Kracking Carp

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Sam Passmore fished Anglers Paradise’s Kracking Carp Lake to tempt a fine mirror carp of 33lb 8oz. Sam has enjoyed five sessions on this notoriously difficult lake this season banking two carp over 40lb and one over thirty.

Anglers Paradise


Anglers Heaven in Bideford has had a significant extension with a vast range of products from top brands now available for anglers of all disciplines. I called into the shop last week with my wife Pauline and was very impressed. in addition to top quailty tackle Tom Wade also keeps a good supply of fresh live and frozen bait.

GRAND OPENING/BLACK FRIDAY SALE Friday 29th/Saturday 30th November

 Join Tom Wade and family for the new shop extension party.

Bideford AGM – Steve Bailey thanked for Sterling work

Bideford and District Angling Club held their AGM at Bideford Con Club on Friday November 15th,  the event was very well attended. The club is North Devon’s largest angling club with a membership of over 500 that includes over fifty Junior members many undoubtedly attracted by the clubs two well maintained fishing lakes. Tarka Swims consists of Georges Lake and Karen’s Lake that between them provide excellent pleasure, match and carp fishing. The lakes manager Steve Bailey resigned from the post after many years of sterling service and was presented with gifts from the club in appreciation. The new lake manager is Mike Jones.

Club Secretary – Mervyn Beal says :- Farewell Steve. At last nights AGM the club said farewell to our outgoing Tarka Swims manager. Over the past 20yrs Steve has been the backbone of our club, his grit determination, hard work and commitment has made Tarka Swims what it is today. On behalf of the committee and club members we would like to say a massive thank you Steve and to Lorraine for giving up so much family time over the years. Hopefully you can now enjoy more family time and get some well earned fishing in. Thank you.


The clubs holds well attended coarse fishing Matchs each month and a summer series of events for Junior anglers. The club also hosts regular sea angling competitions and game fishing events.

Bideford and District Angling Club Match Secretary’s Report 2024
The Senior matches on George’s Lake, Tarka Swims have once again, been very well supported. With an average of 20 members regularly competing.
Our Junior Section has also been extremely well supported with 35 different youngsters enjoying the 3-hour Saturday events held throughout the summer. The 5-match series was won by Ethan Broom on 46 points, close second Lewis Hathaway on 45 points.
The 10 match, Summer Evening Series attracted 22 different anglers, we were blessed with some great weather for the 3-hour contests. Runaway winner was Nathan Underwood on 130 points with Kevin Shears 2nd on 92 points. The 3-hour pairs event was won by Rhys Elyes and Darren Polden with a remarkable total of 96lb 12oz.
Richard’s ‘Rod and Reel Only’ Competitions have been fully attended; organiser Richard Jefferies currently leads the league with 2 matches remaining.
At present, in the monthly Sunday Matches, Craig Lamey has an unassailable lead with Nathan in 2nd place.
Our 2-leg team match against Plymouth resulted in a resounding victory for us 713lb to 219lb. I hope to set up a more challenging contest against Bude Canal anglers.
This club offers a fantastic variation of disciplines; from the game beat on the Torridge to boat trips, shore fishing contests and, of course, the Tarka events. The lakes provide a host of opportunities to get involved; as members we need to be mindful that the membership is diverse and each of us find pleasure and fulfilment in our chosen pastime whether helping with the working parties, camping out overnight after the ‘Big One’ or witnessing the joy of watching the juniors catching their first fish.
Openness and understanding are essential if the club is to prosper; division is not healthy. As a club we must be respectful of members choices.
Regular matches, I believe, provide a very useful indicator as to the condition of the water and its inhabitants. Recorded results provide accurate information and trends can be monitored.
Once again, I must thank those people who have supported events but especially those who have ensured that they run smoothly. Mervyn for his support scrutinising and publishing results. Steve and his team for providing us with a well maintained and safe environment to enjoy our chosen discipline.
Finally, I must comment on the shock of the closure of the institution that was Summerland’s Tackle; we wish the family well and thank them for all their support over many years.
Martin Turner stands for another term as club match secretary.


As Winter sets in…..

As Winter approaches the number of anglers venturing out will inevitably drop but those that continue to fish will enjoy some of the years most exciting fishing. Make sure you support your local tackle shop.

Combe Martin SAC member Ollie Passmore with a fine trigger fish caught as the summer species depart.

When your rod hoops over and line starts screaming off is a hard feeling to beat. Proper scrap 🥊 and big thanks for the top landing skills and pic from a good mate @kevlegg 🎣❤️ This girl going 36lb 10! Roll on winter and hopefully be blessed to catch another and can beat my pb🎣
@sakuma_fishing 8/0 manta extra and 7/0 Octopus circle as my pennel hook 🔥 can’t rate enough. New sakuma wire for my bite trace!

