On Fishing and Falling In – Recollections from Barry Bassnett

I met Barry Bassnett on several occasions whilst fishing for trout at Blakewell Fishery. We exchanged stories of angling in North Devon and I was delighted to record some of Barry’s recollections in my book “ I Caught A Glimpse”. Barry recently expressed his opinion on fishing styles after I posted an image of static fishing.  Fishing methods can to an extent be split between a trapping approach where the bait is positioned whilst the angler waits for an audible or visual indication before reeling in the fish. The other approach is to hold the rod and feel for the electrifying pull as the fish moves away with the bait or lure the angler driving the hook home with a strike. Many thanks to Barry for allowing me to reproduce his comments and recollections.

I use both approaches depending upon my preference or to what I think most likely to succeed. I remember my father preferring to hold the rod at all times waiting for that magical pull transmitted through the line. Barry’s comments and recollections are reproduced below.

A musical fish perhaps. Ha ha. But I can’t just sit there. Waiting for a buzzer to go off. It would drive me mad!! 

I also can’t sea fish with a rod rest. I like the feel of a rod in my hand waiting for the bite. I want to lure fish this next summer. I’m hoping my neighbour Andy. Across the road will help me get started and I want to get out on the Lyn again .

I found out I’d got a Morecambe book about fishing. The Morecambe of Morecambe and Wise. It’s a brilliant book 

And a great read. 

I also have somewhere, an old book of old salmon fishing flies. I’ll have to try and find it some time. 

Does Barnstaple have an angling club. And if it does what waters do they have and do they have many waters. And sections of the club is coarse fly and sea. Included. 

Barnstaple & District Angling Club


Do you remember Bill Leg? A chap I fished with many many years ago. 

We were with Owen another friend. It must have been in the seventies. We went to an open sea competition at Saunton. And there was a severe gale blowing. They decided to stop and cancel the competition. But our bunch decided they were all soft. So, we had to wade all the way to where we decided to fish .it was extremely hard going even up on the dunes was deep sea water. The wind was so strong. All along the beach we were wading in our waders. The water knee high. 

When we decided we’d trudged far enough to start fishing. We got set up with four ounce weights on the end and started to cast 

But however hard we tried to throw the weights out they ended up on the beach behind us. The odd one did get into the waves a couple of yards out. 

Of course, eventually we had to give up it was humiliating as we had told the rest we were going to fish it. As it couldn’t beat us. 

It was a struggle to get all our stuff in hand and make our way back to Owens car. It seemed miles in the very strong gale. Walking against the wind. We got back to the car soaked and shattered. And totally beaten. 

It was so great to be let out of the car outside my home. 

And into the warm again. 

I learned my lesson .

It was years after since I was young and had fallen into the river East Lyn. And spent the day with wet clothes on And soggy socks. Fishing. 

But this experience was far worse. I don’t let myself get soaking wet now. I’ve a full waterproof suit now. That floats me. 

Happy memories. I often sit and smile of my times in the water. When I’ve fallen in or been out in storms too stupid to give in and stop fishing. 

And I now also stop fishing during lightening storms.

But in the early days I was using my mother’s old greenheart fly rod. That was safer it was only six foot six long and a great rod for under the low trees and bushes on the Lyn on our own stretch. Casting over my  shoulder with my right hand. Holding the rod. That was back when I lived at Millslade in Brendon. I used to get a lot of free flies on the Lyn back then when there were loads of visitors staying at the Staghunters. And they used to lose their flies up in the trees and bushes from where I collected them. 

(Above)The old bridge at Brendon

Oh, happy days! Back then the Staghunter’s rented all the Halliday water . The water now known as the Glenthorne fishery was connected to Glenthorne down beside the sea below county gate. My great grandfather. Used to be the butler at Glenthorne before he bought the three cottages that he turned into the Staghunters Inn hotel in Brendon. Of course, that did mean I got to fish all of the East Lyn for free plus we had two fields with our own fishing with Millslade. It was paradise for me for all my childhood days. I so miss it now.

 It’s such great memories. And I fell into the east Lyn many times. When I was young or got a boot full of water. 

