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Furzebray Carp Fishery continues to produce some very big fish despite the colder conditions. Andy White banked the mirror carp known as three scales at 36lb. Chris Connaughton banked fish of 32lb 27lb and 21lb. Graham Kelly banked the huge carp Blackspot at 45lb 8oz (Above) along with other carp of 33lb, 27lb and 21lb. The carp of Furzebray always seem to feed well during stormy conditions.

(Above) Graham Kelly with carp of 33lb and 27lb.

Chris Connaughton banked fish of 32lb 27lb and 21lb
Andy White banked the mirror carp known as three scales at 36lb

I CAUGHT A GLIMPSE – A Great Winter Read

I CAUGHT A GLIMPSE – Fishing In North Devon

            I have been privileged to enjoy over forty years fishing North Devon’s varied waters enjoying both success and failure. The places and the many people I have met along the way have greatly enriched the journey and as the years pass I realise that all we ever get is a fleeting glimpse of a period in angling history.

In this book I tell a few of my own stories of North Devon angling along with recollections from others; some from an earlier generation who enjoyed fishing in those good old days.

I have no favourite species of fish just the one I am fishing for at the time and this book reflects this with every discipline of angling represented. From the small crimson spotted trout of tumbling streams to the huge shark that roam the Atlantic Ocean.

Angling is in essence an attempt to reach into a different dimension. Its fascination has for me never ceased and I always believe that the next cast will be the one that connects, that marvellous moment of completed deception. The anglers I have interviewed in writing this book reflect upon past times when they too glimpsed piscatorial events that they enjoyed recalling. Stories of lost fisheries, big fish, record fish of angler’s their attitudes and love of fishing.

I hope that I manage to share and convey the joys of angling in North Devon and provide a glimpse into a century of marvellous fishing.


Just a fleeting glimpse,

Of Memories gone,

A hopeful glimpse of what may come,


When its bitter cold outside its often good to settle down by the fire to read a good book.  ” I Caught A Glimpse” has an array of fishing stories from North Devon with all disciplines catered for if your interested check out this review from Dominic Garnett and the comments from my friend Paul French.


I received this email from my friend Paul French who took the book on a cruise.

“We’ve recently returned from a cruise to Norway which provided me with ample time to read your book and what a thoroughly good read it was too! The passion you undoubtably have for this pastime of ours is embodied in the words on each and every page. The part mix of autobiographical and part historical is I believe a unique blende and certainly not something I’ve seen attempted elsewhere. It couldn’t have been an easy project to undertake and metaphorically reading between the lines the reader may understandably not appreciate the hours and days of research you have put into it. You’ve smashed it, all round my kind of book. 

All we need now is a Glimpse of the next one”.


Available from The Little Egret Press or drop me a PM via my Facebook Page or North Devon Angling News.



Stafford Moor – Winter Carp Form

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Stafford Moor continues to reward anglers despite the cold weather. Below is are some of the recent catches.

Barry Lee banked carp from the dam wall on Beatties Lake all caught on C C Moore live system wafters in Almond goo over a small amount of hemp & corn feed. (Below)

Sam Heno who fished on the inlet swim on Beatties lake ,Sam had 6 fish out all caught on C C Moore live system boilies. (Below)

(Below) Simon White who hasn’t been to Stafford Moor for 10 years so a lot for him to take in change wise on site but all good Simon has 5 fish out up to 29lb all caught in swim 1 on lodge lake all caught on C C Moore 10mm live system boilies tipped off with Sticky baits peach & pepper.

Keith Medlin  fished up on swim 2 on Lodge Lake and now has the new lake record of 33lb 2oz.  Keith had 10 fish out in total all caught on Sticky Baits 20mm Manilla boilies which were glugged with Manilla and Sticky’s peach n pepper pop up snow man style. (Below)



Aaron Jones sent us in this catch report from Melbury at the weekend. ‘After work session on melbury Friday night produced these 4 lovely carp to 18.14lb, all caught using Nash scopex squid off of the pre baited spot. 2 large hand fulls of 18mm baits over the spot after each capture kept them feeding’. Nice one Aaron…

Aaron Jones did a quick overnight session at  Melbury  and had been hauling again!!! Aaron said ‘After my Friday night session I decided to have another go last night and again they kept coming, all fish caught off the same pre baited spot of Nash scopex squid again topping up after each fish with 2 large handfuls of 18mm baits’. Aaron’s fish were 20lb 3oz, 17lb 4oz, 17lb and a low double.

An Evening with Chris Yates

In 1986 I remember eagerly collecting my copy of the book ‘Casting at the Sun’ by Christopher Yates. I read the book enthralled  from cover to cover as it described angling adventures on mystical lakes where great carp glided through mysterious waters. In my view the book is the best piece of angling literature ever written encompassing much of anglings true essence.

Thirty odd years later Pauline and I set off to listen to a talk by Chris at Pentridge Village hall in Wiltshire.

We left our farmhouse B & B on a  wet and misty evening in late November driving through tree lined rural village lanes. On such an evening the sat nav was a welcome guide to our destination. As we entered the village of Pentridge we were guided by signs to Chris Yates that eventually brought us to a chaotic assembly of randomly parked cars.

