Mainline carp Competition – Final Update

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 Mainline Comp. Final Update 💥
Well what a Competition this turned out to be, within 40 minutes of the horn sounding, Dave Bellew on peg 16 was of the mark with a double take, 21Ib 3oz Common, 11Ib 7oz Mirror.
Then the Bunning brothers Aaron & Ashley, on peg 31 landed a cracking 20Ib 5oz Common.
Peg 32 was of the mark, Pete Oates & Kris Ingiszi 19Ib 3oz.
Pegs 1, 2, 16, 30, 31, and 32 seemed to be dominating the race for the first prize of £2000.
The ever consistent Nigel Woods got of to late start, typical of Nigel landing a 18Ib 3oz Common in the last 15mins of the Comp.
Matt Pepperell & Chris Hudson joined in the race for the prize money, landing a cracking 21Ib 2oz Mirror, with 20mins to go.
Seven 20Ib plus fish were caught during this exciting Mainline Competition.
Competition results below.
1st: £2000 Peg 31. Aaron & Ashley Bunning 61Ib
2nd: £1000 Peg 1. Nigel Woods 55Ib 9oz.
3rd: £500 Peg 30. Matt Pepperell & Chris Hudson, 47Ib 13oz.
4th: £250 Peg 32. Pete Oates & Kris Ingiszi. 42Ib 12oz.
5th: 24hr Permits Peg 16. Dave Bellew.
Biggest Fish. Peg 32. Pete Oates & Kris Ingiszi 23Ib 9oz Common.
Smallest Fish. Peg 16 Dave Bellew 5Ib 1oz Common.
Section 1: Peg 2. Tony Johns & Andy Byrne. 31Ib 8oz.
Section 2: Peg 13. Kris Harrison & Trev Island 20Ib 9oz.
Section 3: Peg 18. Dave & Dean Willoughby. 18Ib 10oz.
Section 4: Peg 26. Rich Harman & Richie Eaton. 10Ib 8oz.
Big thank you to all that took part, thank you John Kneebone and Mainline Baits for once again sponsoring the event.
A massive thank you to our volunteer marshal’s. Ken Sampson, Iain Ross, Matt Bennett, Bob Davey who gave up there time.
Also a big thank you to Dil & Mark who helped with the transport.
Thank you to our Head of Fisheries Leon Fisher, who kept the food flowing throughout the event.
Next Mainline Comp 25th, 26th, 27th July 2025.

Orellana Carp Adventure

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Spains mighty lake Orellana, 20,000 acres of vast untouched wild remoteness! 

Thousands of kilometres of inviting secluded bays all offering breathtaking settings with a true sense of pioneer carping! 

This is ultimate escapism into the natural world while fishing for some of the most impressive wild carp in Europe.

The potential for Orellana to produce Carp that will shock the international carp scene, makes the challenge of fishing this water so appealing! A lake that has only been whispered about for a number of years and one that is set to become the ultimate big water in Europe!

Orellana 2025!!

Tony Kingdon and Andrew Parkinson run two of North Devon’s top carp waters, Furzebray and Hacche Moor they are both dedicated carp anglers. Their latest adventure to Orellana in Spain brought a spectacular result.  These venues have a well deserved reputation for big fish but they are often hard earned as Tony tells in exciting account below: –

