(Above)Steve Dawe and family(Above) Danny Watson chats with Lawrence from Ilfracombe Aquarium(Above) Joshua Jeffery with a garfish(Above) Ben Clarke with one of several blenny he caught.(Above)Dominick Garnett, Danny Watson and Pauline Chard of High Street Tackle, Ilfracombe.Ross Stanway receives his signed copy of Crooked Lines from Author Dominick Garnett
(Above)Paulina Garnett with a poor cod(Above)Solomon Welch with a wrasse(Above)Ross Stanway with wrasse(Above) Jordan Choules with a wrasse(Above) Sea Ilfracombe Pirate checks on proceedings(Above)Harbour Master Georgina meets with the local coastguard
First day of autumn probably the finest season for angling. One more try for a bass in Combe Martin SAC’s lure competition.
As I walk to the shore a few family’s are enjoying time beside the sea as summer fades. Its a balmy air as I make my way across the familiar boulder strewn foreshore. I arrive perspiring just before low water and make my way out onto a favorite rocky promontory. The sea is calm, clarity good and I feel confident as I clip on a patchinko surface lure and launch it 40 yards or so out onto the water. After searching the water for ten minutes or so without any swirls behind the lure I clip on my favourite candy coloured shallow diver. After two casts I feel that electrifying jolt through the thin braid as a bass slams into the lure. The rod pulses in my hands as a bass of a couple of pounds fights for freedom. I relish the sight of the bass as it swims on a tight line in the clear water.
A couple more casts and a repeat performance as bass number two hits the lure.
As the tide pushes in I hop off the rock before getting trapped by the rising water and move fishing from boulders flicking a surface lure into the shallow water. There is a swirl behind the lure and I pause momentarily before twitching the lure and get an immediate response as a small bass nails the lure hard. I lift the bass from the water and on grabbing the fish impale my finger on a flying treble hook. Bass on one hook finger past the barb on the other; Ouch!!! I really should carry a small first aid kit..
A wash off in salty water and its time to resume fishing. I search the shoreline finding three more bass as I relish the calm water and the splendid scenery. I love fishing these shallow boulder strewn shorelines and the exciting encounters as the bass appear in the clear water sometimes smashing the lure just a few feet from the edge.
I end the session as the evening sun illuminates the steep cliffs pausing as I walk back to enjoy a hot coffee from my new drink pod.
The next few months are an exciting prospect for the angler with bass, mullet and tope on the sea angling agenda.
Bideford Angler Ian Hooper has been enjoying success on recent trips to the estuary and coast demonstrating the variety of fishing that is in offer at this time of year.