Fluff Chuckers Event – Roadford

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The path to the water
Many thanks to Rodney Wevill for the report below.

The Fluff Chuckers Yeti brown trout bank event was held on Roadford Lake on April 8th..

The weather forecast had been showing bright sun all day and that was going to make things a little more difficult.

But the day was warm with sun but a nice bit of cloud cover especially during the afternoon.

Anglers met at 8.30am for a 9.00am start in the main car park.

It was good to see many like minded anglers from Bristol, North Somerset, North Devon and from deep down in Cornwall with the same attitude, have a good fun day and if we catch a good one then we might even win a prize.

We fished from all different sections of Roadfords bank and what stunning country side surrounded us.

The fishing was steady in the morning but the afternoon seen a lot more fish to the nets.

A total of 80 Brown Trout were caught and all safely released for another day.

The competitive side of us boys started to show, all trying to find a bigger fish or just another one to the net before the 5pm finish.

We met back at the main car park to tally up the score cards and it was soon very obvious that things where going to be very tight indeed.

The longest fish was between Roger Truscott and Jack Welshman with Jack sneaking it by a couple of millimetres.

The most fish to the net was also extremely tight

With Simon Peters catching 16 fish and piping Mr consistent Roger Truscott by one fish with Wayne Thomas one behind that with 14 fish.

So a cheery end to a great day with some wonderful fishing with a great set of anglers.

A typical Roadford brownie

Final results 

Longest fish Overall winner

Jack Welshman

Runner up

Roger Truscott


Pete Williams

Most fish caught winner

Simon Peters

Runner up

Roger Truscott.

Fluff Chuckers- Fly Fishing Fanatics would like to thank YETI for there help with the prizes for the event.

Trout Fishing South West Lakes Trust for their help and prizes

All that came and supported another great event

Notes from the waters edge :- My first trip to fish for trout on this large lake that supplies water for most of North Devon. Despite a wet Spring the lake is still well below top water level and If we get another dry summer prospects are concerning. I very much enjoyed the day finding plenty of brown trout that gave a good account on the light 5wt rod I was using. Most fish took a small black pennel fished on a dropper, my standard set up for early season brown trout  being a small black lure on the point and two small black flies as droppers.

Always good to meet up with fellow fluff Chuckers. Special thanks to head chucker Rodney Wevill


“ Exmoor’s Rivers – A National Treasure”.

I had been looking forward to Roger Furniss’s talk at  the Lanacre Barn Gallery  on April 5th. Situated  in the heart of  Exmoor a short distance from Lanacre bridge that straddles the River Barle.  For two weeks the gallery has hosted an art exhibition focusing on fish and life within water. https://moorlandart.com  In conjunction with this Jo Minoprio has invited various speakers to focus on and raise awareness of the tragic decline in salmon and river life.

After a drive  across a mist shrouded moor our son James and I arrived at the gallery where guests were already mingling, chatting and perusing the fine fishy art on display.

Roger Furniss has been a keen angler since his childhood days and shares my own passion and fascination with fish and water. He has worked within river authority’s, the  water industry and since retirement has worked tirelessly with the Westcountry Rivers Trust the Angling Trust and other bodies to protect the rivers of the Westcountry.

This evening’s talk was entitled, “ Exmoor’s Rivers – A National Treasure”. Roger delivered the talk from the heart meandering through the complexities of rivers and the life within. Drawing upon his own in depth knowledge and experience Roger painted a vivid picture of troubled waters and a desire to put their survival high on the agenda.

Exmoor’s rivers are an integral part of the Exmoor National Park with the names of many moorland towns and villages and the moor itself derived from the rivers that flow through the landscape.  Lynmouth, Lynton, Brayford, Exford, Winsford, Allerford, North Molton and South Molton a few examples.

Reflecting upon his own childhood days beside rivers Roger drew upon the words of William Wordsworth. “Sweet childish days, that were as long, As twenty. “Sweet childish days, that were as long, As twenty days are now.”. Poignant words that we can all perhaps relate to as our  perception of time passes as our living years tick away all too fast.