On one occasion I was in the field opposite Leaford. One field up and I was stood on a narrow pointed stone and one of the old hunter air craft flew up the valley extremely low. Just above me and I lost my Ballance. And of course, fell in. .and again was wet for most of the day. My feet didn’t dry out. .but if I went home to change my father would put me to work. Again. Mowing the lawn or gardening or cleaning the shippens out moved a huge amount of cow muck over the years. When I was young on to a large heap to rot down a bit for the fields and the veg garden . 

Take care Barry

(Above) Old days on the Lyn


Fishing New Waters – Cheddar


Tackle shops can often be the start of angling adventures as was the case when I was chatting with Mark Potter of Quay Sports. When Cheddar Reservoir popped up in a conversation about pike fishing Mark asked if I had ever fished the venue. I hadn’t but said it was a venue I have often wanted to try.

A few weeks later I started the car as the temperature read -3.5 degrees. After clearing icy windows  I traversed the slippery roads to meet up at Quay Sports where Mark Potter, Mark Frith ( Lakebed leads)  and I loaded the van with our tackle for the day.

We arrived at Cheddar reservoir as the sun slowly illuminated the frosty landscape. We met up with Ryan turner a good friend of Marks who had caught pike from the reservoir on previous trips.

Cheddar Reservoir is a manmade concrete bowl  completed in 1937 with a surface area of 260 acres. It is one of Bristol Waters reservoirs with the fishing managed by Cheddar Angling Club.

We were targeting the venues pike and headed for a deep area of the reservoir known to produce pike on a regular basis. Rod pods are essential for fishing from the concrete steps that surround the water and were coated with ice as we set up.


Dead-baits were the chosen tactic with some of us opting for legered baits others choosing the pleasing crimson of  a pike float upon the water. Popped up baits are considered a good option on this water that has extensive areas of weed.


After casting an array of bait’s, we sat back to enjoy the view as the sun slowly rose in the sky. The Somerset levels stretched out to the South and East and the Mendip Hills and the famous Cheddar Gorge to the North. The vast sheet of water twinkled in the morning sun and large flocks of water birds floated upon the calm surface.

Ryan Turner said that it was very much a morning water and we were all full of optimism for the day ahead. Any moment an alarm would surely sing out the question was how big would the pike be? On checking my set up I was slightly concerned to find the line frozen solid in the rod rings! A quick tug on the line every five minutes ensured that it was kept free until the rising sun brought the temperature above freezing.

As the sun rose the dog walkers, strollers and joggers came out in good numbers circum-navigating the lake and glancing at the camouflaged guys sat expectantly behind their rods.

We chatted of fish,  fishing venues of tactics and of past glories. Mark Frith has fished North Devon waters for many years and has many reflections on past days beside the water and the potential to catch a wide range of species. Modern days focus upon carp fishing has resulted in many of today’s generation overlooking the chance to catch specimen perch, eels and bream.

As the morning ebbed away it became obvious that the pike were not actively seeking a meal. Our hopes refocused upon a late in the day feeding spell as the light began to fade.

Baits were changed from time to time and relocated within our swims. We had decided on a sit and wait approach confident that pike would be present. At around 4.00pm Mark Friths alarm sounded and a small jack came to the net. Perhaps this would signal the start of a feeding spell?

Mark’s dog Scruff watches the pike swim away.


News that an angler fishing the far bank had caught three pike increased our hopes. He was using a bait boat and was placing his bait at long range. Perhaps the fish were too far out for us to reach?

The sun slowly sank to the horizon and the surroundings were illuminated by a golden glow. Large numbers of silver fish dimpled the surface with occasional large swirls indicating the likely presence of feeding predators. Hope lingered as the temperature began to drop along with the light.

We packed away as darkness fell another day done. Ancient oaks were silhouetted against the embers of the day and the first stars blinked as night descended. The call of owls drifted across the fields and we headed for home. Despite a blank day for most of us our spirits were high as we discussed plans for the coming year and opportunities that would surely come our way.

A Winter Day – Pike


The cold light of dawn brought with it frosted car windows and icy roads. It seemed the traditional day for pike fishing sat beside the calm waters of a lake. My good friend Paul Blake joined me for a day at Lower Slade reservoir where our alarms bleeped out as a few jacks graced our nets.

South West Lakes Trust have updated their pike fishing regulations for Slade and other stocked pike waters. Treble hooks are now allowed in conjunction with wire traces. Braided line with a minimum breaking strain of 40lb breaking strain is now compulsory. These measures are in-line with good practice across the pike fishing community, the strong braided line reduces the chance of losing fish and improves bite indication reducing the risk of deep hooking.

