The local tackle shop is an integral part of the angling scene and we are very fortunate in North Devon to have a network of excellent shops offering anglers a wide range of the latest tackle and bait. Recent years have been very difficult for the tackle trade with tackle shops like many other High Street outlets suffering from on-line competition.

Many shops have adapted to this and have successfully combined the at front shop outlet with an online presence combining the best of both worlds.

The tackle shop has always been an important meeting place for anglers where social intercourse leads to more fishing trips as a result of enthusiasm generated from fishy chats. There is nothing to beat face to face conversations even if it is behind a mask in these strange times.

Angling is fortunately booming in many areas as a result of COVID impacting upon many other activities. The joys and benefits of outdoor pursuits have been brought to the fore and it is to be hoped that this has a long lasting impact on angling participation.

I would like to thank the local tackle shops and the wider tackle trade who support North Devon Angling News via sponsoring the site. As Christmas looms ever closer perhaps the ideal gift for a loved one is a  gift voucher for your local tackle shop.


QUAY SPORTS is North Devon’s latest tackle outlet conveniently situated on the Roundswell Industrial estate near Sainsburys. The team offer up to date friendly advice on all aspects of angling with an extensive range of tackle and bait in stock.


SUMMERLANDS TACKLE North Devon’s long established family run tackle shop in Westward Ho! Always has an extensive stock of the latest tackle with a friendly greeting to all.

BRAUNTON BAIT BOX Craig Mc Cloughlin runs this tackle and bait outlet in Braunton and offers a flexible service for anglers unable to visit a shop during normal office hours. Focusing on sea angling Craig is a friendly and knowledgable  point of contact for advice on where to fish and what is being caught. He also  provides rod repairs and reel servicing.


HIGH STREET TACKLE Danny Watson and Pauline Chard run Ilfracombe’s tackle shop specialises in lure fishing stocking a very impressive selection of all the latest lures to tempt the bass that lurk along the North Devon Coast. They also stock quality live and frozen bait for the sea angler. They have an extensive selection of sea angling rods and accessories working closely with the Ilfracombe Charter Boat fleet.


Bideford Angling Club – Christmas Coarse Match Result

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Coarse Section Christmas Match Results:
1st Stephen Craker  33lb 14oz
2nd RogerAckroyd  28lb 12oz
3rd John Lisle  16lb 15oz
4th Keith Copland 12lb 1oz
5th Keith Mountjoy 10lb 14oz
6th Nathan Underwood  10lb 2oz
7th Adam Wheeler  9lb 1oz
18 anglers fished. This was also our final match of the season, Stephen’s third victory of the series moved him into 3rd place in the league, Nathan’s 6th spot was enough to ensure top spot and win our matchman of the year. Kevin Shears settled for runner up 5 points behind the winner.
Stephen drew on peg 17 and landed a great net of carp on pole fished red maggot over micro pellets, Roger ,on the peg nextdoor ,also had carp plus a good bream on similar tactics. 3rd placed ,John fished on peg 12 . Once again the deepest pegs dominated the overall results, although this match we paid 4 sections which ensured that the shallower end had something to fish for.
Thanks to you all who have supported our competitions, stay safe have a good Christmas and see you all next match ,on January 9th. 2022


A Riverfly Monitoring volunteer alerted me to what he thought could have been a Killer Shrimp whilst carrying a survey on the River Torridge. I passed the details to our local E.A Fisheries officer who alerted the relevant bodies. Fortunately on this occasion it was a false alarm but the relevant bodies are always grateful of reports in their fight against invasive species that can devastate the local eco-system. The EA can be contacted via their Hotline – 0800 807060


KIller Shrimp Species Description

Scientific name: Dikerogammarus villosus AKA: Killer Shrimp
Native to: South-east Europe
Habitat: Still or flowing freshwater and brackish water, often among hard surfaces or vegetation.

A highly invasive shrimp, with only a few known populations in GB. A key ID feature is the presence of cone shaped protru- sions on the tail. Often larger than native freshwater shrimp species and sometimes with a striped appearance.

It is a voracious predator, killing invertebrates and small fish. It quickly dominates habitats it invades and can significantly alter their ecology.

It is tolerant of poor water quality and can survive in damp conditions for up to five days. It could therefore be spread in ballast water and also by people on kit used in the water, including an- gling gear, boats, kayaks and trailers. Good biosecurity is essential to reduce the risk of spread.

As a non-resident species it could be an offence to release or allow the escape of this species into the wild.

Suspected records of this species should be sent with a photograph to: [email protected]

Another species of concern is the top mouth gudgeon see information and links below.



Bideford & District Angling Club – Coarse Match Results

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BDAC Tarka Swims November Monthly Coarse Section Competition
1st Martin Turner 33lb13oz
2nd Steve Johnson 28lb 2oz
3rd Craig Crash Lamey 28lb 1oz
4th Roger Ackroyd  26lb 10oz
5th Stephen Craker  22lb 7oz
6th Keith Mountjoy 16lb 9oz
7th Colin Cherrington  16lb 8oz
18 anglers fished. Another well attended match on Tarka, unfortunately it was a match of two distinct halves, pegs in the deepest water dominated and shallower water struggled for bites.
Top weight on the day was peg 10, maggot over micros on the long pole. Steve drew on peg 5 and put a nice net together mainly on maggot over groundbait just 1oz behind on third was Craig on peg 11 and caught on worm . Fourth spot went to Roger on peg 18.