And as we approach those Christmas shopping days remember the angler always needs something!

Carp and cats from Paradise

5C’s member Joe Dietrich had a great overnight session on Anglers Eldorado’s Cat and Carp 2 catching 6 Carp to 24lb 6oz and a mid twenty Cat!
Joe shared –
“Was nice to get out on the banks again last night even though it was a very wet one! Had a nice scaley mirror of 21lb 12oz and then a nice common of 24lb 6oz to finish a busy night off nicely! 6 carp and a mid 20 cat. First night for a few weeks! No pics of the rest as was hammering it down and dark!”
Anglers Paradise

Bideford & Barnstaple AGM – Members

Bideford Angling Club and Barnstaple Angling Association both hold their AGM’s in November. If your consiodering joining these clubs or are members already its good opportunity to meet fellow members and find out whats what.


Dear Members,

If anyone has any proposals for the AGM 15th Nov, they must be received by midnight tonight, with a proposer and seconder. sent to [email protected]

Thank you

Mervyn Club Secretary.

Barnstaple & District Angling Club AGM will be held in the Ebberly Arms, Bear Street, Barnstaple on Tuesday 12th November at 7.30pm. There is free evening parking in the car park at the rear.  This is always a friendly social evening, and we are expecting a good attendance as in previous years.


Mainline Carp Pair Open Competition Final Results

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💥Mainline Comp Final Results 💥
Well what an end to the final Mainline Comp of the year. Within hours of the final sounding of the horn, six pegs had a chance of winning the top prize of £2000. 15 pairs from the 27 entry recorded fish. Well done to everyone taking part.
1st: £2000 Peg 19. 46Ib 5oz Matt Pepperel & Chris Hudson.
2nd: £1000 Peg 31. 44Ib 7oz Dan Hole & Jack Chillingworth.
3rd: £500 Peg 30. 41Ib 12oz John Kneebone & Wayne Bateman.
4th: Porth Permits Peg 32. 40Ib 9oz Ashley Bunning & Scott Cooper.
Biggest Fish: Peg 1. 16Ib 15oz Barry Lee & Darren Jeffrey.
Smallest Fish: Peg 24. 6Ib 3oz Harry Miles & George Perkins.
Section 1 Winners: Peg 6. 37Ib 5oz Dean & Dave Willoughby.
Section 2 Winners: Peg 14. 29Ib 11oz Peter Oates & Kris Ingiszi.
Section 3 Winners: Peg 24. 6Ib 3oz Harry Miles & George Perkins.
Section 4 Winners: Peg 28. 10Ib 12oz Paul Hedger & Mark Pallet.
Big thank you to our Sponsor’s, Mainline Baits and John Kneebone.
Big thank you also to our volunteer marshal’s, Gary, Laura, Mark E, Mark B, Ken. Without these people giving up their weekend, this competition could not run.
Also thank you to all the angler’s that took part, you all made it an exciting competition.
Next Comp 21st, 22nd, 23rd March 2025 look forward to seeing you all. Mervyn.

Lyme Disease: A Doolally of Doctors Magic Pills and Clinical Clunkers

Many thanks to Richard Wilson for sharing his thoughts on Lymes Disease with North Devon Angling News. Ticks are ever more common across North Devon and Exmoor and it is wise to check fior them after any visit to the countryside. Removing the nasty little creatures early reduces the risk of Lymes disease.

Lyme Disease: A Doolally of Doctors

Magic Pills and Clinical Clunkers

Are you familiar with the phrase a Doolally of Doctors? It’s a medical version of the Madness of Crowds, which is when a lot of people go collectively nuts. Like the stock bubble or a dangerous TikTok craze. OK, I just made it up, but it trips nicely off the tongue and is technically accurate.

For a great example of a Doolally of Doctors in action, look no further than Lyme Disease. It’s a textbook case.

Let me explain: Lyme, caught from ticks, is the fastest-spreading bug-borne disease in the northern hemisphere. Which is a big and scary thought. It’s also nasty, very hard to treat and ruins lives. And if you spend time outdoors in long grass or woodland margins it’s very easy to catch. It’s even spreading to suburban parks and gardens.

So what’s a Doolally of Doctors got to do with ticks? Well, as said, catching Lyme is very easy, but try getting a diagnosis. Or treatment. And especially treatment that works.

For example: Hollywood actor and musician Kris Kristofferson had a physically debilitating disease that for 14 years, and maybe a lot more, ruined his life. It even moved into his brain, resulting in a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.

