Trees for Salmon – Planting Day at Landacre Bridge

Over the past twelve months or so I have helped introduce the film Riverwoods to audiences across North Devon. The film highlights the vital link between tree’s and salmon within  complex ecosystems. So when I learnt that West Country Rivers Trust were holding a tree planting day beside the River Barle close to the iconic Landacre Bridge I felt that I should attend and join this effort to improve this environment for the salmon.

            Those who follow my posts on North Devon Angling News will know of my dismay at the dramatic decline in salmon populations across the UK and beyond. I have been visiting the River Barle since I was a child when I would play in the cool clear waters fascinated by the minnows and trout that darted to and fro. Later I fished for Salmon inspired by the writings of previous generations who enjoyed an abundance hard to imagine today. Thirty years ago I walked the bank in late Autumn to glimpse salmon huddled in deep pools prior to spawning.

            It is poignant to reflect upon the plight of Exmoor’s salmon an iconic symbol of the Rivers health and the wider indicator of our planets health. The river is in trouble these flowing waters that teamed with life are dying and it is up to us to reverse this trend.

            Our son James works with the National Trust’s wetlands team across North Devon and joined me as a volunteer. We took photo’s as we planted tree’s that will hopefully be there in twenty years or so when our granddaughter can perhaps visit to see where her grandad looked to the future. It is my hope that salmon will still be migrating to the Barle then as they have done for thousands of years.

            Many thanks to Dan Osmond (below) for his in depth account of the day below: –

Trees for Salmon – Planting Day at Landacre Bridge

There’s an old cliché that, ‘salmon live in trees’ but there is a deep and intertwined relationship between these fish and the vegetation that symbiotically supports both, not just the salmon. For trees, salmon bring rich nutrients from the sea up with their migrations to their spawning grounds. Numbers vary by ecosystem and health of salmon populations, but in some areas it has been observed that up to 70% of all nitrogen in trees comes from these migratory fish. This is reciprocated and for salmon, trees provide richer feeding opportunities through falling terrestrial insects and bolstering aquatic ecosystems with leaf and coarse materials for aquatic insects. Not only this, but trees provide resilience against climate change, through evapotranspiration and shading, vital in Southern England as climate threatens the already endangered Atlantic salmon. The benefits continue, as when trees succumb to the wind or are dragged in by beavers, the woody material aids natural processes in forming river stability and forming scours and complex habitat, all of which provides refuge for all different life stages of fish.

The view of the Barle valley from Landacre bridge is a treasured site for many local to or fond of Exmoor. This area is a site of Special Scientific Interest, both for the species-rich mire found within the floodplain but also for our friend the Atlantic salmon. The Barle is an area still supporting high numbers of spawning fish within the Exe despite declines across the catchment and has some of our highest annual electrofishing results for juvenile salmon each year. Despite the picturesque scene, this area is vulnerable, with high browsing from red deer and cattle leaving the banks bare of vegetation, and now showing signs of erosion that left unchecked would leave this very valuable area degrading further.

It was with this concern that we decided to step in with our ‘Trees for Salmon’ planting at Landacre Bridge. Supported by advice from Exmoor National Park Authority (ENPA), we set about a strategy of ‘applied nucleation’, whereby small clusters of trees are planted to act as a dense source of future tree recolonisation. This has the added benefit of small enclosures deterring deer from munching vulnerable young trees, the leading cause of the lack of vegetation in these parts. The work was funded through Natural England’s Species Recovery project and site visits and collaboration with their team allowed us to target our planting exclosures in areas that would not negatively impact the mire habitat but bring about an overall improvement in the long-term hydrology and habitat function at this location. Being such boggy ground doesn’t make the job easy however, with the team from Three Atop Woodland Services manually installing the tree protection exclosures, even through the worst of this winter’s blizzards. All of this was wonderfully supported by the enthusiastic permission and help of the landowner Jo, who has been watching and caring for the salmon in these headwaters for many decades.

