North Devon Match Group – Melbury

Some stunning nets of bream, roach and perch from Melbury Reservior as reported by Martin Turner below.

Melbury Reservoir

1st John Lisle 29lb 8oz

2nd Stuart Burridge 21lb 6oz

3rd Nielsen Jeffery 15lb 7oz

4th Paul Elworthy 11lb 11oz

5th Pete Slade 11lb 8oz

6th Graham Colman 10lb 4oz.

13 members fished this event in windy conditions. All the weights fell to groundbait feeder tactics, and most catches were good sized skimmer bream. John Lisle has drawn on the road side peg 5 and has caught steadily all day for victory, Stuart’s 2nd place was also on the roadside peg 8. Neilsen secured 3rd spot from the middle of the dam.

Bideford Angling Club – Junior Fishing Event

Junior results, Tarka Swims George’s Lake.

1st  Thomas Scott 10lb 8oz

2nd Charlie Evans 3lb 9oz

3rd Tyler Scott   2lb 7oz.

The Saturday afternoon 3 hour competition was fished in warm blustery conditions , Thomas drew the end peg Q and took victory with a nice carp on the feeder and a good bream on the pole and corn, Charlie’s had a nice net of smaller fish on the pole on peg U . Third spot went to Tyler on peg S. The winner of the 4 match series was Tyler Scott

Stafford Moor – In Fine Form for both Match and Carp Anglers

( Below) Matthew Freeburn who now has a new personal best of a 32lb mirror from swim 14 (beach 1) on lodge lake caught on Sticky Baits Manilla boilies soaked in liver with some free offerings.

Big Bags from the Match fishing fraternity too!

The latest residents match on Tanners lake with 21 fishing.

 Top weight of the day was from Ant Thornhill who bagged himself 188lb 3oz from peg 5.

2nd was Mark Goggins (goggy) who bagged 169lb 3oz from peg 10.

                                                                                                     3rd was Nick Roberts peg 17 with 150lb 13oz.


Open match on Tanners and Woodpecker lakes 

1st place was Sean Brennan with 224lb 4oz from peg 17 on Tanners lake fab weight

2nd place was Ant Thornhill with 130lb 11oz frommpeg 19 on Woodpecker lake

3rd place was Jamie Bradshaw with 197lb 11oz from peg 20 on Tanners lake

( Below) Jamie Corrigan who fished on swim 1 (Long Island ) on Beatties lake. Jamie had 11 fish our all caught on Sticky Baits Manilla boilies well


Bideford & District Angling Club – Coarse Section Monthly

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Tarka Swims George’s lake. BDAC Coarse Section Monthly.

1st Martin Turner 31lb 3oz

2nd Stephen Craker 24lb 5oz

3rd Steve Bailey 21lb 8oz

4th Pete Slade 17lb 14oz

5th John Lisle 16lb 8oz

6th John Bailey 16lb 4oz

14 fished August monthly competition , the bright breezy conditions were interrupted with heavy showers. Tarka has fished well , plenty of fish of all species were brought to the scales. The winner, Martin Turner landed 3 larger carp , and a bag of bream and roach off of peg I , Stephen Craker drew peg X and dispite wrecking another top 4 managed to wrestle out 5 bruisers on pellets, Steve Bailey sat on peg P and pole fished corn in the margins landing a mainly bream net for 3rd. Pete Slade’s 4th place from peg U was made up of over 200 smaller fish caught on the pole.5th and 6th were on opposite sides of the deeper end of lake.









Stafford Moor Latest news update.

Stafford Moor is on top form for carp fishing and match fishing with plenty of twenties from the specimen lakes and numerous 100lb plus bags in matchs.

(Below) James Richard Russel  had a new personal best mirror carp  of 29lb 4oz from swim 4 (the gap) up on lodge lake using special Occasions bait.

(Below) Thanks from Jo — Hi All would just like to say a HUGE thank you again to Neilsen Jeffery who held his charity match here in June in which the money’s we all raised were shared with RNLI and we now have a difribulator here at Stafford Moor ! So happy days well not if we have to use it of course! but fab just to have on site in case we ever do just to give so many peace of mind  the difribulator is located at our house on site and the emergency contact number will be shown around the site, also a huge thank you to Trevor Vernalls  who trained us all free of charge plus gave us some more important guidance on CPR

(Below) James Short who had these 2 out including this stunning mirror at 26lb from the summer hut swim on Beatties lake, James was fishing with Nash Key Cray boilies and matching hook Baits & pellets.

(Below) Gareth Simpson who was fishing here with friend Kev, they had 20 fish out between them on the summerhouse swim on Beatties lake using DNA Baits S7.

Bideford & District Angling Club V PLYMOUTH – Bideford Win Overall!

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Tarka Swims George’s Lake.
The team results PDCAC 73lb 5oz BDAC 58lb 2oz

After the 2 legs Bideford 122lb 4oz Plymouth 116lb 7oz .

Individual results 1st Martin Rushton Bid. 17lb

2nd Bill Crossman Plymouth 15lb 7oz

3rd John Moore  Plymouth 13lb 6oz

4th Richard Billingham. Plymouth 11lb 10oz

5th Ronnie Moore  Plymouth 11lb 2oz

Bideford hosted the 2nd leg of our annual event 25 anglers took part. The weather was warm with occasional showers . Martin drew peg B and fished the pole shallow in the lillies for a fine net of carp for top spot. The next 4 places were taken by Plymouth anglers Bill was second overall with a lovely net of feeder caught bream of peg Q. John had 2 good carp on peg X for 3rd ,another skimmer net on the feeder on peg N secured 4th place for Richard.



‘Fisho Festival ‘ Stafford Moor

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Joanne Coombes sent me this report from Stafford Moor with more big catches in the annual Fish Festival.

A huge well done to the  worthy winner Lee Werrett  (bait tech/middy) who won with 253lb 8oz from peg 2 on Tanners today well done Lee !!  Lee won £1000 today. Our 1st in section winners all won £225 each and 2nd in section all won £125 so well done to you all.

 Junior Event @ Tarka Swims George’s Lake results:

1st Tyler Scott 11lb 7oz

2nd Charles Evans 4lb 9oz

3rd Thomas Scott 3lb 13oz

Our 3 hour junior event was the third in the summer series, Tyler Scott has fished peg U and landed a near 10lb carp early in the match, this specimen plus some smaller fish secured victory. Young Charles on the adjoining peg, V has pole fished to a very respectable 2nd spot.  Thomas Scott put together a good net for third.

Steve Ford of Mosella put together an impressive catch totalling 487lb 8oz !

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Amazing weights in the latest matches at Stafford Moor with the carp feeding with gusto in the hot weather. The Coombes family have certainly worked extremely hard to provide anglers with one of the countries top fisheries for both Match fishing and carp angling.

The latest open/  practice Match on Tanners & Woodpecker Lakes saw anglers take some amazing weights.

Steve Ford of Mosella put together an impressive catch totalling 487lb 8oz a new record for the venue and not far off 500lb!In fact check out the back up weights too !!!

Had a continental payout.

2nd place was Des Shipp peg 10 on Tanners lake with 259lb 14oz

3rd place was Chris Davis peg 11 on woodpecker lake with 234lb 15oz

4th place was Andy Edgington peg 14 on Tanners allenwith 238lb 8oz

Section winners :
Phil Hardwick peg 15 Tanners with 172lb 14oz
Anton Page peg 2 Tanners with 191lb 7oz
Rich James peg 2 woodpecker with 186lb 11oz
Christopher John Lovell peg 18 woodpecker with 196lb 2oz