Orellana can be a cruel mistress and has a habit of beating you up until you are physically and mentally drained and wanting  to give up before she will relinquish her prizes and this trip was no different… At 15000 acres and nearly 30 miles long with very limited access its a challenge at the best of times but this year even more so..
2 weeks of awful weather big cold easterlies for the first week, then one day of sun before a big change came in from the south bringing 45mph winds…
We made 4 massive moves covering over 15miles from the mid section to the top and back again, one day actually towing  Dan’s boat behind mine for over 6 miles while he did a shop run just to get to a new area.. we managed to locate a few fish but they were soon gone and we would once again be on the move, catching a few along the way but only small fish..
Our last move on Friday was back to the middle section to find an area on the end of the big weather front coming in from the south on Saturday morning. The lake had been busy up until now but the area was all free and the locals clearly didn’t fancy being out on the lake with the approaching storm and for good reason lol. Saturday morning was total carnage with all our rods being ripped off the spots within an hour, 12oz leads rolling like pebbles on a beach!! We spent all day watching just hoping for a break then just on dark she eased off enough for a mad dash to get the rods out.. That evening we made a lovely roast chicken dinner on the cob and chatted about how the storm had to have brought a few carp into our bank when my rod in the weedy bay screamed into life… A long dash over the rocks  and I was bent into what felt a good fish buried deep in the weed, slowly bit by bit I could feel the strands of weed breaking off and she headed in my direction. I was in too minds on what to do I wanted the boat but it was 50y up the bank so I just kept it coming, by the time Andy and Dan arrived in the swim that point was gone, there was just one small weed bed 20 yards out to deal with. Luckily this caused me no problems at all an she was soon close to the margins, she popped up under my other rod and Andy shouted out it a good’un mate, I walked it back still none of us knowing what it was, but as she slid over the cord all was revealed to Andy… I will never forget that look on his face his eyes looked like they were on stalks “its a Linear, A fucking big linear what have you just done” were the words… My head was gone I just screamed out in the dark of just pure relief and joy at landing an Orellana 1 in a 1000 fish… I was such a state I double sacked the fish and cable tied the zips to make sure my prize was still there in the morning!!! Several bottles of wine were then sunk by me and Dan before I drifted of into a hazy sleep… Then if that night couldn’t get any better Andy was at my door in the early hours screaming like a kid at Christmas  about a massive common in the net… unreal!!! The following morning will live with me as the best i’v ever had when fishing, not only to see the fish I’d landed but to share the same feeling with your mate with another massive carp on somewhere like that is just priceless and worth every moment of pain she puts you through…. 2 fish for 107lb!!!  52 and 54.12
We ended up leaving a day early as another big storm was due the day of pack up and we would have been stuck not being able to get back to the van. But as with all these trips there’s always one at the end and I was greatfull to land a crazy 36lb common with lips like Jagger just before pack up!!

Until next time cheers Tony.

Bideford & District Angling Club Presentation Evening 2024

Another enjoyable night with Bideford & District Angling Club a pleasure to be a part of the evening. A very good attendance this year with a really positive vibe.


BDAC Coarse section 2024 cups and trophies.
Senior Match man Winner Craig Lamey 137pts
Senior Match man Runner up Paul Elworthy 103pts
Midweek series Winner Nathan Underwood 130pts
Midweek series runner up Kevin Shears 92pts
Pairs match Winners
Rhys Eyles and Darren Polden
Highest weight in competition. Rhys Eyles 69lb 12oz
Rod and reel league winner Richard Jefferies 128pts
Rod and reel runner up Darren Polden 112pts
Junior series Winner Ethan Broom. 46 points
Junior series runner up Lewis Hathaway 45 points
BDAC Sea Section 2024 Cups and Trophies.
1. Valentine bowl-most points in the monthly Rover. Andrew Clements 57 points
2. Keira short trophy-most points in the 48-hour. Stephen Found 18 points
3. Stephanie Vanstone-best specimen caught from the shore . Jon Stevens Bass 11lb 1 1/2 158.48%
4. Jason Talbot memorial plate-best ray caught from the shore. Stephen Found Thornback 12lb 9 139.58%
5. Snake plate-best Conger caught from the shore . Andrew Clements Conger 17lb 1 85.31%
6. Best round fish from the shore . Jon Stevens Bass 11lb 1 1/2 158.48%
7. Best specimen flat fish (no ray). Phil Vanstone / Stephen Found Dab 15oz 93.75%
8. Best specimen shark from the shore . Andrew Clements Smooth hound 14lb 9 1/4 145.76%
9. Winner of the end of season competition . Andrew Clements Small eyed Ray 9lb 9 106.250
10. Big Mike memorial vase . Craig Lamey Flounder 1Ib 5 3/4
BDAC Game Section 2024 Cups and Trophies
1st: Terry Dymond.
2nd: Dave Bailey.
BDAC: Highest Points in Monthly Comps. Terry Dymond 52 Points
BDAC: Runner Up Of Aggregate Points in Monthly Comps. Dave Bailey.
Best Rainbow Trout Caught. Dave Bailey 4Ib 2oz.
Best Brown Trout Caught From Reservoirs Fished. Dave Bailey.
BDAC: Combined Weight From All Reservoir Fished. Terry Dymond.
Chairmans Clubman of the Year. Steve Bailey.
The Club would like to thank, Nick Laws, Tom Wade and Wayne Thomas for presenting the trophies and making the evening a success.

