Bideford & District Angling Club – Monthly Match

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Monthly Coarse Section Competition @ Wooda Lakes ,


1st John Lisle 61lb 1oz

2nd Kevin Shears 49lb 6oz

3rd Craig Crash Lamey 39lb 9oz

4th Stephen Craker 21lb 13oz

5th Nathan Underwood 21lb 8oz

6th David Bailey 19lb 8oz

7th Martin Turner 18lb 13oz

8th Paul Morris17lb 9oz

The match was held on the prolific Wooda complex , the 2 match lakes hosted the 22 competitors , the cold windy weather made fishing, for some ,quite tricky. The shallow end of the top lake produced the winner, John landed some of the larger carp fishing with paste at very close range beside the reed beds. Kevin had a hectic start catching over 30 carp from the dam end on lake 2 for 2nd. 3rd place was Craig with another pole catch on the top lake. Stephen Craker came in 4th with a pole and feeder catch from lake 2. John Lisle and Stephen Craker move into joint first in the championship on 19 points.

North Devon Match Group first Championship Match of 2019

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North Devon Match Group had its first Championship match of 2019 at Stafford Moor today combined with our Champion of Champions from 2018, attendance was again good with 22 anglers fishing.

The match was evenly split between Oak and Woodpecker.
Winner on the day was Neilsen Jeffery with 76lb 11oz from peg 17 on woodpecker, all caught on corn from the margins.
Second place went to Nathan Underwood with 72lb 4oz from peg 3 on woodpecker and third went to Andrew Gratton with 60lb 4oz again from woodpecker.
Top weight on Oak was Paul Morris with 54lb and paul came second in the pools due to our continental pay out.
Oak was very close with Stuart Shelley Burridge, Craig Crash Lamey Kevin Shears’and Dodgy Hooks all within 5lb of Pauls weight.




Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly Comp @ Morchard Road

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Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly Comp @ Morchard Road Results :

1st  Martin Turner 55lb 5oz

2nd Pete Slade 50lb

3rd Stephen Craker 41lb 2oz

4th Richard Jefferies 40lb 1oz

5th Martin Hawker 29lb 14oz

14 anglers fished our first competition on this prolific carp fishery.Conditions were rather windy and quite cold. Martin Turner drew peg 5, and caught 25 small carp on pole fished red maggots over micro pellets. The second placed angler was Pete who fished on peg 10 , he landed a similar number of fish on pole and feeder tactics.  Stephen Craker fished on the point on peg 12, he used tip and long pole for 3rd place. Richard Jefferies 4th place was top weight on the road bank , he caught on a cage feeder. Next months competition is at Wooda Lakes on 10th Feb.

North Devon Match Group Winter League No.4 Results :@ Morchard Road, Lake View :

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North Devon Match Group Winter League No.4 Results :@ Morchard Road, Lake View :

1st  Chris Morris 50lb 4oz

2nd Neilsen Jeffery 48lb

3rd  Paul Morris 34lb 12oz

4th  Stuartshelley Burridge 30lb 9oz

5th  Martin Turner 25lb 7oz

6th  John Lisle 23lb 13oz

7th Pete Slade 18lb 4oz
Our first match of 2019 was fished in relatively mild ,still conditions on the prolific Lake View fishery , expectations, amongst the 21 anglers was not high after some indifferent results of late, but several reasonable catches were recorded. Top of the pile was  Chris Morris who drew peg 1 on the first point, his 50lb catch of 25 carp was made on maggot over groundbait on a long pole. Neilsen Jeffery ran a close second of the next peg on pole and feeder tactics, Third place went to Paul Morris on the outlet pipe swim, Stuartshelley Burridge fished a tidy match alternating pole and tip off the point on peg 20 for 4th place.


Happy New Year to all readers of North Devon Angling News many thanks to all who have provided me with new reports and images throughout the year. I was going to do a full review of 2018 but then news came in and I thought its all there on the site to see anyway. Looking back it was a good year if you were a flexible angler targeting the vast range of species available. I reported on big shark off Ilfracombe, big nets of silver fish, fifty pound plus carp and humble flounder. I intend to carry on doing the same next year.  The weather will of course play its part each season so lets hope we get a fair mix in 2019. No beasts and no droughts but if we do then just make the best of whats on offer. A special thanks to my sponsors below:-


* MATCH REPORT * Wooda lakes

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A big thank you to the 21 anglers who turned out to fish Wooda Lakes Annual Fur ‘n Feather Match, fished across their Mixed Match and Carp match lakes. With mild weather the fishing ought to have been excellent, but with an influx of cold water it made for tough fishing for most. With the carp holed up tight, the silver fish at least gave sport for some, while others just enjoyed the day out, the occasional drizzle and banter…. the John “I’m admitting to 10lb, but your carp are bigger” Lisle and Pete “I only have 10lb” Slade banter continued after the match!