The story of rivers and the history of their protection is a fascinating tale that reflects the changing values and vagaries of our political system. In 1923 the Salmon and Freshwater fisheries Act imposed a statutory duty to protect and improve the life within the nation’s rivers.

“The Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1923 was an Act of Parliament passed by the United Kingdom Government which attempted to consolidate fishery legislation, which at the time consisted of the Salmon Fishery Act 1861 and 18 amending Acts which had been passed subsequently.”

The 1995 Environment Act set out that National Parks should conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage. Promote opportunities for understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of National Parks by the public. The Sandford principle states “ If there is a conflict between these purposes the authority shall attach greater weight to the former’. The 1995 Environment Act also updated environmental guidance with a statutory duty ‘ To Protect or Enhance the Environment…so as to promote the objective of achieving sustainable development’.  This dual duty introduces Government allowance to prioritise.

         The above legislation is there to protect the rivers and Environment but as with all laws they are only effective if adequately policed. In this instance the body that upholds the legislation is the Environment Agency a body that has had funding cut severely in recent years.

River’s matter to us all as they are used for water supply, drainage, Industry, Irrigation, recreation, wildlife corridors and landscape. From the perspective of nature the wildlife corridor aspect is vital in ensuring that local habitats do not become isolated.

There are many threats to the rivers of Exmoor and the UK. These include pollution, sewage, land use, abstraction, obstruction and diversion, climate change, access, non-native species, predation and taken for granted. Roger emphasised that TAKEN FOR GRANTED is the largest threat for without public pressure there is no political will to protect.

Roger gave an in depth description of each threat bringing the reality of each to life with images that illustrated each point. It is fair to say that a significant factor is the dense population of the UK. Roger drew comparisons with other less populated countries that have a greater connection with nature and of course have less pressure. For example; Canada has 3 people/ per SQ KM the UK 200 people/ per SQ KM.

The European Water Framework Directive set out ambitious targets for water quality improvements. Brexit has impacted upon this with the UK governments ambition to enshrine the legislation into UK law complex and drawn out. The Environment Agency is dual purpose with its focus politically motivated.

The picture painted is bleak but there is perhaps some room for optimism with significant efforts being made to address the issues. South West Water’s Upstream Thinking and MIRES initiatives have brought welcome funding to improve water quality with the aim of reducing the costs of water treatment. The MIRES project looks to retain water on the moors maintaining healthy flows in the rivers for longer. The charitable sector including the Westcountry Rivers Trust are undertaking  and supporting various projects to protect and enhance the river. They work in partnership with the River Exe and Tributaries Association and Exmoor Rivers and Streams Group. The Exmoor National Park also play a significant role in the custodian ship of the rivers.

The beauty of a wild brown trout

The river Barle and Upper Exe are the key spawning areas for salmon. There is therefore a strong focus upon the health of these areas. The River-fly Monitoring scheme has proved a useful tool in assessing the health of the river. The results clearly indicate that the high tributaries of the Exe on Exmoor are the healthiest areas.

Gravel washing of potential redds in late summer and early Autumn is seen as a valuable operation to remove silt and loosen compacted gravel. Gravel introduction has also been undertaken in some areas where gravel depletion has occurred.

The fencing of banks to reduce diffuse pollution from cattle and selected coppicing of trees to reduce overshading and  allow natural light to penetrate.

The 30 weirs on the Exe Catchment are a major issue – a salmon heading for the upper Barle has to pass over 17 of them – as does every smolt. Good evidence that delays have a lasting effect on probability of reaching target spawning site. Will get worse with climate change. Smolt losses occur at weirs – if 2% at every weir half of upper Barle smolts don’t get to sea. Many kilometres of impounded reaches useless for juvenile salmon, great for predators.

The efforts to remove and improve the migration routes for fish on the Exe are an ambitious project that will require considerable investment.