We entered the village hall that was packed with an audience predominated by men. It was pleasing to see a wide mix of ages with several younger faces smiling enthusiastically as they chatted, swapping tales of a predominantly piscatorial nature. The hall proved the perfect venue with its high ceiling and timeless décor that would I imagine have changed little in recent decades unlike many village halls that have been modernised and sanitised.

This was the third evening talk featuring Chris with each event selling out and raising substantial funds to assist in cancer research. Anglers had travelled from far and wide to listen to the talk with visitors from the Netherlands, South Wales and North Yorkshire to name a few.  What entices people to travel so far on a cold wet November night?

Chris arrived receiving a warm welcome from the packed hall and chatted warmly to all signing books and other paraphernalia. Winners of an auction to spend a day fishing with Chris were given special certificates and raffle prizes were announced as those present dug deep into their wallets in the hope of winning a valuable prize.

The event organiser Neil Martin introduced Chris to the audience who immediately adopted a hushed tone of anticipation. And so, the talk began with Chris announcing that he was not sure where the talk would lead. Starting off with his latest passion for marsh harriers Chris delivered a mesmerising talk that flowed easily reminiscing about fishing in rivers and lakes whilst weaving in fascinating stories of ghosts, lost friends and other adventures. The core essence of Chris’s delivery was one of fun, humour and a connection with the natural world.

After a lengthy break with more book signing it was time for the raffle draw with some stunning and memorable prizes on offer. I was delighted to win a Lucky Crucian carp float donated by Chris. A treasured memento of a special night.

The raffle was followed by a fascinating question and answer session between Chris and the audience covering more fishy tales, tactics and ghostly goings on.


And so, the evening drew to a close and we set off into the night our minds swimming with fish and countryside visions. Mr Yates is certainly an antidote to the negativity of this modern world.


Below – My recent book ” I Caught A Glimpse” Is available from – https://thelittleegretpress.co.uk

Stafford Moor Carp

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Alan Clarke  fished up on swim 2 on lodge lake and had 11 fish out all caught on DT Baits n blend boilies & CWGB white wafter hook Baits.

(Below) Rob Shann caught this fine mirror carp of 23lb from Lodge Lake using Sticky baits Krill Boilies.




Stafford Moor Charity Match – Raises £1100

*Report from an amazing 48hr Charity Carp Match in Aid of Dean*

Well what can I say! Back from An absolutely fantastic weekend at the awesome Stafford Moor Fishery.

Raising money for my good friend Dean who has recently had a life changing injury where he lost all of his fingers on both hands.

Over the weekend pairs battled it out in a charitable carp fishing match at Stafford Moor Fishery in Devon. All monies raised from this weekend will help Dean and his family during this difficult period and help aid in his recovery.

31 fish were landed over the course of the 48hrs.

The winners were Mat and Cody Mitchell with 15 fish for 248lb 10oz

Second place went Jack Gabriel and Thomas Rushby with 10 fish for 189lb 2oz

Third place went to 3rd Matt and Ian Andrews. With 4 fish for 62lb 13oz

Biggest fish of the match fell to Thomas Rushby with a 32lb 10oz mirror.

Thank you very much to Jo and Paul and Stafford moor fishery for having us. A stunning fishery and extremely well run. Can’t wait to return.

A great weekend was had by all and massive thank you to everyone. congratulations to all the winners.

As part of this weekend, alongside the charity match, there was a raffle with many fantastic prizes on offer.

There was also an auction with a fantastic prize on offer for the highest bidder.

Thank you to all who entered and supported the raffle and auction.

A staggering and truly incredible amount of money has been raised over the course of the event. The sum raised was an amazing £1100. All of which has now been transferred to Deans crowdfunding page. Absolutely overwhelming! I can’t thank you all enough.

An absolutely huge thank you goes to the amazing people and companies for donating so many fantastic prizes in which encourages people to enter. Please see below and check them out for all your fishing, bait, tackle and golf. Truly awesome venues and companies and please look them up and support them.

Huge Thanks goes to

CR Baits, Crete lakes, Dreamlakes,Carp Society,Linear Fisheries, Bluebell lakes, White Springs Fishery,Digger Lakes, Stanwick Lakes, Caerphilly Angling Club, Lavender Hall Fishery,South West Lakes Trust, Stafford Moor Fishery, Cypography, Angling Direct,Pro Baits UK, Barr’s Angling, Lakebed leads, Big Fish, little fish tackle shop Liskeard, Fox Int,Wernduu Golf Club, Borringdon hall golf club, Arron Fisher, Leon Sprague, Andrew Riste,Tom Colloff, Ade Holmes.

Thank you all. It’s truly incredible and overwhelming and has gone a long way to helping aid Dean on his long road to recovery.



An opportunity to learn more about the complex world of invasive species and how we a s anglers can help stop the spread and identify issues.

South West Lakes Trust and South West Water invite you to a free workshop to find out more about biosecurity, invasive non-native species and discuss what we can all do to help prevent their spread. There are five workshops covering our region and bookings are now being taken through our events page. https://www.swlakestrust.org.uk/events

Presentations will focus on some of the key issues of invasive non-native species and the most current and effective biosecurity methods. Workshop sessions will provide an opportunity for us to discuss the best options for biosecurity facilities at our lakes so we can help protect them and our sports.

