High water temperatures and extensive weed growth have made fishing challenging at Bratton Water as at many other waters in the area some of which have been forced to close temporarily. The skillful angler can generally tempt a fish or two from the Bratton Waters Crystal clear waters using either dry flies or small nymphs. South Molton Angler Bob Gooding put his many years of experience to good use catching five brownies in a session the best two scaling 7lb 8oz and 5lb. Arthur Bond landed a brace of 5lb brown trout and rainbow trout.

Bob Gooding

As autumn sets in sport at this tranquil lake will improve with the trout rising freely. Daddy long-leg patterns are well worth trying fished virtually static; this visual fishing is a particularly pleasing way to deceive the specimen browns that cruise within the clear waters.




Trout Fishing News

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August is often a poor month for trout fishing with high water temperatures making the trout reluctant to feed. Excessive weed growth also impacts on many of the regions smaller still-water’s resulting in temporary closure. Blakewell Fishery is presently closed for maintenance and is due to reopen in early September as is Exe Valley near Dulverton. I will post here when both of these excellent fisheries reopen and may well pay a visit to them both myself. It is unfortunate that these conditions coincide with the busy time for tourism as fishery’s stand to lose income as a result of closure. Perhaps it would make sense to have a short close season each summer to allow for weed clearance with the fisheries reopening in early September as temperatures drop and the trout resume their feeding in earnest. Trout anglers would return to the lakes full of enthusiasm after the short break. Keen Fly Fishers can always find sport in the estuary along the coastline targetting bass and grey mullet. On the rivers they can target salmon and sea trout when conditions allow. There are also many miles of river to explore with a light weight fly rod, wild brown trout are beautiful fish that give great sport in beautiful surroundings.


Extracts from South West Lakes Trust Latest news update.


The warm, dry weather continued throughout most of the month with a few very hot sunny days. Water levels are dropping and water temperatures rising (to over 20 ºc), resulting in many of the fish moving out to sheltered, cooler deeper water.




Wimbleball – Boat fishing over the open, deeper, cooler water, particularly nearer the dam, has proved to be the most productive, particularly on the drift, while bank anglers have struggled to locate feeding fish. Weekly rod averages varied between 1 and 2.5 fish per rod. Evenings have been the best time to fish on or near the surface when dry Daddies, Claret

Hoppers, Bobs Bits and Ant patterns have caught fish. Nymphs (Diawl Bachs, Buzzers, Hares Ears and Pheasant Tails) fished on the washing line method, while Orange Blobs and

Boobies on sinking lines have caught the deeper fish. The best fish of the month was a 4lb 3oz Rainbow caught by Mr Ormston, while Paul Grisley caught a full bag of fish up to 3lb. Water level is 67% full.


RoadfordRoadford exploded into life at the end of July and has fished brilliantly all month. Regulars Duncan Kier and Andy Birkett have both had red letter days fishing by boat over the ‘boils’ (aeration pipes near the tower). Duncan managed 56 Brownies in one day up to 3lb 4oz with Andy catching 30 fish the following day up to 3lb. Duncan has returned to take 9 fish followed by a further 32 fish in separate sessions. Successful flies have been a Squinky, Muddler and Leach on the drift over the boils. Boats and engines are available on 01409 211507.



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It is hoped that the present rain will bring the very low River Torridge up and encourage a few more salmon and sea trout into the river. I fished the river today ( Saturday August 20th) and found three salmon lying up in a deep pool. I carefully covered the fish using a small stoats tail pattern with no interest shown. I hen changed to a bead headed long tailed black pattern and fished it as if casting a nymph to a trout. On the second cast a salmon turned and seized the offering twisting and turning for a few moments before the hook hold gave way. Whilst I had blanked it was good to hook my first salmon of the season. Its always a joy to be at the rivers edge to see a salmon and glimpse a kingfisher is reward enough.

Dr Jonathon Compson landing eleven sea trout in two late evening sessions. Martin Weeks has also enjoyed success landing several sea trout averaging 1lb to 2lb and a couple of grilse in the 3lb to 4lb range fishing at night for sea trout. Last weekend saw a small spate hit the rivers that should encourage a few more fish into the rivers.

