Stafford Moor – Carp News

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More stunning carp from Stafford Moor.

Mark Stacey and son Kyle Stacey  with there new personal bests from Lodge lake dam wall this weekend using mainline cell .( Below)

image2image1Ian Collins ( Below) who had many out from the inlet swim on Beatties using sticky baits Manilla boilies below with his 23lb 3oz.

image1Andy Stapleton with his 18lb catch from lodge lake using banoffee high biz pop ups. (Below)

image1Nathan Bridle with his 29lb 4oz catch from Beatties lake using mainline cell boilies .(below)



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Carp live to a very good age with fish known to live close to 70 years one of the oldest carp is recorded was the well known fish ‘Raspberry’ caught from the famous Redmire Pool and aged at 67 years old.

Ben Smeeth sent me this report of a carp from Lower Tamar Lake near Bude.
Chris Martin sent in these pictures of his dad Phil with a mirror from Lower Tamar caught 20 years ago and amazingly we think it’s the same fish caught very recently now at 25.08!! Well done to Phil


The carp just keep coming from Stafford Moor!!!

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Stafford Moor has to be one of the regions most prolific fisheries with complex owner Joanne Combes keeping me busy most days with pictures of smiling anglers with splendid carp.

image1(Above) Ollie Kennard with his 17lb 2oz catch from lodge lake one of several fish caught using Mainline spicy crab boilies purchased from the sites tackle shop.


Jenny Jewell with one of her catches from the summerhouse swim on Beatties lake using home made boilies.

O’Connor’s win the Pallatrax Carp Open at Upper Tamar

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Thirty three anglers fished the wind and rain swept waters of Upper Tamar Lake competing for a splendid array of prizes. Below is an excellent report of the event from Ben Smeeth Countryside and Angling Manager from South West Lakes Trust.

Barry and Ben O’Connor have won the September 2016 Pallatrax Carp Open at Upper Tamar Lake after finishing second the last time they visited Tamar.


Friday afternoon saw 21 Pairs eagerly await the draw for the much anticipated final competition of the year. Conditions looked really good, a warm breeze pushing away from the dam looked like it would favour a lot of pegs particularly towards the far end of the lake. The lake had been fishing really well leading up to the competition with Dan Gay and Nigel Woods recording 20 carp the previous weekend and Jason and Leanne McEvoy landing 9 fish the day before the competition. Whilst pegging and cutting swims a lot of fish were seen, particularly in the quarry, the far end, off the lookout tower and also at the end of the arm with some really good fish in among them.

With the welcome briefing done, Barry and Ben O’Connor were first out the draw and opted for swim 14, opposite the bird hide on the Devon Bank.


There were two spare pegs at the end of the draw to give everyone a good choice of swim. Anglers were then transported to their swim by staff and marshals and the horn went to sound the beginning of the competition at 4pm.

It took an hour for the first fish to be banked and what a cracker it was for Nigel Woods and Matthew Bull on peg 12. A mint condition 16.02 common.


This was followed 15 minutes later by newcomers Dan Young and Matt Wyld on the new quarry swim peg 11. A 9.01 common was in the bag and they were off and running!

Dan Gay and Lee Graver were also off with the 9.12 common from peg 9 on the second point. Barry and Ben O’Connor also banked a fish early at 11.08

Plenty of fish being caught all-round the lake and a great start to the comp! Through the first night there were fish caught steadily all over with Danny Clarke and Nick Singleton managing a brace including a lovely 16.13 common to take them into the lead from peg 8.


Past winners Scott Bowden and Jamie Rusling were off and running with a 5.14 common from the second swim on West bay (peg 18) and Barry and Ben O’Connor had two more fish and sat in second place.

Into Saturday and Dan Young and Matt Wyld bagged their second to move into third place with an 8.04 common. By this time the wind had really picked up and was thrashing down towards the far end of the lake making the seed drill and second point area hard to fish.

During Saturday there were fish for Mike Trew (peg 5), Danny Clarke (peg 8), Scott Bowden (peg 18) and three more for Barry and Ben O’Connor to move them clear at the top.


There were also first fish caught at Tamar for Tim James on Peg 1 (Pallatrax) with a lovely ghost common of 16.01 and Shaun Pimm (AKA Tackle Bridgwater) with a cracking 17.09 common by the pontoon on peg 22.

Saturday night proved to be the turning point with Danny Clarke and Nick Singleton managing two more fish the O’Connors were not to be outdone and landed five fish including a 15.14 common to move well clear of the field and over the 100lb mark! This was despite the torrential rain and rising water levels! It really did rain – anglers awoke to find rods under the water and alarms submerged, not to mention a flood in Jamie Ruslings bivvy!!

Nigel Woods and Matt Bull caught the fish of the competition on Sunday morning at 23.02 from peg 12 – congratulations to Nigel landing his first 20 from the venue.


Sunday morning didn’t produce many fish with just the odd one or two being picked off around the lake – the wind completely changed and was heading towards the dam at this stage favoring the dam swims. Phil and Sam Gilhespy managed a couple and lost a couple which would prove to be costly.

