Stafford Moor Latest news update.

Stafford Moor is on top form for carp fishing and match fishing with plenty of twenties from the specimen lakes and numerous 100lb plus bags in matchs.

(Below) James Richard Russel  had a new personal best mirror carp  of 29lb 4oz from swim 4 (the gap) up on lodge lake using special Occasions bait.

(Below) Thanks from Jo — Hi All would just like to say a HUGE thank you again to Neilsen Jeffery who held his charity match here in June in which the money’s we all raised were shared with RNLI and we now have a difribulator here at Stafford Moor ! So happy days well not if we have to use it of course! but fab just to have on site in case we ever do just to give so many peace of mind  the difribulator is located at our house on site and the emergency contact number will be shown around the site, also a huge thank you to Trevor Vernalls  who trained us all free of charge plus gave us some more important guidance on CPR

(Below) James Short who had these 2 out including this stunning mirror at 26lb from the summer hut swim on Beatties lake, James was fishing with Nash Key Cray boilies and matching hook Baits & pellets.

(Below) Gareth Simpson who was fishing here with friend Kev, they had 20 fish out between them on the summerhouse swim on Beatties lake using DNA Baits S7.

Big Catfish Wins Fish Of The Week In Paradise

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Dan Maher who caught an amazing personal best 68lb 12oz Wels Catfish from the Main Carp Lake!

Dan’s story –

“My name is Dan, I’m 33 years old and I’m from Liverpool. I’ve been coming to Anglers Paradise for over ten years and this is the first year I have come with my girlfriend, Nicola. I decided to fish Nev’s Point on the Main Carp Lake and after catching a couple of nice carp up to 21lb I decided to cast out a catfish rod I brought specifically to try and beat my previous PB of 54lb from the Specimen Cat Lake.

Nicola and I had just sat down in our chairs after a nice bbq and a glass of Zyg’s wine, when the rod ripped off towards the 5C’s island. The fish decided to go on a long run to a snag against the island opposite and then over towards Zyg’s boat house. I was using strong tackle to deal with the biggest catfish in the lake and managed to pull it back through the weed and into open water.

This catch was extra special because it is a new PB and weighed in at a massive 68lb 12oz. It was also amazing to have my girlfriend present to help me net the fish. Nicola is new to fishing and this is the first fishing holiday we have taken together. I would have struggled to net the fish on my own and with little fishing experience, Nicola did an amazing job. I smashed my PB by 14lb and the fish was caught on pellet. I was also lucky enough to catch another cat a couple of hours later at 55lb.”

Here he is with his winning Fish and being presented his prizes by Zyggy and Zenia with special thanks to JRC Fishing.

Anglers Paradise

Jeremy Wade – Visit to the Plough Arts Centre


Jeremy Wade attended the Plough Arts Centre and delivered a fascinating talk about his fishing exploits around the world and the filming of River Monsters, Mighty Rivers, his latest documentary programme Dark Waters and his new book “How to Think Like a Fish”

He enlightened and inspired the captivated audience explaining the structure of the programmes and how the audience are drawn into the mystery and environment of the natural world. The River Monsters series was to a large extent built around a plot of a murder mystery with Jeremy acting as the detective in search of the perpetrator.

He outlined the importance of big predatory fish as apex predators that live at the top of the food chain. The presence of these fish is an indicator of the general health of the  underwater environment. In many areas these apex predators are decreasing in numbers a fact that raises deep concern for the future.

His knowledge as a fishery biologist certainly shone through with his deep knowledge of fish behaviour.

Observation to detail is certainly a major factor in being a successful angler and television presenter. He conceded that planning is essential in making successful angling film shows but often proves totally useless on the day as plans unravel due to the un-expected.

He discussed the wider value of angling in society and the invaluable work of the Angling Trust in working for conservation.

Jeremy followed the talk  answering a range of questions from the audience with an in depth and considered response that demonstrated a deep understanding of his subject.

The event was hosted by Angling Heritage and River Reads both of which are based in Torrington.

Keith Armishaw of River Reads and Angling Heritage introduces Jeremy Wade


(Below) Jeremy signed copies of his new book for the sixty or so attendees.

After an interval for lunch there was a screening of an episode of Dark-waters that is presently being aired on Sky TV’s Animal Planet.

Jeremy gives the look that says ” wonder who that annoying man is with the camera” !

Note my own book ” I Caught A Glimpse” Is available to Pre-Order at


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Roadford Lake will be open for PERCH fishing during August. The 730 acre water has a large head of Perch, and some real specimens, with fish well over 3lbs having been caught in the past. It’s the ‘unknown mystery’ that makes this opportunity so appealing – the potential of a real monster uncaught stripey! Half a days test fishing has produced lots of fish to just over 3lbs so there will be plenty of action! They have never been targeted before!

The Perch fishing is by boat ONLY and boats can be booked on 01409 211507 at a cost of £15 for the day. Day tickets are £10 per person per day and available from the self service permit room at the Activity and Angling Centre. We have a petrol engine which is available at £9 per day or you can bring an electric engine. Oars are provided. Don’t miss out on this opportunity – it’s only for one month!