Overall winner on the day was Neilsen Jeffrey, pegged on the wood side of the Carp Match lake, weighing in 53lb 2oz of carp caught mainly on the pole. Second was Kevin Shears, from the point on the Mixed match lake, with 40lb 4oz. Third was Lewis Jones with 37lb 12oz at the far end of the Carp Match lake.
Pools was paid out to:
Neilsen Jeffrey – overall winner 53lb 2oz
Kevin Shears – winner Mixed lake 40lb 4oz
Lewis Jones – winner Carp match lake 37lb 12oz
Martin Crouch – r/up Mixed lake 29lb 10oz
Rich Dennis – r/up Carp match lake 34lb 15oz

The blind pairs was a tight encounter with Kevin Shears and Rich Dennis on 75lb 3oz just beating Mat Sampson and Neilsen Jeffrey on 72lb 6oz. Kevin and Rich picking up a crate of beer each for their win.

The mystery weight (of 12lb 1oz) was won by Ian Croxton with 12lb 2oz, who picked up a bottle of bubbly.

All anglers also picked up a selection of prizes from 1st place down to the wooden spoon.

Full results:

Mixed match lake

Peg 1 – Mat Sampson 19lb 4oz
Peg 2 – Peter Horton 14lb 7oz
Peg 3 – Peter Seward 16lb 2oz
Peg 4 – Mick Seward 6lb 13oz
peg 5 – Stephen Craker 16lb 13oz
Peg 6 – Simon Allen 7lb 11oz
Peg 7 – Kevin Wilton 4lb 12oz
Peg 8 – Ian Croxton 12lb 2oz
Peg 9 – Martin Crouch 29lb 10oz
Peg 10 – Kevin Shears 40lb 4oz
Peg 11 – John Forster 10lb 4oz

Carp match lake

Peg 12 – Rich Dennis 34lb 15oz
Peg 13 – Keith Copeland 30lb 6oz
Peg 15 – Shaun Stenton 10lb 2oz
peg 16 – Tom Downing 18lb
Peg 17 – Martin Turner 21lb 3oz
Peg 18 – Neilsen Jeffrey 53lb 2oz
Peg 19 – Kev Grant 5lb 12oz
Peg 20 – Lewis Jones 37lb 12oz
Peg 21 – John Lisle 11lb 4oz
peg 22 – Pete Slade 9lb 14oz

Stafford Moor Christmas Match

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Stafford Moors Christmas Match on Tanners and Woodpecker lakestook place on a miserable grey day for anglers but not too bad for fishing I suspect. The winner of the Christmas Match 2018 was Mr Andy Dare who bagged himself 107lb 9oz from peg 1 on Tanners lake well done Andy! In second place was Mark Cullerton with 81lb 10oz from peg 20 on Woodpecker lake. In third place was Tom Downing peg 10 on Tanners with 99lb 5oz. In forth place was Nathan Underwood with 62lb 9oz from peg 16 on Woodpecker lake.

Final Bideford & District AC monthly competition and Christmas Match at Tarka Swims

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Many thanks to Martin Turner for his regular news updates from Bideford Angling Club and North Devon Match Group

Final BDAC monthly competition and Christmas Match at Tarka Swims


1st John Lisle 10lb 6oz

2nd Antony Bentley 7lb 10oz

3rd Stephen Craker 7lb 2oz

4th Martin Turner 1lb 4oz

5th Pete Slade 9oz

6th Keith Copland 6oz

16 Anglers took part in the last event of the year on Tarka Swims, George’s Lake. John landed 2 nice carp in the margins of peg M on pole fished bread for his second consecutive victory, John won himself a £25 tackle voucher ,generously donated by Summerlands Tackle and £45 pool money along with some nail varnish and hand cream! in the secret Santa draw . Antony Bentley also landed 2 carp on peg Q on sweetcorn on the tip for 2nd spot, Stephen Craker took 3rd place on the adjacent peg P with a nice carp and a decent bream also on the tip. Martin ended the series with 4th off peg H with a small carp ,bream and perch to a groundbait feeder.Pete drew a shallower peg X and scratched around for 22 tiny perch for 5th overall.The final standings in the league are 1st Martin Turner 111points 2nd John Lisle 98 3rd Steve Bailey 80 4th Keith Copland 59 6th Pete Slade 49. The golden peg pot is carried forward to the first match of 2019 on Morchard Road on the 13th January.


Tamar Christmas Match Winner

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Congratulations to Tubertini & Bait-Tech recent signing Norman Martin.

Norman fished the Tamar Christmas Match yesterday, managing to beat the 41 strong field & even stronger weather conditions to win the match overall.

Norman fished his relatively sheltered peg on the whip, putting 250+ small roach & perch in the net for a 25lb 12oz total, whilst others on the 82 acre venue struggled with the conditions.

This finishes off a great season at Tamar for Norm, where he has a couple of match wins, Summer League runner up (on weight count back), Preston Pairs Festival 3rd place under his belt.