Roger emphasised the importance of the three E’s. Economics, Enforcement and Education. Education is vital in the class room, engaging in river quality investigation, river restoration with landowners and via the Exmoor Rivers and Streams group.

I spoke with Roger before his talk and expressed my concerns regarding the future for salmon and how recent talks I had attended had been increasingly depressing. Roger assured me that there would be some optimism with in his talk. This was true as there is a deep desire and conviction to do all that is possible to help nature to heal. Climate change is perhaps the greatest threat to salmon.  And to mankind as a species. Some scientists have labelled this as the Anthropocene.

from anthropo, for “man,” and cene, for “new”—because human-kind has caused mass extinctions of plant and animal species, polluted the oceans and altered the atmosphere, among other lasting impacts.

This recognises the fact that mankind has become the first single species to significantly change the worlds complex eco system and climate.

Whilst climate has changed over millions of years nature has adapted to cope and thrive. In this new age where mankind has broken the natural cycles climate is changing at an unprecedented rate that salmon and other creatures cannot adapt to. Without significant intervention salmon may be extinct in the UK within 20 or 30 years.

         An angler’s connection with nature is strong. Non anglers will struggle to grasp the passion that anglers like Roger and I share. Perhaps it is as simple as the fact that without salmon there will be no salmon anglers for where fins swim so do we.

         Our generation have been fortunate to have enjoyed nature. As a child I played in our rivers relishing simple delights. In the years since my childhood the world’s population has more than doubled.

Our impact on nature is now significant and how we retain that vital connection without destroying it is certainly a challenge.

         I expressed my view at the end of the talk that the world needs to refocus and challenge the perception that GDP is how we measure success (Gross domestic product (GDP) is the standard measure of the value added created through the production of goods and services in a country during a certain period. As such, it also measures the income earned from that production, or the total amount spent on final goods and services (less imports).

How do we put a value on the  natural world that is vital to our physical and mental health?

Below is my own attempt at poetry and the  demise of salmon in Westcountry Rivers during a brief passage of time.


The old guy said, 

I remember when the salmon poured into the pools, 

Packed like sardines you could have walked across their backs, (1983) 

I remember when some anglers caught one hundred salmon in a  season,  (2003) 

It’s been a better season we caught forty from the river last year,  (2023) 

I remember when there were salmon in the river,     (2043)                                                                                                  

I remember being told there were once salmon in this river,  (2063)


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            After a day of relentless heavy rain, we drove over the River Taw at Newbridge to witness a torrent of dirty brown flood water racing under the bridge and starting to spill over the flood plain. This was certainly an unusual sight for the last day in March and I thought about its impact on the fish. Any kelt’s’ would certainly be swept out of the system. The downstream smolt migration should now be underway and this significant flush of water will help these juvenile salmon to evade the flocks of cormorants that prey so heavily on them each spring. The raging torrent should also flush away debris and give the river a spring clean. There is of course the worry of pollutants with storm overflows undoubtedly discharging, farm slurry leaking and tons of soil washed from fields.

            We arrived at Highbullen for the RTFCA and it was good to see familiar faces at this annual gathering. Chairman Andy Gray gave a warm welcome to the membership many of whom had travelled a good distance to attend. After a couple of crisis hit seasons of COVID and drought it was hoped that 2023 would bring better fortunes. The flooded river presently prevailing would hopefully bring a spring run as water levels drop. The large numbers of kelt caught at the start of the season was very encouraging indicating that good numbers of fish had spawned.

            The main focus on river habitat work had been to concentrate on gravel washing but the 2022 drought had severely impacted upon this work.

            The 2022 season had seen 53 salmon caught and 83 sea trout.

            There was extensive debate surrounding the successful legal proceedings by Fish legal regarding the pollution on the River Mole in 2019.


The monies received from this court case will be invested  in the future of the River Taw catchment with funds supporting the valuable work of the Westcountry Rivers Trust. The importance of joining Fish legal was highlighted as without their support and expertise the polluters would have escaped justice.