Updated pike rules at South West Lakes

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South West Lakes Trust have updated their pike fishing rules adapting them to fit with good practice within the pike fishing community. Pike are delicate fish that require careful handling. The use of strong braid will improve bite indication reducing deep hooking and the extra strength should reduce the risk of fish breaking free. There is nothing sporting in losing fish that could become tethered and die.
Updated pike rules for Argal and Lower Slade can be found on their website: https://www.swlakestrust.org.uk/coarse-fishing-rules
Please familiarise yourself with the rules before visiting. Changes to the rules are that treble hooks are now allowed and the mainline has changed to 40lb plus braid.
Pike fishing rules remain the same at Porth and College.

Additional Pike Fishing Rules (all of the above apply also).

  •   Permitted methods of fishing are: Plugs, Spinners, Jigs, worms or dead sea fish
  •   Do not discard dead sea fish into the reservoir when leaving to avoid pollution and false alarms
  •   Treble hooks are allowed but have to be semi barbless. One hook on each treble may be barbed to holddead bait on and no bigger than a size 6. No more than two trebles on a rig.
  •   Braided mainline to be used (Minimum 40lb), Snag leader to be used dead baiting where necessary, mustuse a break away lead system.
  •   Hooks must be mounted on a wire trace
  •   Anglers must have forceps
  •   No gaffs allowed
  •   Pike must be weighed in a sling or net. They must not be hung by the gills
  •   No sacks for holding fish – flotation slings only for setting up photographic equipment
  •   Fish must not be held in a retaining sling for more than a few minutes while cameras are set up.
  •   Unhooking mats must be used.

Changing Times at the water’s edge

For those of you who dont buy the NDJ a few comments on the state of angling etc. From this weeks edition.

Changing Times at the water’s edge

            At the turn of the year, it is perhaps a good time to both reflect and look to the future. The past couple of years have been extraordinary with many issues impacting upon our lives. During the COVID pandemic the word unprecedented was used repeatedly  as we all struggled with the strict measures imposed and the fear of the unknown.

            During this period many rediscovered or perhaps found for the first time the importance of nature and great outdoors for the nurturing of both mental and physical health. Angling received a significant boost during this period and for a time angling related businesses enjoyed a boost. As life has returned to a new normal the initial upsurge in angling has faltered as new issues have impacted. The cost of living has forced up the cost of most things including fishing tackle and related costs such as travel and bait.

            There are areas within angling that still seem to be thriving with carp angling seemingly booming across the country. There are now many lakes that boast specimen carp of thirty, forty and even fifty pounds. The demand for these fish is strong resulting in expensive and often exclusive syndicate waters. It is good that these fisheries exist offering the chance for anglers to catch splendid fish. There is however a risk that elitism can make it difficult for newcomers and difficult to afford. It is perhaps worth considering what has happened to other areas of angling in recent years.

            During the late seventies and eighties Stillwater trout fishing became increasingly popular with more and more waters stocked with trout. On the larger reservoirs rainbow trout dominated offering exciting sport at a reasonable cost. Smaller put and take stillwater’s were opened across the country and were stocked with larger and larger trout. Many anglers started to chase these big farmed fish prepared to pay ever higher prices to secure double figure trout and above. Stillwater trout fishing has suffered as stocking levels desired by many anglers has become  unsustainable. The generation of anglers who grew up through the boom years are now dwindling with very few young anglers taking their places.

            There is perhaps a danger that the obsessive quest for bigger and bigger carp could have a similar impact on the future of carp angling.

            Fortunately, some anglers are starting to value the  true essence of fly fishing relishing the thrill of targeting wild trout in less heavily stocked waters.  It is perhaps a blessing in disguise that a greater awareness of the value of natural rivers has resulted. Fergal Sharkey, formally an Irish punk rocker has recently gained notoriety as a campaigner for cleaner rivers highlighting the pollution and neglect of these vital arteries of the land by water companies and intensive farming. A recent report in the national media has highlighted the failure of government to retain objectives in the Water Framework directive with targets now pushed back over thirty years. If we do not act quickly iconic species like salmon and sea trout will be extinct within a generation.