To view the Perch Fishing Regulations visit

I Caught A Glimpse  – New Book Available to Pre Order Now

After several years of hard work my book I Caught a Glimpse is available to pre-order from the Little Egret Press. Details of book launch to follow. To place an order please press link below :-


Wayne Thomas has been privileged to enjoy over forty years fishing North Devon’s varied waters enjoying both success and failure. The places and the many people he has met along the way have greatly enriched his journey. In this book he tells stories of North Devon angling along with recollections from others; some from an earlier generation who enjoyed fishing in those good old days.

He has no favourite species of fish and this book reflects this with every discipline of angling represented. From the small crimson spotted trout of tumbling streams and the story of a five pound perch to the huge shark that roam the Atlantic Ocean. AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING EDITIONS

    Limited Edition                    of only 300 copies
Special Edition Hardback   of only 30 copies
Quarter Leather Edition      of only 10 copies
Luxury Leather Edition       of only 5 copies

 Junior Event @ Tarka Swims George’s Lake results:

1st Tyler Scott 11lb 7oz

2nd Charles Evans 4lb 9oz

3rd Thomas Scott 3lb 13oz

Our 3 hour junior event was the third in the summer series, Tyler Scott has fished peg U and landed a near 10lb carp early in the match, this specimen plus some smaller fish secured victory. Young Charles on the adjoining peg, V has pole fished to a very respectable 2nd spot.  Thomas Scott put together a good net for third.

Anglers play a key role in invasive species management

Anglers play a key role in invasive species management

Have you heard of the Check, Clean, Dry campaign? South West Lakes Trust’s Invasive Species Officer, Nicola Morris, is working with anglers and visitors to the lakes to encourage everyone to work together to prevent the damage caused by invasive non-native species and protect the lakes and sports we enjoy.

Over 2000 non-native plants and animals from all over the world have been introduced to the UK by people. Most non-native species are harmless, but approximately 10-15% have become invasive, having a negative impact on our environment, economy (costing the UK economy at least £1.8 billion a year), and even our health and way of life.

Invasive non-native species (INNS) threaten many key sites and are a particular threat in sensitive areas, such as offshore islands, rivers, lakes and streams. They can interfere with recreational activities, preventing anglers from using them. INNS can also cause dramatic declines of some native species including the water vole, white-clawed crayfish, and red squirrel.

Biosecurity means taking steps to make sure that good hygiene practices are in place to reduce and minimise the risk of spreading INNS and fish disease. INNS can carry diseases that kill fish, and block waterways and banks interfering with fishing activity. They can be small and hard to spot, so are easily spread on damp clothing and equipment. Once established, they become extremely difficult and expensive to eradicate, which is why it is so important to prevent their spread in the first place. Following some simple biosecurity steps can help protect the lakes and the activities we enjoy.

Basic Biosecurity Advice


Help protect the environment and fishing we enjoy by keeping your kit free of invasive plants and animals.

Always arrive at the lake with clean equipment and a clean vehicle. Whenever you leave the water, remember to Check, Clean, Dry.

Check your gear after leaving the water for mud, aquatic animals or plant material. Remove anything you find and leave it at the site.

Clean everything thoroughly as soon as you can, paying attention to nets, waders, and areas that are damp and hard to access. Use hot water if possible and make use of any facilities provided on site.

Dry everything for as long as possible (ideally 48hrs) before using elsewhere as some invasive plants and animals can survive for two weeks in damp conditions.

If disinfectants are used, they must be used and disposed of following the manufacturer’s instructions, particularly those regarding Health and Safety.

Going abroad?

It’s even more important to Check, Clean, Dry if you are taking your kit abroad, to ensure you do not bring any plants or animals back with you. Make sure everything is clean and has been dried thoroughly before you use it again at home.


Nicola is keen to work with anglers at South West Lakes Trust lakes and said, “Anglers who fish at our lakes are an invaluable source of knowledge. Many of them fish regularly, know the lakes very well and most already carry out effective biosecurity. Their knowledge and support is invaluable and those I have spoken to since I started at South West Lakes Trust earlier this year have been great. I really appreciate their input and I am looking forward to working with them over the coming months as we work towards improved biosecurity at our lakes.”


For more information on invasive species and to report sightings please email Nicola at [email protected].




Bideford Angling Clubs evening competition results @ Tarka Swims

1st Richard Jefferies 9lb 12oz

2nd Martin Hawker 8lb 4oz

3rd Martin Turner 6lb 9oz

4th Stephen Craker 5lb 9oz

5th Tyler Scott  5lb 2oz

16 fished,

The 8th match in our evening league was won by Richard Jefferies on peg S with a single large carp taken on bread on the pole, Martin Hawker also landed a good carp on the pole on peg E , 3rd place was  Martin Turner with a catch of smaller fish on peg O. Stephen Craker landed 10 small carp on peg A for 4th.

Best junior and 5th overall was Tyler with 2 nice bream .