Bideford Angling Club arranged a Junior match and coaching session at their Tarka Swims Georges Lake – Well done to the club and its members for providing this valuable experience.
Junior Event @ Tarka Swims George’s Lake
1st Tyler Scott 7lb 5oz
2nd Charlie Evans 5lb 3 oz
3rd Thomas Scott 2lb
4th Joe Westcott 1lb 15 oz
5th Adam Wheeler 13oz .
This 3 hour event was fished on the shallow pegs .Celebrating his birthday , Tyler Scott landed a fine mixed catch alternating between shallow and full depth on the pole on peg F to secure victory on the first of our 4 match series , Charlie took second spot in his very 1st competition fishing on peg Z . Third place was Thomas Scott, next door to his brother on peg E .
Jeremy Wade will be in Great Torrington, Devon, England on 4th August to sign his new book “How to Think Like a Fish” at the Plough Arts Centre. (Books will be available to purchase on the day)In addition, we will be screening one of his latest programmes Dark Waters.
Jeremy will open with a short presentation at 10.30am before the book signing begins which will be until 12.30pm in the gallery at the Plough. The screening will be from 1.30 and there will be an opportunity for any questions and answers after the film finishes.
We look forward to seeing you on the day. Tickets are available from the Plough for £5 per person to enjoy both sessions and guarantee your seat at the film. The Plough Tel No is (44) 01805 624624 Web details are
The event is organised by River Reads bookshop so please contact them if you require any further information, or would like to purchase a signed copy of Jeremy’s book and are unable to attend.
Bideford & District Angling Club Opened their club Lake Tarka Swims back in 2006 and it has been a resounding success for the club attracting a good number of Junior anglers and providing a valuable facility for local disabled anglers. In addition to this it has been the venue for the club’s regular matches that are held monthly throughout the year with popular mid-week evening matches during the summer months.
Tarka Swims Lake – Opened in 2002
On Saturday June 22ndthe club opened a new lake named ‘Karen’s Lake’. Construction of this lake commenced in March 2013 and the six years leading up to its opening have not been without difficulty with a few leaks along the way. The club’s membership have done a sterling job in completing the project with regular working parties and much behind the scenes work to obtain funding and expertise. The venture has been a partnership between Bideford Club and the Environment Agency with funding from rod licence revenue and local businesses. The lake has excellent access for disabled anglers along with toilet facilities.
Steve Bailey, Jude Gubb- Bideford Town Council, Paul Carter E.A, Karen Slade, Pete Skinner
Karen’s Lake has been stocked with around seventy carp over 10lb with the biggest close to twenty pounds. The lakes opening saw a large number of local anglers descend upon the lake with their families. It was a perfect summers day with warm sunshine and a vivid blue sky decorated with white cotton wool clouds drifting on a warm summer breeze.
Gazebo’s, barbecue and cupcakes gave the event a village fete atmosphere. The carp were active swirling in the weeds as some began to spawn amorously as the water warmed. Other carp could be seen cruising in the clear water occasionally slurping down a piece of floating crust.
The first carp officially caught from the lake within fifteen minutes was caught by Matt Cross and pulled the scales close to 17lb. A few minutes later Nathan England hooked a beautiful dark coloured common of 17lb 5oz; in a perfect script his son Jake England hooked a golden mirror carp to allow a father and son portrait. Several other carp were caught including a mirror carp to the rod of Junior angler Tyler Scott and another mirror to Dean Siford.
The carp will undoubtedly wise up quickly and become more of a challenge in the coming years but I am sure the lake will bring many hours of pleasure to local anglers. Both lakes are testament to the hard work of Bideford Angling Club and its supporters. The venues are a wildlife haven with dragonflies, amphibians, grass snakes, bird life and aquatic life abundant.
Jude Gubb, Matt Cross, Steve BaileyFather and Son – Nathan England and Jake England
Dean SifordTyler Scott in actionTyler Scott
Karen’s lake is members only and a very good reason to join this club that charges just £25.00 per year with a one off £20 joining fee. OAP Season is £18.00 . Juniors £3.00 per year.