He had muscle spasms, heart arrhythmia that needed a pacemaker, sleep apnea, fierce joint pains and pretty much the full gamut of symptoms that most of us with Lyme Disease would recognise as potential runaway Lyme; but a Doolally of Doctors didn’t. They opted for more familiar diagnoses, all of which failed to deliver a cure and, to repeat myself, this went on for at least 14 years. He also picked up diagnoses of several Syndromes, such as Fibromyalgia (beware doctors diagnosing a ‘syndrome’, it’s a weasel word).

This continued until a new doctor tested for Lyme and it turned out, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, that Kristofferson had Lyme, which then responded to antibiotics (Alzheimer’s doesn’t). And because the longer treatment is delayed the harder Lyme is to cure, I expect his road to recovery is tough.

I have some sympathy with the first stages of misdiagnosis. Lyme shares symptoms with many diseases and it’s human nature for a Dr to reach for something familiar and treat that. And it’s not easy to confirm Lyme. If you get a blood test then about 15-25% can be false positive or false negative. Worse, the tests detect antibodies and once you’ve had the disease you have the antibodies for life. So you’ll always test positive, except when you test negative even if you have had, or still have Lyme. Confusing, isn’t it?

Next is something that’s very hard for us non-medical folk to grasp. The antibiotic treatment used by doctors always works. Always. Different countries have widely different drug regimes & doses, but they all work. 100%. You think they’re joking? No, they’re not. Lyme is a disease the experts have got nailed. Or so they say. And this is where the Doolally starts to part company with reality.

The first problem is that maybe 20-25% of Lyme patients report the same or worsening symptoms after treatment. In a Swedish study, 19% were still on sick leave or incapacitated 5 years after taking the approved antibiotics. No wonder so many people think their recurrent Lyme symptoms mean the treatment has failed. A lot of sick people think the experts have got it wrong.

This is heresy. The Doolally forcefully rejects such foolishness and explains that all these patients are suffering long-term damage caused by the original infection, now cured (by them). The pills always work.

Next, hands up everybody with Lyme symptoms who was tested for the co-infections ticks carry? Almost nobody? That sounds about right. A US survey of over 3,000 patients with long-term Lyme found that over 50% had co-infections, with 30% reporting two or more. The most common include Babesia, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, Mycoplasma, Anaplasma, and Tularemia. All are unpleasant, some are more globalist than others and many don’t respond to the antibiotics used against Lyme. A UK survey found 95% of 500 patients had co-infections.

So somewhere between the misdiagnoses, miracle pills and co-infections, it’s no surprise that the ne’re-get-well Lyme patients are everywhere. In fact they’re so common that the Doolally has a name just for those they’ve treated: Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS). And there’s that snitty little word ‘syndrome’ again. PTLDS means people they’ve cured but who ungratefully still claim to be sick.

So what is this Frankenstein confection, this “disease-syndrome” endorsed by some of the top research institutions around the world? Broadly speaking the two words are a mismatch. Diseases usually have known treatments. A Syndrome might be real and treatable, but is often doctor-speak for a patient who’s a bit wrong in the head. Some patients are just weird. Sigh!

As an aside, I’ve never heard of anyone with Malaria Disease Syndrome. Why? Hold that thought.

It’s important to remember that a Doolally of Doctors is never wrong (it’s group-think): They know that real people have real diseases that real doctors treat. Everything else, including many syndromes, is woo or psychiatry or weird. And that’s really strange because Lyme is a bacterial disease with a track record for dodging antibiotics. It’s real, just like its cousin Syphilis, which is also difficult to treat (but a lot more fun to catch). Both are the unusual spirochete bacteria, which can run a doctor ragged. If you want peer-reviewed papers published in reputable journals, there are plenty to choose from. Here’s one. There are many, many more.

In most walks of life, this authority-figure insistence on the dumb-ass patient being delusional/weird, despite persuasive evidence that they’re not, would be called Gaslighting. And remember, we’re talking about up to a quarter of the patients they manage to diagnose with Lyme.

Spare a thought also for the many they don’t diagnose. Too many Drs will insist you’ve got Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, man-flu, sleep apnea, ME, heart disease, gallstones, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic neuropathy and/or pathetically-weird patient syndrome. Whatever.

Just think what could be achieved with global diseases like malaria if we applied Doolally Logic to our planning. Maybe half of the world’s malaria would simply vanish if we just got better at misdiagnosis. And to cure someone, all you have to do is give them a one-size-fits-all course of pills. Dose, duration, follow-up appointments? Nah! The treatment is infallible and malaria will be eradicated. Anyone still claiming to be sick must have a syndrome. Except this rule does not apply to post treatment Recurrent Malaria. That’s proper Malaria, the real deal, because sometimes, unexpectedly, malaria treatment fails. Unlike Lyme?

Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome. A place where medics can’t tell if you’re cured, but they know for sure their medication always works because, if maybe sometimes it didn’t, what would that make their ‘Syndrome’?

Answer: Lyme Disease.

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