With all that goes on behind the scenes, it was with relief that we were able to bring 1,500 young trees and a cheerful group of volunteers to Landacre Bridge on Sunday the 9th of February – the sun was even shining! After some words about the importance of the area and purpose of the day from local angler, Ueli Zellweger, and able demonstration from the WRT tree planting ninjas, Jay and Rob; the group of 25 dispersed across the valley to put trees in the ground at the exclosures. A mixture of native broadleaf trees were planted in, with sessile oak, alder, rowan, blackthorn and hawthorn forming this future riparian woodland community. So able and enthusiastic were our volunteers that by lunchtime, hot leek and potato soup in-tow, all of the trees had already been planted! After some warm bowlfuls and more fishy conversation, folks made their way back on home and the truck was loaded to return to the yard, 1,500 trees lighter. Though the effects of the hard work will take time to see, I look forward to returning to seeing these same plants in a couple of decades and the opportunities that they provide for the river ecosystem. Against the ongoing declines in biodiversity, most evident in freshwater migratory fish of all vertebrate groups; the day offered a positive opportunity to put boots on the ground, get mud under the fingernails and do something about it. We hope for many more opportunities to do the same again and scale up these restoration activities to support our wonderful rivers.

Dr. Dan Osmond

Senior Fisheries Scientist

Westcountry Rivers Trust


Winter Trout at Bulldog

            A cloudless blue sky, bright sunshine a cold east wind and frosty margins; conditions that are generally not good for fishing with one exception perhaps? Winter trout fishing in small still-waters is often at its best during the winter months and when few other fish are prepared to feed the inhabitants of these calm waters can provide exciting sport if you get the tactics right.

            I arrived at Bulldog Trout fishery for a leisurely start at around 9:30am  and after chatting with fishery owners Nigel and Tom Early I grabbed my already set up gear.  My standard set up for Stillwater trout consisting of a  10’ 7-weight , Snowbee Diamond 2 Fly Rod,  Spectre Reel,   XS- plus Spectre Floating Fly Line an 8lb b.s  Fluorocarbon leader and an Olive damsel nymph.

            A pure white egret glided close by alighting upon the bare branch of a riverside tree. Buzzards were gliding high above the valley in the vivid blue sky rekindling memories of the osprey I had seen at the fishery last Spring.

            I walked the bank peering into the crystal clear water hoping to spot a trout in the margins. I chose a platform that allowed me to put a line out onto water without casting my shadow. I expected a take at any moment but the trout proved elusive as I explored  various swims around the lake.

The electric blue flash of a kingfisher caught my eye as it darted across the lake, quickly followed by a second bird that I was able to focus on as it sped past.

            I moved to the windward bank and tied on a bright yellow damsel Nymph/lure.  Casting out I allowed the gold headed fly to sink before beginning an erratic retrieve. The line zipped delightfully tight, the rod hooped over and a chunky rainbow of around 5lb tested the tackle. It’s always good to get that first fish in the bag avoiding the blank.

            It did not take too long to get the second fish another rainbow that was almost a twin of the first. Confidence in the lure now cemented I fished on and soon added a third rainbow of a couple of pounds.

            It seemed  to go a bit quiet and my luck took a turn for the worse as over the next hour I hooked into three hard fighting trout that all shed the hook after prolonged and spirited tussles. I checked the hook that appeared to be razor sharp and in good order. Feeling that I needed a change I swapped to a green, yellow and black damsel. After five minutes working this lure deep and slow the line once again zipped tight as another good trout attempted to shed the hook. This one was fighting deeper and shaking its head vigorously and I was delighted to eventually slide a fine tiger trout over the rim of the waiting net.


            With four trout in the bag I was content with my days sport but as always there is that desire to complete a limit bag. It was now mid-afternoon and as is often the case the trout appeared to have switched off.

            It was perhaps a good time to have a walk around the lake trying different areas. There were two other anglers on the lake and they had both caught rainbows in the 3lb to 4lb size range but like me were not finding the fish easy to tempt.