A significant number of  migratory shad were witnessed in the Taw during the late Spring of 2022. It is thought that this could be a direct result of the removal of weirs project during the past decade. The presence of these rare fish  spawning in the Taw can bring welcome funding to the river for further habitat improvement.

Adrian Dowding of the Westcountry Rivers Trust gave a short talk on the importance of gravel washing works on potential spawning areas. This is part of the SHIP ( Spawning Habitat Improvement Project). Gravel washing removes silt and breaks up compacted gravels enabling successful spawning.

There was passionate debate regarding the frequent pollution of rivers from agriculture and discharge from an antiquated and inadequate sewage treatment infrastructure. An ever expanding population has resulted in an overload with many sewage works working way beyond their design capacity.

Intensive farming is undoubtedly having a negative impact and considerable efforts are being made to work with farmers to control run off and ensure secure storage of effluent and slurry.

There has been a very high take up of Citizen Science Investigation monitoring across the Westcountry. This can provide the EA with valuable data.  The North Devon Catchment Partnership brings a collective alliance with various interested parties working together for the good of the river.


The RTFCA  believe that working together in common causes is the best way to achieve results regarding water quality, and habitat with the opportunity to pool resources where appropriate.

Harry Chance gave a talk on his work with the Environment Agency as an Agricultural Regulatory Inspection Officer on the Torridge catchment. His work funded by DEFRA ( Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) involves regular farm inspections. The focus is on offering advice and support to farmers to prevent pollution and habitat damage. Regulation is extremely complex and the legal system frustratingly slow. Harry explained the rigorous expectations for farming with mandatory soil testing and adequate controls to prevent pollution incidents. The importance of reporting any suspected pollution or breaches of regulations was emphasised with reports and data essential in bringing potential prosecutions and increased funding.

EA Hotline 0800 80 70 60

When reporting obtain an incident number, take photos, give a grid reference or what 3 word location.

Reports can be made anonymously.

            Mr Phil Metcalf and Sophia Craddock gave an informative talk on the Devon Rivers Improvement Project ( DRIP) . This project started on the River Umber that flows through the valley at Combe Martin. The project focusses on flood risk awareness and flood risk. The installation of sensors that measure water depth, Moisture, rain, water quality, including turbidity, nitrates, conductivity, pH, temperature and ammoniums. These provide valuable data that is linked to satellites to give real time data collection.

            This project is now being extended to the Little Dart a tributary of the Taw.

            The initiative plans to use natural based solutions to reduce flooding and run off. These potential solutions involve woodland planting, cross slope planting, floodplain planting, hedgerow banks, log dams, gulley stuffing, buffer ditches, containment ponds and many other innovative trials.

            Floodplain connection is considered a key factor in righting the mismanagement of land over recent decades.

            As I attend multiple talks I realise how we need to rethink how we manage the land and our watercourses to enable nature to heal the damage that has been inflicted.

            On conclusion of the formal meeting and talks many members remained at the venue to enjoy a delicious meal. If our table was anything to go by many topics were discussed with fishing past and present undoubtedly providing a vast wealth of subject matter. It is always good to make new friends and savour reminiscences of lifetimes spent beside many waters.

Anyone interested in North Devon’s rich angling history might enjoy my book published in 2016. See link below.


“I Caught A Glimpse Book” Launch 2019

High Bullen House Hotel AGM, Talk and Dinner

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High Bullen House Hotel

AGM, Talk and Dinner
17:30 on 31st March
Some spaces left
Either come and pay  on the night or click below to pay online

We have a talk on the  EA’s new water enforcement regime and a second on the work on headwaters to reduce peak flows.


The funds raised from the following auction will all go towards improving the ecology of the River Taw, Mole and other tributaries.

Please bid generously and forward to other likely interested friends


South West Lakes Trout Report

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South West Lakes Trust latest trout reports can be viewed below.


