Merry Christmas & Happy Fishes for 2023

I would like to thank all those who have followed North Devon Angling News throughout 2022 and to those who have contributed news stories and pictures. A special thanks to those who have sponsored the site over past years.

I welcome new sponsors for 2023 at very reasonable rates. Contact – [email protected]


Anglers Paradise

Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas looms ever closer and if you have not purchased all those Christmas gifts yet why not visit your local tackle shop.

We are very fortunate to have several superb fishing tackle shops in North Devon all offering a vast array of quality tackle and bait. The local tackle shop is of course more than just a shop its also a social hub where anglers meet and talk fishing an essential ingredient for the future of angling.  I always try and do a short piece each year to highlight North Devons tackle outlets.

Quay sports has a friendly team of local anglers behind the counter willing to offer useful advice on all disciplines of angling.

(Above) The superb FoxArt limited edition prints are now available in store, only four of each print available
Will make lovely Christmas gift. all prints signed and numbered. More designs coming soon.
Summerlands Tackle in Westward Ho! is  a long established family run tackle shop that carrys a vast range of tackle. A warm greeting is always given and it is rare to walk into the shop without meeting a fellow of the angle.
Anglers Heaven is conveniently situated adjacent to Bideford’s Pannier Market.  Owner Tom Wade is extending the shop with a grand opening of the extension in the New Year. The shop carry’s a large stock of sea and Coarse tackle and works closely with Bideford Angling Club to promote local fishing.They also carry a wide selection of air rifles.
High Street Tackle in Ilfracombe offers one of the largest selections of lures in North Devon and is the domain of Danny Watson and Pauline Chard. Danny is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to the latest lures for bass fishing and has many contacts throughout the lure fishing community. The shop also stocks a range of essential tackles and baits for coarse and sea angling.
Danny is a keen supporter of Combe Martin SAC and plans to co host an open Lure Fishing competition in the summer of 2023. Danny is also a supplier of tackle for Reel Deal
Braunton based Chillcheater supply high quality clothing for outdoor enthuiasts with warm under layers and tough, wind and water repellent outers.

Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse section monthly and Christmas Competition.

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Bideford and District Angling Club
Coarse section monthly and Christmas competition.
1st Keith Mountjoy 24lb 12oz
2nd Craig Crash Lamey  20lb 12oz
3rd Roger Ackroyd  14lb 12oz
4th Nathan Underwood 12lb 6oz
5th Antony Bentley  5lb 8oz
6th Les Polfden 2lb 13oz
18 fished.
Our members were greeted this morning by a frozen lake , but after a sterling effort by Craig and Darren enough swims were cleared to allow the match to go ahead, thanks lads!
This was the final match of our season, the top five places in the league were up for grabs. Keith’s victory on the day ensured his 3rd place in the league, his net of carp from peg 13 was taken on pole fished maggot.
Craig’s second place on peg 12 means he remains runner-up in the year long league.
Roger’s third place carp net on peg 16 ensured he remains in joint 4th in the league, with Les Golden
Fourth on the day with a great net of roach on peg 11 guaranteed Nathan,a well deserved,overall first place
Match man of the year.

Bideford & District Angling Club

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B.D.A.C. 2nd Rod and Reel match results date 20th November 2022. 6 anglers fished the second match and all caught fish. The weather was very challenging at times with heavy rain and strong winds and a bit of sun at times fishing was hard for all with the fish not wanting to feed.
1st place today went to Keith Copland with 17lbs 11oz with several carp on peg 9 using maggot and micro pellets on the feeder. 2nd place went to Cyril Found with 6lbs 3oz on peg 10 on the feeder and 3rd place went to Anthony Bentley with 5lbs 13oz.


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Hard day at the office today fishing lower fuzzy lake at Simpson valley. Silver fish target with odd bonus of perch or skimmer.. really hard day with just small small tiny roach feeding and just a handful of bonus fish showed up for odd few anglers which showed on the scales at the end… very close call on the whistle.
Top 3 💥 full results on photo.
1st Pete Seward 9lb 8oz.
2nd Barry Lee  9lb..
3rd  David Doidge 8lb 15oz.

Bideford – Coarse Section Monthly Competition. Results:

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Coarse Section monthly competition. Results:
Tarka Swims.
1st Darren Polten 31lb 8oz
2nd Stephen Cracker  24lb 10oz
3rd Keith Mountjoy  22lb 7oz
4th Colin Cherrington 21lb 13oz
5th Sheilat Found  20lb 3oz
6th Les Polden  20lb 2oz
7th Warren Thornton  19lb 13oz
17 fished .
Club members met up at George’s lake, for our penultimate match, in our year-long series.
The unseasonably mild weather led to some very close weights. Darren scored his first victory with a great mixed bag from peg 14, the moderate Southerly wind encouraged him to fish the margins using maggot hookbait .
Second place went to Stephen on peg 16 , another net taken on maggot on the pole. Keith took third on peg 13.
Our next , and final , match of 2022 will also be the Christmas competition.

Stafford Moor Silvers Festival 2022

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The Silvers Festival at Stafford Moor was the final festival of the year at the prolific match venue.
 The November Silvers festival 2022  worthy winner was Lee Werrett who bagged 33lb 8oz from peg 14
Lee won  £1000 plus 1st in section winner wins £160 , 2nd place section wins £110.
 1st in section winners were:
Des Shipp with 21lb 3oz peg 2
Adam Lee with 23lb 8oz peg 13
Ryan Shipp with 33lb 6oz peg 15
 2nd in section winners are:
Dave Willmott with 20lb 6oz peg 1
Andy Morrison with 13lb 5oz peg 9
Gary McClair with 17lb 9oz peg 18
Regular Open matches continue at this popular venue throughout the year.

Bideford & District Angling Club – Rod N Reel match Result

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B.D.A.C 1st Rod and Reel match results date 23/10/22. 8 anglers fished the first match and all caught fish. The weather was fine with a bit of wind every now and then and the sun was shining from time to time with fishing slow at times. 1st place went to Richard jefferies on peg 12 with 17lbs 11oz he fished a feeder in the margins one of his carp was 10lbs 2oz. 2nd place went to Sheila Found on peg 9 with 14lbs 6oz on the feeder and 3rd place was Colin Gorman on peg 18 with 13lbs 2oz.

North Devon Quay Sports Angling Club -Match

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Match results from Killock Farm Coarse Fishery very hard match with 17 anglers on the bank and the results did show come the weight in.
1st on the day with late run of some quality carp was Stephen Barrell  50lb 12oz
2nd Christoper Morris 24lb 13oz
3rd Ian Croxton  17lb 14oz.
4th Steve Hayman  17lb 8oz.
5th Barry Lee 17lb.
Next match will be held at Simpsons Valley lower fuzzy lake limited pegs available so will post up event in couple weeks time for you to book into. November 13th..
Plus our Xmas Match is changed venues to accommodate our good turn out of numbers from hare pie to Lakeside View which is very good fun Xmas event amd worth attending.