            A walk around the lake failed to inspire as I had a feeling that most of the trout were lurking in the windward side of the lake.  So I headed back to the area from which I had enjoyed success earlier in the day.  Much of my fishing is determined upon a hunch and a feel for where the fish will be. The occasional fish was also rising in this area prompting me to try a short time with a  slow sinking daddy longlegs a pattern that often tempts a trout at Bulldog.

            After a couple of chances a rainbow of perhaps 2lb 8oz took my PTN fished on a dropper bringing my total to five fish. Deciding that with the sun sinking below the tree line it was a good time to pack up and gut the trout. A welcome facility at Bulldog is a fish preparation area where you can gut and fillet the catch removing the need to do so at home.

            As I returned to the car Brian Sedgebeer was playing a good trout that had succumbed in the fading light of the day.

            Bulldog Fishery is now a premium trout water that offers superb sport with a very good average size of stocked fish. I have found that the Bulldog trout seem to respond well to larger lures with small imitative tactics less successful. This may of course change during the warmer months when fish become more active feeding closer to the surface. A floating line with a long leader or an intermediate line will generally cover all days at Bulldog as the fish are seldom lurking close to the lake bed.

South West Fly Fair 2025

The South West Fly Fair makes a welcome return to Roadford Lake on Sunday 23 February. The fair is sponsored by Turrall amongst others, and is always a highlight in the region’s angling calendar.

The day will include:

  • ‘Have a go’ fly tying room with help from experts
  • 10% season ticket discount for all attendees
  • Tackle trading stands
  • Casting and fly tying demonstrations
  • Expert advice from trout, sea and coarse fly fishers
  • Meet local fly fishing clubs
  • Raffle with great prizes
  • Food and drink available at the onsite café
  • Find out more about coaching and tuition available throughout the South West
  • A chance to catch up with old friends and new

Bring the family along too – plenty of activities for all ages. Bring your bikes and wellies to explore the lake.

Entry is £7 for adults online in advance (£10 on the door) and free for under 18s. Entry includes car parking and a raffle ticket.

Book in advance to avoid disappointment!


Combe Martin SAC’s Six Hour Rover Result

The winning fish an eel of 18lb 10oz was caught by Jonathon Stanway with his brother Ross Stanway securing runner up spot with an eel of 12lb 2oz. Third was Ollie Passmore with an eel of 11lb 15oz.

Jonathon Stanway with his winning eel
Ollie Passmore with his eel of 11lb 15oz

Conger dominated catches during this six hour evening competition with members fishing various marks on the North Devon Coast. The conger seemed to be on the feed in a big way. I fished with club secretary Nick Phillips and we landed close to twenty eels, sadly all were less than 10lb. I did hook what felt like a very big eel and was dismayed when the 7/0 hook I was using snapped an event that has never happened to me in over fifty years of fishing.


Chairmans report

An interesting year with potential areas for the club to grow. The fun and species league based around Ilfracombe has generated an influx of new members and as a club we need to ensure this initial enthiusasm doesn’t dwindle away. How we do that is of course up to the members?

The core of the club is still specimen based but there has been a change in the way we fish with less social interaction and a more insular approach. Reduced access to the coastline is an issue as an increasing population leads to ever more restrictions on parking and access.

The challenges we face as a club are common to most clubs and we need to address areas where we can perhaps offer more to the membership. Though all a club really provides is a place to come together and share a common love of angling.   It is a concern that Nick and I have been at the helm of the club for forty years or more! If there is a future then at some point some young revolutionaries will have to kick us out.

Fish recorders report

38 species from Ilfracombe Pier and harbour area!

Toby Bassett caught – 34 of them!!!

Specimens fish  – 51 over 100%. Kyle landed – 20 of these

(49 in 2023)

Gilthead bream seem to thriving in the estuary and I suspect there were more 100% smoothound caught than recorded? A big change in what is being caught in the estuary with smoothound and gilthead bream caught as far up as Fremington Quay.

The winter fishing on the Open coast has been difficult with small conger and dogfish dominating catches. Good to see a few big pouting caught but the numbers of pouting and whiting are a fraction of those in past decades.