Mainline Baits Carp Open Pairs Competitions 2025

The Mainline Baits Carp Pairs competitions are held at our 81 acre fishery, Upper Tamar Lake. The competitions are generously sponsored by carp fishing giants Mainline Baits.

There is £3,750 in prize money from South West Lakes Trust for each competition. Each person who enters will get a goody bag with some fantastic Mainline products inside. As well as four section prizes there will be a prize for the biggest fish.

First prize: £2,000

Second prize: £1,000

Third prize: £500

Fourth prize: £250

Fifth prize: 24hr or day permits

This a fun, exciting and inclusive competition. The three biggest fish caught by each pair will be added together to decide your final weight and determine your place on the leaderboard. This year we have added more prizes and limited the numbers to 28 pairs, so book now to avoid disappointment.

All tackle and equipment is transported to and from your swim and the price includes a post competition barbecue/ hot food on the Sunday.

2025 dates:

  • Friday 21 March to Sunday 23 March
  • Friday 25 July to Sunday 27 July
  • Friday 10 October to Sunday 12 October

The competition is limited to 28 pairs. You can book your place online below.

For further information contact us on 01566 771930 or [email protected]

View competition rules here

Snowbee Open Day – March 15th 2025

Winter Carp

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Winter carp are being tempted across North Devon’s lakes; this fine specimen was tempted at Furzebray. I often reflect on the fact we now have waters in North Devon that would equal Redmire Pool in its prime.

“Days are getting longer and despite the cold conditions the big girls look like they are on the move.. Graham Kelly today with blackspot @47.4 which he also followed up with a low 30lb.”


The latest Storm is forecast to hit the region over the weekend and most local competitions have wisely been cancelled. A storm with winds from the North West forecast to reach 90 MPH is very unusual and a RED WARNING is certainly cause for concern. There are those who will say that the Met Office and the media are hyping it up but they cannot win for they were heavily criticised last week when floods hit Wales and residents said they had not been warned. Weather forecasting is still an in-precise science despite all the technology that is in place. Lets hope its not as bad as forecast. Should be some good fishing in the aftermath of the storm.


Christmas Fishes – Shop Local

It’s December so it seems Ok to start talking Christmas. We are very fortunate in North Devon to have fishing tackle shops in all of our major towns and as local anglers we really need to support them. With Christmas just a couple of weeks away now is the time to buy that fishy present.  It might be that you have to pay a little more as compared to the internet but there is no postage, a good after sales service, you get to see what you’re buying and you ensure that you have somewhere to buy fresh bait. Not to mention the vital social benefits of meeting fellow anglers whilst browsing those lines of tempting produce.


Barnstaple Bait and Tackle offers an excellent range of tackle for all disciplines and is convenienly located in Queen Street, close to the central Car Park and Bus Station. The shop is owned by Chris Connaughton a well known and respected local angler.


Danny Watson (Above right ) is a lure fishing fanatic a fact that is reflected when-ever you walk into his tackle shop in Ilfracombe High Street. Thousands of lures to tempt every angler and every fish. Danny supplies local charter boats with lures and tackle and has an extensive knowledge on how lures work and their design features. In addition to the vast array of lures the shop also carries an extensive range of sea tackle and coarse fishing essentials.


Anglers Heaven is owned by Tom Wade and has recently undergone a significant extension with a large retail area offering fishing tackle for all disciplines. Tom also stocks a range of shooting and country sports equipment.


The Braunton Bait Box is run by keen local angler Craig McCloughlin and offers a good range of sea angling tackle and quaility bait. The shop also has a range of coarse fishing tackle and is a stockist for Chillcheater clothing of Braunton.


Reed – Chillcheater is a North Devon Based company located in Braunton that offers a wide range of high quality outdoor clothing that has gained a reputation amongst local anglers for keeping them warm and dry in the worst of conditions.


Lance Nicholson’s shop is located in the lively Exmoor town of Dulverton and offers a wide range of game fishing tackle and country clothing. It is also an excellent source on information on where to fish and what is happening across the Upper Exe and Barle catchments.


The Arundell is a traditional country hotel on the Cornish Border that offers excellent river fishing throughout the year. The hotel has a tackle shop that stocks an excellent range of top end tackle from Orvis. This is undoubtedly the top venue for West Country winter grayling.