Appledore Shipbulider’s SAC Member Michael Toogood boated this magnificent tope of 58lb 12oz whilst fishing off the North Devon Coast.
David Jenkins pictured here with a colourful koi of 18lbs caught on his latest trip to Bulldog Carp Fishery in North Devon!
As the hot weather conditions persist stillwater trout fishing can be very challenging. The larger reservoirs are undoubtedly the best venues to head for and deep water offers the best chance of fish. Wimbleball can be well worth a visit during even the hottest of days. The below map gives a guide to the deeper areas worth concentrating on. On most reservoirs water close to the dam is deepest and well worth a try. A benefit of the low water levels is that it opens up large areas of bank normally out of reach to bank anglers.
Free trout fishing taster day at Kennick Reservoir
Environmental charity South West Lakes is hosting a free trout fishing taster day at Kennick Reservoir on Dartmoor on Saturday 20 August.
The day is part of National Fishing Month (1-31 August) which celebrates the social, wellbeing and environmental benefits of angling.
The event is kindly supported by Snowbee and Turrall. As well as tuition, there will be fly-tying demonstrations with Brian Ratcliff and Colin Nice, casting demonstrations with Simon Kidd at Snowbee, a raffle, and countless tips and tricks for beginners and more experienced anglers. All participants will also receive a gift bag from Turrall and there will be the opportunity to purchase a range of fishing gear and accessories.
Dil Singh, Technical Lead for Game Fishing at South West Lakes, said: “We would like to extend a warm welcome to all new beginners to our sport, and of course any established anglers who would like to come along. If you would enjoy the chance to try fishing or brush up on techniques as well as catching up with some friends over coffee and biscuits then we look forward to seeing you. The kettle is on!”
There are three sessions to choose from: 10am-11.30am, 12pm-1.30pm and 2pm-3.30pm. Booking is essential at
Raffle tickets are also available in advance and prizes include Snowbee Classic fly rod, fly reel and fly line, rod kits from Turrall, Kennick day permit and boat permit. Tickets cost £2.50 each or five for £10.
These hot summer nights and days seem to suit the wels catfish that dwell in the lakes at Anglers Paradise. Local angler Bruce Elston enjoyed a session fishing overnight on Anglers Eldorado’s catfish lake where he banked catfish of 16lb, 30lb 5oz, 36lb 10oz and 40lb 6oz.
The popular Torbay Fishing Festival is being held in the first week of September full details above.
Bideford August rover results
13 angler’s fished 3 fish caught
1st Tony Gussin – Ballan wrasse 4lb 0 1/2oz 89.582%
2nd Stephen Found – thick-lipped mullet 3lb 2oz 78.125%
3rd Tony Gussin -Ballan wrasse 3lb 3oz 70.832%