Stafford Moor May Festival

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Friday 17th May was the final of our May Festival 2019, what a fabulous week it had been. The weights were great all week and all the competitors said what a great week they had at the Moor. The weather was kind all week except  for Friday when there was some rain but not enough to dampen spirits.  The  festival ran from Monday 13th  until Friday 17th May.

The worthy winner was Gareth Lennox (Stafford Moor) who won with just 5 points and a total weight of 435lb 3oz.
Gareth had 2 points on Monday , 1 point on Tuesday, 1 point on Wednesday, 2 points on Thursday and 1 point on Friday so with his dropper of 2 points Gareth ending up scoring just 5 points. Gareth mainly fished worms over pellet all week.

In second place with a total weight of 429lb 2oz with 6 points was Damien Green

In third place with a total weight of 415lb 11oz with 6 points is Chris Cameron ( bait tech / middy)

North Devon Match Group Championship No.5 @ Killock Lakes

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1st  Neilsen Jeffery 64lb 5oz

2nd Colin Cherrington 49lb 11oz

3rd Pete Slade 40lb 9oz

4th Paul Elworthy 38lb 0oz

5th Kevin Shears 34lb 0oz

6th Stephen Craker 25lb 2oz

17 anglers took part in this event, held in hot still conditions Neilsen Jeffery has extended his lead in the championship with another fine performance on the pole from peg 17, he netted 15 carp on corn for clear victory ,Colin Cherrington’s first visit to the venue was rewarded with a 12 fish catch from the margins of peg 4 for 2nd spot. 3rd place went to in form Pete Slade with another pole caught carp net.

Next week the North Devon Match Group Fish the first leg of their annual inter-club match against Bude Canal Anglers on the same venue.


Bideford Coarse Match Result

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Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section monthly comp @ Tarka Swims

1st Colin Gorman  11lb 2oz

2nd Pete Slade 9lb 3oz

3rd  Richard Jefferies 8lb 11oz

4th Steve Bailey 7lb 2oz

5th Kevin Shears 6lb 11oz

6th Dean Siford  4lb 13oz

Todays competition was fished in bright warm conditions, 21 anglers took up most of the pegs on the Georges Lake .Colin Gormandrew peg J and made no mistakes to net 3 good carp for victory, it was his good fortune that this was the golden peg and he picked up over £100 . Second on the day with a lovely net of small skimmer bream on peg N was Pete all taken on the pole and single maggot. Peg O was Richard Jefferies who despite losing a number of carp in the weeds landed enough for third spot, 4th place went to Steve on peg Y in the shallows.Kevin had a bonus bream of 4lb 10oz in his net on peg M, for 5th place, Next comp is the beginning of the summer evening series Wednesday 15th May Draw time 5.30 fish 6 till 9

Stafford Moor Match Report

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Match Report from Jo Combes at the prolific Stafford Moor.

Hi all had our open match here at Stafford Moor on Tanners and Woodpecker lakes today. Had a Continental payout.

Glorious day of sunshine except for that cold chill in the air today alright if you on the sunny side of the bank.

Our top weight of the day was from Paul Morris Who bagged himself 173lb 8oz from peg 1 on Tanners fishing 8mm pellet on the deck at 13mtrs.

In second place with 148lb 1oz was Phil Hardwick peg 5 on Woodpecker.

In third place with 129lb 14oz was Martin Heard (MOSELLA UK) from peg 20 Tanners.

In forth place with 139lb 6oz was Mark Layzell peg 8 on Woodpecker.

In 5th place with 92lb 2oz was Mark Hayman peg 15 Tanners.

In 6th place with 131lb 12oz was Dave Stockton peg 17 on Woodpecker.

Section winners: Tanners was Rich Dennis peg with 69lb 7oz
Tanners was Mark Hayman peg 15 with 92lb
Woodpecker was Ben Evenden peg 4 with
119lb 6oz
Woodpecker was Andy Underwood peg 16
With 104lb 9oz

Silvers winners : Tanners was Robert Stott peg 3 with 15lb
Woodpecker was Mick Philips peg 1 with
14lb 13oz

Thank you to everyone who fished today don’t forget we have a couple spaces left for our Silvers match on Pines tomorrow if you fancy joining us please Joanne know.