The horn sounded at 1pm and all the competitors were collected and taken back to the car park. Gary Vogel had prepared some burgers and hot dogs for everyone which were well enjoyed!

I would like to thank all the staff and Marshalls who worked tirelessly over the weekend Gary Vogel, JCB Bob, Terry and Martin Reid, Gandolph Bob and Steve Gliddon. Thanks to the café staff also.

Thank you to Simon and Tina at Pallatrax for their sponsorship and association with the competition.

The final leader board is pictured.

Many Congratulations to Barry and Ben O’Connor who had 12 fish for 118.01 and they scooped the £2000 first prize


Danny Clarke and Nick Singleton who have finished third twice before were runners up with 6 fish for 59.02 and they collected £1000

Local anglers Nigel Woods and Matthew Bull were third with two fish for 39.04 and took the £500 third prize.

Largest fish (not finishing in the top three was Shaun Pimm 17.02 and he won a £50 Pallatrax voucher. Smallest fish also winning a £50 Pallatrax voucher was Scott Bowden with a fish of 5.13.

All in all, a great weekend, I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did and I look forward to the next one in March 2017. We are taking bookings now on 01566 771930





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Zenia at Anglers Paradise sent this excellent account of her recent success at Angler Paradise with a little help from top angling guide Julian Chidgey.

I’m still shaking as I write this, as I still can’t believe that after so many years and having 2 Sons, meant I had to take a step back from my favourite Sport Fishing, but knew when they grew a little older, that I would get my turn again!

I am now 32 Years of age, a full time Mum and Run Anglers Paradise with My Mum and Dad (Rose and Zyg Gregorek) and Husband Joe Drury, so time never allowed me to fish like I used to before becoming a Mum, hence the 6 year wait! After so many years not fishing, but looking and writing about other angler’s catches, it kept me going and just felt happy to see others do so well and also sharing the passion I know and love for the sport, but it was finally time that I got out there too, I mentally couldn’t wait any longer!

It had been a long time, so my memory of knots and techniques needed remembering, so that’s why I asked my good Friend Julian Chidgey from Inspired Angling Services to take me Fishing and ‘Re-train’ me!

We first set up on the Main Carp Lake and walked around the Lake to find the Fish, it was a hot sunny day and the Fish were showing on the surface, so we took a rod, some dog biscuits and away we went on my long awaited adventure. We found a good spot, but the fish were crafty and we had to work for it, finally my first Fish was on! It was a good fight and took me straight into the Lily Pads, Julian knew how much this meant to me, and before I knew it, he was in the water and like the Fishing Indiana Jones, he waded through as I fought the fish and untangled it free to my Net! I jumped for joy as I saw it was my First Ever Grass Carp at 11lbs 7oz, my smile says it all, absolutely over the moon!!


After a quick Lunch Break to re-fuel, we decided to keep on with the same tactic to search for bigger Fish off the top, that’s when we went to the Specimen Carp Lake, there was plenty of Stunning and Big Carp basking in the Sun, so we wasted no time, we crept around the lake and threw some dog biscuits in to get them feeding and confidence up, every time I saw these Big Beautiful Mirrors and Commons swim past my heart was pounding, Julian said to me when we were walking to the Lake, you’re going to catch a 30, and I told him to be quiet as that would never happen and I didn’t even want to risk jinxing it, there’s no way I could do that on my first session!!
Then, the Big one came towards us, almost teasing us and turning away right at the last minute each time, but after a few turns, she finally took the biscuit and she was on!! I knew it was a big fish as soon as I felt the strength of her fight, in true Carp Style, she did everything she could to take me into the Lily Pads, and that she did, Indiana Julian wasted no time and again he waded in, I kept the rod high and line tight with all my strength, whilst Julian cleared the Lilies, I’ve never fought so hard to catch a fish, but there was no way we were letting this possible PB go! She came free and I continued to play her, I couldn’t believe she was still on, and by me and Julian working together like a team, after another 10minutes fight she was in the net!! I couldn’t believe it when I saw her, it felt like a dream. We got her on the scales, the suspense was killing me, 10 years ago I caught my PB Mirror of 27lb 8oz, never would I think I could beat that on my first session back, I couldn’t look, Julian’s face said it all, he asked me to look, and told me that was no longer my PB…I had to look to believe him, there it was 31lbs 4oz on the Scales – OH MY GOD!!! I couldn’t believe it, and I was shaking with adrenaline and excitement all in one, I tried not to scream too loud but this was a very special moment to me and I am so grateful to Julian in helping me gain the confidence to do what I live for, without his help and tuition, this day would not have happened.

The afternoon was spent Rig Tying and Knot tying, as I wanted to be confident in going fishing again on my own, and would need to do these without Julian next time.