The summer bass fishing was good in the estuary and for some periods on the open coast.

I am hoping to see a big increase in fish recorded from the boats this season now that we have a Charter boat skipper in our midst. I would like to recruit a few new members wanting regular boat trips. As members they will have secure access to regular trips and a reasonable rate.

As regards to fish entries they are a valuable source of historical data for the club so please send in your fish. Either via email, Watts App, Messenger or good old phone.

2024 Trophy Winners

Cod Trophy     Kyle Bishop 18lb 5oz   Shore

Bass Trophy    Kyle Bishop   9lb 9oz  Shore

Mullet Cup       Graham Snow   5lb 3oz Thick lip – Shore

Conger Cup       Kevin Legge     26lb 9oz   Shore

Flatfish Cup       Nick Phillips     Flounder 1lb 4oz

Shore Shield       Ollie Passmore – Gilthead bream – 6lb 10oz

Medway Cup     Wayne Thomas – tope  – 41lb

Ray Shield    Shane Pavio Hookway – S/E Ray 11lb 4oz

Wrasse Trophy  – Kyle Bishop  – ballan wrasse 4lb 8oz

Predator Award –  Kyle Bishop – spurdog  15lb 3oz – Shore

Burgess Trophy   Zephyr Laramy-  Gilthead bream – 5lb 2oz – Shore

Scouse Shield     – Ross Stanway – 1lb 2oz

D Kyte Award      – Dan Welch – 6 mullet – total – 593%

Out Of Limits    – Skate  136lb

Merit Award  –    Kyle Bishop

Thornback Cup     – Shane Pavio Hookway   9lb 6oz

Specimen League –    Kyle Bishop

cod 18lb 5oz 152.6 S
spurdog 15lb 3oz 151.875 S
tope 43lb 10oz 145.417 S
conger 26lb 1oz 130.312 S
bull huss 15lb 150 S
Smoothound 13lb 4oz 132.5 S

Runner up

Shane Pavio Hookway
bull huss 11lb 12oz 117.5 S
small eyed ray 11lb 4oz 112.5 S
bass 7lb 4oz 90.625 S
conger 20lb 5oz 101.563 S
pouting 1lb 6oz 91.667 S
thornback ray 10lb 90.909 S
141.667 S

 Fish of the season –

Winter –  Kyle Bishop – cod – 18lb 5oz  152.6%

Spring  – David Brooke – gilthead bream  4lb 1oz – 135.417%

Summer  – Ollie Passmore – Gilthead Bream – 6lb 10oz – 220.833%

Autumn    – Graham Snow – Thick Lipped – 5lb 3oz – 129.688%


I spent an hour or so working through the results of the 2024 Combe Martin SAC – Ilfracombe Harbour fun & Species Competition the results are below.

Well done to all who have taken part throughout the year. We had a very good uptake at the start of the year and special thanks go to Toby for his enthusiasm and efforts in recruiting new members. The number of species caught across the membership was amazing. The club sub group has added a different dimension the club and it is essential that this is continued. The club has its AGM on Friday 31st at the Mariners Arms, Braunton and it would be really good if as many as possible attend. This is your club and ideas are required.

I suggest we have a sub group coordinator or maybe a meeting at Ilfracombe for a chat and get together and maybe a combine with the first fish of the year.

To continue the club species total accumulator on both an annual and ongoing basis.

Arrange events throughout the season maybe Winter, Spring , Summer & Autumn. Plus at least one social meet at Ilfracombe in conjunction with one of these events?

Please Bring ideas to the AGM….

Total Number of species caught by club members – 38

1st – Toby Bassett – 34

2nd – Daniel Welch – 31

3rd – Ross Stanway – 30

4th – Nigel Oliver 24

5th – Gary Prout 21

6th– Lenny Lake – 19

7th Solly Welch – 18

7th – Ted Childs – 18

8th Paul Lorrimore – 13

9th – Charlie Stanway – 10

10th – Andrew Laramy -9

Zephyr Laramy – 9

Wayne Thomas – 9

11th – Jake Stanway – 7

12th – Matt Childs – 6

A sub group meeting is to held to look at how the league will proceed in 2025.