These are free events for anyone who uses our lakes for sport or recreation. Complimentary hot and cold drinks and supper will be provided.

Please feel free to pass this invitation on to friends and colleagues who may be interested.

The events are organised by South West Lakes Trust and South West Water and are supported by Angling Trust and Nicky Green Associates. Booking is essential. We look forward to welcoming you.

South West Water and South West Lakes Trust invite you to Brompton Regis Village Hall to find out more about biosecurity, invasive non-native species and discuss what we can all do to help prevent their spread.

Presentations will focus on some of the key issues of invasive non-native species and the most current and effective biosecurity methods. Workshop session will provide an opportunity for us to discuss the best options for biosecurity facilities at our lakes so we can help protect them and our sports.

This is a free event for anyone who uses our lakes for sport or recreation. Complimentary hot/cold drinks and pasties will be served from 6- 6.30pm.

Please click here to see the programme, and click the button below to book your place (please inform us of any dietary requirements when booking).

Please feel welcome to pass this invitation on to friends and colleagues who may be interested.

This event is organised by South West Lakes Trust and South West Water and is supported by Angling Trust and Nicky Green Associates.

Invasive Species and Biosecurity Workshop

Monday 25th November, 6pm – 8.30pm, Brompton Regis Village Hall, 8 Brompton Meadows, Brompton Regis, Dulverton TA22 9PD

Workshop Programme

6.00 – 6.30pm Registration, hot and cold drinks and pasties will be provided

6.30 – 6.45pm Welcome and introduction – Kate Hills, Biosecurity and Invasives Manager, South West Water

 What are invasive species, the problems they cause, what SWW and SWLT are doing about Invasive Non Native Species (INNS).

6.45 – 7.00pm Signal crayfish: origins, pathways to introduction and biosecurity risks – Nicky Green, Crayfish Specialist, Nicky Green Associates

 Crayfish ecology, management and research – what we know about signal crayfish in the South West, legislation and what can we do about them.

7.00 – 7.15pm Invasive species: their impacts on fishing and how anglers can help to stop their spread – Dr. Emily Smith, Environment Manager,

Angling Trust

  •   A summary of some of the main impacts of INNS on fishing in the UK.
  •   Negative impacts on native fish populations in the UK – direct predation on fish

    eggs/juveniles, competition with native fish for food/shelter, invasive plants

    blanketing waterways, reducing oxygen level and preventing access to fishing swims.

  •   Easy measures anglers can adopt to reduce the threat of INNS being spread into

    their fisheries and other waterways.

    7.15 – 7.30pm AQUA Biosecurity Accreditation Scheme – Nicola Morris, Invasive Species Officer, South West Lakes Trust

  •   An update on the AQUA Scheme at SWLT lakes.
  •   Current best practice biosecurity advice and methods to help protect our lakes.

    7.30 – 7.40pm Comfort Break

    7.40 – 8.20pm Workshop session

 Group discussions on the potential for biosecurity facilities at our sites and our most

likely options to help prevent the spread of INNS. 8.20 – 8.30pm Closing summary

FREE Invasive Species and Biosecurity Workshop

Tuesday 19th November, 6pm – 8.30pm, Roadford Lake, Broadwoodwidger, Lifton, Devon. PL16 0RL

Workshop Programme

6.00 – 6.30pm Registration, hot and cold drinks and pasties will be provided

6.30 – 6.45pm Welcome and introduction – Kate Hills, Biosecurity and Invasives Manager, South West Water

 What are invasive species, the problems they cause, what SWW and SWLT are doing about Invasive Non Native Species (INNS).

6.45 – 7.00pm Signal crayfish: origins, pathways to introduction and biosecurity risks – Nicky Green, Crayfish Specialist, Nicky Green Associates

 Crayfish ecology, management and research – what we know about signal crayfish in the South West, legislation and what can we do about them.

7.00 – 7.15pm Invasive species: their impacts on fishing and how anglers can help to stop their spread – Dr. Emily Smith, Environment Manager,

Angling Trust

  •   A summary of some of the main impacts of INNS on fishing in the UK.
  •   Negative impacts on native fish populations in the UK – direct predation on fish

    eggs/juveniles, competition with native fish for food/shelter, invasive plants

    blanketing waterways reducing oxygen level and preventing access to fishing swims.

  •   Easy measures anglers can adopt to reduce the threat of INNS being spread into

    their fisheries and other waterways.

    7.15 – 7.30pm AQUA Biosecurity Accreditation Scheme – Nicola Morris, Invasive Species Officer, South West Lakes Trust

  •   An update on the AQUA Scheme at SWLT lakes
  •   Current best practice biosecurity advice and methods to help protect our lakes.

    7.30 – 7.40pm Comfort Break

    7.40 – 8.20pm Workshop session

 Group discussions on the potential for biosecurity facilities at our sites and our most

likely options to help prevent the spread of INNS. 8.20 – 8.30pm Closing summary