Roadford Rod Average: 3.00 Per rod day

Regular Roadford angler Rodney Wevill from Launceston caught 5 browns using humungous and blue zulu fly patterns on a floating line on Sunday, after catching 4 on Friday, noting that fish were found in the shallows.

View the full Catch Report here

Read our guide to fishing at Roadford here

Check out our Roadford fishing map here

Wistlandpound Reservior near Barnstaple is fishing well with some stunning wild browns tempted bu anglers offering small black flies and lures.

RIVER EXE – SALMON A River Full of Fish ( Once Upon a time)


            Lanacre Barn Gallery is situated  in the heart of  Exmoor a short distance from Lanacre bridge that straddles the River Barle. The gallery is hosting an exhibition focusing on fish and life within water. https://moorlandart.com

‘Fabulous Fish’ will run daily from 25thMarch – 8th April 2023, from 11am-5pm, at Lanacre Barn Gallery in Withypool, Exmoor, TA24 7SD. It will be open to the public, admission is free, and refreshments will be available.

            As part of this event a talk was held with Phillip Turnbull Fisheries Technical Officer with the Westcountry Rivers Trust. The talk entitled The River Exe – A River Full of Fish, gave a fascinating insight into the history of the river Exe and the fish that have swum within.

The River Barle at Tarr Steps

            The Westcountry Rivers Trust aims to enhance and protect rivers across the region with the long term survival of fish at the heart. Phillip listed the fish that have been recorded in the Exe including migratory and non-migratory species. Migratory species include salmon, sea trout, eel, lamprey ( sea, brook and River) Allis/ twaite shad, Atlantic Sturgeon. Non migratory fish include brown trout, grayling, bull head, stone loach and minnows.

The River Barle

         The salmon are of course the most iconic of these species and much of the talk focused upon salmon and their past and future. The story of salmon on the Exe is an all too familiar tale with a dramatic decline in recent decades. Salmon are believed to have been harvested from the Exe since before Roman Times. Records from 1771 tell of  a catch of 1000 salmon in Exeter in one week, A river full of fish indeed!

            The largest salmon recorded from the River Exe was caught in a net at the mouth of the River in 1924 and weighed 61lb 4oz. I believe a cast of the fish can still be seen in the museum at Topsham.

Migratory fish (all species) have declined globally by 76% and 93% in Europe alone.  This is reflected in global Atlantic salmon populations with a steady decline since the 1970s, with an estimated 50-70% decline in the past 40-50 years.  River Exe salmon are classified as ‘At Risk’ meaning we need to work together to reverse the decline.

                       Salmon are seen as a keystone species the proverbial ‘Canary in the mine’.

An ambitious  five point plan has been implemented to reverse the decline in stocks.

  1. Improve Marine Survival – Missing salmon alliance https://missingsalmonalliance.org
  2. Reduce exploitation – Catch and Release, Netting ban
  3. Remove barriers to Upstream migration
  4. Improve Water Quality
  5. Safe Guard Flows

  The present focus is to deliver bespoke fish passage improvements at all remaining weirs on the river, whether this be removal or installing site-suitable fish passes.

A similar initiative was undertaken on the River Taw and has resulted in some promising signs.

The River Barle has been identified as the prime spawning area on the Exe system and is an SSSI with good water quality and significant redd capacity.

            Climate change is having a significant impact on river flows and weirs are impacted upon with times of optimum flow reduced. Salmon migration both upstream as adults and downstream as smolts is impacted upon by high and low flows. Up to 50% of smolts are thought to perish in the rivers. The slowing descent of smolts disrupts their marine feeding time, water quality is impacted by low flows and predation is increased.

            The weirs can be removed or modified to incorporate fish passes. The project involves a great deal of research to determine ownership and complex negotiations to deal with abstraction licences and use. RETA ( The River Exe & Tributaries Association) Is working in partnership with Westcountry Rivers Trust, which is supported by the Environment Agency and South West Water.

