Message from Ashley Bunning – SWLT

Another year passes and we say goodbye to 2022! It has been a hard year for the reservoirs, not only in the South West, but all over the UK.  Low water levels and lake closures have been a frustrating factor to fishing through the summer, and we thank all of you for being understanding through these testing times. Having started my role in September, I would personally like to thank all of you for your kind words of support and I hope we can now push forward and continue the great work South West Lakes has been doing to improve the fishing on the waters.

There have been some great catches through the year with many great bags of silvers from many of the reservoirs to some special carp being caught.

Sadly, the lakes have lost two of its ‘A-team’, with Arnie from Porth and The Big Fully from Argal passing. These fish put many smiles on anglers’ faces, they will be missed!

Looking towards the future of the lakes, in November we stocked 39 new carp into Argal. These fished ranged between 13lb and 17lb, with 34 mirrors and 5 commons. Next year we are planning to stock other waters in the region to continue our work to improve all our waters. There has been some great swim building projects carried out on the lakes also, I would like to thank all the volunteers who have given up their time to help and make improvements on the lakes.

I am pleased to announce that we will be running the Mainline Pairs competitions again for next year the dates for this will be March 24-26, June 30-July 2 and September 29-October 1. We are looking forward to seeing all the familiar faces and welcoming new anglers to the competitions.

Also we will be having two event days in August, which will be part of the Angling Trust’s National Fishing Month, with the emphasis to get as many kids fishing as possible. The dates and places for this are the Royalty Fishery on August 5 and Upper Tamar Lakes on August 19. Please keep your eyes peeled for these events on the website, so you don’t miss out.

Once again thank you for all your support through this last year, may you all have a great Christmas and happy New Year. Look forward to seeing you all out on the bank in 2023.

Ashley Bunning

Sea Angling Results

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The sea angling calendar was dominated by flounder this weekend with The Dan Miles Redmore Memorial Competition and Triple Hook Clubs popular Christmas Turkey Open both coinciding on Sunday 18th December. These competitions tend to signify the end of the flounder season on the Taw and Torridge Estuary. It has not been a particuarly productive flounder season this year with very few large flounder tempted. Flounder fishing tends to be cyclical and after last years bumper season it is no surprise that this year has been slower.

Good news has been a significant number of codling in the lower estuary with catches close to those of past decades. It will be interesting to see if there is any improvement of cod numbers on the open coast.

The seasons on the coast seem to so hard to predict, I would suggest anglers try and think out of the box and try different things. In last weeks bitter cold weather good numbers of garfish were being caught from Ilfracombe Pier. Garfish were once thought of as summer fish now they seem to be caught more often in late autumn into winter. Bass are present all year along with grey mullet and ray can be caught from beaches all year.

Bidefords 48 hour results

1st Nathan Clements Flounder 1lb 7 1/4oz

2nd Julien Stainer Flounder 1lb 6 7/8oz

3rd Stephen Found Flounder 1lb 6 5/8oz

Combe Martin Sea Angling Clubs Christmas Competition was won by David Brooke who caught a small eyed ray scaling 7lb 13oz. Daniel Welch took second and third with  a dogfish of 1lb 15oz and a bull huss of 5lb 11oz. Fourth was Ross Stanway with a dogfish of 1lb 10oz.


Thirty-Three anglers fished the ever popular Christmas Open Competition with the top ten winning their Christmas Turkey.

1st – Nathan Clements – Flounder 1lb 7.25oz

2nd – Julian Stainer – Flounder 1lb 67/8oz

3rd Stephen Found – Flounder 1lb 65/8oz

4th Dennis Toleman – Flounder  1lb 63/8oz

5th Kevin Hancock – Flounder  1lb 51/4oz

6th Mark Beer – Flounder 1lb 5oz

7th  Christine Hancock – flounder 1lb 4oz

8th  Nigel Gullon – flounder 1lb 21/2oz

9th  Andrew Smith – flounder 1lb 11/2oz

10th – Robbie Hancock – flounder 1lb 11/4oz


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Thirty seven anglers braved a cold wet and windy River Taw to fish for the Dan Miles Redmore Memorial Trophy

19 fish were weighed with the event raising over £300 for Childrens Hospice South West.

Results were

1st Julian Stainer 1lb 6.8oz

2nd Julian Stainer 1lb 4.8oz

3rd Wayne Hill 1lb 3oz

4th Kirk Thorne 1lb 2.7oz

5th Nigel Gullen 1lb 2oz

6th Nigel Gullen 1lb 2oz

Thanks to the generous sponsors :=


Quay Sports

Riot Baits

Bullet bait and tackle

Ebberley arms

Royal exchange 

Mattys Barbers

Blackmore Barbets

Fremington Quay Cafe

The Techout

Grattons Butchers 



Dan was a very popular and succesful North Devon based angler who loved his fishing joining many local clubs and catching a wide range of specimen fish from boat and shore. He also enjoyed trips to local still waters catching some superb rainbow trout. His passing in 2022 brought much sadness to those who knew him who will remember his passion for life and angling.

Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas looms ever closer and if you have not purchased all those Christmas gifts yet why not visit your local tackle shop.

We are very fortunate to have several superb fishing tackle shops in North Devon all offering a vast array of quality tackle and bait. The local tackle shop is of course more than just a shop its also a social hub where anglers meet and talk fishing an essential ingredient for the future of angling.  I always try and do a short piece each year to highlight North Devons tackle outlets.

Quay sports has a friendly team of local anglers behind the counter willing to offer useful advice on all disciplines of angling.

(Above) The superb FoxArt limited edition prints are now available in store, only four of each print available
Will make lovely Christmas gift. all prints signed and numbered. More designs coming soon.
Summerlands Tackle in Westward Ho! is  a long established family run tackle shop that carrys a vast range of tackle. A warm greeting is always given and it is rare to walk into the shop without meeting a fellow of the angle.
Anglers Heaven is conveniently situated adjacent to Bideford’s Pannier Market.  Owner Tom Wade is extending the shop with a grand opening of the extension in the New Year. The shop carry’s a large stock of sea and Coarse tackle and works closely with Bideford Angling Club to promote local fishing.They also carry a wide selection of air rifles.
High Street Tackle in Ilfracombe offers one of the largest selections of lures in North Devon and is the domain of Danny Watson and Pauline Chard. Danny is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to the latest lures for bass fishing and has many contacts throughout the lure fishing community. The shop also stocks a range of essential tackles and baits for coarse and sea angling.
Danny is a keen supporter of Combe Martin SAC and plans to co host an open Lure Fishing competition in the summer of 2023. Danny is also a supplier of tackle for Reel Deal
Braunton based Chillcheater supply high quality clothing for outdoor enthuiasts with warm under layers and tough, wind and water repellent outers.

Christmas Flounder Competitions on the Taw

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Triple Hook Fishing Club 2022

Xmas Open Flounder 

Sunday 18th December

8am – 1pm

£5 entry

Book in with Dennis Toleman tel.07815009260 or any committee member together with the entry fee before the event.

Must be back and present fish at weigh in by 2pm at rear of Barnstaple Social Club (formerly Royal British Legion), St.Georges Road, Barnstaple


Boundaries – Iron Bridge at Rock Park, Barnstaple to The White House, Crow on either side of the River Taw

Flounder must be at least 12” with prizes for the heaviest fish weighed in, only heaviest fish per angler counts

Maximum 2 rods per angler with total of 3 hooks. Juniors (6 – 16 years) must be accompanied by an adult

Decision of the Weighmaster is final

Please call Mark Beer 07796230674 if you have any queries

Bideford and District Angling Club Coarse section monthly and Christmas Competition.

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Bideford and District Angling Club
Coarse section monthly and Christmas competition.
1st Keith Mountjoy 24lb 12oz
2nd Craig Crash Lamey  20lb 12oz
3rd Roger Ackroyd  14lb 12oz
4th Nathan Underwood 12lb 6oz
5th Antony Bentley  5lb 8oz
6th Les Polfden 2lb 13oz
18 fished.
Our members were greeted this morning by a frozen lake , but after a sterling effort by Craig and Darren enough swims were cleared to allow the match to go ahead, thanks lads!
This was the final match of our season, the top five places in the league were up for grabs. Keith’s victory on the day ensured his 3rd place in the league, his net of carp from peg 13 was taken on pole fished maggot.
Craig’s second place on peg 12 means he remains runner-up in the year long league.
Roger’s third place carp net on peg 16 ensured he remains in joint 4th in the league, with Les Golden
Fourth on the day with a great net of roach on peg 11 guaranteed Nathan,a well deserved,overall first place
Match man of the year.

Bideford Christmas Competition

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Bideford Christmas competition results 66 angler’s fished with 12 fish caught.

1st M. Johns 1lb 6 3/4oz

2nd D. Bailey 1lb 6oz

3rd P. Downing 1lb 3 1/4oz

4th N. Braunton 1lb 3oz

5th P. Downing 1lb 2 1/4oz

6th S. Taylor 1lb

7th B. Maynard (junior) 15 1/2oz

8th R. Walker 14 3/4oz

9th M. John’s 14 1/4oz

10th B. Maynard (junior) 12 3/4oz

11th D. Bailey 12oz

12th M. Cashmore 10oz

Nathan Clements comments “Well done to all the winners brilliant job it’s been a difficult day’s fishing. Thank you very much to Paul and Lisa for organising all the sponsors and getting all the prizes brilliant job as always. Thanks you to all the sponsors we couldn’t do it without your generous donations, DS Electrical Angler’s heaven Quay Sports, Summerlands Tackle, Devon Baits Fat Boy fudge Parkham Cheese, Honeys Butchers, James Grigg, Roy Andrews Sorry if I’ve missed anyone out!!! Thanks again all hope you have a brilliant Christmas see you for next year’s competition”