That night, on the D Rigs I had tied, I baited them both with a Paradise Baits Original Raspberry Pop Up, and hoped that my luck would continue. At 3am, I reeled in and netted a 19lb 11oz Mirror followed straight away by a stunning little Fully Scaled 10lb Mirror.
I can honestly say that the 6 year wait was DEFINITELY worth it, and I am the happiest girl in Devon right now!! Thank you to my Friend Julian for his guidance and tuition as he has given me the confidence and knowledge that I needed and I can’t wait for more angling adventures, because now this Mummy is ready to fish again. Fishing is a Sport all about Sportsmanship and helping others achieve their goals as well as our own, Julian did that for me, and I am so grateful to him helping me achieve a Fishing Dream made to reality!
The Morale of the Story is Ladies; never stop believing in yourself, if I can do it, then you all can too!

Anglers Paradise
Anglers Paradise


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Jason Tee has been in fine form at day ticket water Jennetts reservoir, Bideford, and has landed seven 20lb+ fish in his last couple of visits all on boilie hookbaits with the largest going to 27.03.



Ben Pearman fished a 48hr session at  Slade Reservoir to celebrate his birthdayand was rewarded for his effort with 4 carp the biggest being a fine common weighing 23lb 12oz all caught on sticky baits krill.


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Lee Galley and his son Nick Galley fished on Beatties lake for 48 hours they had 10 fish out using there own home made boilies on Gardener stiff rigs they had up to 26lb.

Lee Galley (Above)


Nick Galley (Above)


Lee Waring who fished Stafford Moorfor the first time enjoying a successful session  on beatties then on lodge lake using cc moore live system boilie’s he had a few fish out including this chunky mirror pictured below .

image1Danny Hayman landed a fine  29lb mirror from Beatties Lake  on the dam wall main line cell boilie’s . (Below)



Mike Faulkner with one of his many catches from lodge lake using sticky baits Manilla boilies this one is a 22lb 2oz. (Above)


Alexander McDonald had 8 fish out of Beatties in 24 hours using DNA Baits up to 21lb 7oz. (Above)



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Latest report from Zenia at Anglers Paradise

 Sam Lunt, 24 from Manchester caught a Rare Black Eyed 21lb 10oz Common from the Specimen Carp Lake which is the biggest fish to date that Sam has caught from Anglers Paradise. Sam’s Story – “Last day of the week and still not caught anything over 20lbs, although the Specimen Carp Lake has been fishing hard, I fancied this was the best chance of getting one. I was down early in the morning but nothing for the 1st couple of hours, until a Pastie decided to take my Bait! I cast back out onto the spot and it wasn’t out much longer than 5 minutes before it ripped off, I knew when I hooked into it that it was no pastie this time!! After a hard battle crossing my other line it went into the net 21.10 Common……Happy Days. This was my biggest Common from Anglers Paradise, it was an unusual fish as it had a black eye and I have never caught a fish with one before which made it special!” Sam caught the Common on a KD Rig with a Mainline Cell Boilie. It may be a Common but it’s certainly not a Common Fish we see everyday!! WELL DONE SAM!

14249820_10154558788804540_4506735090808804921_o14290075_10154558789549540_1689741165655811468_oJohn Salt, 36, from Rugby, had a session to remember on the Main Carp Lake and the fact he had all his Family there made it even more Special! John caught a PB 67lb 8oz Cat, a 22lb 8oz Common, 21lb 4oz Mirror and a 24lb 8oz Mirror, this is also the first Fishing Photo he has ever had with all his Family in it, which is just perfect that they were there to share the moment with Daddy! John caught the Fish on All End Tackle PB Products using Hall’umbaits P1 Boilies. (Below)

22lb 8oz common carp and all the family
22lb 8oz common carp and all the family (Above )




5C’s Member Chris Flook landed his UK Personal Best Mirror of 32lb 2oz from the Specimen Carp Lake. Chris caught the Stunner on double 16mm Sticky Baits Manilla Pellet boillies, with a Size 6 barbless hook, using a blow back rig with line aligner, cast out near the reeds. (Below)

Scott Brown, caught a scale perfect 19lb 3oz Mirror from the Main Carp Lake, it may not be a 20 or 30, but when they look like this, it really is irrelevant! Scott caught the stunner using Finnforce Banoffee Pop Ups on a Stiff Hinged Rig. (Below)

ScottBrown19lb3ozMirrorMainDean Sinclair, 30 from Watford caught the Famous Tadpole at 29lbs 7oz from the Specimen Carp Lake using Mainline Cell to attract the Beauty making it a New PB for him too! (Below)


29lb 7oz Tadpole
29lb 7oz Tadpole ( Above)

Scott Vern, 29 from Okehampton caught his 1ST EVER UK 30 from the Kracking Carp Lake. Scott caught a 24lb 2oz Common and was happy with that as it was, but then he goes and lands himself a New UK PB in the shape of this 35lb 12oz Mirror!! Both Fish were caught on a Mainline high impact boilie tipped with a white pop up, fished on a fluorocarbon d rig and baited with approximately 50 cell boilies. (Below)


Anglers Paradise
Anglers Paradise