Bideford and District Angling Club Evening competition No.1

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Bideford and District Angling Club
Evening competition No.1
14 fished. Results:
1st Kevin Shears 18lb 1oz
2nd Martin Turner 17lb 2oz
3rd Nathan Underwood  16lb 13oz
4th Graham Currington  11lb 3oz
5th Keith Mountjoy 9lb 2oz
6th Mike Snudden 8lb
The earlier rain eased, a fine evening was enjoyed by the club members who turned up for ,this year’s, first midweek competition.
It was good to see such a close finish, with some great nets of skimmers showing again in our short 3 hour match.
Kevin drew on peg 21 and weighed in a lovely net of mainly small bream, caught on the short pole and maggot. Martin’s second place was taken on paste on peg 26 , Nathan has netted 3rd place off peg 17.

North Devon Quay Sports AC Results

  Highhampton Lakes was this months venue, very warm day and carp beginning to think about spawning so very moody and playing hard to catch at times… well done today to everyone very good turn out for the group today.. more actual fish were caught today but few anglers did decided to tip back rather than weight so sheet shows alot of D.N.W. does give people more points in the long run amd push people up the final league table by doing so, would be nice to see everyone weight out on further matches please even if it’s just ounces as could give u position points.
All in all great day, cracking fishery with some huge carp showing up today keeping us all on our toes! Great performance from kev wilton made no mistake up in the corner peg with some.cracking fish and biggest fish of the day with a 10lb 15oz common.
1st Kevin Wilton  85lb 10oz..
2nd Barry Lee  82lb 1oz..
3rd Paul Whitehead  35lb 14oz.
4th KevinGrant  19lb 3oz…
5th Andrew Gratton  19lb 1oz.
6th Pete Seward. 6lb 12oz…
Biggest fish. Common carp 10lb 15oz Kev wilton.
Well.done today guys great banter all over the lakes nice to see you all today and next match will be held at Melbury reservoir on June 12th. All welcome once again..

Bideford and District Angling Club monthly competition results :

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Bideford and District Angling Club monthly competition results :
Tarka Swims 20 fished.
1st Nathan Underwood  34lb 3oz
2nd Keith Copland 29lb 9oz
3rd Keith Mountjoy  18lb 14oz
4th Paul Elworthy  16lb 14oz
5th Steve Ashton 15lb15oz
6th Martin Turner 13lb 13oz
Conditions were warm with light southerly breeze.
Carp and tench have dominated this month’s match, top three wieghts have all fallen to strong pole tactics around the Lilly pads, corn meat and maggot hook baits. Nathan’s winning catch was made on peg 13 and Keith’s second place on the shallower peg 26.
This Wednesday see’s the start of our midweek evening series.

Quay Sports – New Opening Hours


Quay Sports are amending their opening hours to offer an even better service. This friendly tackle shop boasts a vast range of tackle for all disciplines with good solid advice available from experienced local anglers.



Mon-Wed 8:30am-5:30pm

Thurs 8:30 – 6pm Late opening

Friday 7:00am – 5:30pm Early opening

Sat 8am – 5pm

Sun 10am – 1pm

“We are condensing the hours so we can have 3 or 4 members of staff in the shop more of the time at the busier periods. This will mean we will have more time to offer advice, demo products and serve customers more efficiently.”



Big Nets from Stafford Moor

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Open match on Tanners & woodpecker lakes
Had a top weight of the day from Lee Werrett  who fished on peg 10 on Tanners Lake and bagged himself 233lb 11oz on the method feeder.
In 2nd place was Steve Ford with 227lb 6oz from peg 20 on Woodpecker Lake.
In 3rd place was Colin Horwood with 204lb 4oz from peg 3 on Tanners Lake.
In 4th place was Mark Cullerton with 157lb 7oz from peg 15 on Woodpecker Lake.

North Devon Match Group – Results

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North Devon Match Group held their latest Match at Oaktree Fishery where fifteen members fished split over two Lakes 8 on the top lake 7 on the bottom. It was a lovely day of bright spring sunshine with the lakes fishing well.
Kevin Shears was the winner with 81lb 5oz.
Top lake winner  Kevin Shears 81lb 5oz
2nd. Steve Hayman 75lb 2oz
3rd. Steve bridle. 60lb 14oz
Bottom lake winner 
1st Roger Ackroyd  47lb 4oz
2nd Colin cherrington 39lb 14oz
3rd Graham Currington 34lb 5oz

Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section monthly competition Tarka Swims results

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Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section monthly competition Tarka Swims results, :
1st Paul Elworthy  25lb 10oz
2nd Roger Ackroyd  13 lb 12oz
3rd Craig Crash Lamey  13lb 1oz
4th Keith Copland 13lb 0oz
5th Keith Mountjoy 10lb 15oz
6th Martin Turner 10lb 1oz
23 anglers fished in a brisk South Easterly.
Paul’s trip up from Tiverton was worthwhile, he took top spot with nice net of carp ,tench and some silvers mainly on maggot over micros at 11metres. His catch was made on the golden peg ,11, meaning a handy bonus pickup.
Rogers 2nd placing was also a pole caught mixed net from peg 14 , The next 2 places came from shallower pegs 22 and 5.


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North Devon Quay Sports Tackle Club held their latest match at Jennetts Reservior.
The seven anglers taking part put together some great bags of silver fish.  The deep water at dam end produced the larger stamp of bream and skimmers where further round more roach and small skimmers made up the weights… most fished long pole/ whips today.
1st Barry Lee   61lb 13oz
2nd Pete Seward  34lb 4oz
3rd Andrew Gratton  27lb 7oz
4th Paul Whitehead   24lb 6oz
5th Kevin Wilton  19lb 13oz
6th Norman Martin  19lb
7th Michael Seward  12lb 8oz