            The talk also highlighted many factors that can impact on salmon and river life some of which do not immediately spring to mind. The redds are vulnerable to disturbance during the winter and early spring and care should be taken when entering the river at this time. Veterinary products used to treat dogs such as Spot On are highly toxic to invertebrates living within the river. Wild swimming is also a concern with sunscreen highly toxic especially during  times of low  water when dilution is minimal.

            AWARENESS of the river environment is key with education essential.  Citizen Science can play a significant role in highlighting issues with regular monitoring of water quality a key initiative. The  underfunded EA does not have the resources to carry out adequate monitoring.

            The River Fly Monitoring program can also play a significant  role in identifying and highlighting problems. https://www.riverflies.org

            Connection with our rivers is vital in helping us to understand their delicate and unique eco systems.

            Nicky Green gave a talk on the Invasive signal crayfish that are now to be found throughout much of the Exe system. These crustaceans carry a plague that kills the native white tailed crayfish. They predate heavily upon invertebrates, fish eggs, fry and lichens. They also burrow deeply into banks resulting in siltation and erosion.

The crayfish were introduced during the mid 1970’s as part of a failed food industry plan.


NEWSREEL: SPRING 2023 Torridge Fishery

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The River Torridge Fishery Association

President: Lord Clinton


Chairman: Paul Ashworth                                                    Secretary: Charles Inniss

                                                                        Beeches Sheepwash Beaworthy Devon EX21 5NW

                                                                                                tel: 014109231237

                                                                                    e-mail: [email protected]


Subscriptions for 2023 are now due. If you have not already paid please forward your cheque for £20 to the Secretary at the above address making cheques payable to The River Torridge Fishery Association.

                                                If you prefer to pay by BACS:

          account name: Torridge Owners Association: a/c no 00827770: sort code 51 70 16

Our AGM: 24th March: It was an excellent meeting with over 30 attending and The Half Moon laid on the usual superb buffet at the conclusion of the business. Izzy Moser gave an interesting and informative presentation on the work of the Devon Wildlife Trust. This led to a discussion on the pros and cons of Beavers which before long, whether we like it or not, will become established in the headwaters of our catchment.

Election of Officers: the agm re-elected the officers and committee “en bloc”.

Chairman: Paul Ashworth, Vice-Chairman Steve Phelps, Sec/Treas Charles Inniss, T. Harper,

 S. McClaren, D. Betts, D. Williams, P. Coles, K. Dunn, J. Graham. T. Birkbeck

Our President, Lord Clinton, is an honorary member of the committee.

Hatchery Update: there was a long discussion at the agm regarding the future of our hatchery. All those present were determined that if at all possible the hatchery project should be continue. The Chairman pointed out that it was very time consuming and more volunteers were needed. The EA would only give the go-ahead if a detailed risk-assessment was drawn up and approved by them. It was agreed a small sub-committee prepare a detailed draft risk-assessment and to co-ordinate with the River Axe, which is now operating its hatchery again. Members offered their support to be part of the sub-committee and to undertake any structural work needed at the fish pass.

A proposal for 100% salmon catch and release: the EA has deferred this proposal for twelve months. If implemented for the 2024 season mandatory release will only apply to salmon not sea trout. With stocks in decline your committee strongly recommends that all fish are released without where possible removing them from the river.

Our North Devon Fishery Protection Officer: for personal reasons Callum Underhill has been transferred to work nearer his family home in the south-east.  Callum has been very supportive particularly with regard to the hatchery. The EA are currently interviewing for a replacement.

The season so far: after a very dry February the river was quite low for the first week. A few kelts were caught from the middle river and two fresh fish were lost below Beam Weir. For the last three weeks the river has been in spate and unfishable. Patience is a virtue: when the river settles let’s hope there will be some fresh spring salmon to be enticed to our flies.

The Egg Box Dinner: Saturday 30th September at The Half Moon Inn. Book early with the Half Moon to avoid disappointment. Tel: 01409231376. e-mail: [email protected]

Early season success at Wistlandpound

    With the Rivers running too high for salmon it was time to visit Wistlandpound and reconnect with its splendid wild browns. After an icy start warm sunshine was illuminating the reservoir as I arrived. A blue sky  and calm waters full of nature’s reflections.