Day Tickets for Tarka Swims Lake can be obtained from Summerlands Tackle.
Emma Tanner AND Damian Armes – A JOINT WIN! Both were worthy of winning this week that we couldn’t not choose them both, Emma caught a personal best 22lb 5oz Grass Carp from the Main Carp Lake and Damian caught a personal best 55lb Catfish from the Specimen Cat Lake.
Emma’s story –
“Here we are, another year at AP and although we predominantly target the ornamental fish while we are here, we thought we’d have a go on the Main Lake after a couple of good days on Easy Access. We set up on the Tuesday and it lashed it down all day. Cold and a bit miserable at the June weather, there was nothing but a small pasty for hubby and a big fat blank for me (my first blank day I’ve had here which is probably why I enjoy a few hours on float, koi or magic on the way back to the villa if the other lakes haven’t producing!).
Not to be put off by my day of no action though, we visited Main again on the Wednesday. The lake was much quieter this time and we picked a better swim with lots of features – the weather was looking spot on too! I fished just off the island with a cell wafter and a PVA bag of particle and sweetcorn mix and sat back…at lunchtime my bite alarm went off, nothing much, just a couple of bleeps and the bobbin dropped back, I was out of my chair and poised ready for action but no screaming peel of line, just a couple more half hearted bleeps! Ever hopeful (and a little despondent!) I struck into it anyway and realised I was in. I remember saying to Mark ‘it’s only a pasty but a fish is still a fish’. Swimming towards me with still no fight, I suddenly saw the shoulders and length of what I had called ‘the pasty’. Turns out it was a 22lb 5oz grass carp! I was made up! After lots of thrashing on the mat, I was allowed a couple of photos. I haven’t stopped smiling since as this is my first ever grassy (and a pretty big one at that) so I’m guessing this can be classed as a new PB for me and what better place to set a new record than in Paradise!”
Damian’s story –
‘’I never thought in my wildest dreams I would catch Catfish of 55lbs and 33lbs! I never tried for Catfish until I came to Anglers Paradise in Devon and I got 2 in 24 hours, this 1 being the biggest. I’ve caught that many different species, over 30 Carp biggest being 20lbs, but I’ve seen some monsters that were much bigger and also Koi, Gold fish, Golden Tench, Orfe, too many to name them all!
What a place, the name really does fit as an Anglers Paradise! Zyggy and Zenia are so welcoming and funny, I’ve never laughed so hard, they are a delight to be around. The tackle shop has everything you need and give you helpful tips when trying new lakes. Food is excellent, Zyggy’s wine is lovely fruity and packs a punch, picturesque surroundings and the wildlife is something else, I’ve seen Kingfishers, Barn Owls and a Kestrel. The Lakes are well kept, the fish are spotless and all I can say is I’m already looking forward to my next trip WHAT A WEEK it has been best fishing holiday ever!’’
Here they are with their winning Fish and being presented their prizes by Zyggy and Zenia with special thanks to JRC Fishing.
Zenia Gregorek says –
“We are very excited to announce that the Nash Team with Alan Blair will be joining us at Anglers Paradise on 23rd and 24th July to encourage more Kids to go Fishing!
On Tuesday 23rd July we will be hosting the Kid’s Fishing Day for the Anglers Paradise Kids that are staying with us and on the 24th July it will be open to“All Kid’s” and we will be fishing at Anglers Eldorado.
All tackle and bait will be provided by Nash, they’ll be a goody bag for each Kid to take home and they’ll also be Prizes to be won! Our whole aim is to show Kids how much fun fishing is and start them on their fishing journey the right way!
If you would like your Child to join in then please contact Zenia on 01409221559 to book their place ASAP before it gets fully booked! ”
The latest catches from Anglers Paradise. Warm weather has Brought out the cats and carp!
53lb Wels Catfish from the Main Carp Lake!
