South Molton Angling Club – Clovelly Boat Trip

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A quick report from Edward Rands on South Molton Angling Clubs trip aboard “Independent Charters” from Clovelly.
An early start, left the harbour at 7:20 to catch the tide and set off to our mark.
It wasn’t flat calm, but wasn’t bad. We stayed on 1 mark for most of the day and steadily caught 10 species. They were pollack, pouting, mackerel, conger, huss, dogfish, a 5lb bass, a 25lb tope,black bream and starry smoothound.
Doug and dave walls looked after us well with tea and coffee and useful advice. The weather was kind and the northerly breeze kept us cool.
Thanks to Steve Edmonds,Matt Kingdom, Rob Kingdom, Peter and John Needham for supporting the cause and attending.

Heatwave In Paradise

           I joined a group of friends at Anglers Paradise fishing the Eldorado day Ticket Catfish Lake. We had booked the lake for the weekend ensuring we would have exclusive use throughout our stay.

            The weather forecast predicted high temperatures, unbroken sunshine and light winds, perfect for catfish based on Bruce Elston the groups organisers previous experience.

            Due to other commitments I could only attend for the first full day of the session which reduced the need for bivvies and associated camping gear.

            We met up on the Saturday morning off-loading a mountain of gear and assembling on the lakeside for a discussion on where to set up. This was based around likely location of fish and the focus on enabling a vital social aspect of the fishing.

            By the time we had debated where to fish, tackled up and baited swims it was late morning and the sun was beating down from a cloudless sky upon calm waters. Lush summer growth surrounded the lake with many summer flowers in full bloom.

            Five anglers two rods each. The wait began with a steady intake of cool water and snacks. Anticipation was high as we soaked up the sun with the England versus India Cricket match results punctuating the day.

            The sight of a grass snake crossing the lake was appreciated by all present an indication of the rich diversity of nature provided by the vast complex of lakes nestled deep in the heart of Devon.

            Whilst we all shared a deep passion for angling I think we all appreciate the vital role being with nature plays in supporting our mental health during these strange and challenging times.

            It was late afternoon when Bruce’s bite indicator sounded the alarm as something moved off with his bait in the far margin. The rod hooped over as Bruce began persuading what was undoubtedly a good sized catfish to the waiting net. Large swirls in the lake raised expectations as Bruce put his tackle to the test. Eventually a large eel like shape emerged from the murky water  and was coaxed over the waiting net to a round of congratulations.


            The fish was kept in the net for a few moments whilst the unhooking mat and weigh sling were drenched with cool lake water. The scales were checked and zeroed and cameras switched on in readiness with some thought given to where the sun was and its likely impact with shadows etc.

            This first cat of the weekend scaled 30lb 12oz and was one of five catfish to be landed by Bruce over the weekend.

            Anticipation grew with the capture of this specimen catfish and it was a happy bunch of anglers who wound in their rods to savour a delicious pizza delivered by Bruce’s wife from the local Inn at Halwill Junction.


  As the sun slowly sank below the horizon it was time for me to leave and head for home. The rest of the party remained and I was sure more catfish would grace their nets over the remainder of the weekend.

            The following morning, I was delighted to check my phone and find an array of images showing catfish caught by Bruce and John Hughes. The total catch for the weekend was eight catfish. Bruce landing cats of 38lb 10oz, 37lb 10oz, 30lb 12oz, 22lb 5oz and 21lb 12oz. John Hughes banking three cats the best scaling 20lb 8oz and 15lb 4oz.


John Huges with 20lb 8oz catfish


Bruce with a 30lb plus catfish

Bruce with a fine catfish of 38lb 10oz  

Despite Mitch, Ben and myself blanking it had been a pleasure to relax in Paradise with good company beneath a cloudless summer sky. Plans are already being made for a return next year or maybe sooner.

Anglers Paradise

Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section Monthly Competition

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Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse Section monthly competition
1st Nathan Underwood  51lb 14oz
2nd Craig Crash Lamey  30lb 8oz
3rd Kevin Shears 20lb 12oz
4th Keith Copland 16lb 7oz
5th Roger Ackroyd  15lb 2oz
6th Darren Polden 14lb 2oz
7th Cyril Found  14lb 1oz
19 Fished
This month’s match was held in very hot conditions, Nathan has given us all the perfect lesson in paste fishing from peg 15 . He has fed micros and fish on the outside of the weedbed on long pole for a superb net of mainly carp.
Craig, 2 pegs ,away on 17, has fished the pellet waggler for second place .
Kevin ,on the opposite end of the lake on shallower peg 1 has also fished paste on the edge of the weeds for 3rd spot.
Keith’s last “gasp” carp pushed him into 4th.

North Devon Quay Sports Club – Match Report

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Morchard Road, very very warm with temperatures up about 30° today.. water levels low on the lake made some challenging work on some pegs. Great turn out today for the match with many new faces on the bank and I hope you enjoy your day and see you all on the next match next month at Jennetts reservoir.
1st Barry Lee  134lb 14oz.
2nd Graham Curnow  80lb 3oz
3rd John Lisle  71lb 5oz
4th Paul Whitehead  53lb 15oz
5th Phil Bailey 46lb 7oz
6th Kevin Wilton  44lb 2oz
7th Andy Preston 40lb 4oz
8th Martin Scoynes  28lb 2oz
9th Kevin Grant 27lb 2oz
10th Gary France 26lb 11oz
11th Darren Jeffery  7lb 11oz
Next match will be held at excellent silver fish water Jennetts reservoir when.we have the whole lake booking so nice to see as many as possible all welcome.. look out for post date in couple weeks time. Jennetts sunday August 14th

Bideford and District Angling Club. Versus Plymouth and District Coarse Angling Club.

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Bideford and District Angling Club. Versus Plymouth and District Coarse Angling Club.
Milemead fishery Tavistock.
Results :
PDCAC. 295lb 4oz
BDAC ,. 356lb. 11oz
Bideford lead the first leg by 61lb
Top individuals..
1st John Rowe 62lb 14oz Plymouth
2nd Nathan Underwood 62 lb 6oz Bideford
3rd Martin Turner 61lb 5oz Bideford
4th Sheila Found 57lb 12oz Bideford
20 fished.
Plymouth hosted us on the stunning Milemead fishery, on one of the hottest days of the summer so far. The weights have been exceptionally, with nets of carp and large roach brought to the scales. We look forward to the return match in August on Tarka Swims. We must thank John West , PDCAC Captain for sorting out the pegging fees, and organising the event.

BIg Cat from Paradise

Paul Brennan who caught a PB 46lb 5oz Wels Catfish from Nirvana’s Specimen Cat Lake.
Paul shared –
“We came here last year where I caught my first ever 16lb catfish and knew we wanted to come back again with the intention of getting a new personal best. On the second night of fishing we went into the speci cat lake where I ended up catching 17lb trust me to catch 1lb more than last years…I wanted bigger as that was just a tease so for the third night stayed there again and at around 7 o’clock in the morning i had a nice wake up call of getting into the freezing cold water to bring in my catfish, after 20-30 mins it was worth it as it was finally in my net and Weighed 46.5lb. Thanks anglers paradise be back soon to get another big one.”
Anglers Paradise