North Devon Tackle – Superb Silvers net

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Norman Martin put together a fine bag of silvers weighing 30lb 8oz to win North Devon Tackle Clubs Match at Jennets Reservior. M. Seward was runner up with 20lb 11oz.

Conditions were exceptionally calm and mild for mid November. Quay Sports continue to support North Devon Tackle AC following the recent purchase of the store.


Stafford Moor – November silvers festival 2021

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Joanne Combe Reports from Stafford Moor
November silvers festival 2021 on Tanners Lake.
Des Shipp (Preston Innovations) and Mark Goddard won the top prize of £1000 as they both had identical weights of 23lb 10oz , they also picked up the 1st in section which was £160 a huge well done to you both sorry you only got a ‘well done’ medal although I thought that was better than half a trophy
Des won from peg 3 and Mark won from peg 5.
Jo would like to thank you to everyone who fished our festival and qualified for today’s final was a great weekend.

Quay Sports fishing Tackle & bait Store have purchased North Devon Tackle.


Quay Sports fishing Tackle & bait Store have recently purchased North Devon Tackle.

An agreement was reached last week and the North Devon Tackle store will be closed as from Monday,November 1st.

All of the popular products and brands that were previously stocked in North Devon Tackle will be available very soon in the Quay Sports store.

A Quay Sports team member said, “We aim to offer the same great service and choice of products that North Devon Tackle have over the past 6 years and would like to wish Jamie all the best for the future.”

The move comes at a time when the High Street continues to contract with larger stores on the edge of town offering free parking and a wider range of products in larger premises. As angling’s popularity continues to grow it is great that a shop front style shop is available for Barnstaple’s anglers.

North Devon Angling News wish Jamie all the best for the future. The advice he gave freely to local anglers was very much appreciated.


Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Match Report 2021

Many Thanks to Martin Turner for an excellent round up of this years Bideford Matches.
Our match calendar was, once again, interrupted by the continuing Covid restrictions. October’s 2020 match was our last competition at Tarka for the year, fortunately we were able to resume running regular monthly matches in May of this year. A fantastic attendance of 23, almost a full house, met up to once again compete on George’s Lake. Paul Elworthy had almost 30lbs to win the day, which reassured us that the measures taken to protect our fish stocks had been successful. With Covid procedures in place we were again in a position to begin our Wednesday evening competitions. Kevin Shears set the early pace winning with a bag of 20lbs mainly Skimmers. After 4 matches new member Steve Johnson and ex-Bude member Nathan Underwood were forging ahead in the league. The matches were mainly dominated by Bream, Tench and smaller Carp, 30lb plus needed to win most weeks. Halfway through the evening league Steve had withdrawn due to family illness, Nathan continued to score well. Mike Snudden using a chopped worm approach managed to put some good bags together and 3 consecutive wins, the best 54lbs 2oz in 3 hours! We averaged 18 attendants which was great, and the weather was fantastic allowing us to weigh in almost all 10 matches without head lamps. 26 different anglers fished throughout the league; the final scores were: first overall Nathan Underwood with 115 points; second Martin Turner 102 points and third Kevin Shears 91 points. Our last evening event was our pairs match drawn top to bottom from the final league. Kevin Shears and Craig Lamey 52lbs 2.5oz were the winners on the night; second were Anthony Bentley and Tyler Scott with 45lb 2oz.
We were once again able to fish our inter-club match against Plymouth and District Coarse Angling Club, our team travelled to their water at Cadover Lakes, a very deep ex-clay pit on Dartmoor. It proved tricky and we came away with a narrow lead 34lb to 29lb. We welcomed the Plymouth lads back for the return leg at Tarka; 2 teams of 12 fished. Led by Kevin Shears, 37lb top individual, we won the day with a whooping 230lb to PDCAC’s 63lb.The other team event was held at Stafford Moor, where we took a battering from North Devon Match Group Pros.
Bideford and District Angling Club’s aims and objectives are (from memory) ‘to promote and foster angling in the area’; with this in mind we ran some Junior events this summer. By running these as small matches I had hoped to be able to introduce new youngsters to our sport and to encourage those that already compete regularly. Saturday afternoons saw some excited youngsters eager to catch some fish, the over 14’s group was a very close-run affair this year with Thomas Scott edging out his older brother on weight count-back over 4 matches. Under 14’s section was won by 8-year-old Charlie Hedden closely followed by Brodie Allin. We must thank Thomas Downing for securing 2 magnificent boxes of goodies from his sponsor Bait-Tech, Summerland tackle for their generous support with prizes and Mervyn Beale for supplying the engraved medals.
As our monthly senior competitions continued to attract 20+ anglers the catches began to be dominated more by Carp, although Skimmers, Bream, Roach, Tench and Crucians always featured in the nets.
Currently, with 2 matches remaining, Kevin Shears and Nathan Underwood are tied for the lead with 77 points. Les Polden third on 59 points and a late run of 2 wins, has pushed Steve Craker up to fourth with 51 points.
As I write the ropes are being placed across the lake to protect our stock from cormorant attack throughout the winter months. Pegs will therefore be limited but I hope to be able to run the remaining matches on Tarka.
In conclusion the lake has fished exceptionally well this year, with great attendances and excellent bags being brought to the scales. All species seem to be thriving, particularly the Tench and Crucians. Hopefully if we can remain vigilant over the winter period we can look forward to a bumper, FULL season next year.
Obviously, I cannot conclude my report without expressing my thanks to Steve Bailey and all those who have made it possible for us to fish at Tarka. Personally, I would like to say how sorry I am to hear that Steve has decided to stand down from the role that he has held for many years. He will be sorely missed.
Martin Turner