Below is the latest newsletter from the River Torridge Fishery Association an organization well worth joining if you care for the river, its salmon and its health.





Fishery Update: two good spates in June and another at the beginning of August have kept the river at a reasonable level. Salmon and sea trout catches have been similar to recent years. There has been a run of grilse (approx 4lb) and these are now well spread throughout the catchment. Interestingly some have been caught by anglers fishing for sea trout after dark. At least two double figure sea trout have been caught and released. The brown trout fishing has been good, but as in recent years most of the fish have been caught with a nymph or wet fly.

The Hatchery: it’s that time of the year again: in early November we will be trapping the broodstock of five hens and six cocks. This winter we are again planning to rear upto 30,000 swim-up fry to stock out into the headwaters next spring. Running the hatchery is an expensive operation and we do need your support if we are going to be able to continue to stock those tributaries that currently demonstrate low juvenile numbers.

Juvenile Surveys: your association has commissioned the West Country Rivers Trust to undertake an extensive juvenile survey programme. Over the next three years. 40 sites will be surveyed. This will give us a far better understanding of which sections of the catchment are failing. The cost to the Association will be in excess of £6,000. Again your support is essential to enable this project to be completed.

The Annual Fundraising Dinner and Draw: will take place at The Half Moon, Sheepwash on Saturday 8th October. Please book direct with The Half Moon: tel: 01409231376.

The Annual Fundraising Raffle: enclosed are four books of five tickets. Please buy or even better sell to your friends. Then return the completed counterfoils/money to Charles Inniss at the above address. There will be the usual excellent prize list. If additional draw books are required or if you are able to donate a prize, please contact either Charles Inniss or Paul Ashworth on 01805804143.

Salmon Season Extension: the salmon season will again be extended by a fortnight until the 14th October. Special permits can be obtained from the Secretary. During the extension period fishing must be with single barbless hooks and all fish must be released.

Salmon Bye-law: a reminder that all salmon over 70cms (approx 7lb) must, after 1st August, be released. The Association encourages the release of all salmon and just as important all sea trout.


The River Torridge Fishery Association

President: Lord Clinton

Chairman: Paul Ashworth

Secretary: Charles Inniss Tel: 01409231237   e-mail: [email protected]









The recent dry, bright sunny weather has brought fishing on the rivers to a virtual standstill with water now crystal clear. The only realistic chance of catching salmon or sea trout is early and late in the day when the sun is off the water. Before the rivers dropped several grilse and sea trout were landed from both the Mole and Bray.


A few fish are trickling in however and a couple of salmon have been tempted from the Torridge. I fished the Weir Marsh and Brightly beats of the Taw last week and saw several salmon show as I fished down through this splendid stretch of prime day ticket water. Two fish were caught from these beats including a 6lb salmon to the rod of David Rice and a 4lb grilse for David Carhart.

IMG_0950Weir Marsh & Brightly Beats of the Taw

Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Clubs Rogers and Guard Shield was contested by six keen club members on a bright sunny day not conducive to trout fishing. Winner of the event was Colin Combe with tow browns totalling 27inches. Runner up was Steve Edmunds with one quality brown trout of 15”.

Wimbleball catch reports show 1.6 fish per rod day.

Rising Sun

Netting Ban Consultation Reminder

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Devon and Severn IFCA are holding a number of events to publicise the proposed Netting Permit Byelaw. Please join Officers at the promotion trailer that will be at the following venues between 1600hrs and 2000hrs. This is your opportunity to ask questions and find out more information. Large charts showing estuaries and coastal areas will be on display as well as the byelaw and permit conditions. Copies will be available for you to take away. Please advertise this as widely as possible within the fishing community.