            It was good to be back on this familiar water with a rod in hand. After last summer’s drought it’s great to see the water level full to the brim. Significant growth of withy has restricted access to some areas of the lake but this is not a problem with the low number of anglers fishing the lake. On this day I was surprised to see three other anglers fishing.

            This was only to be a short visit searching various areas. I had set up a floating line and started off with a small black lure on the point and a black cruncher on a dropper. The water felt cool as I waded out and started to search the water. The occasional fish was rising far out. It probably wasn’t ideal conditions but the beauty of the surroundings made up for any lack of action.

            The far bank looked appealing with a slight breeze caressing the shoreline. I wandered over and waded out into a gap in the bankside growth. There were good numbers of buzzer shucks drifting on the surface and a fish rose just beyond the rod tip. The session was drawing to an end and I yearned for that connection.

            Suddenly the line zipped delightfully tight and I lifted the rod to feel a strong fish pulsing at the end of the line. I played the fish carefully and was relieved when it slid over the rim of the net. A perfect wild brown trout, its flanks golden with hues of bronze decorated with dark spots and vivid crimson.


            I had a few more casts, reflecting upon the beauty of the fish I had caught. I spoke with another angler fishing further along the bank as I headed for home. He was pleased to have tempted half a dozen good browns. I pondered that I perhaps could have caught more but In truth I was contented with that one fine brown and I know that the season is young and there are hopefully  plenty more days to fish.


Many thanks to Ross Cherrington Senior Farm Advisor for the West Country Rivers Trust who agreed to write this short article highlighting the issues facing our West Country Rivers.

Recently both Paul Whitehouse’s programme “Our Troubled Rivers” and “Countryfile” have spent a lot of time focusing on the problems with nutrients and sediment entering the River Wye concentrating on the issues of intensive chicken farming within the catchment. Interestingly new intensive chicken farms have strict planning and environmental rules called the Intensive Pig and Poultry permits run under the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive IPPC. These plans are where it seems to be failing and should also include a manure management plan and be inspected every 3 years
It’s a shame that Our troubled rivers didn’t have more time to include the filmed Tamar segments, with interviews with an intensive dairy farmer, citizen scientists involved with the Sapputo Issues and a River keeper. I am sure the BBC could have had a complete programme on the Tamar instead of concentrating on a certain person of Scottish descent and his beavers. This is because in Devon and Cornwall our problems are not poultry or pig based but cattle and sediment. Muck and Mud. Too many dairy farms do not have enough slurry storage, or it’s in poor condition, and leaky. I still come across dairy farms in my job with the Westcountry Rivers Trust with No slurry storage just an old 3 stage settlement system with a dodgy pump.
There could be an easy way to service these new stores based on milk price, and tax breaks. The dairy company could offer a guaranteed 2p/litre more than base price for those farms with 5 months Silage Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil (SSAFO) regs compliant stores, with incremental payments up to that 2p limit for those getting there. It doesn’t make sense to me that its easier to get a tax break buying a new tractor but not for a new slurry store. The £3million slurry investment scheme has apparently had 8000 applicants for grants to construct a covered 6 month capacity store which if the average grant is £100,000 only allows for 30 projects.

Ross Cherrington                                                     

Senior Farm Advisor

Westcountry Rivers Trust


River Torridge Fishery Association – Friday 24th March 2023


The River Torridge fishing community gathered at the Half Moon Inn at Sheepwash for the AGM of the River Torridge Fishery Association. Pauline and I always enjoy the twice yearly coming together of the membership for the AGM in the Spring and the annual fund raising dinner at the seasons close at the end of September.

The Inn was reassuringly busy as we stepped inside the familiar bar where many members of the association were catching up on all the latest news. After half an hour of rekindling friendships and fostering new ones  it was time to head the meeting room for the formal proceedings to begin.

