A mild and mellow early Autumn day as I cast a line across the familiar River Torridge. I had fished the beat three days previously and was optimistic that the turbidity would have dropped out but the water was still murkier than I would like. The water level had dropped back and was lower than ideal.
After such a long dry summer surely there was hope that a few salmon had forged up river on the small spate that had preceded my visit?
Hope is vital in fishing of course as in life. When we fail to catch a common phrase quoted is that if we caught fish every trip our hobby would be called catching instead of fishing.
Autumn was undoubtedly hanging in the air as I fished. A few trees were showing signs of the oncoming season and the occasional leaf drifted downriver. Blackberrys, mushrooms and hazelnuts all indications of the transitioning of the season. Grey Squirrels were busy leaping in the branches high above another subtle sign of the season.
The recent passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth has enveloped the nation in a melancholic mood that I have perhaps brought to the river. I cannot help but think that if this was just ten years ago salmon would at least be showing. The decline of salmon is a great concern and I am sure I am not alone in fearing the demise of these iconic fish within a relatively short time.
As always the casting of a fly and drifting it across the current was therapeutic and despite my pessimism I remained hopeful. The continuity of the flowing river is always reassuring and the pull of life from a plump wild brownie was welcomed.
After several difficult years of political turmoil, pandemic, war and the rising cost of living it is easy to be despondent. Life goes on like the river, a new King takes the reign politics will rumble along as always. England will win the cricket and just maybe things will take a turn for the better.
There are just three weeks left of the season and we can only hope for more rain and a big spate to bring those silver bars into the river. They have been seen leaping in the estuary so that hope of success remains.
I joined South Molton Angling Club for a trip out of Ilfracombe aboard Bluefins skippered by John Barbeary. On assembling on the boat we discussed our options for the day. We could head out to Lundy and target tope and pollock or perhaps fish closer to our own coast targeting bass, tope, huss and conger. It was one of the biggest tides of the year and the big tides had coloured the water raising a question mark over the likelihood of good lure fishing for bass,
After a short discussion we decided to fish closer inshore hoping for tope in Woolacombe Bay followed by a session after bass over a reef and then to anchor at various marks for some general bottom fishing.
It was one the club members first boat fishing trips so even a dogfish brought a broad smile to the face of George Belcher-Truss as he swung it aboard. A few huss followed with Andy Gray and Ed Rands boating huss of close to 10lb.
As the tide eased away we moved a couple of times and at each mark enjoyed sport with huss and small conger.
A move to fish a reef saw several scad brought to the boat but no bass. The scad were welcome as fresh bait to tempt tope on our next session at anchor.
The next mark at anchor saw Richard Power boat a pleasing tope of around 25lb that gave a good account of itself. Several other fish were hooked at this mark but managed to shake the hook free.
As the tide pull increased John suggested a quick drift over a wreck where he had received reports of pollock. This proved to be unproductive.
John was undoubtedly frustrated at the lack of fish in numbers and tried several marks in an attempt to locate feeding fish.A few more huss were tempted over rough ground close to the rugged and spectacular More Point.
With warm sunshine and a calming sea it was good to be afloat off the spectacular North Devon Coast, a Coast that can at times be challenging with fish hard to find. Fishing is often unpredictable with each season different. I chatted with John about this summers season and John told of a good summer with large numbers of mackerel in June and July bringing back memories of the good old days. The next couple of month offer the chance of good tope, bass and constant good numbers of Bull Huss.
The Combe Martin SAC Lure Fishing Competition is free to all paid up members and is sponsored by High Street Tackle. Wayne Thomas has extended his lead in the competition catching a bass of 74.5cm and another of 68.5cm to give a total of three bass for 212cm. Both fish were tempted after dark using Megabass Spindle Worms.
Results so far :-
1st – Wayne Thomas – three bass – 74.5cm 68.5 cm 69 cm Total 212cm
2nd – Daniel Welch – three bass – 68cm 66cm 61cm Total 195cm
3rd – Solly Welch – Three bass – 58cm 58cm 57cm Total 173cm
4th – James Corner – two bass 62cm and 60cm Total 122cm
Biggest Bass – Wayne Thomas 74.5cm, 69cm and 68.5cm Daniel Welch – 68cm
Recent rainfall has brought a moderate rise in the River Torridge and a small rise on the River Taw. After months of drought conditions salmon anglers will be hoping for a spell of good fishing as the season enters its final weeks.
I drifted a fly over familiar lies on the River Torridge and whilst I did not tempt a fish in the murky water I feel hopeful that fish will be tempted over the coming days. It was good to be back at the waters edge and glimpse the electric blue of a kingfisher as I cast my line.
The local angling community have been deeply saddened by the death of keen local angler Dan Miles Redmore. Dan was a very popular member of several local sea angling clubs enjoying regular success from boat and shore.
Many warm tributes have been paid on social media.
The North Devon Coast faded into the distance as the sun climbed above the familiar rugged coastline. A spectacular and dramatic seascape illuminated by golden light. The unfamiliar tackle strewn across the deck told of an exciting foray into a new world of big game angling out of Ilfracombe.
I was fortunate to have secured a trip armed with my camera to join a party of anglers searching for tunny off the North Devon coast. If they succeeded this would be the first intentionally caught blue fin tuna off North Devon ( Unless you know different?)
The party of anglers consisted of Stuart Cox, Nick Cox, Liam Waters and Jacques Roux. Skipper Dan Hawkins has worked hard to get this chance to target the tunny enrolling on the CHART22 program that aims to gather scientific data increasing knowledge of tunny migrations and populations across the world oceans. Dan was assisted by deck hand Jerry Day. We were also privileged to have CHART observer Ruth Hicks on board to verify correct procedures were adhered to at all times.