Well Done to Paul Fullman
Jonny Kitson who caught 8 Twenty Pound plus Carp during his week’s stay with us at Anglers Paradise which is pretty amazing angling!! Jonny caught 7 20’s from the Main Carp Lake of 22lb 2oz, 20lb, 22lb 13oz, 24lb 7oz, 24lb 10oz, 26lb 6oz, 23lb 10oz AND a 22lb 13oz Mirror from the Kracking Carp Lake making his catches in weight over 163lbs of Carpy action!!
Jonny’s story –
“I arrived on the Main Carp Lake on the Tuesday morning and after a couple of laps opted for a swim near Zyggy’s roped off area as it was clear there was a lot of fish patrolling the Lilly’s opposite. I then started spreading 18ml of Cell in and around the Lilly’s. I fished Ronnie rigs with Cell wafters just off the Lilly’s and over 2 nights I caught 7 20lb+ carp followed by a 22lb 13oz Mirror from the Kracking Carp Lake. Unbelievable session on an unbelievable lake!!!!”
Here he is with his winning Fish and being presented his prizes by Zyggy and Zenia with special thanks to JRC Fishing.
Michael Pearson from Notttingham did very well on his annual holiday trip to Anglers Paradise. Not only did he catch Catfish of 53lbs 1oz and 52lbs 4oz from our day ticket Specimen Cat Lake but he also caught a lovely 24lb 9oz Leather Carp from the Main Carp Lake.
The fish are well on the feed after spawning, I’ve got fish pictures coming out of my ears!! Lots more amazing catches to share with you all so watch this space!
Adam Moxey, Chris Lambert and Steve Moore have been among the perch at Upper Tamar recently. From the perch boat they boated lots of fish to just under 4lbs on a mixture of soft lures and weighted hooks with self-made flies. The chaps were catching that many fish they were returning fish of 2-3lbs without weighing them in the end! A real red letter day at the prolific venue! Remarkably Steve Moore also had a 14lb common carp on his weighted hook and fly!
Ben McDonnell, 27 from Kent caught a personal best 67lb 13oz Catfish from the Main Carp Lake.
Ben caught the catfish on a casual carpers 15mm spiced krill boillie topped with a 12mm spiced krill pop up, it smashed his old PB of 19lb 1oz by 48lb 12oz!!
(below) Alan George, 49 from Wales caught his 1st ever ‘30’ from the Main Carp Lake, a stunning 30lb 8oz Mirror winning him our Fish Of The Week competition.
Alan shared –
“After arriving at Anglers Paradise on the Saturday afternoon, we enjoyed a few drinks with our friends before venturing down to the Main Lake to take advantage of the peace and quiet as a 5c’s member. I decided to do a bit of stalking on the surface free lining bread. It wasn’t long before I spotted a few in one of the back bays, soaking up the sun. I flicked out a single piece of bread and it wasn’t long before a carp slipped up and took the bait!
After a short hard battle through the pads, my good friend Mick Pearson did the honours of netting the fish and couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw what was in there.
The mirror carp weighed in at 30lb 8oz and was a new PB and my first 30lb plus carp. Not bad for the 1st cast of the holiday!”
(Below)Ben Gregory caught a personal best 5lb 8oz Golden Tench from the Specimen Tench and Orfe Lake. Ben shared – “I’d already had quite a good day on the lake having had 13 Tench and 1 Barbel. However despite my friend Mitchell’s pleads to leave because it was pretty cold, we persisted for another 30mins and I had one final bend in the rod from the lily pads. The biggest was saved to last on a robin red pellet. My new personal best at 5lbs 8oz! It’s been a great week, we hope to get back soon!”(Below)Steve Self caught a beautiful 8lb 6oz Koi and a rare two tone Koi from our famous Koi Lake off the top with bread crust stalking them for hours. Steve also tried a new tactic and fished with a daisy off the top to see if he could catch one on a flower and he did it!!!
Thornbury Fishing Lakes near Holsworthy offer some superb fishing ideally suited to families with a good head of carp up to mid doubles. No need for bivvies and all the high tech equipment at these lakes where carp offer great sport using traditional tactics.
Below are a few glimpses of fishing at this peaceful venue that I intend to visit in the not too distant future. Amongst the carp are some lovely lean looking commons that could well have wild carp ancestry.