North Devon Match Group – Result Upper Tamar

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North Devon Match Group Summer League No. 2 @ Upper Tamar Devon Bank Results

1st Pete Slade 30lb 5oz

2nd Paul Elworthy 30lb 4oz

3rd Martin Crouch 24lb 14oz

4th Shaun Stenton  20lb 8oz

5th Tom Downing 18lb 7oz

6th Chris Morris 17lb 9oz

7th Ian Cosmic Croxton 15ib 11oz

8th  Andy Seery 13lb 13oz

18 members of the North Devon Match Group gathered on the banks of the South West Lakes Trust Upper Tamar Lake to fish their 2nd summer League match ,Conditions, although bright, wererather chilly in the NNW breeze. Pete drew end peg down the Devon arm and fished at 5metres to amass 250 mainly roach he has fed 2 pints of casters and similar amount of hempseed plus the odd nugget of groundbait for victory, just beating Paul, by 1oz ! Paul has drawn to the right of the gorse bush and fish his favoured Micros and corn feeder approach for a nice net of better skimmers, Third spot went to Martin next peg to Pete using similar tactics.Section winners were Chris Morris and Shaun Stenton both adopted feeder tactics.

Winter League Match at Mill Park

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The latest North Devon Winter League match was held at the prolific silvers water that is Mill Park Campsite however it did not work out as hoped and the Roach did not play game , a wet miserable day weather wise meant the roach just did not turn on at all ,and bigger fish that are not normally fished for came into play!
Bacon Butties and and hot coffee to start in the bar saw the anglers sustained through the day.
10 anglers fished  and as normal the banter was flying around ,here are the top 5
1st Nathan Underwood  17lb 12oz
2nd Martin Turner 15lb 11oz
3rd Kevin  Shears 14lb 5oz
4th John Forster 11lb 9oz
5th  Dodgy Hooks. 9lb 1oz

Big Weights at Stafford Moor Open

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1st Open match today on Tanners and Woodpeckerswith 41 fishing and a continental payout.

Weather was glorious sunshine all day.

 Winner of the day with 186lb 15oz from peg 10 On Woodpecker Was  Dave Downton ! Fishing shallow on the pole

In second place with a weight of 154lb 10oz From peg 19 on Tanners lake was Richard James.

In third place with a weight of 163lb 10oz from peg 9 on Woodpecker lake was Lee Werrett.

Most fish were caught today on Pole & wag shallow but some caught on the lead too.

Well done to everyone who fished today. Opens are now every Wednesday and Sunday please let Jo know if you would like to join Stafford Moor for any of these matches just call me in the JO-OP.

Nathan dominates field in North Devon Match Group!

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Many thanks to Martin Turner for his regular North Devon Match Group Reports.

North Devon match Group Championship No 4 @ Highampton

1st  Nathan Underwood 124lb 2oz

2nd  Mark Richards 47lb 2oz

3rd Neilsen Jeffery 35lb 12oz

4th Paul Ware 33lb 8oz

5th Paul Elworthy 27lb 1oz

6th John Forster 21lb 11oz

18 Anglers fished this event held in glorious hot sunny conditions, we used both lakes and the fishing proved quite challenging for most. Local expert Nathan Underwood  took full advantage of a reasonable draw to completely dominate the field, he alternated between a method feeder and pole with paste on peg 10 on the larger lake. Mark Richards celebrated his 59th birthday with a hard earned 2nd place for the reed beds on peg 14 , 3rd spot went to Neilsen Jeffery on peg 21 on the smaller lake.

North Devon Tackle Club – Jennetts Match

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Match 3 Results
Jennetts Reservoir 7/4/19

Despite a chill in the air & an easterly wind, the lake fished well on the whole. Unfortunately the bigger bream did not show, but it was roach a plenty for most.

Winner on the day was Simon Poynter who put 40lb 10oz on the scales, fishing the pole at 11mtrs on the deck and deep shallow.

Top 5 on day:

1st Simon Poynter 40lb 10oz
2nd Norman Martin  36lb 3oz
3rd  Kevin Wilston 22lb 4oz
4th Peter Seward 19lb 14oz
Joint 5th
Barry Lee 19lb 6oz
Gord Maeers 19lb 6oz

NEXT MATCH Sunday 5th May Oaktree (Top Lake)