More Information on CHART ( CatcH And Release Tag) can be found via my previous articles. The CHART program is commissioned by ICCAT ( International Commission for Conservation of Atlantic Tuna )
Reel Deal bounced across the waters of the Bristol Channel and we watched as the land’s contours disappeared into the morning haze. The occasional gannet could be seen soaring majestically above the calm sea. We passed the granite outcrop of Lundy Island in the mouth of the Bristol Channel and watched as this too faded out of sight. After a couple of hours, we were around sixty miles West of Ilfracombe on the edge of the Celtic deeps. Far out here we were close to the Gulf Stream and the water temperature was recorded at 19.5 degrees.
Pods of dolphins sidled up to the boat appearing to play at the bow of the boat as we slowed in ready-ness. An excited cry of “Tuna !” erupted from Dan who was scanning the ocean from the cabin. Large splashes erupted a few hundred yards from the boat. Our target species were there.
Dan and Jerry worked to set up the Tuna trolling rigs. Four rods were employed, two fished on outriggers, two fished directly behind the boat. Nine to fifteen teasers were attached to spreader bars, behind this was a stinger that hid a 10/0 Bristo Big Game Hook.
The set up mimicked a shoal of fish these were trolled behind the boat at various distances at a speed of 4 to 6 knots.
The tuna would investigate and hopefully seize the stinger, the large Penn International loaded with 150lb b.s mono would then scream its warning and a lucky angler would be locked into battle. Battle harnesses were at the ready, lots drawn.
The conditions were perfect and what breeze there was eased to nothing. The boat chugged slowly across a vast ocean the lures streaming out behind. Expectation hung in the air as we chatted between ourselves. Ruth talked of the CHART program and the great sense of team working between the participants.
The morning clouds parted and warm sunshine shone upon the boat as we searched. Dolphins cruised at the bow of the boat, twisting and turning as if frolicking with joy. There is something enchanting and mesmerising about dolphins. Graceful swimmers that seem to have a deep intelligence.
The hours passed and a sense of anticipation hung in the air as we all wished for a screaming reel. I chatted with Jacques who had fished waters off his homeland in South Africa where he had enjoyed success with large game fish.
We all chatted about life and fishing. Jerry kept us supplied with regular cups of tea and coffee. Once again I realized the bond that is so quickly formed between a group of anglers on a boat chasing fish. In this instance the team consisted of four anglers, a charter skipper, Deck hand, angling journalist and a Scientist that formed Team Tuna.
We scanned the ocean around us as gannets, gulls and shearwaters glided above the waves. The tuna remained elusive as the hours ticked into afternoon. Dan’s enthusiasm never waned throughout the day there were just two obstacles to Dan’s mission. Time and money.
Late in the afternoon we noted an increase in bird life and once again something broke the surface in a savage manner that could have been tuna. Expectation again lifted and we gazed at the lures bouncing through the waves in the wake of the boat. We all wished for that screaming reel.
As the sun slowly began to lower in the sky it would soon be time to leave and head back to Ilfracombe. Dan reluctantly called time but insisted that two rods should be kept rigged and ready just in case we sighted tuna on the long return journey.
The boat bounced across the calm waters and we watched more dolphins playing in the wake of the boat. Eventually Lundy came into view and close to the island we watched gannets diving into the water. Dan paused our journey and we watched for signs of tuna.
We arrived at Ilfracombe as the light faded from the day. Dan will resume his tuna mission off Plymouth in October. Where tuna are being caught in encouraging numbers already.
Combe Martin SAC hosted their annual Fun Fish on Ilfracombe Pier in conjunction with the 2022 Sea Ilfracombe festival. The event was once again a resounding success with several families taking part in the Fun Species competition.
Special guests on the day included Mat Mander Chief Officer of Devon & Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority and the Ilfracombe Area Coastguard. The event gave the opportunity for members of the public the talk with the guests about the valuable work that they do.
The event was generously supported by High Street Tackle, The Angling Trust and Ilfracombe Aquarium.
The whole aim of the event is to give the opportunity for young anglers and their families to participate in angling. The Angling Trust provided Certificates, Angling books and caps. High Street Tackle provided a top prize for the overall winner of the event along with numerous prizes for all who took part. Ilfracombe Aquarium gave a family entry to be used by the winning family at a time of their choosing.
The competition started promptly at 3.00pm as the tide receded from the landing stages. Close to twenty anglers of all ages cast out and fish came regularly from the start. Eight species were registered including, pollock, ballan wrasse, pouting, corkwing wrasse, rock goby, tompot blennies, Shanny and dragonette.
Smiling faces lit up what was at times a grey afternoon as dark clouds drifted above with occasional drizzle.
Small ragworm baits proved most effective with mackerel and squid also producing good numbers of fish.
The competition closed at 5.00pm with the prize presentation at 5:15pm.
The winning individual was Effie Welch who was presented with a superb Rockfish LRF rod and reel donated by High Street Tackle. The winning family were the Stanway family, Ross, Charlie and Jake who received a family ticket for Ilfracombe aquarium.
All junior anglers who took part received a prize and each family were presented with a book on Angling from the Angling Trust.
The club hope to host the event again next year and thank all those who made the effort to attend.
1st Stephen Found thick-lipped mullet 4lb 2oz 103 125%
2nd Andrew Clements thick-lipped mullet 3lb 10 1/2oz 91.406%
3rd Stephen Found thick-lipped mullet 3lb 4oz 81.250%