The AGM was attended by 19 club members. The only substantial change was that competition entry for standard competitions has risen to £10 reflecting changing times and relative value of money. A £5.00 entry fee had been in place for over twenty years. The increased entry fee makes the prize money more attractive.


Exmoor Streams Environmental Issues and how to help

Exmoor Trees for Salmon – help needed please

An invitation to join the Westcountry Rivers Trust, on Sunday 9th February, for a volunteer tree planting day along the river Barle, at Landacre Bridge. This area is an important region for spawning salmon and juvenile habitat within the Exe, however a lack of tree cover leaves the fish vulnerable. To help improve this habitat, WRT are planting pockets of trees alongside the river and need your help to put these trees in the ground!

WRT have 1500 trees to be put in the ground, so the more help the better.

If you are interested please follow this link for more information and to book a place

Ticks and fleas are significant issues infesting cats and dogs. What is often overlooked is the devastating impact the commonly used treatments have on the environment. Many streams and rivers on Exmoor are impacted upon with areas where dogs splash and play in the rivers are deviod of invertebrate fly life. This impacts on fish populations including trout and salmon parr.
Please see the very interesting article below. A letter to you MP would help get these chemicals banned for use on cats and dogs.


            I embarked on a trip away from North Devon to fish for grayling on the Dorset Frome with my good friend Bruce Elston. The trip proved to be a very enjoyable foray and got me thinking about our motivations to actually go fishing. Grayling are an iconic fish that thrive in clean fast running rivers ensuring that the fishing venue is often set in pleasing countryside surroundings as was the case at the venue we were fishing. The Dorset Frome is a Chalk stream famed for its trout fishing and during the winter months its specimen grayling that have been landed to over 4lb.

Across the fast flowing river on the far bank shots rang out as the shoot operated on the far bank pheasants flying overhead in a typical winter scene.

            It is the potential size of these grayling that is of course part of the attraction but this is just one dimension, for how we fish is also a factor. As a young angler I always enjoyed the fascination of watching a float bobbing optimistically upon the surface followed by the joy in its disappearance and the satisfaction  upon connecting with the fish that lives within a different dimension. Trotting for grayling brings all these components together and close to fifty years later the delights of float-fishing remain undiminished.

Bruce Elston searches the river

            The section of River we were fishing was new to us both so we had to read the water a skill that is a joy in itself. Each stretch of water has characteristics that give clues as to where the fish will be lurking waiting for food to be carried to them by the current. The successful angler needs to place the bait in that spot or in the case of trotting, drift the bait in front of the feeding fish presented as naturally as possible.

We both enjoyed success early in the day. ( Above ) A 1lb plus grayling fell to floatfished maggot.


            We fished hard all day dropping our float tackle into promising looking spots guiding the float through the rivers flexing currents the double maggot or sweetcorn hook bait suspended just above the riverbed. From time to time the float would dip beneath the surface and the lifting of the rod would bring connection, sometimes fleeting and occasionally that solid throbbing of life transmitted through a gossamer thin line. Between us we banked a brace of good grayling each with Bruce’s both topping 2lb and mine closer to 1lb 8oz each.

Late afternoon with the light starting to fade I returned to a swim that I had confidence in and persisted trotting the float through a spot I felt drawn to. My conviction proved correct the float dipping to result in a pleasing grayling of 1lb 11oz.

Above and below – Time for one more cast as the fading light makes watching the float an increasing challenge.

            To the none angler the whole episode that involved a 200 plus mile round trip on a short cold winters day would seem difficult to understand. Yet to us it was as memorable and satisfying a day as winning Wimbledon or the Masters.

            Grayling are scarce across Devon with a healthy population inhabiting the waters of the River Exe and some of its tributaries. They are also present in some of the River Tamar’s tributaries that form the border between Devon and Cornwall. The River Exe population is the result of a stocking in 1896 when 500 yearlings were stocked from the hatchery at Dulverton. The full story can be found in the book Trout Fishing for Beginners by the Devonshire Fisherman published in 1928.


