Combe Martin SAC held their AGM and Presentation night at the White Lion, Braunton. A brief outline of proceedings follows :-
AGM Chairmans Report – Wayne Thomas
I thought I should jot down a few notes this year instead of freewheeling through the Chairmans report as has been my way in recent years.
These seem to be strange times with much happening across the world and society that isn’t inspiring. Perhaps that perspective is an age thing as I get old with the prospect of becoming a grandad this year. Fortunately, one thing that hasn’t changed for me is my ongoing passion for angling and the outdoors. To this end Combe Martin SAC has been a part of my life for close to fifty years along with Nick we have swapped roles along the years. We must have been doing somethings right as the club is still going and if we compare with other local sea angling clubs we are probably the most active club and with a good reputation.
It would be really good to see a younger generation emerge to kick us old gits out and overhaul the club into a new vibrant force reflecting what today’s angler wants.
In the mean time we soldier on attempting to provide the club membership with a club structure that provides. A social function, a reward for fishing effort, pooling of knowledge, and a sense of belonging to something positive.
To this end we continue to try and provide a calendar of events and work with local tackle shops and businesses to provide prizes and recognition. It is also I feel important to support all local tackle shops and charter boats etc as without them angling will fade away.
This is the clubs 61st year an age I share at the moment. Tonight, is an opportunity to decide what you want from the club and how you can contribute to the clubs, success?
Looking towards next year we need to decide on a potential club adventure. In past years we have visited Sark, Alderney and Ireland. Whilst travel has become expensive there is an interest in a skate fishing foray to Scotland with perhaps two days boat fishing and a little shore fishing.
I attended the Wyvern Shore Fishing competition at Slapton a couple of weeks back and would like to enter a team of four from Combe Martin SAC next January. It may not be tremendous fishing but I found it an enjoyable event to be involved in. As it’s a fair trek perhaps a night’s B & B on the Saturday night would be an option.
I would like to thank Pete Robinson for offering to help with boat trips this year. I think the best way forward with this is that members booking a trip pay a deposit in advance. In the event that member cannot make the trip they should contact the club a month before to allow a replacement to be found. In the event of a member dropping out of a trip at the last moment then they shall be responsible for the financial burden if others not prepared to share the this. If the numbers are short two weeks prior to the trip then it is thrown open to non-members and to the charter boat skipper who might have anglers wanting a chance to get out.
Thank you for attending tonight; I look forward to a good year with the club and meeting with you at the water’s edge.
Wayne Thomas

Many thanks to Quay Sports, Braunton Baits and to Club members who donated prizes for the raffle held at the AGM & Presentation evening.
The club are pleased to announce a new award for club members including the predator award sponsored by Daniel Welch who will donating a megalodon fossilised sharks tooth.
The top six shore species and top four boat species awards are kindly sponsored by Ross Stanway Art.
Exciting plans for 2023 include an Open Lure Fishing Festival in conjunction with High Street Tackle.
Club membership entitles members to fish of the season awards £25.00 Tackle Vouchers for High Street Tackle.
A summer lure fishing league sponsored by High Street Tackle.
Summer Species Specimen Awards sponsored by Braunton Baits and High Street Tackle.
The club is also a member of the Angling Trust and Wyvern Division.
Follow the clubs facebook page for the latest updates and news.

Cod Trophy Chris Bonds – 16lb 9oz B
Bass Trophy Shane Hookway. 7lb 10oz
Mullet Cup Daniel Welch – Thick Lipped grey mullet 5lb 5oz
Conger Cup Kyle Bishop 25lb 11oz S
Flatfish Cup Solly welch Flounder 2lb
Shore Shield Ali Laird – gilt head bream – 7lb 4oz
Medway Cup Mark Jones – Porbeagle 280lb
Ray Shield Kyle Bishop blonde ray 13lb 8oz
Specimen League –
Ali Laird |
tope |
36lb 6oz |
121.25 |
S |
bull huss |
12lb 9oz |
125.625 |
S |
spurdog |
8lb 10oz |
90.789 |
S |
glithead bream |
7lb 4oz |
241.667 |
S |
smoothound |
13lb 9oz |
135.625 |
S |
rockling |
1lb 8oz |
S |
Kyle Bishop |
tope |
40lb 4oz |
134.167 |
S |
bull huss |
13lb 9oz |
135.625 |
S |
conger |
25lb 11oz |
128.437 |
S |
spurdog |
18lb 1oz |
180.625 |
S |
smoothound |
14lb |
140 |
S |
blonde ray |
13lb 8oz |
112.5 |
S |
831.354 |
Top four boat specimens
Dan Welch
Daniel Welch |
Pollock |
12lb 15oz |
129.375 |
B |
Daniel Welch |
mackerel |
1lb 8oz |
100 |
B |
Daniel Welch |
smoothound |
13lb 14oz |
92.5 |
B |
Burgess Trophy Solly Welch – tope boat 42lb 4oz & Flounder 2lb
Wrasse Trophy Kyle Bishop ballan wrasse 4lb 3oz
Scouse Shield Alec McCleish rockling 1lb 9oz
D Kyte Award
Daniel Welch Thick lipped grey mullet 5lb 5oz 125
Daniel Welch |
Thick lipped grey mullet |
5lb 1oz |
119.118 |
Daniel Welch |
Thick lipped grey mullet |
4lb 7oz |
104.412 |
Daniel Welch |
Thick lipped grey mullet |
4lb |
94.118 |
Daniel Welch |
Thick lipped grey mullet |
4lb 4oz |
100% |
Out Of Limits Kyle Bishop – skate -210lb shore –
Merit Award – .Kyle Bishop – outstanding catches local and in Scotland
Thornback Cup – Mark Jones. Thornback 11lb 2oz
Club Records
Kyle Bishop – Spurdog 18lb 1oz equal previous record
Ali Laird – gilt head bream – 7lb 4oz
Fish of the season –
Winter 21/22
Kyle Bishop – Spurdog – 18lb 1oz – 180.625
Spring 22
Kyle Bishop – bull huss – 13lb 9oz – 135.625
Summer 22
Ali Laird – gilthead bream – 7lb 4oz – 241.667
Autumn 22 –
Dave Brook – smoothound – 13lb 6oz – 133.75
For further details on AGM visit www.cmsac.co.uk

Combe Martin Sea Angling Club for more details please visit the clubs website:-
To recap to pay BACS sort code 51 70 16 and account 79279198. To pay by PayPal please use
[email protected] with no gaps. Please put a reference and use family and friends.