            The future of Sea Angling is complex with fish populations always fluctuating. This winter appears to be promising with cod numbers up on recent years. North Devon estuaries have seen a greater abundance of cod with plenty of double figure cod showing up channel. Bass numbers have been increasing in recent years with lure fishing becoming increasingly popular.

            Off the coast larger apex predators like shark and tuna seem to be increasing in number. The CHART program that has highlighted the economic value of a catch and release big game fishery. In excess of one thousand blue fin tuna have been brought boat-side and tagged in during the 2022 season. There is hope that a long term recreational tuna fishery will be established bringing exciting opportunities for anglers.

            The history of angling will continue to evolve and there are always new discoveries on the horizon. As the climate changes the impact upon fish stocks is uncertain with warmer seas potentially bringing new species within range. The biggest concern must be the impact of weather extremes on freshwater. The summer of 2022 will be remembered for drought conditions and long periods of hot weather. Reservoir levels dropped to previously unseen levels and trout farms lost many fish intended for stocking into the region’s lakes. Rivers were at exceptionally low levels for several months resulting in one of the worst salmon seasons on record. Good news on the river Taw was a large run of shad during late spring and early summer. These rare migratory fish are a protected species and are returned quickly to the river with a minimum of handling.

            I would like to wish all readers a Happy and fish filled New Year.


Merry Christmas & Happy Fishes for 2023

I would like to thank all those who have followed North Devon Angling News throughout 2022 and to those who have contributed news stories and pictures. A special thanks to those who have sponsored the site over past years.

I welcome new sponsors for 2023 at very reasonable rates. Contact – [email protected]


Anglers Paradise

Message from Ashley Bunning – SWLT

Another year passes and we say goodbye to 2022! It has been a hard year for the reservoirs, not only in the South West, but all over the UK.  Low water levels and lake closures have been a frustrating factor to fishing through the summer, and we thank all of you for being understanding through these testing times. Having started my role in September, I would personally like to thank all of you for your kind words of support and I hope we can now push forward and continue the great work South West Lakes has been doing to improve the fishing on the waters.

There have been some great catches through the year with many great bags of silvers from many of the reservoirs to some special carp being caught.

Sadly, the lakes have lost two of its ‘A-team’, with Arnie from Porth and The Big Fully from Argal passing. These fish put many smiles on anglers’ faces, they will be missed!

Looking towards the future of the lakes, in November we stocked 39 new carp into Argal. These fished ranged between 13lb and 17lb, with 34 mirrors and 5 commons. Next year we are planning to stock other waters in the region to continue our work to improve all our waters. There has been some great swim building projects carried out on the lakes also, I would like to thank all the volunteers who have given up their time to help and make improvements on the lakes.

I am pleased to announce that we will be running the Mainline Pairs competitions again for next year the dates for this will be March 24-26, June 30-July 2 and September 29-October 1. We are looking forward to seeing all the familiar faces and welcoming new anglers to the competitions.

Also we will be having two event days in August, which will be part of the Angling Trust’s National Fishing Month, with the emphasis to get as many kids fishing as possible. The dates and places for this are the Royalty Fishery on August 5 and Upper Tamar Lakes on August 19. Please keep your eyes peeled for these events on the website, so you don’t miss out.

Once again thank you for all your support through this last year, may you all have a great Christmas and happy New Year. Look forward to seeing you all out on the bank in 2023.

Ashley Bunning

Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas looms ever closer and if you have not purchased all those Christmas gifts yet why not visit your local tackle shop.

We are very fortunate to have several superb fishing tackle shops in North Devon all offering a vast array of quality tackle and bait. The local tackle shop is of course more than just a shop its also a social hub where anglers meet and talk fishing an essential ingredient for the future of angling.  I always try and do a short piece each year to highlight North Devons tackle outlets.


Quay sports has a friendly team of local anglers behind the counter willing to offer useful advice on all disciplines of angling.