Wistlandpound Club – Winter Challenge @ Bulldog Round 2

I joined members of Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Club at Bulldog Trout Fishery last Sunday where we were greeted by a bright cloudless blue sky and milder conditions. The trout proved to be generally cooperative with all members catching fish with a mixture of rainbow and brown trout averaging over 3lb. Most fish were tempted using lures fished on long leaders with an erratic retrieve.

Nigel Bird with one of the trout that earned him top spot.

The winning bag was taken by Nigel Bird who had three trout for 10lb. Runner up was Andre Muxworthy with three for 9lb 9oz and myself third with three for 9lb 8oz.

It is intriguing how days unfold during these club competitions on small stillwater’s. Members will all have their favourite flies and lures that give them confidence and it is generally these that are tried first. Typically those first ten to fifteen minutes of fishing produce numerous trout as was the case during Sundays competition. I was fortunate to bank three hard fighting trout within the first twenty minutes and spent the rest of the morning wandering around the fishery with my camera capturing action shots of fellow club members.

I noted that fishing slowed after the initial flurry and for a while trout proved hard to tempt. After a while some tied on different patterns or moved to a fresh swim. This did sometimes bring results but what was noticeable was that if one angler hooked a fish it was not unusual to see several rods bending at the same time around the fishery as if the fish had suddenly switched on.

It is always interesting to compare notes at the end of the days fishing and I often note how an angler will state that a change of fly has triggered a response with perhaps a touch of orange or pink bringing success. A particular fly often seems to be the one to use! Yet it is often the case at the end of fishing as anglers chat that trout have been caught on a wide range of patterns. One angler swearing that white was the killer fly whilst others boast of success with black or orange.

There are many factors involved in the inexact science of fly fishing. Presentation of the fly, its size and colour, depth it is fished all interacting with water clarity, temperature, air pressure, lunar cycles, natural food sources and of course the location of the fish. All these factors make for a fascinating game that takes the mind away from the troubled world. The angler absorbed in natures complex chess board pondering upon tying on a Greenwell’s glory or a Wickham’s fancy.

Tip of the day – Check your flies and hooks. Several trout were lost during the day as hook shanks snapped. Hook shanks hidden beneath dressings can rust resulting in weakness that only show itself when a large powerful trout puts it to the test.

Seconds after this shot was taken Nigel cursed as his hook broke.



Fifteen club members fished in Combe Martin SAC’s ten day long Festive Fish and the winning anglers found some exceptional fish. Shane Pavio Hookway secured first and second places tempting a fine tope of 43lb 6oz ( 144%) and a specimen pouting of 2lb 2oz  (141%). Kyle Bishop was third with a conger of 26lb 1oz ( 130%) and Ollie Passmore forth with a bull huss of 10lb 9oz.

Members also caught rockling, bass, dogfish and turbot.




Thirty-seven keen anglers competed in Triple Hook Clubs Christmas Competition despite the gale force North Westerly winds that had resulted in the postponement of Bideford Angling Clubs Christmas Competition.

The fishing proved challenging with large flounder hard to locate as the traditional River Taw flattie season draws towards its end. Several school bass were landed throughout the estuary which is an encouraging sign for the future and perhaps an indication of changing times.

The winning flounder way ahead of the field was caught by Nick Wilkinson and weighed 1lb 115/8oz.

Runner up was Junior angler Arthur Taylor ( Above)  with a flounder of 1lb 31/8oz and third Mark Beer with a flounder of 1lb 1oz. R.Hancock, J.Martin, Taz Wotton, D. Ackland, C. Lamey and L.Luxton all registered flounder to secure a Christmas Turkey dinner with all the trimmings.
It was good to see a good number of local anglers gathered together at a traditional weigh and raffle with plenty of good humoured banter.

Bideford Angling Clubs Christmas Competition is now on December 29th all other details as below:-