As with many angling clubs the River Torridge Fishery Association’s officers are long standing stalwarts with Secretary and treasurer Charles Inniss and  Chairman Paul Ashworth controlling the meeting with an ease born from long experience in their roles.

Thanks to Charles for the below summary:=

“Over 30 members attended the agm on Friday 24th March. The Chairman announced that for personal reasons the North Devon Fishery Protection Officer had been transferred to work nearer his family home. The EA were currently interviewing for a replacement to the vacancy. The EA proposals for the mandatory release of salmon throughout the season had been deferred for twelve months. Members were keen for the hatchery project to continue and several members offered their support. Izzy Moser gave an interesting and informative talk on the work of The Devon Wildlife Trust, particularly the pros and cons of the inevitable spread of beavers into the headwaters of the Torridge catchment. After the meeting The Half Moon provided an excellent buffet.”

            I would suggest that any anglers who fish the Torridge join the association and help support sterling efforts to protect the river for future generations. Subscription is just £20 per year. For details visit their website http://www.rivertorridge.org.uk

            The report from 2022 was very concerning with the drought conditions resulting in perhaps the worst salmon season in living memory. A total of 15 salmon were landed from the river all of which were returned.

            Fortunately, as I write this the rivers are brimming full last summer’s drought seems long ago. However, Roadford Reservoir is still at only 62% and Colliford in Cornwall 47%. In the Spring of 2022 these reservoirs were close to 100%. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that another drought summer would have serious consequences. There is concern that South West Water would be forced to consider abstracting from the regions rivers an act that would be devastating for the rivers eco systems. Discussion reflected upon the apparent lack of water resource planning with no significant reservoirs constructed since Roadford in 1989. A new reservoir takes many years to come into being with years of consultation, planning and construction my own estimate would be at least 25 years before a new reservoir could be completed. One has to question why with an increasing population and climate change at the top of the agenda this is not happening?


            The Associations Hatchery has been an ongoing project that unites the membership. The past few seasons have seen the project stalled by COVID and issues with permissions from the EA ,largely around risk assessments and health and safety concerns. The committee are working hard to progress with significant help and expertise from within the angling community many of whom bring skills from their roles within society.

Torridge members at the Hatchery pre COVID

            The decline in salmon and sea trout stocks is alarming and many feel that the hatcheries are the only hope for slowing this decline. The EA hatchery at Colliford is to be an integral part of the future plans to rear ova to swim up fry stage. This hatchery has the facilities to enable essential temperature control a major problem for salmonoids as global warming takes a hold.

            It is of course essential that the habitat into which these future salmon are stocked is suitable. The Torridge faces many challenges with intensive farming resulting in pollution from sediment and nutrients and sewage discharge resulting in further issues with phosphate levels that promote algal growth.

            The Torridge River Association are working closely with the Devon Wildlife Trust  and the West Country Rivers Trust to seek solutions to many of the issues. Guest speaker Izzy Moser delivered an inspiring illustrated talk on projects to restore the river and the environment. These include slow the flow initiatives like leaky dams, meandering river courses, gravel introduction and creation of wild flower meadows and wetlands. The introduction of beavers was discussed with some concerns about their  impact on fish migration and woodland.


            There was considerable interest in Citizen Science Monitoring to flag up any pollution incidents and to assess the ongoing health of the river. River Fly Monitoring has also proven to be a valuable tool in tracking keystone species. Data gathering is essential  in tracking success in any projects in our rivers.

            Invasive species are an ongoing concern with signal crayfish reported from several locations along the Torridge. Any sightings should be reported to the Devon Wildlife Trust.

            A good news story on the Torridge is the healthy population of wild brown trout that were caught in good numbers last season with wild fish to over 4lb caught and released. Dry fly tactics also resulted in several good sea trout. With dwindling salmon numbers many feel that the future of the rivers angling very much lies with trout fishing that I hope to promote over the coming season.


Summer Trout Fishing on the Torridge