(Above) The superb FoxArt limited edition prints are now available in store, only four of each print available
Will make lovely Christmas gift. all prints signed and numbered. More designs coming soon.
Summerlands Tackle in Westward Ho! is  a long established family run tackle shop that carrys a vast range of tackle. A warm greeting is always given and it is rare to walk into the shop without meeting a fellow of the angle.
Anglers Heaven is conveniently situated adjacent to Bideford’s Pannier Market.  Owner Tom Wade is extending the shop with a grand opening of the extension in the New Year. The shop carry’s a large stock of sea and Coarse tackle and works closely with Bideford Angling Club to promote local fishing.They also carry a wide selection of air rifles.
High Street Tackle in Ilfracombe offers one of the largest selections of lures in North Devon and is the domain of Danny Watson and Pauline Chard. Danny is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to the latest lures for bass fishing and has many contacts throughout the lure fishing community. The shop also stocks a range of essential tackles and baits for coarse and sea angling.
Danny is a keen supporter of Combe Martin SAC and plans to co host an open Lure Fishing competition in the summer of 2023. Danny is also a supplier of tackle for Reel Deal
Braunton based Chillcheater supply high quality clothing for outdoor enthuiasts with warm under layers and tough, wind and water repellent outers.

Anglers Paradise – Lure Fishing Weekend

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Joe Won with 5 Species consisting of Pike, Perch, Rudd, Rainbow Trout and Blue Trout.
He went home winning a massive bundle of Prizes from Fox Rage, Okuma, Rapala, Fortis Eyewear, Catch and a Week’s Holiday for 2 at Anglers Paradise.
Team Drennan with Captain Dave Drake with Mark Bloxham, James Durkin, Emily Durkin, Alan Dicks, Liz Dicks, Simon Blatch and Joe Sims winning with 8 Species caught as a Team.
So, Ben Humber has had his Crown taken away, this year was Dave Drake’s Year as Winning Team Captain and to make it even more special – his first ever Lure Weekend Win! A Massive Congratulations to Dave and his Team, they all fished their socks off till the final whistle and Captain Dave lead them expertly to victory and without a doubt deserved to win. The Species consisted of Pike, Perch, Tiger Trout, Blue Trout, Rainbow Trout, Rudd and Golden Tench. They were the only Team to catch Golden Tench too which is pretty special!
BIG Thank You to Fat Mammoth, Rapala, Fox Rage for the awesome Team Prizes – they all looked like the Cats that got the cream!
AARON CHUCK with 4 Species consisting of Pike, Perch, Rainbow Trout and Rudd, with a length of 146cm.
Congratulations and Well Done Aaron! Aaron was the Winner of the last Lure Weekend we held in 2019, so to come as Runner Up is quite an achievement!
Massive THANK YOU to Fox Rage, Drennan, Okuma, Rapala, Fortis Eyewear and Catch for the amazing Prizes!
STEVE SELF with 4 Species consisting of Pike, Perch, Rainbow Trout and Rudd with a length of 126cm.
Congratulations and Well Done Stevie!
Thank you to Fox Rage, Rapala, Fortis and Catch for the great Prizes!
Anglers Paradise

ANGLERS PARADISE 2022 report from Zenia

ANGLERS PARADISE 2022 report from Zenia
Well, what a week last week was!! The Netting of the Main Carp went extremely well and all fish were transported safely and happily.
If we could describe last week’s events we’d say it was full of FUN, FRIENDS AND MORE FUN!
Throughout the Netting week, we hold many Fundraising Events and this years events were a HUGE SUCCESS!
Here’s a breakdown of what we got up to and what was raised for Charity –
**Saturday Burgers and Hot Dogs – Special Thank you to Phillip Warrens Butchers and Jim Williams
**Party Games Night – Special thanks to Party Game King – Joe Drury, & helpers Wendi Postma, Jaz Trent and Di Mepham
**Pool and Darts – Special thanks to Johnathon Clark and friend Carl
**Connect 4 Battles – Special thank you to Nicky Lock
**Irish Bingo – Special thanks to Di and Andy Mepham
**Toga B-I-N-G-O – Special thanks to Di and Andy Mepham
**Netting Badges – Special thanks to Di Mepham
**Fishing Match – Special thanks to the Sam Wahid and his boys
**Naughty, Farty, Burpy Party and Ghost Hunt – Special thanks to Wendi Postma and Co
**Guess the biggest Catfish weight – special thanks to Step Pearson and Treasure Hunt
**Zeejay’s Sparklers – Special thanks to Zeejay
**Raffle – Special thanks to Jaz Trent for selling the tickets throughout the week and thank you to all that donated prizes and bought tickets
**Quiz Night throughout the year – Special thank you to the Quiz Master – Paul Teggy
**Charity Wine throughout the year – Special thanks to Anglers Paradise
Wow, wow, wow!!!!!
Here’s to 2023!!
Anglers Paradise