Churchfields car park, Appledore, EX39 1RL 15th August 2016
Cove car park, The Cove, Ilfracombe, EX34 9EN 16th August 2016
Fish Quay, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth, PL4 0LH 17th August 2016
Imperial Road Recreational Ground, Exmouth, EX8 1DB 18th August 2016
The Den, Den Crescent, Teignmouth, TQ14 8AA 19th August 2016
Quay West car park, Quay West, Minehead, TA24 5UP 22nd August 2016
Entrance to Sailing Club, The Promenade, Clevedon, BS21 7QU 23rd August 2016
Manor Road car park, Sidmouth, EX10 8RR 24th August 2016
Car park, Creek boat park, Gould Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8DU 25th August 2016
Freshwater Quarry car park, Blackball Lane, Brixham, TQ5 8BA 26th August 2016

The byelaw, permit conditions and charts can be viewed in advance on our website:

Salmon and Sea Trout Sport on Taw and Torridge

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Emma Tyjas
Emma Tyjas

The rain that fell at the beginning of August proved a welcome tonic for the areas salmon and sea trout anglers who enjoyed a hectic few days on both the Taw and Torridge. The day ticket Weir Marsh and Brightly Beats on the Taw saw eleven salmon caught on Friday and four on Saturday. Steve Meach landed six, Nigel Clist and Richard Jewell two and John Kenyon, Edwin Barclay, Michael Martin. Chris Steer and Bob Lewington one each. There were also ten sea trout caught from the beats. Numerous other salmon have been landed from beats on the Taw including a superb salmon to the rod of Emma Tyjas estimated at 12lb. Emma is married to Peter Tyjas who teaches with the Devon School of Fly Fishing based at the Fox and Hounds, Eggesford.

Rising Sun

Netting Permit Byelaw Consultation

Dear All,

Devon and Severn IFCA are holding a number of events to publicise the proposed Netting Permit Byelaw. Please join Officers at the promotion trailer that will be at the following venues between 1600hrs and 2000hrs. This is your opportunity to ask questions and find out more information. Large charts showing estuaries and coastal areas will be on display as well as the byelaw and permit conditions. Copies will be available for you to take away. Please advertise this as widely as possible within the fishing and angling communities.

Churchfields car park, Appledore, EX39 1RL 15th August 2016
Cove car park, The Cove, Ilfracombe, EX34 9EN 16th August 2016
Fish Quay, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth, PL4 0LH 17th August 2016
Imperial Road Recreational Ground, Exmouth, EX8 1DB 18th August 2016
The Den, Den Crescent, Teignmouth, TQ14 8AA 19th August 2016
Quay West car park, Quay West, Minehead, TA24 5UP 22nd August 2016
Entrance to Sailing Club, The Promenade, Clevedon, BS21 7QU 23rd August 2016
Manor Road car park, Sidmouth, EX10 8RR 24th August 2016
Car park, Creek boat park, Gould Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8DU 25th August 2016
Freshwater Quarry car park, Blackball Lane, Brixham, TQ5 8BA 26th August 2016

The byelaw, permit conditions and charts can be viewed in advance on our website:

POLITE NOTE: Please do not send responses to this email address. Responses are to be sent to [email protected] AND [email protected]

The public consultation closes on 22nd September 2016.

Kind Regards,

Laura Bullock
Enforcement Officer

Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Brixham Laboratory
Freshwater Quarry

Tel (office): 01803 854648
Twitter: @DevonSevernIFCA


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We visited today’s North Devon Show enjoying a great day among the crowds. Driving over the River Taw on route to the show I of course noticed that the River was up and colored and out of order for fishing; should be perfect by the end of the week! Angling was unfortunately a little low profile at the show though we did find Fly-Fishing represented by the Salmon and Trout Conservation UK, formerly the Salmon and Trout Association. In a rural area like North Devon that has so much fishing on offer its seems strange that angling is not represented more prominently. My wife Pauline did  however take advantage of some Fly Fishing Tuition from Fly Casting Instructor Alan Barrow.  John Dawson was also at hand giving Instruction. If anyone is considering taking up Fly Fishing then tuition is well worth it as even a short session with an instructor can avoid developing bad habits that can last a lifetime.

It’s Raining!

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Its raining and whilst that’s bad for the visitors it’s good news for salmon and sea trout anglers. There have been a few salmon and sea trout trickling into the Taw with peel now throughout the Mole. Chris Steer landed an 8lb salmon from the Weir Marsh and Brightly beats of the Taw; a day ticket water available by contacting Ivan Huxtable on 01769540835.


Alternatively contact the Rising Sun at Umberleigh where day tickets are also available. The steady rain that is falling now should offer every prospect of sport on all three of our main North Devon Rivers the Taw, Torridge and Lyn.


River Lyn in spate – A few years ago!